25. Night Flight
As Hunk performed his dramatic retelling of the first time he and I had met, I snuggled closer into my blanket, watching the shadows dance off of Keith's face as the four of us sat around the campfire. It had been a long, tiring day at the beach, and now, as we sat around the fire that Shay had built, I knew that I was the happiest I'd been in a while.
Not only was I with my best friend after so long apart, but I was also on a gorgeous island with a warm breeze in my hair and sand under my feet, eating delicious island food, making banana boats in the hot embers of the fire, and relaxing in the paradise.
As an angel in the Upperworld, I could see everything and anything I wanted to in the world. I observed in every country, granting miracles and guiding mortals' consciences. But it was a whole other level of living when you were personally able to feel your surroundings on your skin and actually be able to experience the moment.
I knew in my heart that it would be difficult to transition from living like this to returning to the Upperworld to continue my duties as an angel. Maybe I'd ask Mother if I could join Pidge and Coran at the SAL for some groundwork.
But I knew that it wouldn't be the same. The whole reason why I'd been able to experience this, live this, see everything I'd seen in the past few weeks... it was all because of Keith. I truly meant what I had said the night before. I'm glad it was me. Maybe it was jealousy talking, but I wouldn't want any other angel to guide Keith. And I wouldn't want to guide any other devil.
There were always going to be things that I'd want to show him. I'd always want to bring him to Paris, I'd always want to go ice skating and shopping in New York City. I'd always want to show him what school was like, watch the World Cup with him, take him to Disney World and so many other places. I wanted him to remember the Midworld for how wonderful it was and I wanted him to remember it forever.
I knew that I would.
We ended up staying in Samoa for a week. Originally only planning to stay for two days, Hunk was delighted when I couldn't find any flights until the next Tuesday. I stayed up late planning our flights, but I was still dreading the whole thing. We were looking at the longest plane ride Keith and I had ever been on, as well as the most expensive. I didn't mind the money, but long flights weren't either of our favorite activities.
It had been an 11-hour flight from San Jose to Apia, but from Apia to our next destination would include a connecting stop in Honolulu before a lengthy flight across the ocean. I was dreading breaking the news to Keith, so I let him enjoy the vacation without having to worry about the flight.
For the rest of the week, the four of us were positively lazy. The weather stayed gorgeous, allowing us for campfires every night and picnics on the beach in the brilliant afternoons. We walked down into the market and bought exotic foods and fish and I made Keith try papaya for the first time.
The smell of brine and death was nearly overwhelming as Hunk led us through the fish market, but I managed with a tight face and a stiff neck as Hunk and Keith hoisted fish on their shoulders, Hunk exchanging kind words in Samoan with the merchant.
I read books on the hot sand, went swimming, and talked for hours with Hunk about anything and nothing. I gently eased Keith into entering the ocean on his own, showing him how to actually swim instead of his frantic (yet effective) flail that he'd used when he'd come to 'rescue' me.
On the second night, Keith and I switched sleeping arrangements. I slept on the bed, Keith on the air mattress beside me on the floor, but it didn't feel right. After spending the night sleeping in the same bed before, I missed the feel of my devil beside me.
I woke up in the middle of the night, the small clock beside me on the bedside table showing that it was just past 2 a.m., and peeked down over the side of the bed. A slice of moonlight fell from the window down onto Keith's cheek, illuminating the left side of his face.
He was sleeping soundly.
Sighing, I flopped back into bed, staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep. For the remainder of the vacation, we switched back and forth from sleeping between the cot and the bed. I personally didn't mind where I slept, but I wanted it to be fair.
As the week flew by, I was mildly surprised to find myself in bed the night before we left. My skin had been tanned, more freckles had appeared everywhere, and my lips were chapped from the dry salt water, and there was sand in my bed. But I still felt like I hadn't experienced the island as well as I could have.
And when I felt like that, there was only one thing that I could do. Slowly sitting up from the air mattress, I pushed the blankets off my legs and stood shakily, stretching before stepping outside of the house as quietly as possible.
Peeling off my shirt as I stepped onto the lawn of the house, I rolled my shoulders in preparation, flexing the muscles in my shoulders. Concentrating, I let my wings escape from their confines, feeling a buzz of adrenaline kick in as I felt the limbs spring from my back. The feathers glowed softly in the darkness, but I wasn't too much of a beacon, so I decided to fly without using invisibility.
Just as I was about to spring from the grass up into the sky, I heard a voice behind me.
I swear, my heart stopped. Turning slowly, a tsunami of relief crashed over me when I realized that the owner of the voice was Keith. He stood by the doorway in his sweatpants, arms crossed over his chest as he watched me with wide eyes.
Holding a hand to my heart, I willed myself to relax, confirming that my secret wasn't about to be found out by my best friend. I could only hope that Hunk was still sound asleep in his bed inside.
As if reading my mind, Keith whispered, "Don't worry, he's asleep."
I nodded in thanks.
Keith walked forward towards me and surveyed my wings, head cocked to the side.
"Can I come?"
"You don't even know where I'm going," I replied, eyebrows raised.
"Doesn't matter."
"I thought you didn't like flying with me."
Keith sighed, looking upwards at the star-speckled sky. "It's nice out. I want to come."
Rolling my eyes, I held my arms out to him, scooping him up against my chest. "I think you've gained weight," I complained, shifting him in my arms until I was comfortable.
Keith scowled at me.
With a running start and a leap, I pushed my wings down with all my strength, boosting us upwards into the night sky. Flapping hard, I carried us up above the treeline and then further, leveling out when we were a good distance above the ground.
Above us, wispy clouds drifted across the night sky, playing hide-and-seek with the diamond-like stars that glittered everywhere you looked. The moon was full and bright and it turned everything that it touched silver. The air currents up here were soft and they lifted up under my wings, letting me glide to catch my breath.
Against my chest, Keith looked forward and not down, his hands clasped tightly around my neck, eyes wide. His skin was cool against mine and I felt him press closer to my chest, his ear to my heart, eyes gazing out over the sky.
With the rhythmic beat of my wings and the light scattered across the island of Samoa, the night was peaceful and calm and I felt my stress melt away.
"I don't want to leave," I told Keith softly, and he nodded, his hair tickling my neck, "but The Plan awaits."
We flew for a good 15 minutes, flying over the trees and houses with ease until my wings begin to get sore.
"I'm going to head back," I whispered into Keith's ear, and I felt him nod again. He was quiet tonight. I wondered why.
Slowly, I eased back to the direction of Hunk's house, angling my wings down so that we began to lose height. I felt Keith's arms tighten around my neck as I swooped down, gaining speed, but held him just as tight, trying to assure him that I'd never drop him.
We hit the ground hard and my legs struggled to keep up as I flapped my wings to steady myself, slowing to a walk once I'd regained my balance. Curling my wings around Keith and myself, I trudged back up into the house, pausing for a moment to listen to make sure that Hunk's heartbeat was slow enough for sleep.
I silently carried Keith back inside, then to the back where our bedroom was, setting him down on the bed carefully. Keith rubbed his eyes, looking like a tired toddler as he yawned, and slipped under the covers without a word. For a second, I stood there, looking over the devil as my wings hung down, exhausted.
Sighing, I retracted the limbs and crawled onto the air mattress, sinking gratefully back down onto the soft bed. I had only just closed my eyes when I heard Keith's voice.
"What are you doing?"
I frowned, "Sleeping?"
"It's our last night. Come on up."
Dragging myself off the air mattress, I slowly slipped into bed beside the devil, breathing a sigh of relief at how comfortable it was. Folding my hands behind my head, I settled in, laying on my back.
After a few minutes, Keith turned onto his side, pressing his cold hands against my side. Hissing at the cold, I recoiled, but then realized that Keith was probably asleep and it wasn't his fault that he had poor circulation. Or whatever. I let him curl up next to me, his cold hands against my ribs, warm breath floating across my chest.
I slept well.
more fluff 4 u (bc it's about to get angsty as shit lmao)
p.s. you're all amazing, capable, and beautiful people <33
also, thank you to those of you who left me kind messages in the last a/n, you really helped me to feel better (:
also, psa, if you haven't heard of Article 13 in the EU, please see the work by @LJMaki for more info! it's super important that we keep fandom families together and that we protect our fellow fans in their creative rights <333
qotd: if you could meet anyone- fictional character, celebrity, someone who's died, literally anyone- who would you meet and why?
aotd: the characters from six of crows, mystic messenger, or voltron bc,,,, holy shit i love them
i love you guys so much <3
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