intermission 'n qna
Hey guys! It's me, Cal. So we're nearing the halfway point of Halo 'n Horns (or we've already passed it, I'm not sure) and I thought that an intermission chapter to clear a few things up and answer your questions would be a good idea. I did this in my last book (Swim With Me?) and people seemed to enjoy it. So here goes.
First off, I'm going to answer a few questions that you guys had that you left in the comments of last chapter. If you have more questions, make sure to ask them here and I'll answer them in the a/n at the end of the next chapter :)
@PurpleSloth33 : How do you come up with such amazing ideas, (do they come to you in dreams, etc...)? And what is your favorite character?
First off, thank you so much for saying that <3. My ideas usually come from fanart, actually haha. For Beat Drop, I saw a small comic about Keith working in a flowershop, talking about the different people who came into the shop, etc., and I thought 'wow, I could make a story about this'. For Swim With Me?, it was more of me seeing lots of Mer!Klance fanart. I really wanted to make something out of it, but it took a lot more time for me because there are a lot of other Mer!Klance stories out there and I didn't want to plagiarize or anything. For HnH, it was different, though. When I first came up with the idea for a Devil x Angel story, it was when I was writing Swim With Me?. I hadn't originally planned on it being a Klance fic at all, maybe just a oneshot, but that idea came to me while I was thinking about comparisons I could use in stories (e.g. Light and Dark, Fire and Water, etc.)
And my favorite character...? Oof, that's tough. In Voltron, it would definitely be Lance. I relate the most to him and I love his character. I really hope to see a good Lance arc in Season 8- the poor bean deserves some love haha. In general, though, I'd have to say there are a bunch of characters from different stories that I admire. Namely all of the characters from my favorite book, Six of Crows, and Paelen from the Pegasus series (it's a little lame, I know, but I love it).
@ErenYeager007 : Are you ever going to include a significant other for Pidge? Like anyone or an OC?
Hmmm... I really haven't thought about it yet. We still have yet to meet a lot of the other characters I have planned, including the rest of the paladins, but now that I think about it, I might actually have someone in mind.
Speaking of which, here are the characters that are definitely going to make an appearance:
Hunk, Shay, Lotor, the Generals, Coran (I hope), Rover, a scene with Shiro, Kuron, Matt, and Adam all together, and hopefully some others that I can't promise yet. Let me know if I'm missing anyone haha.
@Boatymc : Is it day or night where you are?
I live on the East Coast, so I go by EST. At this very moment, it is 5:43PM for me :) I usually update at night, though.
@PotatoHeart42 : How long have you been in the Voltron fandom?
Since Season 1! An old friend of mine told me about it when it first came out and I've been watching since :) It's been so amazing binging every season since :)
@idkwatfandomimin : What is your favorite meme? Also, do you have a favorite fanart picture of Klance? (Or just a funny picture from Voltron in general)
My favorite meme... hnnnng that's so hard haha. I love the cosmic brain meme but I don't really mind lol. I watch a lot of content from Comment Awards on Youtube for my meme intake lmao.
And omg that's such a hard question. I legit have folders on my instagram saved for Klance fanart lmao. But if I were to pick one single klance pic...
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I adore onesmolhurt's art style ugh it gives me chills.
@ISayVolYouSay : Will we meet all the characters? Will the characters meet each other?
So this question goes in a little bit more depth, I guess. Basically, I can try to include as many characters as I'm able who are fitting to the scenes, but the sad part is, because of the way that the plot is set up, we won't be with them for long. I intentionally had it this way so that I could show how different people and experiences that Lance and Keith encounter present new obstacles and personalities that the two of them can interact with, a little like putting the pair in a new environment to see how they respond. I want them to explore and discover each other with the help of others along the way. Hopefully, I achieve this.
In terms of the characters meeting each other, yes and no. I have a few things planned so far but nothing is really set in stone. But I can promise you that you will get a reunion between the Twins and Adam and Matt, as well as their full backstory. I may have a chapter or two dedicated to their stories, I'm not sure yet, though. I guess we'll see ;)
@Hales002 : How are you doing?
I know this isn't really a question about the story, but I'm gonna answer it here anyways lolol. If I'm being completely honest, I'm really stressed. I feel like there's a lot going on right now in my life and, not to sound cheesy or cliche or anything, but writing is kind of like my anchor. Whenever I'm mad or upset or way stressed out, I take a step back and try to write. It instantly calms me down, so thank you guys for being there to give me something to look forward to when I publish my works :)
And those are all the questions I got :)) if you have any more, feel free to slap 'em here! Like I said, I'll add them into the a/n next chapter. I hope I answered these questions well, though!
Alriiighty now to some more serious topics.
where's the klance?
Sooo I've been asked this a couple times, not only in this book, but my other two klance fics too. I'm not targetting anyone who's asked this- I respect you and your question, but I feel like it's something I should probably address.
First! I try my best to make my fics as realistic as possible in terms of relationships. So far, Keith and Lance have only known each other for all but a few weeks. If I'm being completely honest, I don't think that two people can fall in love and be in a functional relationship that quickly. Not to mention, Keith is literally, biologically unable to love. Remember, he's a devil.
However, this is a Klance fic, yes. So there will be klance. It just takes time, like any relationship. I've been trying to add in as much realistic fluff and whatnot I can to build the relationship up more and more, but the thing is, it takes time.
I am the kind of author (and my readers who have read my other books, namely SWM? know my rant about this in that intermission too) who creates slow burn relationships. I want the characters to be pining, wanting, whatever-ing for each other so that the chemistry really bUILDS before I finally snap them together like magnets. It's just how I work, and I hope that's okay.
To quote the intermission from swm?: "The two characters have to be stable with themselves, and stable as a unit together, before they try to pursue a romantic relationship. I want to stay true to these characters as much as I can, so that means letting them grow together, learn from each other, have their moments to lean on each other."
in spite of all that, I understand the people who just want klance. period. no wait.
So... I've been thinking... what if I did a book of oneshots after I finish H'nH? I may be getting a writing job in December, so I may not have as much time to write as I wish I could, but I would be willing to make a oneshot book for y'all if you'd want and read it.
Either that or another story that I have in mind (klance or otherwise). Lemme know.
Anyways, all in all, Klance is coming. You just gotta wait a little bit.
and here are some concept quotes for you that I've written which may or may not end up in the story.
Adam, the lifesaver, was the one to react first. He held a hand out to Shiro, warm and inviting. His halo spun wildly, the opposite of his calm demeanor. The white-haired twin looked from Adam's hand to his face and back again before reaching out as well and clasping his hand. A bolt of electricity shot out from Adam's halo, hitting the ground with a crackle. Shiro's tail flipped side to side as he held Adam's strong gaze.
I looked at Matt expectantly. Kuron, the black-haired twin, was regarding my brother carefully, his glowing yellow eyes trained on him. Matt held out his own hand, small and shaking, try as he might to be tough, and Kuron stared at it for a few moments before shaking Matt's hand, holding on longer than he should have.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Kuron purred, and Matt visibly shuddered, his eyes unreadable.
Sometime in the night, I heard Lance mumbling. At first, I ignored it, thinking that he was just talking in his sleep. But then he was crying out, whimpering. Sitting up, I turned to look for him, searching blindly in the dark while my eyes adjusted. My hand hit his shoulder. He woke up, gasping. My eyes found his shape and his halo, which glowed slightly as it wobbled around his head.
"Lance?" I asked, voice groggy. "Are you okay?"
Lance tried to slow his breathing. He didn't reply. I heard his heartbeat in my head, its rapid beat like a drum. I knew he wasn't okay.
"C'mere," I muttered, laying back down. I didn't know what I was offering. Blindly, he patted the floor, trying to find me. Reaching my mattress, I watched him crawl on hands and knees to me, still shaking.
"You sure?" he asked. His voice was high and it quivered with his fear.
"Yeah." I felt him lift the blankets and slide beneath them. The mattress was so small, he had to press against my back as he settled down beside me. I lay on my side, facing away from him, and tried not to think about what was happening. I felt his warmth on my back.
It was hard to fall asleep.
My Energy had come back. Either Dad had let it return or I had simply called it back myself, it swirled around me like black, tangible wind, bending with my will.
"I want to go home!" Energy crashed in.
I slipped my hand into his. He glanced up at me, but stayed silent. He didn't grasp my hand in return, but he didn't pull away either.
and that's it, I think haha. The next chapter should be out in a few days, the latest being sometime next week :)
love you! -cal
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