42. I Do
a/n: like the music selection? ;) see u on the other side, babes <3
I stood nervously at the trellis, trying my best to listen to the waves to calm my nerves. Looking over the crowd, I breathed deeply, trying to slow my hammering heart. To my left, rows of black folding chairs were filled with my companions, my friends, my family.
I spotted Ulaz and Thace, the right-hand men of Kolivan (the leader of the Blade) who also happened to be my adoptive 'gay uncles', a title they claimed for themselves. They were grinning toothily at me and I could imagine Thace whispering to his husband, "I told you he'd end up gay."
Just a few seats away from them sat Kolivan himself, chatting busily with the woman who I now knew as Krolia, my sort-of mom. I desperately wanted to meet her but hadn't had time to before the ceremony began. I knew that Dad had talked with her, though, explaining the whole situation, and her eyes kept flicking up to where I stood, a curious, kind expression on her face.
The rest of the Blade occupied most of the seats in the back, so my eyes traveled to the front of the seats. There were four seats reserved in front for Dad, the Twins, and Acxa, but behind those seats sat Lotor and the other three generals. Lotor was talking with the women in a relaxed manner, looking infuriatingly dashing in his black suit, but I brushed off my annoyance quickly, determined not to get distracted by my half-brother.
My eyes shifted over to the angels. I noticed several people I knew- Pidge, Coran, Rover, Shay, and offered them a small wave. Behind them, surrounded by stunningly bright, laughing angels. I picked out Allura, our florist. Her eyes traveled over the two crowds in awe, a small smile on her lips. I added her to my growing list of people I wanted to get to know better.
It was then that I noticed that Allura wasn't the only one observing the two crowds- it seemed like everyone casually shot glances over to the other side of the aisle. I reminded myself that angels and devils rarely- if ever- had contact with each other and it was probably foreign to them, seeing their opposites so close.
Suddenly, I picked up on soft music. My eyes darted away from the crowds to a small string quartet over to the side of the crowd, their halos gleaming in the afternoon sunlight. As if wanting to hear the music itself, the ocean waves seemed to quiet, letting the music flow over the beach.
It was, in every way, heavenly. I never knew that something so small, so plain as a few stringed instruments could make such a beautiful sound. The crowd silenced as the song began to pick up a sweet, beautiful melody. I felt it in my soul.
A new aura entered the mix and I looked up. There, walking down from the white tent, came the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
I had only met her briefly, and then, she'd been all frazzled and excited with Lance, barely staying a few minutes. But even then, I'd known who she was the instant I'd seen her. She had the kind of beauty that made you double-take every time you looked at her.
And now, here she was, walking gracefully down the sand in a pale gold capelet dress, eyes set, her aura washing over the crowd like the tide behind me. My eyes flicked from my mother-in-law to the devils who sat in the seats and was a little embarrassed to see that they all had an awe-struck look on their faces as Lux floated down the aisle, her wings fluttering gently in the breeze that came off the ocean.
She came to stand next to me, where a priest would normally stand, and smiled warmly. Instantly, I felt my father's presence and looked up to the black tent. He emerged similarly to Lux, head held high, proud and strong. His own wings were semi-spread, enough to show their size but still closed enough to not look arrogant.
With a glance to the angels, I almost laughed to myself when their faces were mirrors of what the devils' had just been at the sight of Lux. I realized that it was admiration and felt proud of my dad.
Dad's eyes did not wander, though. They were locked on the woman beside me, an even, calm expression on his face as he made his way up the aisle to meet us. He and Lux clasped hands, but it was closer to an expression of respect and admiration than a handshake.
Dad took his place beside Lux.
Then, another familiar aura entered the fray. From the black tent emerged Shiro, his hair as white as his tie. As soon as he'd taken five steps away from the tent, a figure from the angel tent stepped out too. I saw their eyes lock and realized with a jolt that the tall brunette was Adam. Five steps later, Kuron appeared, followed by a shorter angel who I assumed was Matt.
Acxa was next, her grey dress flowing out behind her in the breeze, and last was Hunk. The procession walked down the gently sloped dunes to the aisle, filing behind each other. Black, white, devil, angel, single file. Finally, they reached us and split off, the devils lining up on my side, the angels to what would become Lance's. I shot a glance back at my brothers and smiled tentatively. They looked like they were glowing with happiness. I knew that if I looked at Lance's brothers, I would see the same expression.
The quartet went quiet and it felt like the whole beach took a deep breath in together. A beautiful melody started and the last figure from the white tent emerged. The crowd stood.
Lance walked down the beach looking every inch the angel he was. He was wearing a paper-thin, silky robe that hung off his shoulders, tied at the waist and embroidered with silk thread. The robe was open beneath his knees and I noticed that he, too, was barefoot.
In his hands, he held a bouquet that was dripping with scarlet, vermilion, and tangerine blooms, the flowers identical to those draped on the trellis- poppies, daffodils, peonies, arum-lilies, etc, and pinned to the lapels of our groomsmen.
Lance's wings were held around him, not thrown back like Dad's, and I realized why as he drew closer- nestled between the feathers were small, gold flowers, gleaming in the sunlight. The same flowers seemed to have been woven around his halo in a sort of floating flower crown, though I didn't know how it was possible.
I saved the best for last, though- Lance's soft, sweet smile, cheeks pink, blue eyes wide and holding mine. I felt the breath whoosh out of my lungs and I did my best to smile back. Beside me, Missus squeezed my hand. I felt a jolt of electricity pass up my arm, leaving it tingly.
I couldn't look anywhere but at him, my beautiful angel, as he glided serenely down the aisle, the quartet serenading him as he walked, feet hardly sinking into the sand.
Lance reached the trellis and was even more stunning up close. He was practically glowing and I could barely move. He looked at me shyly at first, and then with a teasing smile. The four of us formed a circle- Lance and I across from each other, Lux and Dad doing the same, and Lux started speaking.
"Keith, the Ascended Devil, third son of the Lord of Death, Prince of the Underworld, and Prophesied Link to the Upperworld, do you swear to honor and love the man who stands before you?"
She had insisted on the vows, but my voice was shaking so much, I was barely able to cough out, "I do."
"Will you honor, care for, comfort, and remain loyal to this man, until the day you die or your fate decrees otherwise?"
"I will." Lance beamed. I nervously looked at my Dad. His expression was difficult to read, but he was smiling at me, and that was all that mattered. He looked at Lance and began his phrase.
"And Lance, the Descended Angel, son of the Lady of Life, Prince of the Upperworld, and Prophesied Link to the Underworld, do you swear to honor and love the man who stands before you?"
Lance turned from me to my father, a promise in his blue eyes. "I do."
"Will you honor, care for, comfort, and remain loyal to..." Dad paused. The corners of his eyes were crinkled crows feet from his smile, "to my son, until the day you die or your fate decrees otherwise?"
Tears fall down Lance's cheeks and I think I'm crying too. He whispers, "I will."
Lux takes over again. She's smiling at my father, and warmth radiates off of her as she opens her arms, voice cascading over the crowd. "Then it is so. Devil and Angel, Mortal and Mortal, Man and Man, together, united, under the authorities of the Second and Third realms. Please join hands."
I reach forward and Lance's palms slid into mine, our fingers intertwined. Lux and Dad place their own hands over ours, and the world is white and black, swirling together, light and dark tying a bond. I can only feel Lance's hands in mine. It's over as soon as it's started, and the world comes back into focus. The first thing I see is Lance's hopeful face, gorgeous, and then the slight weight on my left ring finger. I look down. A simple, smooth white band. Lance's is black.
"Amore Vobiscum," Lux says, voice like warm chocolate chip cookies, and she and Dad step back just in time for me to gather Lance towards me, cupping his cheeks as I kiss him. And it's all I've wanted for so long.
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