Young is waiting for me on the other side of the door, his legs spread slightly and his arms crossed in front of his chest. I hated the word mundrel but I missed hanging out with Young so much that a smile creeped up on my face.
Me: Stuck with babysitting me again? Brings back memories.
I giggled and then passed Young, thinking he will retort with something and then just guide me where to go, but he said nothing. Young remained standing in front of the door and stared at the ground. I paused my movements at called him three times before he finally turned and started to walk. I was happy to see him after such a long time, thinking about how he used to show me around, then popped into the common room and tried to teach me basics of telekinesis when I got assigned to Ossilor. Or the times when he just asked me how am I doing in the Professor Defer's classes. But it's like he is not here voluntarily. Well, at the beginning he got assigned to me because of his performance and also being a prefect and all, so it's not like did it voluntarily before too. It's just that this time it feels... different.
Me: Everything okay, Young?
Young: Your usual, as always.
He definitely lied to me. I didn't want to pry, but nothing throws off Young, so if he is acting like this, something must have happened. I quickly formed some questions in my head that I could ask him but before I could even say one of them, I got interrupted by my another good friend, Kisha. She is alone and even though I should be hurrying to wherever I am supposed to go and meet some investigator, I stopped by her and held a small conversation. I asked about the girls and how's everything going. Apparently Skylar is flying between the clouds. She is not hanging out with them anymore that much because she is always somewhere with Nathan, and when she comes back, she won't stop talking about him and their dates. Other than that, everyone is just studying or doing whatever they like to do.
I wanted to talk to Kisha more but Young cleared his throat behind me, subtly telling me that we should go. I apologized to Kisha for having to go and then growled at Young for being such a party-pooper. Kisha only laughed and then told me that I should go. Young started to walk away first but I stayed to hug Kisha and swiftly exchange ideas about hanging out soon, something like breakfast or lunch. I waved at Kisha and went to join Young who is waiting for me in the hallway. When I got to his spot, he turned around and continued walking.
Young: Who was that? She had a 3rd year Ossilor cloak so I doubt she is your friend you're your year, back when you were assigned to Aveus.
Me: If you tell me what's bothering you, I will tell you more about Kisha.
Young: It's not like I want to know.
Me: Hmm. Don't you?
I leaned my upper body to the front, peeking with my head to look at Young's face. He quickly turned away but kept walking straight. I picked up my pace and hopped a few big steps to get in the way of Young's path. He quickly halted and didn't bump into me. Taking steps left to right, right to left, I tried to block Young who wanted to pass me but couldn't. He got annoyed but he still can't look me straight in my eyes. His head is twisted towards the right wall, staring at nothing. He threatened me that I will be scolded if I am late and make the investigator wait for me, but I still didn't budge. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, raised my left eyebrow and stared on Young.
Young: Fine. I am here as a punishment.
Me: What did you do, to deserve being stuck with me again? Wait, are you calling me a punishment?
Young: I didn't mean it like that. I just did something I shouldn't and earned a strike. But as a prefect, they gave me a chance to scratch it, if I volunteer to do some work.
Me: Uhuh, and what is this something you did?
I moved to the side and let Young walk past me, then joined him. I backed down from the blocking because like he said, I don't want to make the investigator wait for me. And he started to talk about it anyway, so it's not like he will just leave me hanging with the explanation.
Young: I just wanted to get some more information about my sister. All of the sources I have are already dried up and there is nothing new. So I tried to break into police archives. Unfortunately, I got caught without getting anything. Now it's your turn.
Me: Huh, what do you mean?
Young gave me the side eye and scoffed but I only laughed and said that I am joking. I explained how I know Kisha and some basic stuff about her, like that she is actually a gamer girl or that she collects anime plushies and figurines. I have no idea what Young wants to even know.
I continued talking about Kisha but my brain is thinking about what Young said he did. Young mentioned his sister before and told me that I somehow remind him of her, but why in the hell would he need to break into the police records to know stuff about her? It seemed like a sensitive topic and not something to be discussed in the hallways. We also arrived to the spot and I was right about the person waiting for me. I could see Ms. Do'or through the slit in the opened door leading into this office and she noticed me too. Ms. Do'or called me so I let the whole thing with Young let go and thanked him for accompanying me. I wished him good luck with paying off the strike and then entered the office.
Ms. Do'or took a file from a stack while asking me to sit down on an armchair in the corner of the room. I made myself comfortable and waited for her to explain why she summoned me. I guessed why, but I still waited for Ms. Do'or to start talking. She checked the file, added some more papers into it and then walked towards the second armchair that's facing mine. She placed down the filed on her lap and then started to ask me questions. They are all related to me teleporting during Samhain. I explained it best as I could, which is mostly saying I have no idea, I just woke up there or something similar without revealing anything about the dream.
I thought Ms. Do'or will note it down into the file but she only tapped with her pen against the papers and didn't write anything. She didn't want to include me probably, because that would also reveal she had to use that secret entrance and that I know about its' existence. Ms. Do'or was sent there to investigate some magical anomaly but how did she even get there so quick? Or was I sleeping longer than I thought and she got there in the meantime? I asked Ms. Do'or about the incident, if it was some black hole that sucked me in and teleported me through the universe. At first, she looked confused at me, asking what I meant but when I explained that the whole timing of the meeting seems off, she quickly cleared her throat and told me that she was already in the area, expecting something to happen because the magic in that place is sorta wonky. She did seem nervous while explaining it, like she is lying about it but I guess it must be a secret investigation I have no business knowing, so I let it go. But I wanted to know, what she wrote about it in the file and if I am somehow included. I thought that she will start talking about some magical stuff happening but she only handed me the file to read and my eyes opened wide.
Me: The magical anomaly was a failed attempt to create a portal into Viysus by a Noion researcher. Case closed, further investigation not needed.
My gaze darted at Ms. Do'or who is sitting comfortably, leaning towards right and resting agaist the side of the chair, but still looking lady-like. I wasn't mentioned anywhere in the report like she promised but assigning this incident to something Noion-related still somehow makes me uncomfortable. Ms. Do'or only asked me if there is any problem with how she filed the report or if I think that I am still somehow included. Hell yeah I am included if it comes to Noion, but revealing that I am a princess from Viysus would probably earn me a place in a magical loonybin so I said nothing, only asked how Ms. Do'or knows about Noion. She stood up from her chair, took the file and went to her desk.
Ms. Do'or: Some other investigators went over the place and resonated with remnants of teleport magic. They would continue the investigation but putting it on some Noion researchers, the whole thing will get dropped. No one wants to be bothered with the "crazy" scientists trying to find some Old Age legend.
Me: But what if it really tied to Viysus?
I blurted it out without even thinking. Ms. Do'or only chuckled and said that at least it wouldn't be considered a lie anymore and it would still stick, because apparently Noion researchers are considered... not worth the trouble, I guess.
Me: But why would you lie on my behalf? Isn't it better to investigate the whole matter properly so that it doesn't happen again and the magic isn't revealed to humans?
Ms. Do'or: It seemed like an accident. You can't control your powers still, am I right? So rather than you gaining strikes for something that's out of your hands, little lie is not that harmful, no?
So she thinks that this is somehow part of my powers, a part I can't control. But is really teleporting a Zeus power? It must come from some other god. Well, in my case it must come from Ulferonn, but they don't know I am from his bloodline. To them, I am still a Zeus descendant so how can she just brush it off? My mythology knowledge from human school might be rusty, but I am pretty sure traveling powers would come from someone like Hermes, the messenger of gods and a god of travel or speed. Or maybe even Hecate. I am pretty sure she has something to with opening any door and boundaries. Is there more to the Greek gods than it's known to humans or do they just do not care if something doesn't add up? Well, it's not like I am going to reveal stuff about me anyway, so I only adjusted my position in the chair and waited for Ms. Do'or to start asking about me being able to do spells, but she told me that I am free to go. I sat in the chair all bamboozled, not moving at all to which Ms. Do'or asked me if there is any problem.
Me: Aren't you going to discuss the other thing?
Ms. Do'or: What do you have in mind? If you want me to make any changes in the report file, let me know, but I have more or less notified the department already.
Me: I thought you summoned me to explain the thing Mr. Hale is researching.
Ms. Do'or: Do you want me to?
She probably forgot about it or didn't care that much in the first place and I have brought it up. Now I cannot dodge it anymore. I exhaled and looked at my legs while asking Ms. Do'or if she wants to investigate me further than the Manifestation test.
Ms. Do'or: Professor Coldos has informed me about his theory that you possessed a Noion magical gene but based on the unstability of the gene and also your other parent being a demigod descendant, it dissipated like all the other Noion ones.
Me: Don't you need to report this to the principals or someone and then investigate it?
Ms. Do'or: It is unsual but I don't want to wreak havoc with just a theory. Let me make you a deal. There is an upcoming winter holiday coming. I want you to spend it at my place and we can conduct some tests.
Me: Do I need to ask for a special permission or explain why I am going to your place?
Ms. Do'or: We probably do need some reason to not make it look suspicious. I can come up with something and then inform Principal Haydos about it.
Me: Could you be my Help? Mr. Hale was assigned to me previously but because of some troubles he was taken from this position and I am tasked to find someone else or just wait for someone to be assigned to me.
Ms. Do'or pondered about it for a little while but then agreed that it's probably a good excuse. It might not be accepted because she is not working under the academy and a Help is supposed to be available for me technically all the time, but maybe if I fill half of the position by Draco or someone, Ms. Do'or might be assigned to me with no problem. This way I will get a Help, finally catch up on the stuff I don't know and maybe also find out more with Ms. Do'or about me and my powers. Killing three birds with one stone, you could say.
I had no idea when this winter holiday starts but I can just ask Reilly and then request the permission slip to leave the grounds. Ms. Do'or gave me her phone number and told me to call her on the first day of the holidays and she will come pick me up. It felt a little bit weird to be hanging out with some stranger rather than friends during holiday but Ms. Do'or has the same electrokinetic ability. I can ask her to teach me how to control it and then maybe my Combats class will go better too, especially if I get paired to fight with Saxa.
The discussion didn't take much time and I could still make it back to Controlling class but I don't want to just barge in mid lesson. I have yet another Combats class today which I am planning to spend in the gym again so I need my energy. The free food is nice but I will have to do with just something from cafeteria today.
Reilly was surprised to see me getting ready for the gym session again but I told her I would rather get destroyed by her training than being roasted by Saxa, with words and literally with her lightning. Reilly was only happy that I finally picked up one of her hobbies and jumped around like a little kid, explaining every work out I am supposed to do. Majority of them were the same as yesterday but Professor Nalin checked my vitals or my charts, and changed my routine a little bit. I didn't complain because these work outs fit me better and don't strain my body that much. I am still in a bad shape but if I keep this up, I will improve my stamina and my strength.
All these new exercises made me work up a good sweat. Using a towel I wipe off my forehead, neck and my cleavage. Reilly showed me where the gym showers are, but I want to wash myself comfortably in our bath, so I went back to the dorm.
Every day became a routine of the same thing: Controlling classes and then working out in the gym. For the first few days I attended the class with Athena descendants but I usually only sat in the back, chatted with Bryant and never really learned anything. Mr. Hale seems to grow even more distant too. The classes started to feel boring so I decided not to show up anymore and informed Bryant with Ann, just in case someone asks why I am not there. I still attended Zeus Controlling class and tried to ask Doctor Witt as much as I can about Noion and Viysus. I didn't learn anything new and the rest of it was just a genetics mumble and made no sense to me. Saxa never came to the class after that one time so at least I could enjoy it in peace but even this class started to bore me to death. Luckily, I will get more company because I agreed to Draco's offer about being my Help. Well, mostly because Principal didn't want to agree with Ms. Do'or being one, like I predicted, but with Draco and the guys in the mix, he allowed it.
They need to make arrangements with the schedule for us and in the meantime, I am focusing on working out with Reilly. Professor Radock asked me to come back to the active combat grounds but I wanted to push that away as much as possible. Reilly and Professor Nalin vouched for me, saying that strengthening my body will help hold my power better and then I can continue with the power evaluation.
Today is the last day of November and also my last day of training, the one with Reilly at least. Tomorrow I have to start going into the active grounds and practice my powers. I worked out diligently for a whole month, so I want to see the difference it will make. I pushed my limits and had help not just from Reilly, but also from Castor. He joined me soon after I started in the gym because he is a first year too and has similar schedule to mine. Then Zuna and Nix joined too. I usually worked out on the treadmill and had chats with Reilly and Zuna next to my side, while Castor did his own thing. Nix was just messing around, tossing away his shirt and flexed his muscles or annoying others. Usually that person was me. Nix just leaned against the treadmill with his sweaty naked torso, supported his head with his right hand and then with puppy eyes kept asking me questions about my friends, especially that "purple-haired asian chick". Even though I haven't been to the active grounds since the last time, I used this as an excuse to release my power and not Overflow. Everytime Nix came to annoy me, I started to channel electricity around my arms and aimed my arms towards Nix to make him go away. From just arms, I could start to channel it around my whole body and not feel a thing, so I guess I should also thanks Nix for helping me power up too.
I haven't hanged out with the rest of the Chronos group but I am supposed to start the classes with Draco tomorrow and Nix told me that if they can, they will also join. At this point it feels like it's going to be some sort of highschool club and not supplementary lessons. Not that I am complaining because I am actually looking forward to have some fun during the class instead of just doodling into my notebook out of boredom. I even had to swap them twice for new ones because I filled it fully with my ugly drawings and nothing else.
Brand new notebook, some pens and essentials packed. I got everything and left my dorm early so that I can eat before the class with Draco starts. I was on my way with Reilly, walking down the stairs casually, now that I actually built up some stamina, and just talked about what are we going to do for winter holiday, when a familiar voice greeted us both. I turned my face from Reilly's direction to wish Draco also a good morning. Reilly quickly excused herself, saying she needs to get some food before this new class called Trials starts, then went ahead. I couldn't even say anything to stop her and make her wait for me. I am hungry too and I have no idea if they will prepare food for us like they do in Controlling, since this class is an exception made because of me. I grunted and rolled my eyes, then looked at Draco who is already staring at me. I don't know where the class is being held so I told Draco to lead and I will just follow him.
Draco: Slept good?
Me: Like a baby. These workouts been knocking me out pretty good, even when I am getting used to them.
Draco: Heard from Nix about you actually doing it. You hiding or getting ready for a war?
Me: Aren't we all trained for this imaginary war anyway? Better do that and also hide from certain people. Not that I would be able to hide from Nix. He said that they might join us. Are they coming today?
Draco: No idea. Nix was still drooling in his sleep when I left and Leo wanted to practice more so he went to the combats grounds as I was getting ready.
It's still pretty early so if Leo left before, he must have woken up around like 7am just to practice. It sounded like a hassle to wake up that early but he must have reasons. I asked Draco if he knows what Leo is practicing, instead of the martial arts they usually do, to keep the conversation going.
Me: I thought you all can just pause time.
Draco: Me and Castor can. At least from our group. There are some other descendants around the school who are able to but like I said-
Me: Yeah, yeah. You are the best one. How long is your time limit anyway?
Draco: Castor's best is three minutes but he will get better. Mine is fifteen.
Me: What about the others? Do they have other powers?
Draco: We can talk about that during our first class if you wish to get to know us better, but we should get some food first.
Me: So there is no food prepared for us like in the other classes?
Draco: Sadly no, but we have options.
Draco exhaled and a smile appeared on his face, making his honey-colored orbs disappear for a few seconds. I quickly took the iniative to lead the way in that case and stormed towards the cafeteria.
I let Draco pick whatever he wants while I browsed the food to get something for myself and then quickly went to pay for both of our lunches. Of course he protested but I was faster anyway, paid and sat down at the nearest table, then opened my lunch box. Draco wanted to pay me back but I said that it's my treat since he accepted to be my Help. Then I heard multiple excuses like he did it to help me out as a friend and that I don't need to pay him back or whatever. I just wanted to enjoy the food so I told him to let me treat him this one time and then we are good, even though in my mind I kept the thought of repaying him in some other way tucked away behind all those other people I should be thankful to.
Standing in this huge classroom, my jaw would drop to the ground if it could. The classroom we will be using is too big for just the two of us. It's the same cave classroom we arrived to during The Hunt, even though this time we used a different entrance. Probably the same one Ledon used when they cheated. Nevertheless, I wanted just some cozy small room and not a whole auditorium so I asked Draco why we are here. He only said that this classroom is not used outside of The Hunt and it's completely free for us. Such a waste, but then Draco explained that they gave us permission to use our powers here, if we need a demonstration. The area is big enough for my active powers and it's also far away from the school, just in case I use more than I should. I mentally agreed that it's a good idea, and just shrugged my shoulders while nodding my head.
Draco placed his phone on the desk in the first row and started a timer. Apparently there is no bell to signal the end of the class. I didn't want to waste any time, so I got everything ready and then titled the first page in my notebook as "Descendants powers".
Since we talked about Leo first, he explained his future-time powers. Apparently there is a closed off room in the combat grounds which has no distractions - no sound, no light. I have never seen it or been in it, but I don't even need to, because it's supposed to help people meditate and focus on their powers, which Leo needs because his powers allow him to let him mind travel into the future and see glimpses of things happening. Wait, so he can see future? Did he see us meeting with Draco or something else and that's why he is helping me out without thinking? I stopped writing and glared at Draco who only looked at me and smirked. He probably figured out what I am angry about but he continued explaining different time powers that has appeared through the bloodlines.
I just kept staring at him but Draco leaned in front, rested his head and supported it with his left arm, then he tapped on the page with his index finger while keeping his gaze on me. I rolled my eyes and got back into noting everything down. Chronos powers over time are split into three categories: past, present and future. Usually one descendant has only one power from each category, barely two and usually even two different categories. I raised my eyebrow because I didn't understand what does that mean but Draco quickly noticed my confusion and then trailed with his finger over my notes.
Draco: As a descendant you either have power over past, present or future. Never two or all three. Me pausing time falls under present, Leo seeing glimpses of what's going to happens is future, but I can't do that and neither can Leo pause time, only one time category. I have never met anyone who could control more but in the past there have been some descendants who could. Do you get it now?
Me: So it's like Manifestations. You only get one specific power.
Draco: I don't know about this Manifestation thing but the specific power fits it perfectly. There are some exceptions or mutations where people in some god bloodlines can have multiple powers but it's not that common nowdays.
Me: For example, Saxa? She can use lightning but also has this power of creation. I get it now. So what other powers do you guys can have?
Draco: I think this covers the basics, why do you need to know about powers that are not from your bloodline?
Me: Just interested. Is it forbidden to know? I won't use it against you.
Draco laughed and I only looked at him with a death glare until he stopped, but for some reason, I liked the sound of his laugh. When he was finally done, he lifted his arm and placed his big hand on the top of my head. He patted me a few times, ruffling my hair. I yelled at him because he ruined my hairstyle but then he quickly used his fingers to brush through my hair and tried to fix it, then went back into explaining.
From Chronos descendants we moved onto more generic stuff. Biology of magical species basically. Draco spoke slowly and clearly, waiting for me finish writing and not miss anything but I had troubles understanding it. After writing one sentence, I had to read back and connect the information. I highlighted the important sections and left two empty pages in between to draw some sort of diagram to make it clearer for me.
Draco didn't want to overload me with everything during the first lesson, so we finished this part and then ended up just talking about casual stuff. I asked him if he knows why is Nix obsessed with Gaia is but he only gave me a smirk.
Draco: Do you really not know?
Me: I guessed but I needed a comfirmation. Do you want me to organize something for them? I have already played Cupid for my two other friends. I have some expertise, you know.
Draco: What about you? Have you used that expertise on yourself?
I haven't thought about it really, just focused on not flunking out from the academy. I only shrugged my shoulders as response and leaned back, twisting my head around because my neck started to hurt from being hunched over the notebook. Suddenly there was an awkward silence and Draco just played on his phone or texted someone. I didn't want to be rude and take a peak, even though I wanted to know who he is talking to.
Me: What about you? Got anyone special?
Draco: Maybe. I've known her for years but I've never confessed.
Me: Oh? How about now?
Draco: We stopped hanging out over the years, only recently reconnected.
Since I've helped out Skylar and Nathan, and apparently I am helping out Nix and Gaia now too, I wanted to help Draco also get with the one he loves, because it seems he likes this person for so long. Problem is, I have no idea who it is. A girl? A guy? All I am working with here is that it's some childhood friend of Draco. I only hummed but made a plan to ask Nix about this person. I will use it as a leverage when he asks me about Gaia again.
We still had some minutes left for the class but I wanted to go early and get ready for my Combats class. I am supposed to go back into the active grounds today and finish my evaluation. I haven't practiced my powers besides using them to scare annoying Nix away, but I strengthened my body and gained muscles, so I might do better with moving the targets this time.
Putting away my backpack and stuff I don't need on the bench, I take off the hoodie and start warming up. I pulled on my arms from the sides and walked into the middle of the mat. Ms. Edite is not here yet, so I am using this to get ready. A few lunges, warming up the muscles of my legs too by pulling on my thighs, bending down and trying to touch my toes while sitting on the ground. I already put up a good sweat just by doing this but it's not a tough warm up. It's because they've changed the temperatures around and it feels like I am walking through a desert, like Reilly warned me when I first got in here. The timing couldn't be worse with me testing my powers to my limits. I can barely breathe this hot air and now my body will even get heated up more when I channel the lightning.
I still have time before the class starts so I ran out to grab two extra bottles of water and chugged the one I brought with me from my room. It felt so refreshing. I also used the last drops to clean exposed sweaty parts. While I was wiping off the sweat, Ms. Edite finally got here and then the bell rang, signaling the start of the class.
Ms. Edite didn't waste any time and asked me do the same thing I did before – move and position the targets. Getting one, two... ten targets was an easy task for me. I am trying to catch my breath but that's more because of this hell temperature and not using my powers. Ms. Edite only said "good" and wrote something down.
A smile creeped up on my face because I am so proud of me, but now the hard part comes. Ms. Edite asked me if I am feeling okay to continue and move to the next stage – using my lightning. I wiped the sweat drops that traveled from my forehead to my jawline, straightened my posture and replied with simple yes. Ms. Edite told me to proceed when she is out of the range. I watched her walk away in her antique brown dress and take a position about thirty feet in the distance. She nodded her head and held up the little notebook to keep making notes.
I pivoted on the spot to face the standing targets and took a deep breath. Or two, or three just in case, to calm down my nerves. Imagining a lightning building up, the energy started to fill my body and the sensation felt so different, so strong but I know that I can handle it. Maybe this is how others know when not to Overflow. I lifted my arms, pointed them as a vector towards the target in the middle and waited until the electricity builds up. The blue crackles appeared around my whole body but I need them just around my arms. I willed the power to travel from my legs to just my arms and get bigger. I aimed at the figurine and then imagined letting go of the power, letting it burst out of me but nothing happened. At least until all of the targets slided a little bit a few inches to the back, making a screeching noise against the mat and then the three in the middle got blasted away. Or more like thrown.
Ms. Edite: I have already evaluated your electrokinetic powers, now you can use your lightning to hit the targets.
But that's what I wanted to do. I felt so embarrassed but I want to learn how to control my powers, so I started to use my powers again. Maybe I do need the whole body channeling, so instead of moving the electricity to my arms, I let it flow around my whole body. I focused on the remaining targets, picking up the ones on the left and imagined scorching them with just one strike of lightning. My arms pointed at one of the targets but I saw how it started to shake, so I let my arms down and then instead of being blaste or flying away, the target flew at my head like it did the first time. I dodged in time and luckily the trajectory of the target isn't in a way of Ms. Edite who noted something into her small book.
One more time. I tried one more time but the result was more or the same. I stopped channeling before I could either move the targets fly away or towards me. I apologized to Ms. Edite but her expression hasn't change. She kept her professional attitude and told me that apology is not needed. She asked me if I need any guidance and I gladly took it.
Ms. Edite: You seem to be channeling only small amount of the electric current which is not strong enough to create a lightning. You are also channeling within your body. To create a lightning bolt, you need a starting point and direct the energy towards that.
I remembered how Draco told me to imagine a ball between my hands and then throw it away during my first Overflow. I thanked Ms. Edite for guiding me and told her that I might know how to do it properly now.
Getting into my position, I focused on the remaining targets that are on the right this time. Lifting my hands in front of my chest, I twisted them, letting the palms face each other and then started at the empty air between my two hands. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and with exhaling the air I imagined my power appearing. I heard the soft electricity crackles so I opened my eyes. My gaze was greeted with a small ball of blueish light starting to grow in front of me. I was mesmerized by the color and the power so I shook my head to focus on controlling it. I squinted my eyes while willing more power into my fingers. The air seemed to harden up and it felt like I am really holding something. My hands started to tremble when I tried to squeeze that invisible ball while it kept taking more and more on volume. I let myself get carried with the flow on the power inside me. I am not near the level of power I had during my Overflow but I think it should be enough to produce one bolt and hit at least of target. It felt so easy and somehow I know that I can add more, I can handle more. I targets are far away which means maybe I should add a little bit more power to reach them, just in case. When my hands were shaking too much, I decided to finally look up, pick my target and then throw this lightning ball at it. All I heard is the electricity zaps between my fingers and Ms. Edite yelling out my name, but before I could turn around to ask what she needs, the lightning escaped from my hands. I loud thunder resonated throughout the grounds and my eyes were flashed by the brightest light I have seen in my life, the same one I released during the first Overflow.
I dropped on the ground because of the force of air that pushed on my body and waited for my sight to get back to normal. When I could focus on my surroundings again, my eyes traveled around the room to look at the targets first. None of them got hit. I sighed and let my gaze drop on the ground. A circle of an untouched gray mat is around me and then the rest of it is sizzling, steam coming out of the scorched rubber material. I trailed the destroyed area and remembered that Ms. Edit was standing close to me. Her position was barely on the edge of the range that I hit before so I had to make sure she didn't get caught. I checked the place where she was standing but I couldn't see her anywhere. A fear took over my body and I thought the worst scenario happened.
I killed someone.
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