Daveed the fighter [Demmy]
"Don't worry Daveed help is on its way.. Don't w-worry" Emmy's voice says in a quivering tone as she cradles Daveed's head as she blinked away tears holding his head. It happened so fast that none of them even saw it happen in the time before it actually did. "Umm, Y-yeah I need an ambulance here and quick!" Anthony muttered as he held the phone to his ear as he talked with the operator on the other line of the phone as he turned his head looking towards his two friends Emmy pressing his hands on the open wound in Daveed stomach as blood leaked through his shirt staining her hands. Jasmine was right beside Emmy as she tried to get her to calm down and tell Daveed to just breathe.
"W-What happened??" Anthony said as he was visibly shaking trying to keep his voice from cracking too bad "Well... Umm me and my friends we... We had just come from a movie that we saw and umm we were going to get something to eat and.." Anthony muttered stuttering as he ran a hand through his hair as he explained to the lady who was on the other line.
"Just try to breathe Daveed, Come one man you can make it through this.. Just breath" Jasmine said looking at the man as he struggled to breathe trying his hardest to get air into his lungs. To Daveed, they felt like they were going to die out. He was sweating a lot and his skin was slowly turning pale due to him losing a lot of blood.
"I-it hurts... I-i don't think i ca-c-can-" Daveed said, stuttering as he looked up at the two women only for him to groan in pain as he hissed gritting his teeth together.
"A hate crime??" Anthony said in question over the phone looking at his fiance who was trying to hold her composer as well as he was, Jasmine looked up at him shrugged as she got up and walked over to him "Let me take the phone, You go over and keep Daveed from losing blood, He nodded before walking over to Daveed and Emmy as he went over to help.
Jasmine started to yell and scream at the women in a panicky tone asking her to stop asking all of these questions and send over the ambulance. "Madam we can't do that until we find out what happened-" The woman was caught off by Jasmine.
"We have a man, A person over here, Who is bleeding out and on the brink of death trying to stay alive... Now I don't know who or how you deal with people like this but we need police, someone, anybody over here now!" Jasmine screeched out, getting pissed off that the lady was asking all of these questions and not getting someone out here to save their friend's life.
Daveed coughs blood spilling from his mouth letting out a painfully low moan of pain letting out little whimpers coming from his mouth, looking up at his crying girlfriend. "Emmy. I-i-it's going to b-b-be okay... I'll be f-f-fine" Daveed mustard through short painful mangled breaths. "I see a bright light," He said slowly closing his eyes. "N-No Daveed don't you dare close your fucking eyes.... You are not leaving us!"Anthony screamed out angrily tears falling from his eyes as he pressed hard on the wound trying to keep blood inside of him.
It took Sixty and thirty-three minutes for the ambulance and the police to get there at that time Daveed should have ended up dead from how long it took them to just come in and pick up his body and take him to get medical attention from the doctors.
Emmy got into the ambulance as she sat down next to him while the guys were trying to work on him still trying their hardest to keep him alive and breathing. She reached over and grabbed his hand, holding it rubbing her thumb over his knuckles as she watched them put a breathing mask over his mouth to help him.
"Please be okay... P-please be okay" Emmy said as she wiped the tears down his face as he tried to stop the tears from falling down her face.
They arrived at the hospital as Emmy ran along with Daveed as he was stretched out on the stretcher. She ran past Anthony and Jasmine who were in the waiting room waiting for them.
"Emmy??" Anthony called out looking at Jasmine a worried look on his face before looking down.
"Emmy??" Jasmine said before giving Anthony a scared look written on her face "D-do you think he's going to make it" Jasmine's face and voice displayed a frightened look. Anthony walked over to her and wrapped her in a warm loving embrace as he rubbed her arm and kissed her on her nose.
"Daveed is a fighter... He won't lose a battle" Anthony said sighing heavily.
He's a fighter, Not a quitter... Daveed is a fighter.
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