I took someone's life. I kneeled in the middle of the scorched area that is wider than the one from lightning bolt before. I rested my hands on my thighs but held them palms up. They are totally clean. No burns, no scorch marks and no blood. There is no blood on them but I killed someone, with these hands. I couldn't shake the feeling of dirt staining my hands. I tried to wipe and scratch the skin to clean it but it was pointless. Sobs escaped my throat and my eyes got filled with tears which fell down to my mouth, turning the taste salty. The whole world sounded muffled up to the point I couldn't even hear my breaths that got harder with each inhale. I wanted to take a breath but my lungs just wouldn't expand to take in the air. Through the muffled sounds of someone talking, or more like yelling something, the only one I could hear clearly is the beating of my heart that's racing at a dangerous pace.
My hands wouldn't stop shaking and even the hug of someone didn't help it. I was sweating from the heat but at the same time, my body was running with chills. Then someone twisted me around and cupped my cheeks. It is hard to see who it is through the watery vision, but the silhouette of a huge male body with addition of red hair and a familiar scent told me everything. Draco is trying to talk to me and calm me down, but my only thought is to ask him to somehow turn back time, to save Ms. Edite.
A loud noise filled my mind but soon after, everything went completely silent. I couldn't catch my breath properly but when something has been lifted from me or taken away, I could exhale again. All I heard or more like felt it inside my body, was this whoosh mixed with ringing and then...nothing. It feels like my body weights the same as a single feather, like I could get carried away by the wind in any moment, but I am still teathered to the mat in the combat grounds in Dracon's embrace. This feeling is so liberating and I don't know what it is, but I don't want it to end. I let my head drop back and I looked at the ceiling for a little bit before closing my eyes and enjoying this silence I can feel. It didn't last long because Draco moved my head down. I opened my eyes after he brushed the tears away with his thumbs and kept his caloused palms on my cheeks, moving out of my vision a little bit to show me something in the distance.
When my gaze landed on a female figure standing up while brushing off her brown late-victorian dress, the rapid beating of my heart calmed down and I just let go of holding my body up straight. My back hit the scorched mat and I didn't care that my clothes will get dirty. Lifting my arms, I press both of my palms over my face and let myself cry from relief, not caring if someone will see or hear me. I was so glad to see her and then also hear her voice.
Ms. Edite: I guess your power range is bigger than what we calculated based on your Overflow release. For your next evaluation, we will accustom the testing grounds to your needs.
Me: Next evaluation?
I could barely reply through the sobs. I thought we are done with all these tests, I wanted to be done. I moved stuff around, I even got a blast out of me. Before I could object to using that enormous dangerous power again for more tests, Ms. Edite instructed me to drink some water and wait for her while she goes to get Professor Radock.
I couldn't drink even if I was parched because I felt so sick to my stomach, barely made it towards the bench. I sat with my head in between my thighs and tried not to hurl. Draco sat next to me, patting my back but he didn't try to pry into what happened. Calming down myself with slow and heavy breaths, I waited until the teachers returned. Professor Radock noticed Draco first and asked what he is doing here with a slight confusion in his voice. I heard Ms. Edite whisper something, probably explaining what happened and Professor Radock only thanked Draco. I know what happened with the lightning and all, but I had no idea how or why Draco is here.
Professor Radock then greeted me but if I move just an inch right now, I might pass out, so I stayed quiet while staring at the floor between my shoes. It feels like I am alone in the world right now, even though I can hear the two professors talk, nothing matters. I wished that if it really did happen, if I really killed someone, it would be me instead, but that's impossible when I am immune to my own powers. With that thought, I focused on the conversation when Ms. Edite mentioned something about "her powers". The nausea subdued a little bit, I could finally look up at the teacher duo. Professor Radock listened to Ms. Edite explain and point at her notes, but he looked up at me with furrowed brows, then his eyes shifted back to the notes or Ms. Edite's face. Both of them looked concerned or confused, so I decided to speak up and ask about the results.
Professor Radock: Ms. Edite thinks that there are some discrepancies with your powers.
Me: Is something wrong with it or with me?
Professor Radock: Not at all. She just thinks that what you can do, are two separate ones. I would like to see it with my own eyes.
I guess that's why Ms. Edite said that the evaluation is not over yet. Professor Radock asked me to do everything I did, same as before. I could make my body move towards the unscorched circle with the motivational pat on my shoulder from Draco, and also because I didn't want them to fail me from the class for insubordination or take away my student points, but that's all I can do. I won't use my powers again.
I watched my hands tremble in front of me and wished the lightning would just... not come out. Extending my arms towards one of the targets, I noticed the other ones still burning so I retracted and pressed my hands against my chest.
Draco: Maybe you could just use the Oratris instead.
Ms. Edite: That is a good idea. We still don't know Ms. Holland's limits and I haven't done the calculations yet.
I don't know if they noticed me shaking but I am thankful to Draco yet again. This is the first time I heard something with that name though. Is it a machine or some kind of power? I gladly took this opportunity to get back to the bench and get something to keep my hands busy and hide the trembling. Professor Radock agreed to use that thing and Ms. Edite didn't waste any time before reaching into the air towards the back wall. A crystal ball got summoned from the wall, like it was hiding inside of it. From my position it looked like you can just hold it in your palm but the closer the ball floated towards us, the bigger it got. Stopping in the middle of the combat grounds, hovering above the floor, is this huge crystal, double the height of Professor Radock. The two professors asked me to join them, so I quickly put on my hoodie and hid my hands inside the pockets before I walked to their spot.
The Oratris is so mesmerizing but I still feared what it is used for. At least until Professor Radock unlocked it and a picture popped out. A movie started to play on the walls of the crystal and only glowed with a strong light. Ms. Edite waved her hand in front of the Oratris and made the movie rewind itself. The bright light turned into a lightning bolt, then continued until it showed how I started channeling to create the EMG field.
We watched the whole show like it's a movie in the cinema, or a similar thing to what Professor Minertha showed everyone in the office after my first fight with Saxa. And like back then, I don't like the end of this movie either. I turned my face away because I didn't want to see it happen again, to feel that fear of taking someone's life. A loud thunder resonated from the Oratris and I knew that it's over. My body winced to the sound and made me stumble. It only took two steps backwards before I hit something warm. I moved my head to the back and got greeted with Draco's face hovering above mine with a soft smile. I didn't put much thought to him standing behind me, pressing his chest against my back while holding my upper arms and moving his hands up and down. His presence comforted me.
Professor Radock only agreed with Ms. Edite on something. He started to move his right hand in the air in front of the Oratris, like it's a touchpad, until some graphs and lines appeared inside the crystal.
Professor Radock: The volume of the first one is low compared to the second one.
Ms. Edite: I thought at first that it is simply just the output that is being controlled and thought that despite being new to her magic, Ms. Holland is good at choosing the strength, but then it seemed off.
Professor Radock: The Oratris recorded it and if we check this, then make them overlap... your theory is right Edite, the frequencies don't match.
My eyes trailed the two lines showing inside the Oratris. The red one was at the bottom of the graph, but Professor Radock moved it up and tried to compare it to the yellow line. At first, you can't see any difference between them, but when Professor Radock zoomed on them, the red line looks more stable, only few bumps, while the yellow one has bigger spikes. Pondering if this is some math or physics class, I stare at the two professors until Professor Radock notices me.
Professor Radock: What have you been told about your powers?
Me: Nothing much. Just that I have the electrokinetic abilities and then also I can turn it into lightning if I add more power.
Professor Radock: If you look at it with your eyes, you might say that. But those two are completely different. You have been admitted to Aveus at first. Did they ever figure out what happened?
Me: Professor Coldos has a theory that I possessed a part of this broken magician lineage but getting a god gene from one of my parents overtook it and turned me into a full demigod. We haven't tested this theory yet but one of the investigators, Ms. Do'or, has been informed about it and agreed to check it out.
Professor Radock: I don't know much about biology or genetics of the powers, but based on what I see here, I would say the gene is still active.
My jaw dropped and I stared at Professor Radock. He did a bunch of random motions with his hands in the air and a small crystal ball, a mini version of the Oratris, appeared in his palm. He handed it over to me while explaining that it contains all the frequencies and report on my powers, which I should give over to Ms. Do'or and let her examine it. I thought that Professor Radock or Ms. Edite will try to subdue me upon hearing that my magician gene might still be active, basically making me dangerous, making me a Morrigan, but they didn't. Of course they decided to inform Principal Haydos about it though. So much for keeping this a secret.
Professor Radock let me go for today and told me to rest since I used so much power today. Surprisingly, I don't feel that tired and my body still feels so light, like something heavy has been lifted from it, but thinking I almost killed someone again today scared me enough to want to go back into my room and crash on my bed. I made sure the copy of Oratris data won't get damaged or the small crystal ball breaking randomly in my bag, then left the combat grounds while Draco trailed behind me.
We walked slowly on the stairs until we reached the Chronos dorm. I thanked Draco without looking at him, then continued up to go to my room saying that I want to be left alone. Draco asked me if I truly want to be by myself which made me think about everything. I paused after taking a few steps and pivoted to see Draco standing with his hands inside his pockets, still watching me. His presence and his gaze somehow felt so reassuring right now, so I changed my mind and asked Draco if I can crash in room for a bit. He only chuckled and extended his right hand towards me, calling me to him. I made my way down but didn't take his hand. Draco didn't seem to be bothered by my rejection but he did grab my cheek to pull on it and giggle. I punched his chest which surprisingly made Draco loose his balance a bit. He massaged the spot I hit with a grimace, pretending to be really hurt, so I rolled my eyes at him and then went towards his room.
I expected there to be a big mess around, since it's a guy's room, but to my surprise, it's pretty neat. Except for Nix's bed which has an unorganized pile of clothes on top. Draco had stuff around but it is all stacked nicely. Leo's side of the room is the cleanest. I chuckled because it somehow fits all of their personalities. I looked around to see if the boys are somewhere in here, but the room is silent and empty. After asking Draco about the boys, he explains that their class is still ongoing. It was only him who got pulled by a call as my Help to come and assist me in the combat grounds. A rush of heat flushed went up to my cheeks and I had to clear my throat to distract him and try to change the topic. Draco noticed it and tried to reassure me that he doesn't mind, but it still feels weird. If it was a call to help me with powers or studying, but he was called to be my emotional support. We are not in any sort of relationship and even if, how would the teachers know? Do we seem like that to others? I darted with my eyes at Draco and thought about it for a split second, but the moment he looked at me, I couldn't keep staring at him and had to avert my gaze.
I sensed a motion in the air of Draco trying to grab my arm probably, but I pointed out a sword that's leaning against the desk and walked towards it to change the flow of the conversation. Pretending to be interested in it, or more like saying that Reilly would be interested in it, I held the heavy metal object in my hands and twisting it around while examining it. Draco moved to my spot but didn't take the sword from me, instead he just continued the conversation, then there was a dead silence. Had to come up quickly with something else to talk about, because Draco seemed to ask questions that would be too uncomfortable right now for me, so I turned the attention towards the sword again. I backed up to get some space between me and Draco while trying to seem interested in sword fighting. I tried to slash with the sword around but no matter how intense my work out was, I don't have enough strength to wield it. The swoosh motion of my both arms made the sword barely move from the ground but the force made me spun like a ballerina. I didn't drop the sword though. Draco laughed at me stumbling like a fresh-born baby deer that's trying to stand up, so when I stopped spinning, I glared at him. He kept chuckling but moved closer to me and took away the sword from my hands.
Draco: I think this one is too big for you.
Me: Are you saying that I can't handle it or that I can't learn how to fight with a sword?
Draco: Not at all. Do you want to? I can teach you, but not with this one.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest and brushed my tongue against the front of my teeth in annoyance. Draco kept chuckling but he did come back with another sword. He handed it to me like this is a real lesson and not like I am a gentle doll. Draco held the sword by the bottom of the hilt and I stared at the big circle sapphire gem filling out the pommel. This sword must be expesive to have jewels embedded in it and I was hesitant to use it for a mock training, just in case I break it or make it fly away to god knows where with my electrokinetic powers. Draco lifted his eyebrow and nudged the sword towards me. With a smirk he asked me if I changed my mind about wanting to learn. I didn't want to give him that satisfaction of winning over me, so I grabbed the sword. It is a little bit smaller than the previous one and a little bit lighter too, but technically the same – a double-edged sword that belongs to some movie about knights as a prop and not to a school.
This time, I could lift the sword, pointing with it at the ceiling while I admired it, checking it up and down. I could see a distorted reflection of myself on the blade being joined with a red blur. Warm male hands barely touched me as they traveled down my arms until they hugged and covered mine completely. Draco adjusted my grip on the sword and after I got it right, he moved his hands to grab my elbows. I turned my head to face him and asked what he is doing but be shushed me and told me to focus. I wouldn't turn aways and tried to wiggle out of his embrace, which was useless with his goddamn huge body and strength that's pressing on me and keeping me in a spot. Draco leaned over my shoulder, his face being inches away from mine, but still close enough that if I move or stumble in a wrong way, I can easily kiss him. So to prevent that, I turned away and focused on the sword. I adjusted the grip again, because my palms started to sweat like crazy and I don't want to drop the sword.
Draco guided me slowly through some of the easiest sword techniques and explained how I should twist or turn in order to gain enough momentum to be able to slash through an enemy. We went over it multiple times and finally Draco let go of me. He decided to let me try it on my own. Instead he just walked around me like a hawk and checked as I cut the air with the sword. Commenting on some points, or my standing, I tried to fix it but I couldn't understand any of it. Like what the hell is a move down and shift your core? Draco asked me to start from the beginning, so I did but my standing was off again apparently, because Draco walked behind me and rested his hands on my hips. I started the movements again while Draco pressed on my hips or pushed them to the side, down, up. I was starting to get the hang of it when a familiar quirky male voice interrupted us.
Nix: What the hell are you two even doing? And with my sword?
I froze at the spot and only dropped the sword, letting the tip ding against the floor. Draco didn't remove his hands and we both just stood there while staring at Nix and Leo who just got back from their class. I pivoted on the spot to thrust the sword into Draco's chest and technically return it, then I tried to apologize for using it without Nix's permission but he only started to laugh, brushing it off and saying that's he is just joking. But he didn't let go of the first question and I honestly didn't have a coherent answers for him. Luckily, Draco replied to him as he walked closer to Nix and then tossed the sword in the air at him. Nix caught it with easy and swung it over his head, letting the blade rest on his shoulders as he entangled his arms around the sword and entered the room.
Leo popped out from behind Nix, or more like you could see him fully now since Nix left to put away the sword, only nodded at me as a greeting. I awkwardly waved at Leo and watched him walk to his side of the room to just plop on the bed. A sudden yell from Nix scared me so I turned to see what's wrong. Nix ran towards his bed and jumped on top of the pile, brushing it under him and trying to hide it. He fake-cried out and blamed Draco from bringing me here only to see this mess and what am I going to think about him now. I snorted but swiftly change into an angry mom mode and started nagging at Nix for being so dirty. This made Leo softly chuckle as he passed us to go into the bathroom and Nix is frantically running around to toss his clothes into the closet, under his pillows or random corners just to hide it.
Draco: Maybe you should come over more often and he will finally start cleaning after himself for once.
Me: Maybe I will, but what will I get in return?
Draco held my wrist and pulled me towards the couch as we discussed my compensation for keeping an eye on Stinky Nix, as he called him. Nix protested and wanted to fight Draco for giving him such nickname. He ran from his bed and wanted to launch on Draco but I sat down, right next to him. I didn't mind sitting so close and it did prevent Nix from tackling Draco on the couch. Nix held back his attack, giving us a weird look and pointing with his finger on me, Draco, then me again. He did it a few times while squinting his eyes. If this was a cartoon, I would be able to see a lightbulb pop up over Nix's head and turning on. He figured something out, even though I don't know what, but he left us alone so it is a win for me, not getting caught in the crossfire of their little fight.
At first, we talked about the class and if there is anything I didn't understand. The only thing for now that comes to my mind is the bloodlines biology and the graph that I wanted to make, so I told Draco about it. I took out my notes and pointed on the parts that I want to study more. He mentally noted it and told me that we can work through it tomorrow or some other day.
As we finished making plans for the next class, Leo got out of the shower and just went back to his bed without stopping to talk to us. He just played phone while Nix let Draco to take shower first. Draco refused at first, saying he didn't sweat that much since he had to leave early because of me, but Nix insisted. Rather than listening to Nix whine, I told Draco to just do it. Nix was grinning from ear to ear like this was the biggest victory in his life while he saluted to Draco who entered the bathroom. Nix also added to the whole gig he is doing right now, that he will take care of me and winked at Draco.
I was cleaning away my notebooks when Nix jumped on the couch, making me get slightly thrown up but land immediately on the same spot. Instead of sitting straight, Nix folded his right leg to sit on it, leaned against the couch with the side of his body and supported his head against his knuckles. I didn't pay any attention to him and tried to sort out the stuff inside my bag, but Nix started to poke me on my shoulder, then decided to attack my ribs. The last poke made me scrunch my body is a weird way because it tickled a little bit and then I threw a death glare at Nix. Luckily the electricity didn't come out this time. Noticing the grin on Nix's face, I already knew what his question is going to be, and I was right. He immediately asked me if there is anything new with my "purple-haired friend" and if I am going to hang out with her soon. Also if I could let him know so that he can join us. This gave me a good opening to ask about the person Draco likes.
Me: I can ask Gaia if she wants to eat breakfast tomorrow-
Nix: Ah, thanks, you are the best.
Me: -but no promises, and also I want something in return.
Nix: What you want? Say you price.
Nix enthusiastically started to name things I could want as a payment for my cupid services but I declined all of them. Especially since Nix started to get closer to me, ignoring the personal space and he was getting lost in creating that list too. I put a palm on his face and pressed it to push him away, asking my first question – if he knows Draco well. He smirked at me and hummed a little hmm as a response. I rolled my eyes at him and changed around the question, asking if they only met here or they know each other from before Umbras. Nix quickly retracted and went ooh as a reply, so I gave him an annoyed look and a slight punch to his shoulder. He only laughed at it and told me that he will reply normally now, so I can ask again.
After going around every question, I finally moved somewhere and got information out of Nix, who is still answering me playfully. The two of them met after Nix enrolled, but Draco and Leo met before coming to Umbras. Draco is one year older than Nix, but same as Leo, which made me look at him, but he only nodded, confirming that it's true. Maybe I am asking a wrong person then, but Leo is not much of a talker so I doubt that he will tell me anything, and Nix is like an unlocked vault of information anyway. Despite a year difference, Nix is closer to Draco too, but I guess that's obvious since he has his way with entering people's lives and making them like him or be his friends. Question one – check. Now I can finally ask if he knows about this someone special Draco holds dear.
Nix: There was one night when we had a small party and got so drunk, we started spilling out our secrets to each other. I heard about that girl though. From what I remember, she helped him when he was bullied and that's why he likes her.
Me: Draco getting bullied when he looks like that?
Nix: Don't be fooled, cutie. He used to be small and so adorable apparently. Right, Leo?
We both looked at Leo who got interrupted in his doom scrolling and yet again, he only nodded as a comfirmation. Immediatelly I started to imagine Draco as a kid and how he must have looked like. I also throught that it must have been such a strong girl to stood up on her own to those bullies and protect someone else. I couldn't have done that without Reilly. I chuckled at what I imagined but got pulled back out of my mind by a very cheerful Nix, who continued telling the story.
Nix: And you know what is funny? He already got to his powers, so he trained himself to be better and help her out. One time, she was apparently late in handing in a school assignement but it wasn't finished, so as she worked hard on it, she didn't notice the time has stopped.
Me: Why is that funny though? That's quiet nice I would say.
Nix: That's not the funny part. The thing is, she didn't even notice him besides this one time, when she mistaken him for someone else, a girl.
Nix bursted out laughing after he finished that sentence and as he is dying on the couch, Draco got out of the bathroom, asking what we are talking about. Nix tried to tell him but couldn't catch his breaths through the laughs, and I still stopped him from telling just in case. I stared at Leo but he was paying his attention only to his phone so I doubt that he even heard the conversation.
Nix kept laughing for a good few minutes, even after he went to shower, we could still hear his cackles from behind the closed door. Draco asked then me directly what is Nix laughing about but I just said that it's this stupid joke that I didn't even understand. It is getting late anyway and I should go to wash myself too, so I excused myself and said goodnight to the buys, yelling out goodnight so that Nix can hear me too. Only his "you too" resonated through the room as I was on my way out. Draco offered to walk with me and I wanted to decline because even if it's dark already, I am inside the school which should be safe, but then also there is Saxa and her goons around, so I didn't protest and let him go with me.
Through the whole way, I was thinking about how cute Draco must have looked like as a kid when he got bullied and also got mistaken for a girl. I chuckled about it, not in the same manner as Nix did, but I still found it amusing. Draco commented on my mood, which seems to be quite good. He was worried that I might be feeling down after what happened in the combat grounds, but honestly, talking with him and Nix made me forget that for a second.
Returning to my room, Reilly is already back and she is pacing through the room with a worried expression on her face and keeps checking her phone every two seconds. When I greeted her, she finally stopped and ran in my direction, asking if I am okay and what happened. Even though Draco and Nix calmed me down, Reilly is the only one who can do it fully when I talk to her, so I set everything down, asked her to wait for me and that I will explain everything after I take a shower.
Two more days of school for this week but I feel like doing nothing. Sadly I have to postpone my procrastinating to the weekend and now get to the cafeteria because I actually managed to get Gaia eat breakfast with me a.k.a her secret date with Nix.
I planned to just sitting somewhere close with Draco after getting a table for us, but Gaia is already in the cafeteria waiting. We all got our breakfasts and sat down at the table. I apologized for bringing more people, especially since Gaia doesn't know the boys, but she continued eating her pudding while saying that it's fine. Me and Draco sat down next to each other and started eating but Nix kept standing with the tray in his hands and his mouth open. I nudged him before Gaia could notice staring at her and nudge him to go sit down at the only space left, which is next to her. Calculated, of course.
At first, nobody spoke and we all just ate our food. It was starting to get awkward and Gaia is also done, so she could decide to leave too. I had to come up with something common to talk about so that they can get to know each other. Luckily I saw a deck of tarot cards peeking from purse, so I asked if she could do a reading for me. Gaia agreed and Nix cut in and told Gaia to see if I have any promising guys in my future. I couldn't stop him though because I had no idea what else I could ask, so I let her.
When the cards were spread, I took three of them out and placed them next to each other. I saw the pictures and names for the cards but I don't know what they mean. Gaia searched for the first card, so I held her hands and guided her. She pressed the card, trailed it with her thing small fingers and called out the name of the card.
Gaia: This is your past. You didn't have much luck with men in your early life which made you feel skeptical about them.
Totally nailed me on the head with that one. I remembered the incident with Eddie and felt a disgust creep up my throat. Acidic taste filled my mouth and I clenched my fist that's resting on the wooden table. Before I could get fully angry about it, Draco held my hand and brushed the side of it with his thumb. I immediately shifted my gaze to him while Gaia kept with her reading.
Gaia: For the present, you seem to have changed and have no problems making new friends.
Nix: That is true. We are all glad that she decided to be our friend. And you too, maybe?
Gaia: Maybe.
Gaia replied very politely but she didn't try to face Nix at all, she only directed her gaze at the last card. I was confused to why it seemed like she didn't want to hang out with the boys anymore when they are my friends and I technically vouched for them.
Gaia: With this card, you have a love in your future, but there will be some hardships.
Nix: Our Kaitlin is strong, she can get past anything. But this is all cool. Is this like your hobby or something?
Gaia finally directed her face towards Nix at least but her expression is the same. In this way she reminds me of Professor Coldos a little bit. Did she realize what this "breakfast" is about? I felt a little bit guilty for trying to dump a guy on her like this, but I also noticed Gaia being reserved when it comes to people, so I wanted her to at least have one more friend. I thought she will just get up and leave, but Gaia started to talk about how she loved to do embroidery on dresses. Even her expression changed into a softer one as she talked about it and we all just listened in silence. Gaia must have realized that she kept basically yapping about all the dress she made or many different styles of ornaments when she paused mid sentence. We all agreed that it sounds so amazing but Gaia lowered her head and sofly replied that it's all over anyway, since she had to give up because of her blindness. I learned how to hold back with it but Nix is like a girly girl when it comes to talking. But I worried for nothing. He did burst out and started talking louder but he only kept encouraging Gaia to get back to it, even requested attire for some upcoming Equinox ball. Gaia just stared at Nix, or at least faced him with her mouth slightly opened. She probably wanted to refuse but Nix started to boast to Draco that he will have a custom made suit, so Gaia let it go. She directed her gaze towards her lap again, brushed her bob-cut hair behind her ears and chuckled once. I could hear the soft sigh that followed afterwards though.
Draco and Nix walked in front of us and I trailed with Gaia behind them. We decided to see Gaia off to her class and I also wanted to apologize for bringing so many people today. I walked slower to match Gaia's pace and to keep distance between us and the boys.
Me: I am sorry if the breakfast was uncomfortable for you.
Gaia: No need. I am just not used to it I would say.
Me: You are okay with the girls though. Why not add some more friends to the list?
Gaia: Just friends?
I looked at Gaia and she must have sensed me staring at her, so she turned her head my way and smirked. She definitely realized what this breakfast was all about! All I could do is laugh about it because I didn't want to make Gaia more uncomfortable with my constant apologizing, but she thanked me.
Me: Are you thinking about making it serious?
Gaia: Definitely not.
Me: Is Nix not your type? Oh, yeah dumb question.
Gaia: He seems like a nice person, it's just that, I don't like to keep that many friendships outside of my community.
Me: Will your parents not approve of him being from a different god line?
That sounded so stupid and also sad because I really wanted my friends to be happy. Even if it's not my place to go and change someone's rules, I offered to fight with Gaia if she wants to be with Nix, or maybe help them elope. Gaia's reply saddened me but I couldn't do anything to find out more because she entered the classroom.
I sat in the cave classroom and doodled into my notebook, totally zoning out everything Draco is explaining and something Nix is yapping about. Someone snapped fingers in front of my face and made me focus back on everything happening around. Nix is just daydreaming and talking about what type of suit Gaia will make and Draco looked a little bit mad that I didn't pay attention.
Draco: What is on your mind?
Me: Something that Gaia said.
I diverted my gaze on Nix and I didn't really want to say it out loud. Draco understood so he asked Nix to go buy us some more food because I have Combats after this and my breakfast wasn't enough. Nix refused, lied down on the desk and protested while throwing a tantrum like a little kid but Draco only said his name with a stern deeper voice and Nix gave in. I watched Nix leave the room and when the door closed behind him, I told Draco everything.
Me: Gaia realized what my plan was but she wasn't mad about it.
Draco: So she will give him a chance? This would have made him so happy to hear though but if you want to keep it as a surprise, I am in.
Me: She said that she doesn't like to make friends or date anyone, because she doesn't want to watch people she likes to die.
Draco: That... makes sense actually. I didn't think about it.
Me: It does? Because I am clueless to about not wanting to take those risks, to have great people in your life and call them friends.
Draco: She is Choi Gaia, no? A Hades descendant.
I straightened my spine to listen closely and nodded. Draco said that he will explain but I shouldn't take notes about it, just in case Nix steals my book as a joke and sees it. I dropped the pen and leaned against the row of desks above me. Listening to what Draco is saying made me even sadder and actually cry. What Gaia meant by not liking to make friends is that she will have to watch them die. Not for some war or fight, but just wither away while she continues on living for a little bit longer, because Hades descendants have a secret way to prolong their lives. It is unknow how they do it, but we know that they do. I guess this is how people came up with those vampire legends.
I was interested in this entire aging thing with certain demigods but I agreed to study this when Nix is not around. He might seem aloof and not paying attention most of the time but Nix is actually pretty smart. And speaking of the devil, Nix just got back with a bunch of food boxes. Wiping away my tears to hide the evidence of me crying, I picked up my pen and pretended to study again. Nix dropped the full boxes next to my notebook and peeked into my notebook. He commented on slacking off because he noticed I didn't take any notes but Draco covered me by saying that he wanted me to pay attention to the explanation, and then write it down. Nix only shrugged it off and opened one of the lunches while sitting comfortably, letting his feet up on the desk.
Digging into my lunch too, I wrote the notes at the same time as taking bites. Draco told me to just eat first because I will get indigestion, but I don't want to waste time and finish this diagram for magic bloodlines. I wrote Human in the middle of the page and then with guidance from Draco or occasional incomprehensible mumble from Nix as he has his mouth full, I filled out the whole page with names or words for different magical descendants. First ones I know are Medeis and Demiers. I wrote them above and under Human, then connected it with other magical species. Magical with Medeis and God for Demiers. To the side, I connected Magical plus Magical and the same with Gods. These produce so called "pure bloods". I rolled my eyes that I even had to say that or write that, but for the sake of understanding this, I noted it. I connected Magical and God on my own and then wrote Morrigan as a result of mixing these two. I was going to move to a different section when Draco stopped me and pointed on my notes. He told me write Warlock and Witch for the pure bloods, and the same for the Medeis but add a Wizard there too. I did but I was confused about it, even though I heard something about those during our Introduction class. Nix, who finished his lunch, he moved closer to me and explained it instead of Draco, to let him also eat and take a break.
Nix: Warlock is a male magician descendant, Witch a female. Wizard can be both.
Me: How do you even know about this? Do you guys get taught it in the Introduction class?
Nix: Nope. Only our part. But with not having flashy active powers, you are either stuck working out, learning martial arts or study stuff, so I dabble.
He looked so smug about it, flipping a pen between his fingers but I pinched Nix's shoulder. The pen hit the desk but dropped from it to the ground, the sound resonating through the whole cave classroom, and Draco laughed with me at Nix who is massaging the spot I squeezed. And we would continue it if one of the phones didn't start ringing, letting us know that the time for the class is up. I put a sticker on the page with the diagram to remind me where we had to stop and then quickly packed to get into my Combats class.
On our way to the grounds, we met up with Reilly who is waiting for me in the main hallway. The boys went ahead to toss out the empty lunch boxes and I talked to Reilly. My eyes were glued to Draco though as Reilly is speaking. At least until she pushes me slightly and I finally pay her full attention.
Reilly: What's up with you two?
Me: Oh, nothing. I just thought about how Draco is a really kind and a nice person. Don't tell this to anyone, but I think he is really sweet, keeping his first love until now. They met as kids and he helped her around by pausing time for her. Isn't that so romantic like from a novel or something?
Reilly: If I could do that too, I would do it for you. Unfortunately all I can do, is punch your enemies.
Me: Okay, calm down Rocky. But I just wish that he could also be with her.
Reilly: What's with you suddenly turning into a match-maker?
I only shrugged my shoulders and went back to oogling Draco. I told Reilly also about the incident where his crush mistaken him for a girl, pointing out that there is no way it happened to a big guy like that. Reilly went quiet for a while and she started to think about something. Right before the boys returned, she just blurted out that I did the same thing once too. There was a little curly red-head boy in our middle school and I had called him Reilly by mistake once. My brain started to go through all of my memories and tried to find this one. I do remember it vaguely but I was so embarrassed after mistaking a boy for Reilly back then, so I quickly ran away.
Nix took away Reilly and created a space for me and Draco to have a moment alone. He just casually started a conversation, asking what are my thoughts about the class and if he is explaining everything in an easy way but I couldn't peel off my eyes from him. Before I could even process or try to stop myself, the next thing I knew is that I am lifting myself up, standing on my tip toes while closing my eyes and pressing my lips against Draco's.
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