(Grofflin) Natural selection
"Hello, Hello, Hello, it's me the one the ONLY Lin-Manuel Miranda," he said to the camera, he was a little sick and you could hear it in his voice.
"Since I'm sick, my boifwend (not a mistake, thats how Lin says it) is gonna take over today's vlog..." he said and paused waiting for his boyfriend to enter the camera frame.
Jonathan was purposely not entering to make Lin look like a fool, "You know I can just cut this out later right?" Lin said after a minute losing his excited smile. "Alright, Alright, I'm here, it's me!!" he exclaimed happily, Lin got his excited yet tired smile back on once Groff was on screen.
"IT'S GROFFSAUCE!!!!" Lin screamed and then immediately got caught by a train of coughs. "Hey guys, I'm not one to do this but Lin said that I would not be happy with his reaction if I didn't so.... Here I am" Groff said slightly glaring at Lin who was still coughing.
But once he stopped Lin smirked at the glare, Lin walked to the kitchen to get breakfast even though it was almost 12:00 pm.
Groff started talking about random stuff they did the night before as he walked up the stairs, once he was on the top step he heard Lin call out for him "SAUCE WHERE YA AT!?!?!".
"I'm upstairs babe," Groff said and then looked into the camera with a dead serious look on his face and said "And now you will be able to see the endangered Lin-Manuel in it's natural habitat."
He simply pointed the camera towards the staircase, and filmed Lin as he slowly made his way to the stairs. But as he took small steps up the stairs his foot slipped and he spilled all the cereal over himself.
"OMG LIN THE CARPET!!!!" Groff exclaimed not moving from his spot and then continued to say "Natural selection is coming for this specimen"
"Sauce help me...." his voice wavered as he shivered right after, Jonathan quickly placed the camera on the floor and went to Lin to help him up "Babe, you okay?" he asked scared.
"Yea, just getting cold because of the milk...." Lin replied with another shiver. Jon lifted Lin bridal style and started to take him upstairs, but before he made his way to their shared bedroom, Lin told Jon to bed down so he could grab the camera.
And he did exactly that, the camera was still rolling so Lin looked straight into the camera and winked subtly but a shiver went through his spine again because it was really getting cold. "I'm ok my fellow Linguini's" he whispered to the camera as he snuggled his head into Groff's neck seeking warmth.
Jon layed Lin on the bed and walked to the closet to get a fresh pair of clothes so he wouldn't feel as cold.
Groff grabbed his own blue hoodie cause Lin dirtied all of his and they hadn't done laundry yet.
He walked back to see Lin shirtless on the bed with camera off, Lin knew that Jon didn't like their privacy being shared and this would've crossed the line, we'll for them. They wanted some privacy.
So when the camera was off Jon lifted his weak boyfriend of the bed to slide the hoodie on. Once the hoodie covered his cold and frail body, Jon walked back down to get a few healthy snacks for breakfast.
He came back with a few cereal bars, not the best breakfast for a sick person but he knew Lin would not wait too long. He saw Lin fiddling with the strings of his hoodie when he walked in, a small gentle smile graced Groff's face.
He crawled into the bed right next to Lin, they snacked on the bars which was followed by Lin giving his best Puppy eyes to get cuddles from his boyfriend.
Jon rolled his eyes but his smile never left his face, Lin then proceeded to put half of his body on Groff's.
The two ended up staying there for the rest of the day, thank god there's a TV in their room. Not everybody would be that close to a sick person, but Jonathan didn't care about that, he just didn't want his boyfriend to feel alone, cold, fragile or sick so..... He stays, Natural selection be damned.
A/n sorry for uploading so late, also sorry that this chapter is trash, I was super focused on the movie that came out recently...... Yea you know the one.
I'm sorry again also Mickey Sumner (another snowpiercer actress) liked and replied to me, like how lucky am I?????
Anyway please tell me which ship you want next...... Like please tell me.
Have a good day or night wherever you are.
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