I imagined what it must look like, to be able to shift into such majestic creatures like a bear or a deer, and what it must feel like too. The freedom of just running inside the woods and not thinking about anything that's happening in your life. Being hunted would suck of course, but just being able to even shift into an animal, that's a different kind of magic.
I asked Nima if she is able to transform too but unfortunately her family doesn't have the shifter gene. On the other hand, Nima is able to talk to certain animals and actually have a conversation with them like she is talking to me right now or any other person. She can only do it with bird-type animals though.
Our talk continued for hours and I thought multiple times throughout the conversation about asking either Gaia or Nima to be my new Help, but with Reilly around, she would instantly volunteer and I didn't want to add to more stuff for her to deal with. I let it go for now and then I might try asking them when we are alone or through a message.
The girls stayed in our room until it got late and then left around 10pm to let us sleep. They also need to go and rest up because the classes are back on and they are tough, especially Combats. I needed my body to gather energy because I have that class again tomorrow and to add to the difficulty of the day, I also have a Zeus meeting class and might get stuck with Saxa in one room.
I wished that I could get more sleep and also tried to prolong the day because I really didn't want to hang out with Saxa at all but the morning is here and Reilly is already getting dressed up. I joined her reluctantly a few minutes after and asked her about the Combats class. I was worried that I might exhaust myself magically so I decided to give a shot to working out in the gym or do some fighting training. Reilly quickly dismissed the second one and said that it would be hard on my body to learn fighting if I don't strengthen my muscles first, but working out isn't a bad idea. She told me what to wear to feel comfortable in the gym but also good for some evaluation, and then went to write down a regime for me. It will need to be accepted by Professor Nalin first and it might also get changed a little bit, depending if the professor might have a different ideas for training and what might be best for me, but Reilly was pretty much one hundred percent sure, that it will pass through.
We packed our backpacks and then went straight into our first class without eating breakfast since the Controlling class is always prepared with refreshments. Reilly went to the second floor of the north wing and I was left to wander around because both of us have no idea where the room for Zeus descendants is.
It took me about thirty minutes to walk from each door, almost every floor of the north wing until I finally found the classroom for my Controlling class. I navigated myself only based on the symbols that are on the door which I am now staring at because I can hear a muffled female voice coming from inside. The only one that could be in there is Saxa and of course it's my amazing luck that she is attending the class today when I am supposed to join it too. But who is she talking to? They said it's not mandatory to attend the Controlling class and I don't want to barge in on Saxa, but I do want to introduce myself to the teacher that is holding the meetings. I was going to leave it for another day but this floor also has other classrooms and the students are coming in. I would look like a crazy person that is just walking around, so I knocked on the door and then let myself in.
The chatter ended and as I opened the door, I was greeted with a very unpleasant look from Saxa and also by a broad back of a male dressed in white shirt and black vest. I could recognize that outfit any time and I know who the teacher is without him turning his face towards me. I greeted both Saxa and Mr. Hale, then walked straight towards the food table. Saxa only crossed her arms in front of her chest and scoffed, didn't greet me at all. Mr. Hale did wish me good morning but that was about it, nothing else. I tried to mind my own business but I couldn't help to tune into their conversation from time to time. Saxa started talking again, or more like blatantly flirting with Mr. Hale who suddently looked so uncomfortable. His gaze fell on me a few times, but everytime I met his stare, he looked away. From what I've gathered, Saxa wanted him to stay but Mr. Hale excused himself, because he has his own class. I guess he is not the teacher for Zeus Controlling. Saxa asked him to meet up afterwards and Mr. Hale agreed to it, in a professional manner of course, telling her to stop by his office if she has any questions related to the studies. Saxa pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she agreed to the meeting in his office and was all happy about it. At least until Mr. Hale asked to speak with me in private.
I left everything near the food table and followed Mr. Hale outside of the classroom because apparently he can't say it in front of Saxa. I thought maybe he found more about my situation as a demigod with spell-casting ability but he wouldn't be talking about it openly in the hallway. He was going to speak up but then more students started to walk in so he stopped himself. Mr. Hale grabbed me by my shoulders and moved me to the side to move us out of the way but he quickly let go of me, cleared his throat and then took a few steps back to make some space between us. He is definitely acting weird but how would I even start that conversation, asking him what's wrong? I was bothered by it but nothing much to do about it until he says something on his own.
Mr. Hale: Principal Haydos asked me to inform you about your student situation.
Me: My situation? Did something else happen or did he find out about me being able to cast spells?
Mr. Hale: He said nothing about that so I am pretty sure he doesn't know. During my research, I stumbled upon something and then got caught by one person who is also interested in this so they might contact you, I am sorry.
Me: Nothing much to do about it I guess. What did you want to tell me though? Is it just this?
Mr. Hale: I was just told to inform you about the change in your student status. You were taken as a "ghost" student with everything happening at the beginning but since your situation has been resolved and you are placed correctly to Umbras now, you will continue as a proper student. All of the teachers will be informed too, so all of your tests and performance will be taken into consideration.
Me: I have totally forgotten about that and continued my studying like I am a normal student anyway, but thank you for letting me know and can I ask who is this person that will contact me about the spell-casting?
Mr. Hale let me know that I will be asked to join Ms. Do'or and answer some questions with her investigation, probably the one connected to the incident of me teleporting outside of the school, and that she will also ask me about this demigod-spell-caster situation. He apologized for revealing that I am included in that to Ms. Do'or but I only smiled at him, saying that it's totally okay and that I know her and she is a really nice person. I don't know yet if I can trust her with this secret but she did help me to get back into the academy without telling the principals, so she did earn a small trust from me.
I returned to the classroom and waited for our teacher. Saxa was sitting on a chair, dressed in her usual white dress and texting someone. I didn't want to bother her or even interact with her but I have no idea what should I do so I asked her about the class.
Me: Who is our professor? Do we wait for him or her, or do we just do our own thing?
Saxa: What makes you think you can talk to me? You are lucky that I can't attack you right now, but I saw you in the combats area. Wait until we get paired up for duel.
Me: Can't wait.
Saxa: I won't be stuck here with you so I am leaving. You can wait for Doctor Witt by yourself.
And with that, she stood up from her chair, picked up her gold and white purse, then left. I wondered who this Doctor Witt might be, but I guess he is our teacher. Doctor and not a professor, got it.
I stuffed myself with the food that is prepared for us, changing up the variety a little bit, and not just fruit, based on what Reilly instructed me to eat. I was still chewing the pastry when a female voice greeted me, then apologized for being late. I turned my head to face the older lady, maybe in her 50s, who is taking off her jacket and also a white doctor's coat. My cheeks were still puffed with the food but I quickly tried to eat it. I didn't chew it properly and the last gulps made me choke since the end of the pastry was dry without any cream filling or jam. My hand went straight towards the glasses and the bottle of water that's placed near the fruit bowl.
Doctor Witt: Take your time while eating, you don't have to hurry because of me and you can totally eat during the lesson, I don't mind. I am a doctor but want to avoid any injuries.
Me: I am sorry. Do I call you Doctor or Professor Witt?
Doctor Witt: That is up to you. At Umbras I am basically a professor but I am not a real teacher. I am just here to help guide Zeus descendants when there is one at the academy.
Me: Do you know why that is? Like why there is not so many of us around?
The doctor started to explain what she knows about the biology or more like genetic portion of the problem while I dumped pieces of different cut fruit onto my plate. Each fruit cube I put into my mouth, I chewed properly and then took another one while listened to the explanation of some magical DNA genes splitting or something like that.
Doctor Witt: We don't know what the true cause of this is but lately, there have been many failed ascenscions and then the magical gene dissipates over the time, making the people mortal and non-magical.
I quickly put down the plate with some leftover fruit cubes on the table and then rummaged through my backpack to get my notebook. As I was writing what the Doctor Witt just said, I noticed she paused and waited for me to finish writing. I looked up at her and she only gave me a soft smiling, saying that she is happy someone is actually interested in the class because usually the other students, meaning Saxa, always leaves or doesn't attend at all. I got back to my writing and then asked about this ascenscion thing. I have heard about it before but never really learned what it is.
Doctor Witt: Right now, you are a demigod adept but not a full demigod. The same thing applies to magicians. You need to study up, prepare yourself and your powers, essentially your body to hold the full force of your powers, and then ascent into this higher state. All students go through the ceremony in their last weeks of the 5th year. Magicians usually don't have that much trouble with ascending to Magicians but us demigods, it has been a problem lately. You are in your first year so you don't have to worry about this yet, but from what I can tell you, from my own experience too, you go into this state of meditation and try to unleash the source into your whole being, every cell and also connect to it with your mind.
Me: Do people get overwhelmed by the power and then Overflow?
Doctor Witt: Not really. The amount of power that gets unlocked is immense but instead of being it too much, the body just doesn't connect to it. You only have one chance to ascend and if you fail, you can't do it anymore. Failed ascenscions in the past resulted in people remaining with the amount of power they had before, but lately, the genes started to break down and then the failed students lost their powers over the time, turning them into humans. It also degrades the whole gene so their children do not inherit the powers too.
My hand was writing everything I heard on autopilot and I wasn't really thinking about what I noting down until my brain processed every information. There is a way for me to return to being human? Or turn human basically because I was always a demigod. But to me it would feel like returning to being normal. It would be weird to ask about how to fail this ascenscion on purpose and I will have to wait four more years until I can do that but this information gave me a way to escape this whole situation. No more accidents, no more hurting people, no more a princess. I circled the note and made a little exclamation mark next to it, then trailed the mark over and over to make it bigger and thicker.
I asked more about this gene breaking and the doc gladly went into details. Maybe even too much into it, because she started to draw diagrams and gene codes which made my brain hurt and I didn't understand anything but I still wrote everything down.
Doctor Witt also started to explain the Noion magical gene breaking to me after I asked about it. She doesn't have much information about it because there haven't been any tests conducted, since all of the Noion magical descendants have disappeared ages ago. She did ask me what's my interest in this though and I only explained that I heard about it happening and thought it might be connected to this failed ascension gene breaking. I lied of course, because during the explanation, the doc revealed that her focus in medicine is genetics and trying to find a solution to this whole problem. Main focus? Noion gene cataclysm. She is one of the researchers that might start probing me and cutting me open if I let her know that I used to have the Noion gene. It hasn't been confirmed but the theory Professor Coldos told me might actually be true. Mough tight shut, lips sealed about my origin and I only nodded my head to what the doc is explaining to me and noting it down.
Doctor Witt: All we have are theories about what happened to Noion magicians. There are no mentions of failed ascensions and we couldn't do any tests. One day, the Noion community just disappeared. If there are any remnants of that gene, people probably don't know about it or they are hiding for some reason.
Me: Would finding out what happened to Noion people help you with the other genes?
Doctor Witt: Possibly. Even though these two gene cataclysms present in totally different ways, we can't rule it out. But that's not the main reason some of us decided to study them. Noion magicians were the strongest in their era and considered to be on the level of a demigod power. Magic strong like that just disappearing, makes for a good research, no?
Me: So Noion people weren't actual ancient gods but magicians?
Doctor Witt: Oh you mean the ancient gods like Ulferonn? Well, translating Noion texts is pretty much a challenge and at the end, most of it is open to interpretation. People coming from this line were magicians and they mentioned "others" as ancient gods. Wether they mean Ulferonn was so powerful that they believed him to be a god or he was an actual god that they worshiped, we don't really know. But they were all part of a bloodline called Noion, probably named after some family.
Me: So Noion people actually come from Earth and not this Viysus place?
Doctor Witt: Of course. Viysus is considered to be only a legend, maybe an old city or province in the Old Age and probably the translation was off. There is no confirmation that alternate dimensions exist. It could also be a name for heaven, or something like for example Greek gods and their Olymp.
Me: But some researchers tried to find a way into this Viysus place.
Doctor Witt: It's probably just a kid's fable and focusing on that is a pure waste of time in my opinion. The molecular base of the Noion magic is far more interesting and reveals more than just some fantasy utopia place.
Doctor Witt kept talking about the whole situation but I stopped writing notes in the middle of her explanation. The way she spoke, it made sense and it's all based on logic and facts, but I know for sure that Ulferonn must be a god. How else he could live so long, until the 21st century and then meet my mom, then me being born. Yet again, I couldn't reveal this to the doc and kept it to myself. It made me confused a little bit and opened new questions about this whole gene magic biology but I was sure about few things when it comes to Ulferonn and my origin.
I was going to ask the doc more about the powers and how people inherit them but I got interrupted by the soft ringing of a bell, signaling the end of the class. Doctor Witt stopped pointing to the drawing of genom on the blackboard and then told me I am free to go. I might have to ask someone else to explain this to me but right now I need to get into the combat grounds.
The temperature in the grounds is even colder than it was yesterday. I moved fast to generate some heat and went to the main active ground first. Saxa is already here, stretching her arms slightly and getting ready to practice her powers. She noticed me enter the mat and then scoffed. She pointed out my clothes, how shabby I look and that it ruins the name of Zeus descendants but I didn't care. I picked comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie because I wanted to work out my body physically today and sweating in tight jeans would be annoying.
Saxa: Lucky for you I guess to wear this. At least your pretty clothes, if you even have some, wouldn't be ruined by me cleaning the floor with you during the duel. Are we good to go, professor Radock?
Professor Radock: Kaitlin is not-
Me: Actually, I wanted to go into the fighting grounds and train with Professor Nalin today, to work on my muscles, if that's okay with you, professor.
It might seem rude but I quickly interrupted the professor because I didn't want him to reveal to Saxa that I am not fight ready. She would insist on challenging me to a duel and I would be a goner. Not just losing, but Saxa would definitely find a way to kill me in the process, then blaming it on accident to avoid being punished for it.
Professor Radock assessed my outfit which screams "clothes for gym" and then allowed me to do what I planned. He did mention that Professor Nalin might be busy and not take over my training today. If that happens, I am supposed to come back, inform him about my return and continue my training on which we settled yesterday.
This whole "rejection" made Saxa mad and she pivoted fast on the spot, summoning a lightning from the ceiling and blasting off a target dummy that one of the other students in the class is setting up. Luckily, the guy managed to jump away in time and didn't get hit because he protected himself with a wave of of a black darkness that engulfed part of the lightning. He couldn't deflect it fully and his whole forearm got scorched. The guy probably didn't even notice that the skin on his left arm in completely burned, turned almost into a charcoal with a bits of a bleeding flesh. Professor Radock yelled at the guy to go into the infirmary for treatment and then talked to Saxa. He didn't yell at her but you could sense that he is pissed. Professor Radock told her to be more careful in the future but Saxa only flipped her ponytail to the back and then left saying that if others weren't so weak, they could protect themselves.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Saxa's behavior but I didn't want to risk picking up a fight with her so I walked over to the injured guy and decided to help him. I grabbed his uninjured arm to support him but he slapped my hands away, telling me to leave him alone. He supported his burned arm by his elbow but didn't press it against his body to not get his clothes stick to the wound, then slowly walked off the mat. I trailed behind him because I had to leave anyway and go find Professor Nalin, then Reilly. I left the guy alone like he wanted to but I was curious about that darkness he summoned. I didn't ask though and only wished him luck, then separated in the corridor crossing to go into the fighting combat grounds.
Professor Nalin is instructing the students who are fighting each other, with swords this time instead of punching and kicking. I didn't want to interrupt his lesson so I looked for Reilly. As my head was turning around and searching, Professor Nalin noticed me and asked me to walk to him. I was reluctant about it because walking between slashes of swords isn't an easy task, especially since the students are moving back and forth or rolling on the ground to dodge the attacks around the whole mat. I waited for an opening and then tried to swiftly run through the two fighting couples but one of the males stumbled my way and I had to dodge him. I moved in a wrong direction and then was thrown by the gravity towards the third duo. A female student was going to slash with her double swords and it would slit my face in half, leave a pretty scar after healing but as one of the short dagger swords got close to me, it was stopped in the air. She used her full strength in the movement but the sword staggered and then flew away. I stopped breathing, I don't even know when, and when my brain finally realized, it gave order to my lungs to take a deep breath. With that, everyone exclaimed and stopped their training. I looked around to see why, only to see every sword thrown away from their hands and lying on the ground in almost a perfect circle with me in the middle.
Professor Nalin: That is one way to disarm an enemy but I am guessing you didn't come here to practice that move.
Finally realizing what happened, I lifted my hands in front of my face and watched the blue soft electricity crackle around my arms. Subconsciously I channeled my power and used the electrokinesis to move the swords. Was I planning it? Not at all. But is it a nice power? Hell yeah. And at least I didn't have to move heavy practice targets. I apologized to everyone while they went to pick up their swords or daggers and then explained to the professor what I am doing here. Like Professor Radock predicted, Professor Nalin is busy and can't oversee my training but Reilly has already showed him the regime she wrote this morning and agreed to some of it. He let me know that Reilly is warming up in one of the gyms and I can warm up with her first. Everyone was almost back to their previous spots to resume their training so I quickly left the mat and went into the gym section.
I peeked into the first two rooms in order to find Reilly and she was in the second one, using one of the machines for her work out. She is sitting with her back towards me and I only watched her curls tied in ponytail to sway in the air while her back muscles stretched and relaxed with each pull of the machine. Calling her name, I gained Reilly's attention and she finished her set, then took a good amount of water from her bottle while waving at me and calling me to her side. I started moving in her direction but she pointed at these metal lockers.
I dropped off my stuff that I don't need and joined Reilly. She instructed me to also take off my hoodie and go save one of the treadmills. I picked one of the empty turned off machines and walk towards it, took off the warmer piece of clothes and tossed it over the plastic rail of the treadmill. My body shuddered under the chilly air that surrounded my naked skin of my arms and shoulders so I hugged myself and brushed my upper arms. I was just left in a tanktop, leaning against the treadmill and waited without working out or anything because apparently Reilly was instructed to wait for Professor Nalin.
The professor joined us pretty soon after and didn't waste any time. He barely arrived into the small corner of the gym where me and Reilly are waiting, when he told me to stand straight in front of him. I stopped leaning against the machine and took a few steps to get to the professor. He kept his arms crossed behind his back while circling my like a vulture and looking at me. It felt weird and uncomfortable, mostly because I got dissed for my posture, then the amount of muscles I have. I could hear Reilly snort so my eyes darted towards her but she only stuck her tongue at me, but when the professor walked to the front, she quickly composed her posture and expression, then stared at her fingers and picked on her nails.
Professor Nalin did an evaluation of my body and then told Reilly to proceed with the work out regime she wrote with a few small adjustments. Reilly didn't even need to check out the paper with the training list and guided me towards each machine, then explained the work out. First, some crunches and jumping jacks to warm up, then I almost died running on the treadmill. Apparently Reilly wanted me to run one hour in total but Professor Nalin adviced to split it into small bursts. I ran for fifteen minutes, then lowered the tempo of the treadmill and walked for ten to catch breath and repeat. After that we went through three more machines while Reilly explained what I am actually training. Like she said before, also the professor agreed that my legs are in better shape and I need to work out on my upper body, stamina and last legs to make my form better. Something about grounding and being able to brace the impact with my core.
My lungs were on fire and I feel like throwing up, but luckily Reilly told me to take a thirty minute break, then we will continue. I dropped on the yoga mat and chugged the whole bottle. The water combined with the cold air cooled down my body but I wanted to stay glued to the ground and not move anymore. Unfortunately, Reilly ordered me to get up or I might catch a cold, and also that we need to finish the work outs.
I don't know how I survived this horrible torture but I need to streghten my body in order to hold my power, plus to be able to fight off Saxa if we get paired up for a duel. I could barely move my body through the hallways back into my room but for some reason, walking up those damn stairs wasn't that bad like it usually is.
I thought that my body is slowly getting better and adjusting but hell was I wrong. My shoulders hurt so badly the next morning and I can barely move my arms around. Luckily I am still able to walk. I took my time on the stairs while massaging my upper arms and then paused when someone called my name. Before I could even turn around, a familiar tanned and raven-haired guy caught up with me and then bumped my shoulder with his fist. I grunted in pain and then glared at Phoenix who was grinning from ear to ear.
Phoenix: What you up to, sweetie?
Me: How are you always so chipper?
Draco: Maybe we should cut his sugar intake.
Phoenix: Go ahead, I will fight for my candy. By the way, you look so exhausted, sweetie. What happened?
Me: Just Combats. I swapped to train with Professor Nalin in the gym instead of practicing my powers and the training is hell.
Phoenix: If you need any sparring partner, just let me know.
Me: I might actually prefer Zuna around.
Phoenix imitated boxing movements but when I joked about wanting Zuna as my gym buddy, he stopped and pouted. Leo also caught up with our little group with a perfect timing, and smacked Phoenix on the back of his head when he started to act like a little kid. Phoenix brushed his hair and started to bicker with Leo, but I started to move down on the stairs, leaving the duo above me. Draco joined me and let the two of them fight, or more like Phoenix be like a little playful puppy meanwhile Leo towered over him, standing calm with his hands in his pockets.
Draco: Are you on your way to Combats right now?
Me: Actually no. Athena Controlling meeting.
Draco: Why are you assigned to that class?
Me: Mr. Hale is a teacher for that one and long story short, my knowledge of magical world sucks, so they put me in there to catch up on the basics.
Draco: Why that class though?
Me: Mr. Hale used to be my Help but then there were some troubles and they only allow me to visit him during that class. I asked my friends about some stuff but I still have no idea what I don't know and I don't want to burden them with acting as my Help.
Draco: You don't have one anymore? If you want, I will do it.
There he goes again, offering to help out of nowhere. If he looked like Leo, I would think that Draco is a real angel. I was going to reply to him either no or that I will think about it but I was beaten to it by someone else. A female voice coming from below us called my name and I paused to search for the owner of that voice. It belongs to Gaia, who is standing on the platform and waiting for me.
Gaia: Some investigator lady is asking for you Kaitlin and you are supposed to go to the Aveus half.
I only nodded and then turned to face Draco, telling him that I will think about it. He still said that he can help me out with the classes if I want, even if he won't get assigned to me, so I only thanked him and then ran down the stairs to join Gaia. Phoenix and Leo caught up with us and asked Draco what's going on but he replied nothing and told the boys to just go to the classroom. I left the boys and then followed Gaia, asking her if she knows what they want with me. Gaia only shrugged her shoulders and then handed me a one-time paper pass to Aveus.
Gaia: Was that your boyfriend?
I choked on the saliva I tried to swallow and then tried to explain that me and Draco are just friends while stuttering. Gaia chuckled and then apologized if that question made me flustered. I shook my hands in front of her in defense and I wanted to change the conversation to something else. I remembered the guy in the Combats class yesterday so I asked Gaia if she knows what type of power and descendant he is.
Gaia: Sounds like a Hades descendant based on what you told me.
Me: But that thing did not look like your powers at all.
She swiftly explained some Hades descendants can summon curses. He must have used a curse to devour the energy of the lightning. When summoned without a corporeal body, the curse goes after the nearest host or energy to sustain a form. I actually understood everything Gaia said but she seemed somehow bothered by talking about this.
Me: Is it considered like...evil, if you can wield a curse?
Gaia: Why do you think that?
Me: It's just that you seem like you don't want to talk about it, like it's something bad considered between Hades descendants.
Gaia went quiet and I must have hit a nerve with that one. I was going to apologize for being insensitive but Gaia finally spoke up. It wasn't because curse is considered being something bad or evil, but she was bothered talking about it because it's the reason she is currently blind. That day when I collapsed and was brought to the infirmary, they also brought Gaia. She looked like she is dead but apparently she tried to also summon a curse. Something about a puppeteer curse. But her bloodline doesn't have the power to control curses so it backfired and the thing she summoned took over her. She wasn't supposed to even get out of it but somehow she got an energy boosted that she needed to break out of it. Sadly, there are still remnants of that failure, her blindness.
Me: Why would you even want to do something so dangerous? Weren't you scared?
Gaia: I wanted to connect more with souls. I have always wanted to be able to talk to the souls and design clothes for their funeral, based on the wished of the deceased, not the living family members. I discovered one way, tarot cards, but that isn't enough.
Me: Tarot reading? Isn't that like a magician thing?
Gaia: I have always enjoyed the "witchy stuff".
Me: Somehow I am starting to imagine you as a medium, reading from a crystal ball in a gypsy room or something.
Gaia actually laughed about that but it was true. My brain was painting this picture of her in a traveling circus tent where she does future reading from a palm. But even her dream of being a clothes designer sounded so amazing. I had no idea what I want to do in the future. All I want is to either track down my family or start my own, then live a normal life. Preferably no magic included.
Gaia had to go to her own class so I thanked her for letting me know about me being summoned and also for just talking to me about stuff. She softly smiled, pivoted elegantly on the spot, her lilac bob cut hair swayed in the air and then she walked away while holding her books, hugging them in front of her chest.
I passed through the crossing door, totally used to the whole process by now but the problem is, I have no idea where to go. Gaia only informed me that I am expected at Aveus but she didn't say where I am supposed to meet the person. If anything, I will just go to the Principal Idarin's office and ask about it, or the investigator might be even waiting for me there. I waited for the second crossing door to open and then go find the investigator lady, who is probably Ms. Do'or. She wanted my help with her incident report but she also found out that I am a demigod who can still do spells, so she might be here to finally turn me in. I took a deep breath, then exhaled and started to feel a little nervous. All of that was broken by a greeting from a familiar person I haven't seen in ages.
"Long time no see, mundrel."
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