I am not sure it is the right thing to do. I am not sure about anything really, but I know I can't be just sitting here if there is a possibility I am a ticking bomb. I've gained more people in my life that I care about and I would rather be the one that dies rather than them so if my brain turns into a slime in the process, I am willing to do that.
Me: I trust you, Mr. Hale. I want you to try and push through the block. Please, get into my mind.
Mr. Hale: I've told you about the complications and I am not even sure it will work.
Me: I still want to try. I don't care about me.
Mr. Hale: You should. You are valuable.
Me: Because am the one of the few Zeus descendants alive so now I am going to be treated like something fragile? I've survived a lot of hardships during my life, I can do this.
Mr. Hale: We shouldn't just do it on a whim.
Me: I am ready. I don't care what happens to me, just search for the answers or at least for something to help me out, please.
Mr. Hale: Let me at least inform Principal Haydos just in case we need help.
I agree at least on the last suggestion because I am willing to take the risk and fry my brain but not if something were to happen to Mr. Hale too in the process. There should at least be someone else around to keep an eye on us. I watched Mr. Hale as he placed all the paper sheets on one stack, then tried to even it out and then set it aside. My eye connected with his that suddenly turned into the unnatural crimson color I am somehow used to now and after a few seconds his eyes returned to the usual green shade. Is this how he "informed" Principal Haydos? I was in awe of his powers even more and slightly jealous because that's one hell of a good power. I guess he doesn't need a phone then. Why did the girls say he is not strong or useful back then? I mentally noted to myself that if there is a chance to talk about it, I will tell them not to underestimate Mr. Hale again. He told me that he explained the situation briefly to the principal and that they will monitor it from the outside because he wanted us to have privacy. He then stood up from his chair, adjusting the black vest he is wearing, pulling it down a little bit and then walks around the desk, making his way to me and sits on the side of the couch. He took one of the small pillows that were placed on the couch and put it on his lap. Will this be so scary that he needs to hug something? My eyes darted down on the pillow that's lying on his thighs and then my gaze shoots up to stare at him in shock, my heat rushing into my cheeks.
Mr. Hale: Come and lie down, place your head on the pillow.
Me: WHAT?!
Isn't this too quick? Or weird? Why even should I do that and what is going on? I got flushed by heat and I am probably red as a tomato right now. I scooched a little bit back, making a space between me and Mr. Hale, at least until my back hit the arm rest of the couch. I gulped while I stared into his intoxicating orbs. Mr. Hale only chuckled and then explained he doesn't mean to do anything with a slight smirk after the "naughty" left his lips. He needed a proximity and also to touch me, my temples that is, for his powers to have the best chance to pierce my mind. And that also lying down is a safe option just in case I go into seizure or something that could endanger my life since he doesn't know what it will do to me when he will try to break through the shield in my mind. But lying down on his lap is kinda crazy no?! I started to think about other options because despite him being young and handsome, I am not going to lie on my professor's lap. If he needs to have a grip on my head and I should be in a position from which I won't fall or anything, I could also just sit on the ground. I asked if it would be okay if I just sat between his legs and my head would be right between his knees. He didn't think about it for long and agreed. Whatever suits me better, he said and I couldn't tell if he also had the same thought as me about the position he suggested but there was an unknown emotion spread on his face. I slid down from the couch while Mr. Hale spread his legs apart for me to place my body between them and then throw my head back, placed it down on the pillow and closed my eyes. My heart was beating like crazy because this position, this situation is insane. I know that I asked for him to try and read my mind but I didn't even dare to imagine how he would do it. The blood was pumping around my body, I could feet the heart beat in my chest, ready to jump out when Mr. Hale placed his warm hands on the sides of my head. I opened my eyes and regretted it immediately because I was met with Mr. Hale face that is hovering above mine really really close.
Mr. Hale: Just try and relax.
RELAX? Easier said than done. How can he even say that when this thing is going on. What if someone comes inside and sees us like this and then they will come into a conclusion before asking us and then they will tell it to everyone and then everyone at the school will create rumors about me once again and then...
Mr. Hale: Kaitlin. Just relax. I can't read your mind but I can tell you are mumbling something to yourself in there. Even if I get inside...
Oh that word resonated through my ears and I swear to god I wished I could just throw my brain away right now for what thought crossed my mind. But then I focused on the instructions again and tried to calm my mind. Taking deep breaths.
Mr. Hale: ...I won't be able to discern anything through the rumbling inside your mind. Just take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
While he is above me so close? Oh great now I am thinking about if my breath is smelly or not. Even if I brushed my teeth today, I had breakfast and the broccoli for lunch afterwards. I don't know if that tea helped to wash my mouth or not so what if my breath smells bad? Once again my thoughts were calmed down somehow and put back on track by Mr. Hale's voice. This time his pitch was lower, his speech was slowed down and there was a subtle growl in how he called my name.
Mr. Hale: Kaitlin! Focus on one thought you want me to see. Turn it into something you can hold in your hand, maybe a letter or something that you can hand me over. Let your mind drift but not with crazy thoughts. Go towards the memory of the tattoo appearing on your back, the first moment you saw it and capture it. Then walk back. Imagine you inside your head, opening a door or standing in front of the shield smashing an opening for me.
I did everything as Mr. Hale instructed me to. I saw it all. I was suddenly inside an empty space. I was floating in a field of pinkish clouds and was surrounded by a baby blue clear sky. There was white door standing by itself, with no house or anything attached to it, in the middle of the field right in front of me. Door. He said open the door for him. I ran towards the door and reached for the handle to open them but my hand just passed right through it. It reminded me of that one time we were tested for the History class. Is this maybe a memory of that time? Is this a wrong memory? I tried to focus on the tattoo and thought I would get whooshed right into that memory but nothing happened. I was still standing in the cloud field with the white wooden door in front of me. Guess not. This has to be the entrance then. Now the problem lays withing me opening them for Mr. Hale and letting him inside my head. Over and over I tried to grab the door knob and open the door but my hand just kept going right through it. The classroom test. I remembered it yet again and then also what happened, what I did to pass through the small test. So I did the same as back then. To my shock, it didn't work and I smacked my face against the hard wood. I was surprised because I could feel the pain despite it not being my real body and just a fragment of imagination. Not this way then. I turned around to search for another way or something else that could give me directions. There was a giant see-through blue wall that was spread all around. I couldn't even see where is the start and the end of it. If the door doesn't work, I should try breaking that wall that is probably the shield or block placed on my mind.
I jogged toward the wall and placed my palms on it. My hands stopped so I knew that I am touching the shield but I couldn't feel anything. It wasn't warm or cold to touch and I couldn't grab it either. It's like the shield is there but it's not at the same time. Now the question is: how do I break it? Do I like imagine an axe and it will appear in my hand, then I lumberjack my way through it? I did try that and nothing. I guess it is up to me and my body. I folded the fingers into a fist and then punched the blueish wall. My knuckles connected to the surface of the shield and it was like punching a real wall. I yelped in pain and quickly retracted my arm, hugging my hand and jumped around, swearing while waiting for the stabbing pain to pass. In anger I kicked the wall. Like that's going to do anything. But then I heard a crackling sound of glass. I looked down to where I kicked and there was a tiny spider crack. I crouched and then started hitting the broken spot with my palm, my elbow, anything to do more damage and spread the crack to create and opening for Mr. Hale. The spider line started to fan out, resembling if you pause a lightning during a storm, until it reached slightly above my head and then halted. My eyes were focused on the fracture and the bright golden light that started to peek through it. There was only a small seed of the light, not bigger than a pea, then started to grow and fill the whole split. I covered my eyes before they get burned by that light and after a few moments, it fizzled out until someone was standing in front of me. Someone or something. There was a being made of light standing in front of me. It had an outline of a male figure but no face, no clothes...just a body of pure light. It felt so different than those shadows I started seeing in my dreams so I wasn't sure if it's a part of my memory or not. At least until I heard that entity speak. It spoke in Mr. Hale's voice. I told him about the door and he looked behind me, noticing them too. Mr. Hale explained what we need to do and then started walking towards the door or more like float as a ghost to it. I followed behind him and waited for further instructions. He told me that since he is not part of my mind, he should be able to open the door to get to the source or memories, wherever I will lead him. And he was right. His hand could get a hold of the door handle and open it to reveal the other side of them which was the same cloud field as it was on our side.
Mr. Hale's apparition: Try to focus and think of the memory. It should appear to us.
I did as he told me to. I closed my eyes and tried to remember when I got out of the shower. Wait. Isn't he going to see me naked then? I opened my eyes and looked at Mr. Hale embarrassed, bright red like a tomato. And like he could finally read my thoughts, he assured me that he won't look and then guided me again.
Mr. Hale's apparition: It happened after you took a shower right? Don't be embarrassed about it. You don't have to show me everything. Just focus on the part when you are covered and you already noticed the tattoo.
That sounded better than me showing him me getting out of shower and him seeing me naked. I tried to focus on the moment I was already turned and checking out the tattoo in the bathroom mirror and then it appeared, like he said. Like a picture on a TV but instead it was playing like a movie in the door frame. Mr. Hale in his spectre form told me that we have to enter the memory in order for him to be able to use his powers. I agreed and waited for Mr. Hale to enter the memory through the door. The apparition was now standing inside the space of my dorm bathroom, looking at me, or at least facing me. The me I created inside the mind, not the memory and waiting for me to join him. My feet started to move, taking small steps until I was close to the door. I reached out and pushed my hand through the image playing between the frame. It was like touching something gooey, like those slime toys for kids. I pulled out my hand, the slimy picture sticking to my hands and getting pulled too before detaching itself and falling back to its' place. The image got distorted for a little bit. It played with small waves like when you throw a rock into the lake and disturb the peaceful water surface. All prepared to go through with my whole body, I took a step towards the door and was going to walk in but I heard a weird noise coming from behind me. It was a mix of wind howling, some animalistic growl and very weird sounding voice of a person speaking in a language I couldn't understand. I turned around to check what it was, even though I was scared out of my mind right now, but I didn't see anything. I shrugged it off and then returned to the memory door to join Mr. Hale. I lifted my foot to take a step and then I heard that noise again, getting closer and closer to me. Before I could pivot on the spot again, something invisible had a grasp on me and then I got pulled backwards, away from the door. I was flying in the air until I was whooshed through some dimension into a familiar darkness. Just blackness was now surrounding me and some sort of gray dust or smoke just danced around. It felt so...cold, so lonely. The smoke started to whirl and created some sort of shadow figures that were just floating in the nothingness. I walked inside the darkness towards the shadows, my steps so heavy but I need to do this. I need answers. Maybe the shadows will tell me who they are, what they are and who I am. I couldn't see anything around me, or even under me. My feet were lost in the darkness but I could still move around. I walked towards one of the nearest shadows but the moment I got to it, it disappeared. Or at least dissipated into a smoke and it didn't return to the human figure form. I moved to another one with the same result as the previous one. Then another one and another. No to chasing then. I kept a good distance from the shadowy form but I focused my gaze on one and then talked to it.
Me: What is this place?
Me: Who are you?
Me: How do I get out?
Me: Where is Mr. Hale?
It didn't answer to me. Same as Mr. Hale's apparition, it has no eyes or mouth or face to begin with but I had hoped it will communicate with me telepathically at least. But no answer. The shadow did wiggle a bit after my last question and I knew I had its' attention. I asked again and waited for an answer. The shadow didn't speak but it lifted up its' smoke arm and pointed with a finger to the right. I thanked the shadow not knowing if it has any meaning to the entity and then walked towards the direction it pointed at. After a few steps, something rustled under my feet so I stopped and bent down to pick up the thing I stepped on. It felt like a piece of paper but it this darkness I couldn't see what's written on it, if there even is anything on it at all. I folded the paper and kept it in my hand, then continued to walk to the direction the shadow pointed at. It didn't take a lot of steps and suddenly I felt a breath get stuck inside my lungs, air squeezing me and then everything disappeared. All the smoke is gone and now it's a complete darkness. I don't know if my eyes are even opened or not. This is it. I am done for. I give up on finding the answers. I give up on everything. The darkness swallowed me and I was drifting somewhere and nowhere at the same time. I must have entered some place in my mind and got locked inside. Mr. Hale warned me that there will be consequences and I agreed to it despite knowing my brain could get fried or in my case, I get trapped inside my own head I guess. I only hoped that they would place my body somewhere nice to wither away. Hell, even put me out of my misery, I didn't care. I was floating in the darkness and got in terms with how my life will end but then I heard voices. They were muffled but they sounded normal, human. Maybe it won't be so boring and lonely to be trapped inside my head at the end. I relaxed all of my muscles and closed my eye, or I think I did at least, and then listened to the sound of the conversation that resonated throughout the darkness. The voices became clearer by each second and I recognized who they belong to. There was nothing much else for me to do except listen to voices of Mr. Hale, Principal Haydos and from what I guessed the third one belongs to Professor Coldos, as they argue about something.
Principal Haydos: It's dangerous Killian, don't do it.
Mr. Hale: I have to do something. We can't just leave her like this.
Professor Coldos: There is no one else that can help you out with this. No one is strong enough to mind jump with two other people, don't be rash about this.
Mr. Hale: If I don't hurry, she will be stuck inside her own mind until she dies.
Principal Haydos: We know Killian, but losing you would be even worse.
Mr. Hale: So she is expendable but I am not?
Professor Coldos: I agree with Killian on this one. There is a mystery wrapped around young Ms. Holland and for my personal matter, she seems to be able to read Noion language which is a plus for me.
Me: *Is he really willing to save me only because I can translate his little stupid texts and help in his research? Well, I take that.*
Principal Haydos: He is already seizing this hard, her mind must be unstable and if you enter it, you can get lost and locked inside with her too.
Me: *Unstable mind? I am just chilling inside a cold darkness what do you mean unstable?!*
Mr. Hale: I am going to retrieve her and you can either help me or just back off.
I am here. Please come and find me. I prayed Mr. Hale will be able to locate me inside this darkness, my consciousness or whatever this place is. Any chance I get to come back, I am going to take it. It's better to continue my miserable life rather then get trapped inside black nothing, counting seconds until my body finally gives up.
I could hear Mr. Hale call out my name the darkness and getting closer to me. I scream out his name back, trying to help him locate me. I looked around frantically in order to see if he found me or not. Then a little seed of light shines in the distance, that familiar little blob I've seen when I cracked the wall. It's him. It's Mr. Hale, he found me and I am saved. I run towards that light and the closer I get, the bigger the light gets until it turns into a full light spectre figure and a door appears right behind it. Mr. Hale's apparition opens the door for me which reveals the cloud field and I ran through it to get out of here. I found myself out of the darkness and then pivoted to face the door. Mr. Hale's apparition was still standing inside and was slowly moving towars me but the door started to close. I yelled out his name, telling him to hurry up but there was no way he is going to make it. I can't let him sacrifice himself, write him off to the fate I was supposed to face when it was my fault in the first place because I was the one who suggested to try break through the block. I sprinted towards the door and grabbed them, trying to pry them open or at least stop them from closing until he can cross too. I lifted my right leg and placed it on the door frame while I pulled on the door. My hands started to bleed because the force of the door was stronger than me and the edge of the door cut into my palms and fingers. This wasn't working so I moved between the door and its' frame. I pressed my back against the wood and put up my leg on the frame again to block the door. Mr. Hale's apparition was getting closer so I reached into the darkness and held a hand for him. The door pushed harder so I turned a little bit, pressing my right side of the body against the wood. Mr. Hale yelled at me to run away and imagine myself waking up but I didn't want to give up on him. He had only few steps in front of him and he would be out but the door was opened only for a few inches now. Mr. Hale raised his arm in front of his body and then a force of wind came from his direction. It touched my skin, hugged my body and then slowly pushed me out of the door frame into the cloud field before the door closed and locked itself. I screamed his name as I watched his apparition disappeared behind the door. No way. There is no way he sacrificed himself for someone so useless, so unimportant as me. I dropped on my knees, half of my body vanished into the pink clouds as I let my bloody hands rest next to my body and I cried out his name, Killian. Hopelessness fills me and my mind body feels so weak but I can't let it end like this. I was going to give up on me but his life is another matter. I push myself from the ground or whatever it is I am standing on and run towards the door. I try to grab the handle but it's not working. I cannot leave him in there, I won't leave him in there. And if a proper way isn't working, we go the brute way. I take a few steps back, then start walking towards the door, gathering a momentum. When I am close enough, I lift up my right leg, bending it in my knee and then extending it, kicking the door. The wood is sturdy and too hard for my weak ninja kick to open them but I am not giving up on him. I step back and then do the same. One, two, three times until on the fourth I gather all of my strength and blast through the door. I wasn't sure if it's safe to walk back into the darkness so I grabbed the frame and peeked inside while tethered into the cloud field by my feet. I saw Mr. Hale's apparition float like a dead body in the darkness but close enough to the entrance, or exit from his point of view. He wasn't moving or watching me, didn't even notice me so I yelled at him. Mr. Hale! At first he didn't hear me, didn't move an inch and just kept floating. Killian! I yell again and then I see the light spectre come to life. I extend my hand towards him and tell him to grab on. Mr. Hale's consciousness swiftly floats towards me and holds my hand. I pull him out of the darkness and then he disappears. Everything disappears from this cloud field and I am greeted with a familiar face of Professor Coldos hovering above me. Principal Haydos also noticed me gaining consciousness again so he walkes up to us, asking me if I am alright but I don't care about me. I need to know if Mr. Hale made it out too. I pivot on the spot, lifting my body from sitting on the ground to sit on my heels and kneel in front of the couch. Mr. Hale is lying unconscious on the couch, passed out and blood running from his ears, eyes and mouth. The sight is so scary, I quickly lift my body and grab his cheeks. Then a big warm hand grabs my shoulder. I turn my head to see who it is only to be pushed away from Mr. Hale by Principal Haydos. He kneels down and checks on Mr. Hale, calling him by his name to grab his attention but with no luck. He asks Professor Coldos to help him lift up Mr. Hale and carry him to the infirmary but Professor Coldos seems to be preoccupied by something else because he didn't jump in on the first call and Principal Haydos had to yell at him to get his attention. I looked at Professor Coldos to see what he was doing and why he wasn't helping out but I caught him staring at a paper sheet.
Professor Coldos: Hale summoned this from her mind. Is this what you've been doing?
I was confused. Mostly because he said that Mr. Hale "summoned it from my mind". Is that even possible? I know now that the magic is real and stuff but to summon thing from someone's mind must be crazy even to their standards. I was in awe from the sheer amount of power Mr. Hale has and the guilt washed over me because he was willing to sacrifice his life for someone who can just move metallic objects, someone who can't even control that useless power. Principal Haydos growled at Professor Coldos again and urged him to help out because apparently Mr. Hale's brain is overheated and he needs immediate medical attention. Professor Coldos gave in and handed me the paper he was watching, then went to help Principal Haydos pick up Mr. Hale's body and toss it over their shoulders. I just held onto the paper and watch them drag away Mr. Hale, telling me to go back to my dorm and that they will call me for questioning later. I picked up my bag in one hand while I held the paper without checking it in the other and left the office, walking fast back to my dorm. The strap of the backpack pressed against my palm that felt somehow sore so I checked it but it wasn't hurt or bloody like it was inside my head. There was just that lingering feeling of that wound on it but right now I needed to hide. I needed to cry and I needed Reilly by my side to tell her everything, to tell me how stupid I was to suggest doing this and to scold me for being so dumb and selfish.
I didn't even know how I got back but I was suddenly in the Zeus dormitory, walking towards my room. I opened the door and hoped Reilly is inside so that I can melt in her arms while she tells me that Mr. Hale will be okay. And she was there, working out with her sword but halted when she heard me come inside. I paused on the spot and looked at her. Her face was angry, showing me that she is still pissed at me but then it softened and I broke down. I dropped my bag on the ground, then my body while I still held onto the paper and then Reilly strolled towards me. She dropped on her knees too and hugged me. I told her I am so sorry between my gasps and then started crying as she held me tight and brushed my hair and my back.
Me: Don't be silly, crying over a small fight. I am sorry that I said what I said about your friends. I might have been a little bit jealous but that doesn't mean I hate you and will stop being your best friend. Don't cry.
I was so glad that she is not angry at me anymore but the guilt was drowning me. It felt like a big boulder is crushing my chest and it was so hard to breathe. Reilly cupped my cheeks and told me to calm down but I couldn't. Not if there is a chance that Mr. Hale can still die and it will be my fault. I was a crying mess, barely holding myself together and I couldn't stop. The only thing that helped me sorta calm down was Reilly lifting her hand in the air and the swiftly brought it to my neck, hitting it with force and then my whole vision became black.
I was nowhere and somewhere simoultaneously. Floating in that darkness again but it was different from the one in my mind and yet it still felt cold, lonely. All of that was broken by a warm presence and a familiar voice telling me to wake up. I forced my eyes to open, my eyelids so heavy and my throat so dry like I just got back from Sahara or something. My vision finally stabilized and I was greeted by Reilly's face that was full of worry and she apologized for the way she handled me. I started thinking about what happened and then I remembered how she hit the back of my neck that is now sore.
Me: Did you really knock me out like that? What are you some sort of secret army?
Reilly: I am really sorry about that but you weren't calming down for some reason so it was the only way. Do you care telling me what happened?
I was focused on Reilly that was sitting right next to me on my bed where she must have dragged me after she knocked me out and didn't really think about anything else. I only wished that it was all just a dream and that nothing happened to Mr. Hale but my hands still felt sore the same way like they did after I got out of my mind and everything was the same. My clothes, Reilly's clothes, my backpack was placed next to my bed with a paper on top of it. I grabbed the paper sheet and checked what it even was. The tattoo I saw was drawn on it and it wasn't my pathetic doodle, it was a perfect copy of what I saw on my back. I turned the paper sheet around and shoved it into Reilly's face.
Me: See this? This was it. It was real.
I yelled at her again out of frustration that she didn't believe me, she accused my friends of doing a prank on me because she was jealous and because that I wanted to find out more about it, I endangered the life of Mr. Hale. Reilly took the paper out of my hand and only studied it. She didn't get angry that I yelled at her again and only calmly inquired me to explain what it is. Tears started to push their way out of my eyes again so I tried to swallow the crying and tell everything that happened today to Reilly but my throat closed on itself and I couldn't speak.
Reilly: Do you want something to drink? I can get another wine if you want and we can talk about it.
I shook my head because I didn't want to get drunk even though maybe it would help drown this feeling of guilt that's choking the air out of me. But I wasn't going to risk anything else today that could happen if I get drunk and the tattoo comes back and I burst into flames or lightning or whatever. Reilly then offered she will go buy something to drink for us and that I should clean myself in the meantime. I nodded to her offer and she jumped of the bed, running towards her desk from which she only snatched something that looked like a wallet and strolled out of the room. I sat on my bed for a few more minutes before I made up my mind about getting up. I wasn't going to take another shower, risking the tattoo will come back or something else happens while I am alone in the room, so I sluggishly walked towards our closet and picked out something more comfortable to wear. For my new outfit I chose tight black leggings and a fluffy rose pink hoodie that was so soft because it was made out of one of those plush fabrics and matched it with thick fluffy socks. Even slower than as I went to the closet I walked towards the sitting area in our room and with a hoodie tossed over my head I plop down on the couch, or more like just drop on it. I lifted my legs and hid them under me, then I hugged my body as I slouched on the couch and placed my head on the arm rest. Waiting for Reilly to come back was so excrutiating because the whole room was silent and I was left alone only with my thoughts and the lingering guilt. I tapped the front of the couch to dim the lights and then hugged my upper body again, creating some degree of warmth because I was still cold and shivering for some reason. Luckily for me, Reilly god back pretty fast. My eyes were glued to the door as she passed through them, carrying multiple cans in her arms. She placed them all on the table and then went to pick up something from the little cabinet we have in our room. Coming to the sitting area with two mugs in her hands, she placed one in front of me, opened one of the cans and then poured the liquid out. Steam was coming out of my mug and after it traveled through the air, it hit my nose and I could smell it was a chamomile tea. Reluctantly I lifted my body that was glued to the furniture and reached for the drink. Reilly opened a different can and then poured another hot liquid for herself but this time it hit my nose with a heavy aroma of coffee.
Me: Coffee? At this time of the day?
I asked Reilly because I don't know what exact time it is right now but looking out the window I can tell it's already pretty late since the sun disappeared and the sky is pure black now, only speckles of stars are decorating it. Reilly only shrugged and told me that she can listen to me for how long I need to vent and she doesn't mind mind staying up all night. I hugged the warm mug with my palms and took small sips, sending the heat through my whole body. We were sitting here in silence, not speaking a word while we enjoyed our hot liquids. I finished my tea and placed the empty mug back on the table. It has calmed me down a little bit but all those feelings of guilt were still lurking around my mind.
Reilly: So what's the deal with this thing?
Reilly was seated on the other couch, mirroring my position while she held the mug with both of her hands in front of her and leaned against the arm rest to her left. She nudged with her head on the paper sheet that was lying on the table between the cans and my empty mug. I sighed and looked down on my fingers that I started to play with. As I opened my mouth to speak up, Reilly paused me. I closed my mouth and waited what she is going to do or say. She only stood up, placing her half full mug on the table and then walked away to the small cabinet. After a few seconds she was back, sitting down on her spot while placing two another mugs on the table. I looked at her confused, my gaze jumping from the mugs to her smirk.
Reilly: We need something stronger, something... sweet.
Then she told me to wait as she opened two other cans and poured out yet another dark liquid into the new mugs. It was dark but not coffee and it smelled much sweeter. Then the aroma hit me and I realized what she bought. I little smile appeared on my face even though I felt like I shouldn't be feeling happy right now but I was. Besides chamomile tea and coffee, Reilly also bought hot chocolate cans. I looked at her all smirking and giggling. She said that's not everything and then proceeded to pull out a bag of small marshmallows from behind her back. The rustling of the plastic bag filled the room as she tore it open and then stuck her hand inside, taking a whole fist worth of tiny marshmallows and then dunked them into her mug. Then she went for it again and this time dumped them into my chocolate drink. I haven't had this in a long time. It brought back so many memories I share with Reilly and thinking about those made me forget what happened today for a little bit. Then Reilly took her chocolate and also the drawing, and leaned back. I did the same and then waited for her to ask questions.
Reilly: You stormed out and came back all crying because of this picture. What is it?
Me: It's a drawing of my tattoo. Or at least the thing I saw on my back.
Reilly: It's pretty good. Your drawing skills got better over the course of time I see.
Me: I didn't draw it. Well, I did draw one but it was...not good. I went to the library to research what it is just in case I am some sort of ticking bomb and as soon as I left, Skylar replied to my message. She said that they didn't do any prank on me and then offered to help me find out what that thing is. But because my drawing was too bad we didn't really find a solid answer so I went back.
Reilly: If you drew one of your cat-scratches-type of drawings I could imagine. But what is this one then?
Me: I got this one with the help of Mr. Hale.
Reilly: That Killian guy? Athena descendant. The one that can read minds and shit?! How?
I nodded in response and took a sip of my hot chocolate, slurping three of the small marshmallows and then chew them. I explained everything that happened afterwards. With the block that is apparently in my head, how Mr. Hale agreed to try push through it and it almost cost him his life, only because I was angry at Reilly and instead of talking to her, I decided to hang out with him.
Reilly: I am so sorry about that. I was a little bit jealous that you didn't come to me with help and started hanging with other people while it was always just you and me and now...I know it's stupid. I am just so stressed out because of my mom.
Me: What happened? Is she okay? You told me that you've been going out the school grounds to visit her but I never asked what is going on.
Reilly: She is alive and well, kicking hard. Maybe it's almost too hard. I've never told you this because, well, you didn't know about magic back then and I couldn't really just say "Hey, by the way, I have magical powers because my ancestor banged the god of war Ares."
I laughed at how Reilly mockingly explained her heritage and I agreed with her that I would have thought that she is crazy. I would still love her, all kinds of crazy, but I wouldn't really believe her. And I guess she couldn't reveal it just in case I wasn't magical descendant and with the rules, with how they are trying to still separate the real world from the magical one, she would have faced probably some damn heavy consequences. I laughed genuinely this time and a portion of the guilt that was still haunting me has been lifted.
Me: I forgot to even ask. Which one is the ancestor? Or are both of your parents, you know, demigods?
Reilly: No. My dad is human, mortal. My mom is the Ares descendant.
Me: Your dad doesn't know then?
Reilly: No. He knew my mom has her own company and is a very indipendent woman, and after she became pregnant, well he didn't really wanna stick around and my mom was okay with it. That's why most of the offsprings are raised by single parents. It's just easier to raise them by yourself rather than risking revealing magic to someone who won't understand, or not telling them at all, but then trying to keep that secret for your whole life is very hard.
Me: Do you meet up with your dad?
Reilly: Sometimes. Before Umbras, I used to sneak out and follow him around to see what his life looks like but mom didn't like that. He has a new family with his wife and kids, all mortal and non-magical, and me coming into that equation as a beast that has these powers isn't really the best idea. When I was little, I used to throw tantrums because I wanted him at least at my big school events or stuff but I grew out of that. And playing with my half siblings when I have super strength, especially when I couldn't control it or hide it sometimes as a kid, was dangerous anyway. Luckily, I had my mom who put me through her regime and training, and I learned. That's way was I so cranky about things. She wants me to step up and take a unit under my command because I am the strongest-
Me: Your own unit?
Reilly: I shouldn't have told you that.
Me: Why? Is it some top secret army thing?
Reilly: Pretty much.
Me: Oh?
I got caught by a surprise with this information because Reilly never mentioned anything. If it's secret she probably couldn't anyway but she never looked like she is a soldier. Ok maybe the constant working out and not just your casual one but with swords and stuff is a little bit of a hint but the idea of Reilly being some sort of secret agent would seem unbelievable the same way if she told me about the magic before I got into the academy and learned about its' existence. I wasn't going to pry more into it but Reilly decided to tell me despite it being some secret.
Reilly: My mom would loose all her marbles if she knew I told you about this but since it already slipped out and you are my best friend, I will let you on the secret.
Me: Are you sure? All I know you are some secret agent or I don't know. You don't have to tell me and I won't tell anyone I even heard about it. I could also probably find some spell to erase it from my mind.
Reilly: Are you crazy? We can't do spells- oh right, you are special. Anyway, that is probably really dangerous. You might erase something you don't want to or even wipe your whole mind. You might forget about your powers and release them in front of mortals or worse, forget I am your best friend.
Me: Oh now that would be catastrophic.
I said mockingly and Reilly gave me a vulgar gesture followed by a grimace afterwards. I chuckled and felt slightly better, and even a bit interested in this secret organization Reilly is a part of. So I stuck my tongue at her as a reply to her mocking and let her continue as I took another sip from my hot chocolate.
Reilly: You know my mom is a CEO of Ahris company right?
Me: Mhm.
Reilly: It's focused on security systems mostly and also security squads. From the outside, it seems like a company for rich people who need to hire bodyguards but it also a headquarters for Ares descendants in the US.
Me: Ahris, Ah-ris...Ares.
Reilly: Clever huh. My mom was so proud when she came up with that one and celebrated it like a little kid despite being a killing machine.
Me: Your mom? But she is so kind and smiles all the time.
Reilly: For outsiders yes, but if you met her in the training room or in the HQ, you would probably pee your pants. She is a general at the end.
Me: Your mom is in the army?
Reilly: Sorta. It's a secret one, working in the shadows of the government, for the magical part of it anyway. There are certain secrets in every country. In my case, descendants of Ares are trained to be an army in case some apocalypse or armaggedon happens and we are the last line of defense. Last but the deadliest. Some of the descendants are scattered around the mortal armies to control incidents or pull strings from behind the scenes. And besides CEO and general, my mom is running the HQ and training Ares descendants. After your training and your performance, they decide to which post and position you will get after you sorta graduate from this war academy. If you survive it that is.
Me: You are training but you can also die?
Reilly: They basically want to weed out the weaklings. It's especially hard between Ares descendants because he is a freaking god of war. We are supposed to be born strong, hard headed and to never give up.
Me: Can't you just say no or not enter the training?
Reilly: If you go undetected then yes but Ahris is mandatory to every descendant. Usually they keep track of every line, every member and if they have kids or not. So if an Ares bloodline has a child, they note it down and then wait until they get to their powers. Then you are summoned to the training.
Me: That's not creepy at all. So you've been training there before you even got to AU Academy?
Reilly: I was summoned when I was nine. Luckily, you get a breather if you get admitted to Umbras because they want you to finish your studies and ascend to your full powers. Not graduating from an academy is considered as a failure and you are kicked out, all ties with the Ares descendants are cut and you are left on your own. That's why mom trained me down to my bones. As her daughter, I have a chance on inheriting the HQ but it's not necessary that I will. All leaders are chosen for their powers and achievements.
Me: Are you sure I can know about this?
Reilly: Even if not, I don't care. But for you, I think even my monster war machine mother would make an exception. She likes you as my friend and as my mom, but when it comes to Ares descendants, she is a beast and ruthless but there is something about you.
Me: What do you mean?
Reilly: I told you that I would have been your friend even if you were a worm. It's because there was something pulling me towards you. I can't explain it but it was like my powers were telling me to go to you like some kind of bond.
Me: Are you saying like we are soulmates or something?
Reilly: Or maybe we are like those mates from your romance books.
Me: Oh really? Should we kiss?
Reilly: You! But yeah, I don't know what it is. I told my mom about it and she never heard of any bond or our powers calling to someone. At first I thought you are also Ares descendant and somehow my powers evolved into connecting to other descendants from his bloodline, but then I saw your powers manifest around and I knew those are not from Ares. Still the connection and the pull towards you was there, still is for some reason. Maybe it is coming from you as Zeus descendant? He is the main god of Olymp.
Me: That makes sense but I am not sure. Maybe we could ask Nima or Gaia if they feel anything towards me.
Reilly: You will have your own harem of mates huh.
Reilly snorted as I gave her disappointing look after she compared some weird bond between us to fated mates from fantasy novels. I also finished my hot chocolate and started to fish out the marshmallow that got stuck to the bottom of my mug. My mind calmed down for a little bit and I was glad that I have Reilly at my side. But I knew I have to address what happened today and what was now lying on the table, drawn on a piece of paper, staring at me as a reminder of how I almost killed someone today.
"So now it's your turn. What is this crazy tattoo design?"
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