Reilly was staring at me with anticipation but also worry written all over her face. I placed the mug down, now free from all the marshmallows, and took a deep breath. I was still shaken up and I couldn't look Reilly directly in her eyes so I let my gaze fall onto my lap as I start explaining everything I've seen and experienced today.
Somehow I managed to talk to Reilly about everything without bursting into tears and crashing again. She picked up the drawing and started analyzing it, asking me questions. I didn't really have solid answers about it because we never figured out what it is. If it was just a prank or some sort of omen sign. I hoped it's the first option because I didn't want to be hunted for being some sort of a ticking bomb. And then as if she could read my mind, Reilly asked another question about the tattoo.
Reilly: Demigods definitely don't have powers to do tricks and spells so it couldn't have been anyone from Umbras. And you said the girls didn't know about it but aren't there some other magical students who could have do this as a prank?
Me: I've never crossed anyone or at least I tried not to anger others but I don't know, maybe?
Reilly: What about that pompous dude we saw after The hunt?
Me: Ledon?
Reilly: I don't know his name. But him and his girlfriend seemed really pissed about losing even though it was their fault not yours.
Me: It is possible. But why would they do this? For what reason?
Reilly: Do bullies even need a reason to torment people?
This idea actually makes sense and I prayed that this is what actually happened. But how am I even going to ask Ledon if it's true. I doubt he will happily answer me if I ask him: Hey Ledon, by the way, did you try to scare me off with a tattoo prank? You did? Oh thanks, now you make me feel better.
Me: He is not going to tell me anyway.
Reilly: You could use a truth serum on him.
Me: That thing is real?
Reilly: My mom told me that they use it sometimes when they need to question people. They have some pact with magicians that supply them with this potion.
Me: Great. I can't even ask that now because Potions are taught in the second year by Professor Kollin and I can't attend Aveus classes.
Reilly: You can go to Aveus during The student's week though. Wait, what did you say his name was?
Me: Professor Kollin. We saw him during-
Reilly: When they announced the winners for the week. If I remember correctly, Gaia got assigned to him. You can ask-
Me: No. I don't want to involve people into this. We could get expelled for even trying to do that potion if it's a secret so I am not going to risk anyone else. I've already...
Few strikes or expulsion for me is nothing for what almost happened to Mr. Hale. Killed. I've almost killed someone today because I am so selfish. Why do I feel so empty without knowing certain things? Why do I need to know who my parents are and where my powers come from? I started to get lost inside my mind but Reilly's voice saved me before I could drown between my thoughts.
Reilly: I must say though, this drawing is pretty nice. Professor Hale is handsome and talented.
Me: He didn't draw it.
Reilly: What do you mean? You told me he did this.
Me: Somehow he did it with his powers. Professor Coldos said that Mr. Hale "summoned" it from my mind. I didn't have time to ask him about it before he got hauled off to the infirmary. I didn't even get a chance to thank him.
Reilly: You should go do it then. I can go with you if you want as a moral support. And if you start crying again I can just "kapow" your neck.
I laughed at Reilly who was now imitating fighting noises and showing me how she can knock out an enemy. I sighed and then wondered what we should do. It's pretty late but we both are somehow full of energy. Me, from "sleeping" after Reilly knocked me out, and she is fueled by that coffee she had and also sugar from the hot chocolate. What time even is it? I quickly stood up from the couch and made my way to the backpack that Reilly set aside. Taking out my phone from it, I unlock it and see it's barely 3 am. I groaned and then went back to sit down. Or more like lie down on the couch. Reilly did the same and we both started to talk about normal things, school stuff and other things to pass the time, as we both lied on our sides and stare at each other. We talked, laughed and made some plans. One of them was to find Mr. Hale tomorrow and thank him. The other one, a bigger one according to Reilly, is to organize the party we promised to each other after we won The hunt. We talked location, drinks, food and the basics, and before I even knew it, I dozed off and fell asleep on the couch.
The next Sunday morning I woke up all broken, my back hitting me with pain as a payback for choosing to sleep on the uncomfortable couch instead of a soft bed. I tried to stretch myself to start the blood pumping and wake up my body while Reilly is still dead on the other couch. I looked at her peaceful sleeping face as I slowly approached her. I held my breath to not alarm her as I lifted my hand and tried to prank her by pinching her nose but the moment my hand reached her, she quickly snatched my arm with her hand and launched herself from the couch. I couldn't hold the balance so I fell on the floor with Reilly landing on me. She apologized to me that it was just a reflex but I only nodded and make a little mental note to not do this again, or to piss Reilly off, because she can just snap my neck like it's nothing. And for the first time since I found out about the magic world and us, it hit me. A freaking Ares descendant, a warrior.
We both started to laugh but then Reilly stood up and extended her arm to help me get up. Reilly offered to let me go first and take shower but I told her I need to get my clothes ready and also pack some things so she can go first. Reilly only shrugged her shoulders and then went to the bathroom. I went to pack my bag with essentials but I also needed to bring my secret diary and the tattoo Mr. Hale got out of my memory. I was done pretty fast so I went to lie down on my bed to chill and close my eyes for a little bit.
Reilly was quick with her shower so my nap didn't last long and then we swapped. Reilly is waiting all dressed on the couch. After she saw me, she stood up and picked up her backpack she prepared. I went to grab mine and then we both went towards the door. Reilly grabbed the handle and I watched her as she gave me a soft smile reassuring me that everything will be okay and that Mr. Hale is okay too. Even if she is lying to me, I am still grateful for her trying to put my mind at ease. At the exact moment as she tried to open the door, someone knocked on it. We both got startled by it and Reilly looked at me, asking if I am expecting someone but I only shook my head. We looked at each other and then there was another knock on the door. I shrugged my shoulders and then Reilly opened the door, revealing Professor Coldos.
Professor Coldos: Good morning, ladies. Are you on your way somewhere? If you are, I advise you to cancel your plans. Ms. Holland, Principal Haydos is requesting your presence in his office.
Me: Is this because of what happened yesterday? Am I getting expelled?
Professor Coldos: I can't tell you that. Principal Haydos will explain everything. Please come with me.
I followed Professor Coldos and Reilly also joined us but the professor noticed her and quickly stopped her. He explained that only I was to come to the office for a discussion and no one else. Reilly's face scrunched with anger because she wanted to come with me to protect me if anything, but Professor Coldos wasn't stepping down. He insisted I go alone and that this thing doesn't concern Reilly. She eventually calmed down but still wanted to come. She told Professor Coldos that she knows where the office is so she will go there anyway and even if she cannot be present for the hearing, she will wait for me outside. Professor Coldos only muttered stubborn Ares descendants under his breath and then agreed to Reilly's demand.
The school was quieter than usual. Not many students filled the hallways and everyone was either chilling in the sitting areas, cafeteria or were sleeping in. It is an early Sunday morning and I guess no one wanted to do anything. At least there is no one to stare at me and judge me for being hauled off to the Principal's office, yet again. I walked with confidence, mostly because Reilly was right next to me but the more we got closer to the office, the more nervous I became.
I was prepared for the worst. There are already four strikes added to my name for this year which leaves only three but I think that endangering the life of a professor must be worth all seven of them. Should I quickly whisper to Reilly that she should find me after they wipe my memory and explain everything about magic to me once again so that I don't accidentally zap someone with lighting? But there was no time. Professor Coldos has already knocked on the door and then a deep male voice told us to come in. Reilly grabbed me by my wrist which made me stop and look back at her. I could sense the worry that is written all over her face but she quickly shook her head, then smiled and hugged me tight. I fought the tears and I didn't want to let go but Professor Coldos urged me that Principal Haydos is busy and that I shouldn't waste his time.
Professor Coldos ordered Reilly to wait in front of the office and she complied as she leaned against the wall, crossing her feet in front of each other and also her arms in front of her chest. I greeted Principal Haydos who only gave me a stern nod with an angry-looking expression but he always looked like that so I wasn't really sure if he is mad at me or not. Principal Haydos' office is grand and rich. It's considerably bigger than Principal Idarin's office. Bookshelves filled fully are standing on each side of the office, a huge window that's spread across the whole wall in front of me and there, almost in the middle, is a big wooden block that serves like a desk but it almost resembles a table for a president, not a school principal. Sitting behind it is Principal Haydos, dressed in his casual grey suit that's hugging every inch of his muscular body. His build is insane for someone in academics. If you met him in the outside world, you would think that he is a biker or a wrestler or something and not a principal and essentially a teacher. He is eminatting so much raw power just by the way he looks at you and the way he holds his body that even my bones are trembling. I wonder which god bloodline he comes from.
Professor Coldos motioned with his hand that I should walk a bit further and then told me to stand in front of the desk. Principal Haydos stood up, walked in front of his desk and leaned his back against it, crossed his arms in front of his chest, making his gigantic biceps pop even more. I took a deep breath and then exhaled shakily, waiting for what are they going to do with me because I caused yet another accident and this time almost even killed someone.
Principal Haydos: Killian, uhm, Professor Hale informed me about a dangerous mind dive and I gave him permission to proceed with it because I knew he is strong and can handle anything ended how it ended. There was no time for any explanation so I would like to hear it from you.
Me: Is Mr. Hale alive? Is he okay?
Principal Haydos: He is being treated so you don't have to worry about it. Now you should worry about yourself and explain what the hell happened that he lost control and it almost cost him his life. There are things about you Ms. Holland that are still not explained and so far there has been nothing but trouble when it comes to you. I am not proud to be kicking out a student out of Umbras but if you are a danger to the school, I am inclined to do so.
Me: I understand, Principal Haydos. I wish I could give you answers but even I don't have those. All I've told you so far is true. I was left as a child in a snowy alley, then grew up in the orphanage because there were some creepy things happening around me like things moving around, so they called me a demon child, tried to do exorcisms or beat the evil out of me but it kept happening and no one wanted to adopt me because of it.
I am already past those things that happened in my life. I can't really blame those people that tried to take care of me but then ditched me. Every time there was a sudden wind, stuff moving around without anyone touching them, it scared me too. But they blamed me and didn't even think that I might feel the same as them. It is in the past though and I can't change any of it. I can only search for answers and learn how to control the power that is inside me, magician, god or even demon. I just need...control.
I started explaining my whole life, telling them everything again and trying to prove that it was out of my hands, that I didn't mean to make trouble. Principal Haydos still had that raw power flowing from him but his furrowed brows softened, his brown sharp eyes turned into a big deer ones and I could tell that he pities me, the way my life went.
Principal Haydos: I am sorry again that you had to go through that. The school and council will still investigate how you could fall through the cracks and no spell or worker found the magical trail you left, leaving you out of our radar for so long. Now please, can you explain what happened yesterday?
Me: I was with Mr. Hale because...
Should I tell them? It's not like I trust them even though he is a damn principal of the whole school so it's not like I can just casually lie to him. But do I really expose the tattoo or not? Professor Coldos has already seen it so they must know about it or that I know something about it but they don't know where I have seen it. And if I tell them it appeared on me and then they will tell me it's some sort of demonic brand or what not, they might toss me to some dungeons or kill me at the spot. I don't know Principal Haydos' or Professor Coldos' god ancestors so what if they have some gruesome powers...No no no. I will say things about it very vaguely and only if they ask about it, I will tell them then.
Me: ...because he is my Help. I only had some questions regarding this block in my mind Mr. Hale told me about so I wanted to figure it out.
Professor Coldos: There is a block in your mind?
Principal Haydos: Idarin mentioned something about it after the first fight. They tried to reach for her when she was unconscious but Killian couldn't pass through some blue light. I didn't ask about it because she was at Idarin's school. Did Principal Idarin tell you more?
Me: He never told me about it at all. I only learned about it from Mr. Hale because it's some sort of block against his powers and he never met someone like that. He did warn me that trying to break a block that has been put into my mind by an outsider could be dangerous and it could fry my brain, but I was willing to risk my life for the information I need. I never intended for Mr. Hale to get hurt.
Principal Haydos: What information you wanted to get?
I guess now I have to reveal about the tattoo. I gulped and then searched for the drawing that I've packed. I took a few steps to get closer to Principal Haydos and handed him over the paper sheet. He unfolded it and scanned the page but he didn't know what it is based on his confused expression so he looked at Professor Coldos who was browsing through books and then placed them back on the shelf. Principal Haydos handed him the drawing.
Professor Coldos: This wasn't created in our world. I can sense Killian's power from it so he must have summoned it from her mind.
Me: You can tell that?
Principal Haydos: Professor Coldos is also Athena's descendant.
Professor Coldos: Different bloodline though. Can you tell me where have you seen this since you had to mind dive to get it out?
Principal Haydos: Do you know what it is?
Professor Coldos: I do. But I want to hear from her where she has seen this and how does she know about this.
Me: I know nothing about it. It has appeared...on my back.
Professor Coldos: WHAT?
Since I've entered the academy, I have never seen Professor Coldos display any emotion on his face or change the pitch of his voice but for the first time, I heard him yell out. Is it really some sort of a bad omen and now I am doomed to be executed or something? Professor Coldos took big fast steps towards me and kept asking me if it's true that I have seen it, ACTUALLY seen it. I got scared by his sudden change in personality so I backed up but Principal Haydos stepped in and calmed down the professor, then demanded an explanation from him.
Professor Coldos: I am sorry but I really need to know the truth. Did you really see this?
Me: It appeared in a glowing blue light on my back for a few seconds but then disappeared. I tried to research about it in the library but I couldn't find anything. I didn't know if it is a bad sign or someone just did a prank on me.
Professor Coldos: I assure you, Ms. Holland, this is no prank.
Principal Haydos: Calm down, Tom. Do we need to call the council and discuss this in private?
Professor Coldos: No need. The council knows about its' existence but it's solely on me. Since this young student has also seen it, I see no harm in talking about it. But I would put charms on the office. There is another student, Ms. Sutton, waiting for her and this drawing concerns the vault.
Professor Coldos explained vaguely about the situation and asked for some sort of shield or wards to be put on the office. Principal Haydos agreed and then closed his eyes, hardened his breathing and then with a grunt some sort of force bursted out of his body and a silver shimmer settled on the walls. The shield kept dancing on the walls and it looked like when you are under the water in a pool and the sun rays are being reflected on the bottom. So now if they decide to kill me, no one will know.
Professor Coldos: Now, one way or another, this issue concerns a secret part of the school so I want to get to the bottom of this.
Principal Haydos: Is it something from the vault? There is no way any of the students gained access to it.
Professor Coldos: I know. But this drawing comes from the Noion book that has been sealed away in the vault. Only I have access to it but it was deemed dangerous because it contains deadly spells so even I don't dare to touch it or read it for too long.
Me: I don't know anything about the tattoo or some book or a secret vault.
Professor Coldos: That could be true but you could be also lying to us. There is a society of expelled descendants that's growing in power and they are trying to overthrown the academies because they feel wronged by us or something. You could have been sent as a spy or a thief to gain access and maybe steal something valuable to their cause.
Me: There is no way. I told you everything about my life.
Principal Haydos: I apologize but we cannot just take your word for it.
Me: Then you can test me, use spells or powers to make me say the truth but I am telling you, I am no spy, I am just...
Worse. This is even worse than being executed or expelled. They don't believe me. They doubt what I am saying is true and a feeling of anger mixed with sadness stabbed through my chest like a javelin. Why would I even need to steal some stupid book from a vault? And who would even hire me for this? The nuns or the priest that only watched as some men punched and kicked "the demon" out of my body. I've never wanted magic, I don't want my powers at all...
My knees became weak and they gave up on me. My body crashed down on the floor and I kept breathing rapidly while kneeling on the floor. I stared at the floor, on my knees and then on my hands that are just lying on the sides of my body, palms up and my fingers curled a little bit. Some sort of blue runes appeared on my fingers and then blue electricity or I guess lightning started to zap around each one of them. I noticed it and I wanted it to stop but I have no idea how to control my powers. Somehow I managed to tap into my source but I am always under distress and I have no idea how I do it every time. And I have no damn idea how to stop it. Will they think now that I am trying to attack them and they will kill me on spot? The tears I tried so hard to fight found their way and started rolling down my cheeks. Too many, too many chances they gave me and I kept creating problems for them, for everyone.
I brought my hands up and stared at them in panic, trying to stop the lighting from growing, murmuring to the power to stop but it didn't work. The zaps are growing bigger, extending from my fingers up to my elbow now. I tried to focus on it but I couldn't find that inner peace.
The silver ward Principal Haydos created is now shaking, cracking and there was a loud thudding noise that sounded like someone is punching the shield. I stopped focusing on stopping the lighting that is still growing and watched the door where the cracks are the biggest. The cracks are extending with every thud only until the moment it all crumbled. Breaking like a glass, the pieces of the shield started to fall on the floor and then turned into puddles of water. The door flew open, hitting the wall with a bang revealing sweaty Reilly stading in a fighting stance between the door frame. She held her arms up, fists curled and all bloody. There was fire in her eyes that matched her hair color and she was ready to fight everyone inside the room. I wanted to go to her and hug her but my body was frozen and even though my brain was telling me to move, my limbs were glued to the spot and my throat was closing with every sob so I couldn't tell her to help me out anyway. But I didn't need to. Another familiar figure appeared behind her, leaning against the door frame and looking so pale, so frail. And it was his voice that brought a little bit of peace to my mind because I finally had a proof that he is really alive.
Mr. Hale: I vouch... for her. I take... responsibility for the... situation. Don't expel-
He looked so weak, so breathy with each word and barely getting them out. He was going to fight for me to not get expelled but then Mr. Hale dropped on his knees and started to cough out blood. That was what my body needed to see, a reason for me to move and I launched myself from the ground. I ran towards Mr. Hale who was trying not to crash on the floor while he coughed out a heavy amount of blood. I kneel again once I reached him and I wanted to support him, thank him for saving me, hug him because I was glad he survived it but as I lifted my arms, I noticed the lightning and I knew the moment I touch him, I could kill him, for good this time. I started retracting my hands and let them drop next to my legs while the lightining zaps were still crackling around them. Mr. Hale stop coughing and then he wiped the blood from his mouth while he looked at me. Then his eyes dropped on my arms but he lifted his gaze to stare into my eyes. He cupped my cheeks, the back of his right hand still bloody as his both thumbs wiped away my tears and he is telling me to calm down. His mouth wasn't moving, his lips never parted so I knew he is using his powers. Somehow he is able to enter my mind right now even though the block is still in the place. His voice was muffled at first but the more my power was growing around my arms, the clearer I could hear him until it was just me standing in that cloud field inside my mind. My mind body was there and I looked at the blue clear wall that represented the block and there was a big hole in it. And through it he is walking towards me. In his normal body and not some sort of light apparition.
Mr. Hale: Calm down Kaitlin. It's alright. Everything will be fine, I promise. I will take care of it and I won't let anything happen to you.
Me: But you almost died because of me and now my power is on spree again I don't know how to stop it.
Mr. Hale: I know, I know. Just try to calm down and I can help you search for the source now.
His mind body finally reached mine and he extended his arms to grab mine but I took three steps back because I didn't want to electrocute him. Mr. Hale only chuckled and then pointed at my arms. His hands were holding them and the lighting wasn't affecting him at all.
Mr. Hale: This power is coming from somewhere. Focus on it, feel it out and follow it. I can help you navigate through the mind as an anchor so you don't get lost and help you check the source, but only you can enter the source to talk to it.
Me: I can talk to my power? Will it tell me who I am and where I come from?
Mr. Hale: I don't know. Every source if different but you are powerful, very powerful so it might be able to speak and tell you things you want to know.
The source talks to the owner? I didn't know how much I wanted to know that, how I much I craved for that sense of belonging somewhere until now, when I might be able to finally figure it out. I looked at the crackling blue electricity that is dancing around my arms. I sensed that somehow it's coming from a certain direction behind me.I let Mr. Hale know that I might know the location of the source and then we started to walk towards a little dot in the distance. The closer we got to it, I could make the silhouette of the blob which now looks like a door. Similar design to the white memory door but this one is painted black.
Mr. Hale: I can't follow you inside but anything you see or hear, don't be afraid. The power and proximity to your source might overwhelm you but I want you to stay calm, close your eyes and take deep breaths, then search for anything the source is offering. Kaitlin, don't be scared of your power. It's yours and no one elses. You can control it because it belongs to you, not you to it.
Me: I will try my best. Can you leave now? I don't want you to use your powers when you are still hurt.
Mr. Hale: Don't worry about me, I can handle it and hold on for a little bit longer.
Me: But I do. You got assigned to me, to help me and all I did is make you worry, make you take care of me and almost die because of me. I got this and I will get out of here by myself. The power flowing inside me right now feels so strong like I know it will tell me how to get out. I will trust my power so please trust it too and go back to the infirmary. I will come to visit you, I promise.
Mr. Hale: You are a stubborn one. Like that Ares descendant friend of yours.
Me: I have to thank Reilly for that one. Now please, go.
Mr. Hale gave me a soft smile and then let go of my hands. I waited until he started to walk away and then slowly started to disappear until he was completely gone. I couldn't feel him inside my head anymore. He looked so weak already when he arrived to the office so how bad does he look now that he needed to use his powers to enter my mind? I shook my hand and noted to myself that I need to properly thank him for everything. Either by finishing this damn school or by gaining control over my powers. I owe him my whole life. But right now, I need to save it first in order to be able to do all that.
I took a deep breath, held it and then opened the door. I walked inside and only then I exhaled to start breathing normally. I was inside of this black room that was illuminated by a ball of light floating in the middle of it. It was a mix of pure light and then electricity crackled within the ball. I walked towards the thing and the closer I got, it started to dance, change its' shape. When I got as close as I could, I stopped it front of it and the light morphed into something. Its' silhouette copying some sort of animal which reminded me of a fox or a dog. Then it glitched to a shape of a human being for a few seconds but then it changed back to the animal one, then flickered back and forth. I started asking questions and expected the source to be quiet even though I really wanted some answers but to my surprise, the source talked back to me in my own voice but with an echo.
Me: Are you not stable because I can't control you? Or because my feelings are all over the place right now?
The source: This is my true form.
Me: But you are... flickering.
The source: This is my true form. I am one. I am the other. And I am both.
Me: But what are you? What am I?
The source: I cannot tell you who you are.
Me: Is it secret and I am not supposed to know?
The source: I cannot tell you who you are, because you make who you are yourself. I am only a part of you.
Me: I didn't mean as a person. I want to know where I come from. What is this power, or you? Where does it come from? Who does it come from? How do I control it?
The source: I cannot tell you where you come from. I only exist within you and know only you. This power is you. I come from you. And you learn to control me.
Me: How do I learn? I haven't been able to use it, sorry, I haven't been able to use you properly so far.
The source: I was locked away.
Me: By that block?
The source: By something but I don't know what it is. I was a small seed and slept until I was able to grow bigger. But then something locked me away and I couldn't reach you. I felt you sometimes, I could go out sometimes but then something locked me away again.
Me: Will I be able to connect to you all the time now?
The source: I can still feel that something is around but it's weak now. It has been hurt, broken and it cannot heal itself.
I talked to the source and waited for every response it could give me which was given to me by the person-shaped source. After it flickered to the animal one, there was silence and I had to wait until it changed again. But I've learned one important thing so far: my power has been sealed of by that block that's also on my mind. Someone didn't want me to use my powers that must have been too strong that even this seal couldn't hold them. I guess if they watched me from the shadows, they must have been very surprised that the power still came through. But who would want that? There are not many living Zeus descendants anyway so why would they need to render me powerless? Wouldn't raising me as their weapon be a better option?
The source: I do not come from the one of that name.
Me: What do you mean? I am not a Zeus descendant?
The source: That is not the name I come from.
Me: What are you then?
The source: I...don't know the name. I was made to not remember but I was also made to warn you if you come talk to me. Do not tell others where you come from, because you are not from here and you are from here. You are both. But the others cannot know that. If you are ever forced to tell, continue saying what the others assigned to you. Do not tell where you come from.
Me: So I should pretend that I am a Zeus descendant? It should be easy to imitate if my power is lightining but why?
The source: If that is what the others assigned you, continue saying that. As for why, I don't know. I have been made to warn you but was never told why.
Me: The dream. About the light and shadows. Do you know anything about it?
The source: There is no such dream.
Me: So it is a memory then. Can you help me unlock it so that I can remember?
The source: Only the one who was almost locked in the darkness can help you but that memory comes from behind that something that locked me away. It will be hard to reach it for now.
Me: Can you tell me then how to access my powers? What my powers are? What you are?
The source: I am not locked anymore. You can come to me anytime if the one who helps you will get you inside. And the power is me. I am you.
Me: Ugh, I need to choose the correct wording because you seem to not understand. Okay so, I can move objects because my electricity magnetizes it somehow, and then there is also this blue electricity or lightning. Is that you? Is that what you can do?
The source: Yes and many more.
Me: What else is there?
The source: There is me and there is other me but it can't talk to you yet. And there is no time left. You need to go now.
Me: But I need to know more. I still have many questions.
The source: I am always here. I never leave and I am not locked anymore. When you rest, you can come talk to me again.
I opened my mouth to protest because I had so many questions and I could finally get some answers but there was a sudden force of something that almost knocked a breath out of me and it felt like if I stayed here, I would get torn apart so I complied to the warning of the source and left the room. I turned around to check the door but now it was just a see-through veil that is separating me from it. My powers were locked and now they are free. That thought scares me a little bit because before my powers were sealed and only acted up sometimes but now that it's opened, will my full power go on a spree and blast the whole school or not?
I walk back into the cloud field and then stop in the middle to close my eyes and imagine me waking up, getting out of the mind. After I open my eyes again, I am back in the office and see Mr. Hale still kneeling in front of me, holding my cheeks. How much time has passed since then? It felt like good 20 minutes of conversation with the source but here it's like it has been only a few seconds.
Mr.Hale softens the grip on my face but I knew it's not because we are done with the mind diving but because he exhausted himself. He lost all his strength and then his hands drop down, as did his body and he started to fall. I quickly grabbed his shoulders and prevented the fall. His head got buried into my chest and his body was so heavy but I didn't let go. I rolled from my heels to my side and almost make us both fall but I gritted my teeth and then willed some strength into my body to keep him from crashing on the floor. Everyone else inside the room was frozen in panic at first but then they quickly jumped around the two of us and helped to lift Mr. Hale. I watched Professor Coldos and Reilly, who Principal Haydos asked to assist in taking Mr. Hale back to the infirmary, drag his body away like yesterday is repeating itself all over again. Principal then walked behind them but he closed the door after they walked out and then returned to his previous spot.
Principal Haydos: It seems that Professor Hale is very fond of you.
Me: I don't know why he is but I am grateful to have him as my support.
Principal Haydos: He could have never gotten closer to anyone because-
Me: Because of his powers, I know. He told me.
Principal Haydos: Did he? Now that only proves my thoughts right but I still have to forbid you from talking to him for the time being.
Me: What? No. I owe him. I need to thank him and-
Principal Haydos: And you can do that later but you are forbidden to visit Professor Hale until further notice. Not that you have access to the teacher's private infirmary anyway. But even after he gets discharged, I want to limit the contact, just in case his needs to use his powers on you and he will loose control again, especially if that block was the cause of it all. If you really owe him and you want to help him, let him rest.
Me: Understood.
Principal Haydos: Did something happen when he mind-dived into your mind again today?
Me: He unlocked my source.
Principal Haydos: Unlocked it? Was it somehow rendered powerless? Did you talk to your source only now?
Me: I did. It explained that it was locked by something that weird block, and that's why I couldn't control my powers. I was cut away from the source and only had small bursts of energy that could come through. You don't have to believe me, you can still think that I am a spy and was sent here to steal or I don't know what, but I am telling you the truth. You can use a truth serum on me, or if Mr. Hale feels better you can ask him to go through my memories because the block has been breached now and my source told me it's going to break soon. You can do anything you want to reveal the truth in a way it's going to satisfy you, but this is all true, all that I have learned so far. I am... I am a Zeus descendant and I have been cut off from my power by someone who decided that leaving me to die in winter is a better option than me coming to my powers. I don't know their motives. I know definitely though that I don't want to steal some stupid book. I just want to mind my own bussiness, find out where I come from, who wanted to get rid of me and then continue living MY LIFE.
Principal Haydos: I guess you might be feeling a little bit overwhelmed now that your source has been unlocked and all that power is going to flow into you. I recommend resting up and I will call you to continue this hearing later. Professor Coldos is very interested in that drawing or I guess you saw it as a tattoo and since it's a part of the secret vault, I hope you understand that we need to investigate this. And of course, that you also need to keep it a secret.
Me: I understand. No student should be allowed to have a knowledge that concerns school's secrets and I am ready to get that information even removed from my mind if you need to, but if not I will keep my mouth shut about it. It also concerns me and I want to know more.
Principal Haydos: Then we have an agreement. Rest up and I will summon you when we are able to continue this hearing.
I pivot on the spot and then start walking away but Principal Haydos called my name. I turned my head around to see what else he wants only to notice him holding a piece of paper, handing it to me. I made my way to him and took the paper from his hand. He only told me that I can keep it because he has already memorized it. I didn't really want to keep it as a memento, especially if it's going to be a reminder of something someone did to me on purpose, a reminder of someone, possibly my own parents, who abandoned me and even locked away my powers. Then it hit me: I am back to literally square one with everything. I might have found out about my powers and what they truly are but my source said that I am not a Zeus descendant, so I know nothing again. I don't know where I come from or even where my powers come from, if I am a magician or a demigod.
"What the hell am I then?"
~ end of Book I. ~
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