He's Livin' on the edge [Demmy]
He's Livin' on the edge [Demmy]
A dark blue Range Rover pulled into the drive throughout the house parking it. Emmy sighed tiredly as she got out of the car and stepped her foot onto the pavement of her and her roommate's house. She had a long day today from her being pulled around the mall like a child by her Jasmine picking out new perfumes and spraying them on themselves or their wrist to see which one she would buy, as well as babysitting for her mother's friends.
Emmy was pretty tired out of her mind, tried enough that she almost didn't want to leave her car, She was that tired. Emmy groaned as she reached over and grabbed her bags while walking her way sluggishly towards the front door and pulling out her keys to unlock it.
She walked into the house taking off her shoes and her jacket putting her things on the couch. Emmy let out a yawn as she stretched her arms out tiredly.
"I need some rest" She muttered as she made her way up the stairs slowly. "Thank god that Daveed is out with the guys," She thought to herself, happy to have peace to herself.
She passed Daveed's room with his door wide and his window open. She passed by this room without looking as she walked to her room.
"Wait... What the-" Her mind said trying to quickly get her legs to go backward. Emmy walked back towards Daveed's room as she peaked her head in moving her head back and front.
"Daveed??" Emmy said, raising her eyebrow at the room.
Daveed's room was empty, the bed was made up and everything in his room was untouched like nothing was misplaced or out of order. The only thing out of its place is that the window was wide open.
"Why is Daveed's window wide open," She said in her head as she walked over towards the window. "This shouldn't be open... He hates it when his room is too cold or is not right in any other order" She mutters about closing the window only to stop when hearing a loud thump from the outside. Emmy froze in place as she turned her head slowly to the window before carefully walking over to it thinking that something or someone will end up jumping out at her and giving her a full-on panic attack.
She raised the window and poked her head out letting the cold breeze hit her in the face causing herself to shudder at the low tempter. She looked up towards the roof expecting to see a flock of birds nesting there or at least a squirrel just chilling up there while using its small paws to clean its fur something like that. But no, here what she didn't expect to see was her boyfriend standing on the top of the roof, in grey gym shoes while wearing a grey sweater and long jogger pants trying to fix the amplifier for the TV connection. If all these years she had thought that her boyfriend Daveed had lost his mind. This would be one of these days.
"What the hell! What are you doing on the damn Roof?" She said cuffing her hands together to make her voice seem louder against the snowfall. He said nothing to her while he reached over trying to fix the amplifier. He groaned as he bit his lip looking down trying not to slip on the ice that coated the roof.
"I-I'm trying t-t Oh dear god, Fix the amplifier for the TV..." He said voice shaking as he yelped, putting his hand on the ice. "Daveed, Get down from there you're going to fall and I'm not having a repeat of yesterday with you!" Emmy said in irritation as she bawled her hand and shook her head before pointing her finger at him. "Daveed Daniele Diggs," She said like a mother who was disciplining a child "If you get down from that roof right now I swear to god I will-"She started only to get cut off by him.
"I got this Emmy honey, Believe me," He said in coincidence as he tried to fix it, trying to see what was going on with the dish. "Hey, look at me Emmy, I'm living on the edge," He said laughing as he almost slipped and fell letting out a high-pitch scream.
"Are you okay?" Emmy asked as she glanced at him trying to stiffen a giggle from the scream that came out of Daveed mouth. She knew that it was meant to laugh at him but she couldn't help it despite herself being tired.
Daveed was hanging on to the long pole of the amplifier that was a faraway distance from the window to see girlfriend Emmy laughing at him. He furrowed his eyes at her and she chuckled "That's not funny, I could have died you know he said holding on to the pole to help himself up as he tried to inch himself towards the window.
"That's what you get for trying to live it up on the edge Mr. Cool," She said in a teasing way as she moved away from the window to let Daveed into the room. Daveed climbed through the window and looked at her "I could have died and you would have lost a great lover" He said bicker back with her.
"Well, I don't have to worry about that anymore because you're not on the roof trying to fix the amplifier, by the way, were you able to fix it," She said walking away and heading towards her bedroom. He said and shook his head putting his hands in his pockets "No, I was not? Why you ask" He said, sighing in defeat.
"Because I want to go to sleep and I prefer not to be woken up by the show called Grey's Anatomy that you love so much with the volume blasting" She called out closing her bedroom door.
"At least I don't watch The 100 on repeat every single time I come home!!" He yelled out grumbling before looking at the window at the amplifier and decided if he should go back out on the roof and risk his life tomorrow.
"You know what, I'm just going to call the repaired man over here, I have a lot of better things to do than risk my life and soul," He says hand on his chest as he locks his bedroom window as he left his room to go and start a fire in the living room to get warm.
a/n: I feel like I'm going to end up breaking at this point if I don't make another chapter to reach a goal. Anyway, what do you guys think of this one?
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