Even though I was eager to learn control my powers before, I kinda enjoyed the freedom I gained from the block. I notified Ms. Do'or beforehand about it and wanted to cancel this holiday, but she told me to come anyway. Do I want my powers to get fixed though? Placing the glass on the table, I looked Ms. Do'or directly into her eyes, which for some reason always calms me down, and explained what happened in more details. If feels nice to talk about it without feeling embarrassed or thinking that they will judge me.
Since we can't do much right now, Ms. Do'or told me to just take it easy for today after we talked about the block. I am free to roam around the house or if I want to go out, she gave me a spare key. I am not really in a mood to walk in that freezer outside so I cooped up in the cozy living room with books I borrowed from the study. I took some books about basic magic rules, but majority of my stack are Noion books.
My body feels like a feather and all I hear is the shuffling of someone around, then a blanket being placed on me. Lazily opening my eyes and sitting up on the couch, I focus on my surroundings and got greeted with Ms. Do'or round blue orbs. She gave me a soft smile and told me something but I am still half asleep so my brain didn't register what she said. I rubbed my eyes and then fully sat on the couch, making a book slide from my lap and drop on the ground with a thud. The light in the room is dimmed and it's getting darker outside. I must have fallen asleep even though I don't know when, but this nap felt great. The recurring dream about blue light didn't bother me today and I feel rested. It's not that late since there is still some light outside so I adjusted the stack on the table, picked up the book and tried to find where I stopped reading it. Ms. Do'or told me to take a break but without the books, I would just be bored. I was going to continue but then my stomach let out a loud growl which made me embarrassed and Ms. Do'or giggle. I agreed to go eat something and continue after.
We talked about the power block yesterday but Ms. Do'or doesn't want me to stress about it immediately. She told me to enjoy this time freely since we don't have to study or be stuck at the academy grounds. Besides reading, I don't have any other hobbies, so I got a good haul of new books to entertain me, but took breaks and chatted with my friends. The whole chat is spammed with pictures sent by Skylar. We barely left the academy and she is already god knows where. Instead of going back to her family, she decided to spend her holidays with Nathan. Skylar always yapped about being a free spirit and wanting to travel her whole life and hating to be stuck in one place. I double-tapped on the pictures of her ice skating and went back to reading a legend book about Viysus.
Finishing the book, I made a few notes so that I can compare them later with what I know about Viysus or Noion and decided to grab something to eat. Ms. Do'or is busy studying the copy of Oratris data from my exam but she still cooked for me and left the food neatly packed in the fridge. Home made food tastes different and I took my time eating it. My eyes hurt from reading, so after eating, I decided to take a break from the books, but I am pretty much bored. To occupy myself, I took a small tour around the house and ended up cleaning for a little bit. Nothing grand, just dishes or organize the bookshelves in the study.
A few days went by and we still haven't done any proper training. Ms. Do'or hasn't revealed her thoughts about the Oratris results either and now she is busy with an investigation. Can't say that I am not enjoying myself but it is getting a little bit boring and I hate to be just sitting around doing nothing. Luckily for me, Reilly is free from whatever her mom is making her do and we made shopping plans. I don't really need some fancy new jewelry but Reilly said that we have to do this one because it concerns school.
Ms. Do'or hasn't returned from her work yet but I didn't want to worry her by just disappearing, so I wrote her a small note about where I am going and left it on the fridge. Not knowing this part of town, it was hard for me to get to the meeting spot but Reilly navigated me through messages and I successfully arrived without getting lost. Reilly took the reins and dragged me into this department store. She wanted to eat first but I told her that I had breakfast already. She pouted but since she didn't want me to just sit and watch her eat, she grabbed a few snacks from the stalls and munched on the way into a small jewelry store on the highest floor of the store.
The door brushed against a small bell, announcing that we are there. The store is relatively small and fits the vibe of the AU Academy. Reilly explained to me why we are here or more like informed me that she knows the owner of the store and he is the best in the field. His brother is a weapon maker for Ares descendants so their family is held pretty high among Reilly's community. I don't know anything else about it but since I am with Reilly, I am just letting her lead.
I remained standing in front of the door and looking around the shop while Reilly went straight to the counter and asked for the boss. An older man whose face is covered with specialized magnifying glasses paused his tinkering and placed pliers he was using on the table. He took of his glasses and immediately recognized Reilly, calling her young Ms. Sutton.
The jewelry maker: Is it time already? First time I saw you, you were just a little sprout hiding behind your mother and now you are coming here as a warrior on your own.
Judging by their conversation, they must be old acquaintances and I didn't want to intrude, just in case Reilly wants to talk in private more, but she turned around to wave at me and call me over to the counter. She introduced me to the owner and explained that both of us are buying jewelry today. The owner congratulated me, even though I have no idea what for, but I still thanked him. He excused himself to go grab some samples we can check, so I waited for him meanwhile Reilly went to browse the glass displays around the shop.
When the shop owner returned with two dark wooden cassettes, he placed them on the glass counter and turned them to face me. Reilly joined me and we both stared and the different types of golden jewelry. He allowed us to touch it or pick it up if we want to check it closely. Each piece is engraved with a different symbol. I only recognized one of them, which is the same as the one they use at Umbras to mark Athena things. I knew that this is concerning the school but I still have no idea what am I supposed to do or what to choose so I turn to Reilly, lean closer to her and whisper, aksing her to tell me what's this about.
Reilly: Have you heard about the Equinox ball?
Me: More or less. I heard someone mention it but I know nothing else about it.
Reilly: It's this big fancy event for students before the tournaments to blow off steam but it's still an official thing so there is a proper etiquette. One part of the ball is being officially introduced into the communities by bearing the mark of your descendant.
Me: Oh so like Aveus has the cloaks, we get some fancy jewelry? Why not at the start of the year though?
Reilly: They want to make it a big thing I guess and boast in front of the other descendants. Anyway, we are supposed to order our mark and receive it during the ball.
I guess that it makes sense somehow, because without cloaks at Umbras, you have no idea how to differentiate the students if you meet them randomly in the hallways. I have noticed some of them wearing golden jewelry, even Draco is always wearing this huge ring, but never put much though to it.
Me: Do we have to wear it constantly since then?
Reilly: You can take it off if you want to, but people usually to wear their marks to show where they belong.
I guess this way I can actually recognize magical people in the outside world and I don't have to stare at them like a crazy person, if they are wearing their mark, or at least the demigods.
I was never really focused on having expesive stuff and these pieces are not my style but since I need to have one, I tried to pick the smallest ring that's basic and doesn't have any crystals or decorative additions.
The jewelry maker: Are you sure you want that one? There are prettier ones. If you are worried about money, I will give you a discount since you are Reilly's friend.
Me: Kaitlin here doesn't go for fancy things, Mr. Bart, so even if I would pay for her, she would still pick that one.
The jewelry maker: Alright. Can I still ask which descendant you are, child?
Me: From Zeus.
The jewelry maker: That is amazing, haven't had one as a customer in ages.
Me: I don't have any big backround so I don't need a flashy jewelry. Something small, like in a style of this ring should be enough.
The jewelry maker: I won't try to persuade you about the style but if I may, I still have one suggestion. Instead of a ring, pick from these necklaces. I assume you have a connection with the bolt and can summon lightning. Most of the descendants channel through their hands and your jewelry can act as a conduit. It could hinder your powers or redirect them.
Never thought about that but if we go by basic physics, the maker is right. Necklace is a little bit annoying for me but the only options for demigod marks are a ring, a bracelet or a necklace. Since the first two could affect my powers, if I even get them back, I browsed through the cassette with casual necklaces and picked one, nothing crazy like some other options. I got just a thin golden chain and the mark will be a pendant.
Reilly picked a bracelet for herself, since having something around her neck during battle might be dangerous for her, and we filled out our forms. Paying for our orders we said goodbye to the shop owner and went to grab some food.
Hanging out with Reilly like this was so much fun but unfortunately she had to go back to Ahris for some urgent meeting and I had to return as well, to progress with my training. Or more like finally start with it.
Ms. Do'or has already returned when I got to her house and she is cooking a dinner. She asked me how my day was and if I did anything special. I told her about ordering my mark and she congratulated me. I am not sure if I should be happy about it since I can't use my powers and more importantly, I am getting a Zeus mark when my father is another god, Ulferonn. I whispered a thanks to Ms. Do'or and started to walk up on the stairs to get to my room. Ms. Do'or asked me to join her if I am free. I don't want to be cooped up in my room doing nothing, and we will probably start some training or try to fix the block, so I asked for a little bit of time to at least change clothes.
Smelling that amazing aroma after I entered the kitchen, it made me hungry despite eating before. At the end, I ended up getting a plate of what Ms. Do'or prepared and joined her at the dining table. Ms. Do'or asked me a few things so we talked between bites but it is all normal, nothing about the training.
Me: Ms. Do'or, when will we start with the training?
Ms. Do'or: You must be tired for today so how about we save it for later?
We finished our dinner accompanied by a small talk and then moved into the study. Ms. Do'or sighed after she entered and saw the bunch of papers on her desk she needs to sort or file. I went to browse the shelves and get more books, then go back into my room so that I don't bother Ms. Do'or while she works, but she asked me to stay. We haven't talked much since she started working on her papers and I just focused on my book.
More days have passed by and all I did is just hang out around the house, chat with my friends, read books or go grocery shopping with Ms. Do'or from time to time. No training or talk about fixing the block, at all. It's a day before Christmas and I am leaving to spend a few days with Draco. I have learned some new things when it comes to magical community and even found more legends about Viysus but this all will be useless if I can't get my powers back. Ms. Do'or is very nice and the time spent with her felt amazing, but I am starting to think that this is all for nothing.
I tried to talk to Ms. Do'or about the training one more time but she told me enjoy the time with Draco, get into a festive mood and the training will wait until I come back. She didn't sound angry and she said it with a kind smile on her face, so I couldn't really protest. Only thing I could do is pick up my duffel bag and get into the taxi that's waiting for me.
Draco picked me up from the meeting stop and I thought that we will go straight to his house but instead, we just put my stuff into his car and drove off to the central city area. Aparently this is a surprise date but I am not complaining. I wanted to have a proper time as a couple without others around. And it would be weird to be suddenly so lovey-dovey in front of his family. Despite me starting to like Draco, I still feel like something is missing between us. Being closer to him should help. So I interlocked my fingers with his and let him take me to whatever he has planned.
First we grabbed something small to eat. Next stop was cinema where we watched a fantasy movie. I was kinda skeptical about it and laughed while telling Draco that actual demigods are going to watch some magic movie. He told me to not come up with a fast conclusion and just enjoy it. At the end of the movie I realized that the magic in it looks too real and they even used some spells I know from Aveus. Giving a judgemental look to Draco, he starts laughing and explains that the movie was made by true magicians. Not that everyone else noticed, besides a few unamused faces which were probably because they are in the same boat as me and Draco, descendants.
After the movie I felt so hungry, I begged Draco to go get a burger or something but he wanted to have a fancy dinner. Unfortunately his plans were interrupted by a phonecall after which Draco wasn't twice happy, because he got summoned back to his house. And now instead of that privacy I wanted with him, I am sitting in a relatively big dining room with Draco and his family. Everyone resembles Draco, especially his mom. His siblings aren't far from having the same looks either and the genes got passed onto their kids too. The only odd looking here is me with my hazel eyes and light brown hair, then his dad who shares the same haircolor as me but his eyes are grey. They are all focused on me and I am just trying to not do anything embarrassing while cutting up my steak.
The dinner ended without any talk and the kids were excused to go play on their own. Me and Draco were called into this study or some sort of living room to have a little chat while drinking wine. I don't like to drink that much but it would be rude of me to decline it so I decided to just have one glass. It will also give me the courage and calm down the jitters. I mostly stood behind Draco and let the others talk while hugging the crystal glass, circling the red liquid around the walls.
I went for another gulp of the sweet sour wine when a deep male voice called my name. My eyes darted to Dimitri, Draco's father. He asked about me but it felt more like an interrogation. I quickly pushed the wine down my throat so that I don't choke on it but I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. Luckily a sweet female voice that felt like honey is being spread around the room told me not to worry. Draco's mom, Josephine, placed a hand on her husband's chest to stop him from talking.
Josephine: Don't scare the poor child, this is not your police station. Excuse my husband, dear. It's that we are just curious about you.
Dantes: Yeah, my little baby brother didn't say a word and then suddenly brings a girlfriend home for Christmas? Talk about a perfect ambush.
Danielle: For me I am glad to not be only girl around anymore between all these brutes.
Dominic: Speak for yourself. You are the most lethal from us all, Danielle.
I couldn't help but snort a laugh when the siblings started to bicker. They are a real family and even though they look intimidating, they are still kids in their hearts. Draco tried to fight them too, but being the youngest one, he got shushed by all three siblings so fast, he didn't even have time to say another word. I grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him towards me, saying that I don't mind.
I explained them everything, but half is true, half were lies. I pretended to be a Zeus descendant, which gained me a few surprises. Dantes and Dominic threw themselves at Draco and started to playfully tickle him, brush the top of his hair while holding him in headlock or gently punching him. All accompanied with congratulations and saying that he landed a great one. Danielle joined me while the guys teased Draco and apologized for their behavior.
Danielle: They mean well. You are a descendant from the higher gods, meanwhile Chronos people are not that much valued. We are asked to get the job done but that's about it. Other kids can just sit and they would be worshiped even if they only sneezed. We are just surprised that's all.
Josephine: It doesn't mean anything. I am just glad that my son has found someone he likes and doesn't have to leave them.
Me: All of your spouses are human?
Danielle: Worked out that way. It's better to become single parents rather than mixing the bloodlines.
Me: Because your powers would have died out since most of the other genes take over Chronos ones, but at least with humans...
Josephine: I see you are smart despite your backround.
Me: I have to thank Draco for that. He is my tutor in supplementary classes. I am still lacking a lot of knowledge but I am getting around.
I got separated from Draco as he talked to his brothers and his father, but I didn't mind since talking to his mom and sister is nice. The kids are getting louder so they yelled at them from the living room but the rumble isn't ending. Danielle wanted to go check them, but Mrs. Evren told her to keep me company and she offered to go instead. When the kids wouldn't stop laughing, Mr. Evren left to help his wife.
I ended up talking to Draco's sister for the rest of the evening. It was mostly Danielle who kept on spilling Draco's secrets or telling his childhood stories. One of those is a story about how he threw a tantrum, not wanting to go to school for some reason and was too embarrassed to talk about it, blushing like a tomato everytime. Eventually they got him to talk about it because he asked his dad to train him. Danielle was laughing at first but then her mood suddenly shifted and there was a worry in her face.
Danielle: He was weak as a kid, so the working out pushed him too hard and he got sick for months. We almost lost him but he kept insisting on the training anyway. When dad got really mad, he took him out of the bed despite his fever and told him to fight. Draco almost collapsed but he wouldn't stop. In the heat of the yelling and fighting, he blurted out that he got mistaken for a girl at school, so he wants to get stronger. Not to look like a boy, but to protect that girl who mistaken him.
Me: I am sorry.
Danielle: Don't be. He might have been a weakling but look at him now. We still don't know who the girl was and we had to move away to other cities so that Draco gets his treatment, but she made him a fighter, she is the one he kept holding on, so I would like to thank her for that.
Me: Yeah, about that. It was his hair. They reminded me of my best friend Reilly and when I saw the red curls, I just automatically ran towards that person.
Danielle: IT WAS YOU?
Danielle yelled out and it caught everyone's attention. The story still might be embarrassing for Draco so I didn't want her to just blurt it out but I was too late. Danielle shouted at her brothers while pointing at me and revealing that I am the girl that has mistaken Draco for a girl. Dantes and Dominic sprinted and launched themselves at me, grabbing me in a similar headlock like they did with Draco, even though not so strong and they only hugged me instead of bending my body in half. I got smushed between the siblings and fought for air. Their parents also came back and saw the group hug, so they asked what's going on. Danielle explained and the eyes and mouth of Mrs. Evren opened wide and she covered her lips. I could see the tears forming but I can tell they are from happy tears. The hold on me loosened up and even the parents started walking towards us. They could only take a few steps before they froze. Even the siblings stopped talking so I checked them and they are not moving at all. I waved my hand in front of their faces but they didn't even blink. I looked around and saw Draco trying to get to me and get me out. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the embrace of his time-frozen siblings.
We got out of the living room an as the door closed behind us, a murmur started inside the room and then I heard Dantes scream Draco's name and cursing him. I haven't asked the siblings about their Chronos powers but I am guessing that Draco is the only one that can pause time or at least they are not immune to being time-frozen.
Me: Is it really okay to use your powers like that on your family?
Draco: They are used to it. Besides, I haven't had you for myself for the past few hours at all.
Me: I am not going back that soon. We still got five days to hang out.
Draco: Oh with my family? There is no way they will leave us alone. The days will be packed with stuff to do, and they will want to do it together. Shopping, cooking, decorations, you pick one. Better to get some sleep now. You must be tired from your training too.
I didn't have the heart to tell Draco that I still haven't unlocked my powers and the training is basically just me hanging around the house and reading. It is getting late anyway so going to bed early won't hurt. I asked Draco to show me my room since the siblings snatched me duffel bag after I arrived and placed it god knows where. It is also the first time I am let to go free around the house and I haven't been able to check it out before, so Draco is describing every hallway and room. Despite being descendants of a lesser god Chronos, they are living well and their house is more like a mansion. It is nothing extravagant but to me, I can tell that they are a bit on the rich side, even though pretty much everything seems like that, since everything is better than a shared room of an orphanage.
We arrived in front of a room and Draco opened the door to let me inside. I saw my duffel bag placed on the bed so I figured this might be a guest room prepared for me, but Draco followed me inside. I don't mind hanging out with him for a few more minutes since I also wanted to catch a private time with him, but he walked into the closet and started changing his clothes. This room is not a guest room but it belongs to Draco.
Me: In that hurry they must have just let my stuff in your room.
Draco: I doubt that's what happened. Since we are dating, they just assumed we will sleep together in one room. Even if not told them to get us separate rooms, they would still do it like this on purpose. I doubt any of the guest rooms are prepared but we can go check if you are uncomfortable with me around.
Me: I have already slept in a room with you, not to mention two other guys. I don't want to bother anyone. Your room is fine.
Draco smiled at me and then left the closet without swapping his clothes fully. He hopped into baggy black sweatpants but didn't put on a T-shirt as he made his way to me. I stared at his naked torso and gawked at his well trained muscles. He chuckled and asked me if I like what I see. That slapped me into reality and I quickly turned my expression into annoyed one even though I did enjoy the sight. I kept fangirling on the inside but I think the beating or my heart gave me out anyway as Draco cupped my face into his callous-covered palms and gently started to kiss me. My body heated up, probably from the wine I had, but also from the need to just be with him and not worry about anything else. No school, no blocked powers. Just me and a person I like. Probably for the first time since we started dating, I realized my feelings towards Draco and it scared me a little bit. To open up to someone else than Reilly and to trust another person, but with Draco, I am sure that everything will be okay. I don't know if I am ready to take to another step yet and luckily, I don't have to worry about it, because Draco parted his lips from mine and then showed me a way to the bathroom.
His room is ordinary, nothing you would expect from a family or masion like this, but he has his own private bathroom attached to his room. No bath though. I sighed and pouted because I wanted to get lazy for hours and be submerged in a hot water but I have to work with shower only. Draco also warned me about the plans his family has for Christmas, which are now double the crazy they usually do since they apparently want to show off in front of me, so I quickly showered and hopped in bed after. Draco wanted to sleep on the ground but it would feel weird since this is his room. And it's not like we are strangers so that he can't sleep on the same bed like he did in his dorm room. I quickly snatched the pillow he prepared on the ground and also the blanket he is holding and waddled with it to the bed. I plopped down again and called him to join me. He was hesitant at first, but when I crossed my arms and gave him an angry expression, threatening him that if he doesn't join me, I won't talk to him for the rest of the holidays, he chuckled and then finally went to bed.
We just both tried to sleep on our backs while staring at the ceiling, but it felt awkward. I rolled over to Draco's half and placed my head on his chest, while hugging his body as best as I can. At first he kept brushing my hair which made me feel hella drowsy, but also peaceful and calm. And with me in Draco's embrace, I fell asleep in no time.
The following morning I got woken up but a sweet aroma filling the whole house and a excitement of the kids that are running around the house, probably playing cops and thieves again. My whole body is being warmed up by Draco's, who is the big spoon and I am completely hidden under him. As I shuffled, I woke him up too, even though I wanted him to sleep more. I sat on the bed, checking the time on my phone while Draco supported himself on his left elbow to be able to see what I am doing but still remaning lying down. He pressed himself against my side and hugged me when I wanted to leave. I didn't mind an early start of the day for a change, because I have been doing nothing lately, I am glad for having something that is not reading to occupy myself. Draco groaned and dropped back on the bed, but it didn't take him long to also get up and get ready for the day.
When we both got down, the breakfast was already spread on the table. It was more than enough for everyone in here, but Mrs. Evren brushed it over with saying that they don't know what I like to eat so they wanted me to have a selection. Everything looks delicious though. I ended up picking small portions of every food to try it out. The breakfast was easier than the dinner yesterday. We talked about casual stuff and then Draco's parents explained what we are going to do today. Despite having a big mansion or money, there are not that many servants around, besides a cook and a few maids. Everything will be done by us.
First thing is shopping for groceries and some new decorations. We went to the department store like normal people, even though I though that we will definitely go to some fancy private shop. But this way seems more fun. We got split into two teams – one is lead by the parents and the other is lead by Dominic as the eldest son. Draco and I got assigned to his parents and the rest of the siblings formed the second team with their kids. The purpose of this is to spend the amount of allowance we got and buy as many presents that fit this year's theme. The team with the most pieces wins. At first it felt a little bit to be basically hunting for presents to get the most, but then Mrs. Evren, who keeps insisting on me calling her Josephine, explained that they take all of the presents and give to their company workers who have children, and the rest goes to different charities or orphanages. I decided my best to win and to get the most amazing presents for the kids. The winner chooses where the presents go, and I wanted mine to go to the kids in the Holland orphanage. It is also an excuse to go and visit that place. I miss the small ones that got attached to me and I do want to see them, but I would rather not find them there, because it would mean they got lucky and someone adopted them.
When the clock hit ten in the morning, we started our little competition and the two teams went in different directions. The siblings walked away in a fast pace, while me and Draco went slowly and trailed behind his parents. In a calm pace, we walked through the main floor of the department store, checking out which shop we should go into. Draco's parents debated where to go first and I just talked walked with Draco while holding his hand. I looked around to check the stores, but most shops on this floor are different food stalls, bookstores or phone repair shops.
Since we can't shop on this floor, we decided to go to the second one. I got on the escalator after Mr. and Mrs. Evren, Draco following behind me. I was just holding the moving rubber railing and getting lost, when someone called my name. The voice is familiar but it's no one from the Evren family. I looked around to try and find the owner of that voice and noticed a face I know very well. Ms. Do'or is riding the second escalator, riding down. She kept looking at me, but when she got at the bottom, she hopped on our escalator to follow us. I asked Draco's parents, if they can wait a little bit because I met someone I know and they want to meet up with me.
We found a spot where we won't be in a way and let Ms. Do'or join us. All of us greeted her and Draco's parents started the conversation. They don't seem that close but they definitely know each other. At first they talked about the plans for Christmas but then Mr. Evren asked me how I know Ms. Do'or. I explained the whole situation with her being my Help at school and also her technically being my master since I am supposed to train my powers with her. Ms. Do'or only nodded with a smile and let me speak. I didn't want to go into heavy details but I guess it was enough because Draco's parents didn't ask further. Instead they continued talking about the Christmas plans. They explained what are we going to do and I thought that Ms. Do'or will depart from our group, but she asked if she can join us too. It's not like they are good friends, her and Draco's parents, probably just acquaintences in the magical community but they agreed. Mrs. Evren asked me if it's okay, and it's my word since I am the one close to Ms. Do'or. I don't have any objections so I said that if she is free, I would love for her to join our shopping spree. Mr. Evren wanted to give Mr. Do'or a portion of our budget but she refused and said that she will pitch in with her own money, then we finally start moving.
Close to our spot is a toy store and since the presents will be given out to children, we go there first. Walking through the aisles I pass Draco's family multiple times, but even though this is a competition, they are all calm and composed, walking slowly through the shop and browsing. No one is stealing toys we are checking out or stand next to one that fits the theme. Like this snow white bunny plushie I saw and picked up. There was a small girl in the orphanage that really likes bunnies. If we win and she is still there, I am giving this one to her. Same as this snowglobe I am saving for other kid, a boy that was scared of storms and always asked if he can swap beds to be near mine.
Most of our competition time we spent in the main toy store or in other small ones that are scattered around. Draco's parents want to end their shopping and go eat in one of the restaurants near the department store. There is still time left though and I wanted to buy more. Mr. Evren apparently made a reservation for us but they let us stay if we want to and we can join their lunch after we are done. They asked Ms. Do'or to join them for coffee and wait with them, so it's just us, kids, to continue the competition.
Our hands are full and I can barely hold any more bags, even though Draco is taking most of them. I felt bad for making him carry even my portions of the presents but he didn't say anything and encouraged me to shop more. I checked around to see any clothing store or at least a shop with home appliances as stuff. The theme is White Christmas, so basically buying anything white is considerent a present. Toys will make the orphanage kids happy but I want to help them out with basics they will need if they have to leave. Clothes, undergarments or anything they might need. I had a part-time job so I earned money to buy necessities on my own, but a lot of the kids don't have that luxury, so anything white I saw, I took. Draco finished his shopping and only helped me carry the bags while I kept getting more things. He probably figured out why I am taking these things instead of more toys, but he didn't say anything nor did he ask about it.
I ended up buying so much stuff, we had no way of carrying all with us. Draco left with the first batch of bags while I am waiting in front of the store, guarding the remaining ones. He was back soon and we carried the rest into the van his parents hired for today.
The lunch was great, even though we didn't eat much, since Draco's family is preparing a big dinner tonight. Ms. Evren joined the kitchen stuff to help out with cooking while the rest of us had a mission to decorate the house and prepare everything. The thing I enjoyed the most is decorating the tree. In the orphanage we only had a small one and we decorated it with whatever we could find, which most of the time ended up being paper scraps and things the little kids crafted.
I brought fancier clothes for the dinner but I still couldn't shake the feeling that I am underdressed for Evren family Christmas party. Even leveling up the make up didn't help, but when Draco came to pick me up from the room, he told me how beautiful I look and that he is so lucky that I chose him, I stopped thinking about how I look. Even Danielle commented how jealous she is because I look so hot and the white long dress is amazing. They also fit the White Christmas theme too. Not that I did that on purpose since I took the most decent thing I own from my dorm.
We got seated around the table and slowly ate what was being brought by the maids. Mrs. Evren then thanked them and told them to enjoy their dinner too. For the competition results we had to wait until the end of the dinner. I was nervous because I wanted to win and go see the kids. Mr. Evren took out a card out of an envelope and as he read the result, his eyes opened wide. He showed the result to his wife and she chuckled. Mr. Evren cleared his throat and then revelead the winner.
Mr. Evren: This is a really nice surprise. Maybe we should ask for some advice for the next year so that our family is not so behind.
Dantes: Dad, don't make us wait. Who won?
Mr. Evren: Which charity do you want to pick, Kaitlin?
My jaw dropped and I couldn't speak a word. I won? Danielle launched herself from the side since she is seated next to me and hugged me tight, congratulating me. Draco held my hand and slightly brushed it, congratulating me too in a whisper while giving me a soft smile. I tried to catch my breath because Danielle squeezed me so hard and kept shaking me. When my brain finally processed what happened and Mr. Evren asked me again, I finally answered.
Me: I don't want to sound selfish and I didn't do it on purpose, or well maybe I did, but I want some of the gift to go to the Holland orphanage. It's where I grew up. There are a lot of kids that won't get adopted because of their age and I want to help them out.
Mrs. Evren: Understandable and not selfish at all.
Me: I was lucky to meet Reilly, to have a job and buy things for myself, but some of the kids don't have that luxury. Maybe my life was a bit easier since I am magical descendant but I don't think anyone else in there is.
Mr. Evren: That is very nice of you, Kaitlin. We will make the arrangements and tomorrow you will lead.
Dantes: This explains the clothes and stuff. You are really smart and kind, future sis-in-law.
Me: Thank you. I only have this one so the rest I leave for everyone to pick. This way everyone can participate.
Mr. Evren chuckled loudly and proposed a toast to me, to his family and wished for all of us to be healthy and happy. We all took our drinks and joined the toast. I took only a small sip and just stared at the liquid in my glass. I couldn't help but smile that I actually won. For the first time since I got accepted to Aveus Umbras Academy, I feel like my powers and me being magical is something good, something worth to have.
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