41. Processional
The Samoan sky was bright and beautiful when Mom and I arrived on the island. I closed my eyes, breathing in the smell of the sea. Mom tugged on my hand, her eyes excited as she pulled me to the shore.
Laid out on the beach, I could already see the set-up of the ceremony- a few rows of black and white chairs in the sand and an aisle in the center that led up to a large, arched trellis that was completely covered in peonies and daffodils.
I nearly gasped at the simple beauty of the whole thing- it was just how I'd imagined it to be with the white-capped waves behind it, the palm trees surrounding the beautiful beach. It looked like paradise.
With a nudge, Mom led me forward to a billowing white tent that stood several meters back from the ceremony area and I could already hear laughter and voices coming from inside it. Farther down the beach, I could see an identical tent (albeit black) and, with a slight outward touch, I could feel dark auras fluttering around the tent, excited and anxious and happy. I couldn't help but smile. Keith must be in there.
Before I could linger too long, though, I heard Matt's voice as he burst from the tent, his grin huge. "About time, slowpoke! Come on! We're all waiting!" I noticed his glance towards the black tent as well (of course, he knew that the Twins would be here) and offered him a knowing glance. His cheeks pinked before he dragged me inside the tent.
Inside the tent, it was a flurry of motion. To my left sat a large table with three boutonnieres set out alongside my giant bouquet. I reached out to touch the waterfall of flowers tied together with silk but pulled back my hand at the last second, not quite ready to hold it yet.
The boutonnieres were meant for my groomsmen- Hunk, Matt, and Adam. I knew that, on Keith's table, he must have two and then a corsage, for he chose Shiro, Kuron, and Acxa to be his grooms...-people.
On another table on the far wall of the tent held refreshments and small appetizers- garlic knots (my favorite), lemon ginger tea to soothe nerves, and assorted finger sandwiches. A rack with tuxes and dresses stood next to the table, but a lot of the hangers were empty as most of our guests had already changed.
My own outfit was zipped up in a velvet bag on the end of the rack and I opened it eagerly. Mom had picked it out for me and I hadn't seen it yet. A glimpse of off-white. Gold. I unzipped the bag completely.
Before me hung a gorgeous- "LANCE!"
I turned, eyes growing wide at the sound of my sister's voice. "Romelle!" I cried out, running forward to embrace her tightly. My older sister still smelled the same- like roses and churros- and her honey-colored hair was soft as always on my face.
"I didn't think you'd make it," I mumbled into her shoulder.
"And miss my favorite brother's wedding? I don't think so." She pulled back, her halo spinning excitedly. She was already wearing her outfit- a white halter dress tied at the waist with thick, gold twine. It was what all the female (or female-identifying) angels were asked to wear, while the male (or male-identifying) angels were asked to wear white suits with gold bow ties.
I smiled broadly at Romelle, then pointed at my hair. "Do you think you can do anything for this bedhead?"
Romelle nodded happily, "It would be my pleasure. And you have to catch me up on everything between you and this Keith guy, too! I feel so out of the loop- I was in Paris for too long, I swear."
I laughed and sat down at one of the vanity tables that lined the right side of the tent. Romelle immediately got to work on my stubborn hair, shooting questions at me with growing pep. By the time she'd exhausted her curiosity, she'd finished my hair.
"You're all set, my dear. I think Mom has something for you, though, so go check in with her."
By now, angels were shifting in and out of the tent, carrying arrays of flowers or other things needed for the ceremony to and fro. I felt my nerves really begin to set in, so I carefully picked up a steaming mug of ginger tea and sipped it cautiously.
After a few minutes, I felt calm enough to continue with my own preparation. I sought after Mom, who was going over the ceremony plans with Matt and Adam, who looked positively dashing in their white suits.
I waited patiently to the side until there was a pause in the conversation and I interjected. "Mom, Romelle said that you had something for me?"
Mom's face immediately split into a pretty smile, making my heart warm. "Romelle was right." She led me over to the table where my bouquet lay, then reached into her pocket and extracted a small, beautiful broach.
It looked to be crafted of lapis lazuli; brilliant blue shot with darker lines of grey. The stone was sculpted into two small angel wings that were curved inward, cradling a tiny black opal between them.
Mom carefully pinned the broach onto the silk that was tied around my bouquet and smiled ruefully. "I hope that it's enough to be 'something old' and 'something blue'."
I felt tears rising to my eyes. "It's perfect, Mom," I said in a choked whisper, in awe of how something small could be so precious. Mom pulled me into her arms and suddenly, I was a little kid again, running around the front lawn with reckless abandon, my tiny wings bereft of flight feathers but flapping frantically nevertheless.
I remembered my happiness back then, my carefree spirit, my trust that I would always belong in that grass, upon those clouds, in that house, under Mom's watchful gaze. I had trusted in a wild, beautiful life, but I had not known then that it would lead me here. A part of me mourned that naïvety and I felt my tears bubble over my lashes, but I knew that this was where I was meant to be.
My mom and siblings at my back, Keith beside me, our future ahead.
Mom pulled back, looking me in the eye. "Are you ready, my dear?"
I wiped my tears. "I am."
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