3)Black Box from Covenant Ship Sacred Promise
DAMAGE CONTROL: Fire! Fire! Multiple hull breaches aft of meridian control surfaces, decks seven through twelve!
CAPTAIN: Jettison chemical weapons stores and take all other weapons systems, deck four through sixteen, offline.
ENGINEERING: [simultaneous with above] It is done!
CAPT: Bring Devotion in close to protect our dead zone...request additional fighter support from Commitment and Patience...
COMMUNICATIONS: Devotion, this is Sacred Promise...request close support our stern. I repeat. Sacred Promise requesting close support our stern.
COMM. (Devotion): Sacred Promise, this is Devotion...will arrive in 1,200 seconds. This is Devotion, in transit now-arrival in 1,190 seconds.
COMM.: Commitment and Patience, this is Sacred Promise...request additional fighter coverage. I repeat. Sacred Promise requesting additional fighter coverage.
COMM. (Commitment and Patience): Sacred Promise, say again...your signal is breaking up.
NAVIGATION (Commitment and Patience): [overheard] Contact alpha has fired its main weapon!
DC (Commitment and Patience): [overheard] ...solid projectiles closing at 18 kilometers per second. Their trajectory will carry them through main engineering and drive section...brace for impact!
COMM.: [simultaneous with above] Commitment and Patience, this is Sacred Promise...are you receiving me? Over.
NAV. (Commitment and Patience): [overheard] I've lost altitude control...
DC (Commitment and Patience): [overheard] Engineering is gone, Sir! Main drive is offline-I'm reading a fuel cell rupture! Fuel cell rupture, Sir!
CAPT. (Commitment and Patience): [overheard] Sound general alarm! All hands abandon ship!
COMM.: [simultaneous with above] Commitment and Patience, this is Sacred Promise...are you receiving me? Over.
COMM. (Commitment and Patience): [overheard] squeal! {Sound is most likely communications equipment failure due to near instantaneous vaporization of ship.}
NAV.: Commitment and Patience has suffered full fuel cell containment failure - brace for impact in 5...4...3...2...
{Interruption: Klaxons and other warning sirens activate}
DC: Hull integrity compromised on all decks aft of meridian control surfaces!
NAV.: [simultaneous with above] Drive control completely offline!
CAPT.: Sound general alarm! All hands move forward of meridian, prepare to abandon ship!
NAV.: Sir! We are accelerating towards primary satellite!
DC: [simultaneous with above] We have a catastrophic over-surge event in drive section! Main drive has entered runaway state!
CAPT.: Set shields full forward! All hands abandon ship! Engineering; jettison fuel cells!
NAV.: [simultaneous with above] We will be entering the primary satellite's atmosphere in less than three minutes...still accelerating, Sir!
CAPT.: All hands not yet evacuated prepare for emergency atmospheric landing!
DC: Sir, structural integrity is under 63%-we have multiple hull breaches spanning several decks-the satellite's atmosphere is nearly non-existent...
CAPT.: [simultaneous with above] Redirect twenty percent (20%) shields aft-if we survive atmospheric entry you may distribute shields as you see fit.
NAV.: Brace for atmospheric entry in 9...8...7...6...
SECURITY: [simultaneous with above] Sir, still no response from engineering!
CAPT.: What?!
SEC.: [simultaneous with above] There are no life-signs in engineering and I'm reading all fuel cells are still on board!
NAV.: [simultaneous with above] 5...4...3...2...
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