(Lippa) heaven or hell
Trigger warning!!! There is a little abuse...
Pippa's pov
It's gonna be my 18 birthday in 2 hours and I can't wait, I've been good pretty much my whole life trying to prepare for this moment.
All of my friends got the blue highlight in their hair which indicates that they're going to heaven. We were so excited about my birthday we decided to have a sleepover the night before so they could be there when the highlight appeared.
"So, Pip what do you have planned for us to do?" Asked Steven, my boyfriend, he had a blue highlight just like all my other friends. "Well, I thought we could just binge-watch Disney movies and wait till 12 to eat cake". "That sounds like an amazing plan," said Rowen, she is my closest friend, I tell her everything.
Soon we were all settled in the living room, tons of buttered popcorn and candy in front of us. Evie then said, "We should start with 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'". We all agreed and I started the movie, minutes after I started the movie we all were stuffing our face with popcorn and candy.
Movie after movie after movie, it was almost 12 but no one was watching the clock just at the screen in front of them. 'Beauty and the Beast' started and I felt my eyes grow heavy.
I woke up to someone throwing me onto the floor and not in a playful manner. It was..... Steven, I felt betrayed, and the pain in my back didn't make it any better. He then looked at me with disgust and said "You're going to hell, I think we should stop seeing each other" and was continued right after by Rowan "Yea....same here don't expect me to be your friend anymore" her face had the same expression as Steven. All of my other friends individually came and told me the same thing. But nothing stung more than the fact that my boyfriend looked at me like I was trash and threw me like it too.
I felt the warm tears start to prick my eyes, how could they betray me. Actually, that's what I wanted to think about but the only thing that was running in my head was the fact that I was a bad person. I don't understand how cause I've never done anything wrong on purpose, but I guess that I was completely wrong about that.
I walked up to my room after all of my friends well ex-friends had left. The tears couldn't stop flowing, I lost so much in a few minutes because of my stupid hair. I got in my bed and let out the sobs that had been hiding when they were here, my body wouldn't stop shaking. I lost my best friend, boyfriend and my group, I know that I'm gonna lose a lot more later. Nobody likes reds and now I'm one, my life's ruined.
I'm just in my freshman year, plus I just got a small gig in a theatre. I'm gonna lose all of that now, all of my hard work is gone to waste.
I eventually fell asleep but the bruise on my back didn't let me be the least bit comfortable.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, a groan escaped my mouth as I peeled the blanket off my body. I stripped my clothes off and got in the shower. The water was hot and it relaxed my extremely tense muscles.
Once I was done, I picked out some black tights and a teal sweatshirt and my light blue vans. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, I wasn't born into the most wealthy family so I stayed with my parents instead of a dormitory.
When I entered the kitchen, I heard my mom gasp. There was a beautiful cake on the counter, I couldn't help but smile. And as I walked towards them my mom walked towards me and said "You're a red...". I sighed and nodded tears building up in my eyes."No" that was my dad "I will not have a 'red' in my house " he continued.
I looked at him surprised "But dad-" I started but was interrupted by him saying "No, you have one day, tomorrow you should be packed and out the door, you get it?" he had an extremely firm tone, one that I've never heard before. "Yes" I stared at my feet with the tears now freely flowing down my face. I slowly looked at my mom and she had a look of pure disgust this just made me hurt more.
I let out a sob and asked "Can I get something to eat?" I saw my dad slowly walk towards me. I started to move backward until the wall stopped me, my body crumpled to the floor as he slapped me hard and laughed "You think I'm gonna serve a 'red' in this house!? Get out!".
I let out a whimper, got up and walked to the door, I was in pain, my back and now my cheek too!? I didn't think they would react like that. My parents were the kindest people and raised me well, so this was a huge surprise.
I walked to my university, but I knew better than to go to a university filled with blues. They would beat me to death. I walked towards an apartment complex, I made sure my hair was covered with my hoodie.
I entered one of the buildings and asked for their manager "Hold on, I'll get her" replied the worker, a few minutes later a tough-looking woman walked out she was wearing a blue polo shirt with khakis and a bun. "Hi, my name is Dina Fox, how can I help you?"(please tell me someone knows who she is...🥺)
"Uhm... Are there any apartments available?" my voice wavering as I spoke. "I'm sorry Maam, we don't have any empty apartments," she said. I sighed this complex had the lowest prices and now I have to go and stay at a hotel.
"Wait but there is a guy looking for a roommate though" the sparked up some hope in me "Can I talk to him by any chance?". She gave me a sympathetic smile but, I realized she was staring at my cheek as an instinct, I covered it with my hood. "Yes, here it's apartment 205 on the second floor....... obviously and year that's it" she gave me a smile and pointed towards the elevator.
I smiled back and entered the lift, pressed the third button from the bottom, and just waited. Once the lift stopped I started to get nervous butterflies, I walked down the hall searching for the door with the number.
I stood in front of the door thinking if I should even bother, I slowly lifted my hand to knock on the door but the door flung open before I could. I was taken aback by the boy in front of me, he was a 'blue' but his eyes were breathtaking. And he was disheveled in this adorable manner and don't even get me started on the lopsided grin that he displayed on his face.
"Hi! Can I help you?" he said in a cheerful tone, I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Uhm, I heard you needed a roommate and I need to stay somewhere for personal reasons, and I was hoping I could be the person to stay here..." I trailed off.
His smile somehow grew bigger which I didn't think was possible, but it made my stomach do flips. "Of course, oh my lord, nobody actually wants to be my roommate for some reason and this makes me super happy!" he exclaimed surely.
I smiled at this but I remembered something, my hair, my smile faded as I thought, a 'blue' would never want a 'red' with them so I knew I had to tell him whether I wanted to or not.
"Are you alright?" he asked concerned, "I'll know for sure in a minute" he gave me a confused look and asked "What?". I slowly pulled my hood down as the tears started to form in my eyes, I knew I lost the apartment right as I pulled it off. My eyes didn't leave my feet, but then the unexpected happened, I was pulled into a......hug?
This made me think out loud "what is happening?" he replied with something that for the first time today made me feel like a normal person "I don't care what the color of your highlight is, you seem like an amazing person and I'm not gonna deny you a place to stay because of that."
I pulled away from the hug for a second and just stared at his eyes while his eyes were gazing upon my cheek, I suddenly felt his fingers trace what I think is the handprint my dad left.
I moved away from this, feeling a little insecure and asked "So can I move in today?". He just smiled and nodded.
A/n- Eyyyy that's pretty much it, part 2? Maybe. I hope you liked it GotchaNose . Again please suggest any ships or prompts, idm. Oky good day to you my fellow readers.
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