Getting out from the petrified state this quickly, the nurses that were around the infirmary prayed and blessed this miracle while the ones assigned to her quickly started to take care of her. Meanwhile Principal Haydos' grip was still strong on me and he kept squeezing hard, asking what I did to her. I was still trying to process the situation and I wasn't aware of doing anything so I couldn't reply to him. Principal Idarin saw me panicking. He pushed the other principal gently away and handed him over the brown bottle with the dust, telling him to take care of the thing that was captured inside. Principal Idarin then put his wrinkly left hand on my shoulder and with other arm he motioned me to walk to the open space of the infirmary, spot between the two rows of beds on each side of the room where we could talk more in private. The nurses continued doing their jobs, cleaning bandages, creams or medicine while two or three of them hopped around the girl, checking her vitals, writing down the results into this little book one of them carried, calming the poor girl down because she was suddenly blind and was panicking. Making something happen again, yes, that's me, classic. I only wished her a fast recovery but maybe my powers are...actually evil. Did I cause her blindness? My powers stem in telekinese and I am pretty sure I didn't say any spell so how could I? Principal Idarin asked me about the situation calmly and let me explain it whole.
Principal Idarin: Can you tell us, what happened?
Me: Nothing much, really.. I was on my way to the testing like you told me to. Since the nurses were away for a minute and you were discussing something with Principal Haydos, I took the opportunity to walk up to her bed and just wanted to wish her a fast recovery. Then she started seizing and the rest, you know.
Principal Haydos: You didn't say any incantation?
Umbras Principal's voice resonated from behind me. I turned around to face him, leaving Principal Idarin standing behind me. I was thinking hard, just in case I missed something but I really did nothing and I don't know any resurrection spells or incantations that would bring someone back from the dead, if that's even possible. I felt a warm hand ony my right shoulder so I turned my head slighty to see who it is. It belonged to Principal Idarin who gave me a soft smile, his eyes turning into two lines, his wrinkles becoming even more prominent and he told me to take my time, try to remember if I did anything. I looked down at my feet and took a deep breath. But I couldn't think of anything, just a genuine wish for her to get better. Principal Haydos walked up to me and Principal Idarin. I saw him handing over the glass bottle to someone. I followed to the end of the extended arm to notice two smaller hands grabbing the bottle and taking it. It was Professor Xyla. She only nodded after she got a hold of the bottle and then left. Principal Haydos asked me once more about the situation so I explained myself again.
Me: No, nothing I swear. I only held her hand.
Nurse: Looking over her chart, we noticed that she is a Hades descendant. Could just luck this time.
One of the nurses walked away from the bed and joined our conversation with a little book in her hands, showing it to the principals. Both of them took small steps to get closer to the nurse, both of them standing on each side of the petite and slim woman figure as they read what she was showing them. After confirming what the nurse said, Principal Haydos calmed down and looked at Principal Idarin who nodded and agreed with the nurse. I was intrigued upon hearing "Hades descendant" so I wanted to know more and also check that small book. Trying to stretch myself, getting on my tip toes to see what it was, I saw a photo of the girl, her name, Gaia, and also other information. Do they keep detailed information about all of us? Do they perhaps know who my parents are? Maybe if I ask Principal Idarin in private about my file, I could find out something more. Now I need to focus on this test that is supposed to tell me about my power which I forgot about for a second until Principal Idarin reminded me about it.
Principal Idarin: We apologize, Miss Holland, for doubting you and also taking up your time. Magician student Young is still waiting for you in front of the infirmary. You are free to go and to attend the testing. Good luck. Hope you find out more about yourself.
I bowed to the principals, thanked the nurses for taking care of me and then excused myself. Leaving the infirmary, I overheard them say something about an attempt of a corpse puppet spell. That girl, Gaia, looked really like all life was sucked out from her when she was brought to the infirmary. I need to look up that spell later and see if it was really me who did something to get her out of it. I quickly left the room because as I know Young's personality, he is fuming with impatience while waiting for me. And I was right. I opened the door of the infirmary and saw Young leaning against the wall right next to the entrance, making me jump a little bit because I didn't expect him to stand in such a hidden angle. He rolled his eyes at my little surprised jump and complained about what took me so long to get out of the infirmary.
Young: Try not to do anything stupid anymore. My free time is precious and I don't want to be stuck babysitting a dumb mundrel.
I scoffed at his comment. It's not like I wanted for this stuff to happen around me and I would gladly swap it with him, to let him see handle random fires or being labeled as a freak. I didn't understand his problem with me at all but it was the least of my problems on my never-ending list. Main priority now was to get tested by some machines or whatever they have here to tell me more about my power and maybe find out how to control it so I passed Young who was still standing in the hallway in front of the infirmary and started walking away. I was stomping my way out of there when Young called me stupid and that I was walking in a wrong direction. My body stopped moving instantly. A little bit embarrassed I turned around, cleared my throat and then made my way back to where Young was. He was watching me with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He untangled his right hand and then lifted his forearm, curling his fingers besides his thumb and pointed with it to a direction behind him. I only gave him a fake smile grimace as a thank you and then we finally started moving. Following him through the school halls, I bask in the glory of different decorations. Statues, paintings I have already known because I passed around every day to my classes or when I wandered through the school. But the scenery of the hallways turned into something I didn't recognize. We walk to a part of the building which I haven't seen yet or been in before. Slowly the halls were getting darker, no windows on the sides nor decorations to make it less depressing. The only light that was here came from the big floating chandeliers decorating the ceiling above our heads. I was looking around, trying to think of what's this place going to look like since it seems to be really hidden, deep within the school. I hoped it's not some dungeon and instead of trying to figure out what's wrong with my powers, they lied to me and are just going to dump me in some jail. I shook my head to stop thinking about such ridiculous things and the picked up my pace because I was way behind Young. We walked for a while before he suddenly slowed down and eventually stopped. I did the same and stood right next to left side, looked at him, wondering why we stopped in front of this staircase when there is literally nothing blocking us to continue in our way. I thought that maybe I am supposed to go on my own from this point so I was going to walk down those stairs, but Young quickly put his arm in front of me, hitting my stomach and stopping my steps. I backed up and then watch him do whatever he needs to do. Young took a few steps closer to where the first stair is starting, rising up his hand. Then he started moving his arms in the air, touching something invisible and moving it to sides. I raised my eyebrow at what is happening in front of me because Young looked a little bit ridiculous and like a crazy person. But then yellow symbols started appearing where his hands touched in the air. Eleven symbols, in a language I didn't recognize, were shining in front of us. It was just swirls and circles or squares and they got connected with each other by these thin golden strings that resembled silk threads. Then the whole air space in front of us lit up, making me lift up my arms to cover my eyes from that light. I watched the symbols disappear and Young started to to make his way down into that place. One stair after another, I watch him descend into this tunnel hallway that looked so ominous, his whole body getting devoured by the darkness and disappearing from my vision. I guess, there are things stronger than my powers. I heard Young's steps as he continued to walk down the stairs while I was still standing at the top. I took a peek into the hallway and then quickly walked down to catch up with him. I looked down to see how much we need to walk and there were still quiet a few stairs in front of us. It felt like a never-ending staircase.
The whole time Young was quiet and didn't say anything. I wondered if I should ask him something to end this excrutiating silence or not. He seemed like a person who doesn't enjoy small talk much. But he still cared for me in his own way, or at least I hoped so, and that was interesting to me. He didn't know me at all, looked like he hated me for not coming from a prominent magical family but he followed orders to accompany me everytime something came up. He was probably ordered by the Principal Idarin and I don't think anyone would say no to the Principal but Young seems like a person who could do that.
Me: Hey, Young. Do you hate me?
Young: Why do you ask, mundrel?
Me: I don't even know what that word means but I guess you do, huh. Why?
Young: Tsk. You really know nothing but seem to be so powerful, such a prodigy while being just a damn mundrel. That's pissing me off.
Me: I guess. Sometimes I wish I never had this magic at all. It isn't really handy.
Young: And that's why I don't like you. You don't value what you have. Many would change their places with you, you know. Let me explain it to you then, mundrel, since you are as stupid as they come. Mundrel is someone who has magical abilities but doesn't come from a magical family. People who were adopted and raised by non-magical people in an environment without the knowledge of magic, often endangered themselves, people around them, or exposed their magic by accident. And I mean the true magic, not some parlor tricks or illusions.
Me: Those people can't change the fact that they were abandoned and left to die outside during winter.
Young: Oddly specific. But yeah, it's a word in a magical community for those people so I don't know where the problem is.
Me: It kinda sounds like an insult, you know.
Young: They can ask for its' meaning before getting all hot-headed or throwing tantrums. Coming to a magical school to study and they don't ask stuff they literally just found out about or heard for the first time? Ridiculous.
Me: True. Thanks for explaining it to this mundrel then.
Young: No problem. So?
Me: So what?
Young: You don't have magical parents. Were you adopted?
Me: Many times. Didn't really work out with all the telekinetic stunts I unconsciously did.
Young: Irresponsible. People who gave you up shouldn't be allowed to practice magic.
Me: Is that the only thing why you don't like me? That I didn't know anything about magic and seemed like a little kid discovering that unicorns are real?
Young: Unicorns are real.
I laughed at that response but Young's face remained the same with his usual serious expression. I laughed awkwardly and cleared my throat, remaining quiet for the rest of the walk. The atmosphere started to get a little weird, but I was hesitant to break the silence by talking again after the unicorn joke. Getting to the bottom of the staircase, we arrived in front of this wooden circle door. I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly which made Young stop from opening the door and retract his hands from the door handle.
Young: It's just a normal test. You would do this normally in your third year but there must be something about you, mundrel, so don't ruin your chances in getting big. Make Ossilor proud.
Me: Thanks but I don't know if I am capable of doing that. My magic doesn't seem to work when I want, only when it tries to make a fool out of me.
Young: You'll learn.
Me: Do you know who will be conducting the test? Principal Idarin said it's a great magician but didn't really tell me anything about the test or the person.
Young: No. But I am supposed to stay there and keep an eye on you. Again.
Me: Really? I am glad.
Young: You should be.
Me: Sorry, they're making you do this. You could have refused though and ask someone else to take over.
Young: It's okay, I wanted to.
Me: I doubt that. You don't have to be acting agaist your feelings towards me. I know you don't like me, so why?
But Young said nothing in response. He turned back again to face to the door and pushed them open, standing in the door frame for a while, not looking at me while facing this huge room. The words he said afterwards though hit me hard and I knew I could trust him from now on. You remind me of my sister, that's why. And it really made sense. We were like a brother and sister. Hating each other, bickering everytime he had to babysit me or show me around the school, but in the end helping me when in need. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, holding it for a moment and then exhaling while walking inside. It was a big circle room with tall shelves around, filled with books. In the middle, there was a table set with different objects I couldn't quite recognize from this distance and there was also a person who is setting or positioning those objects on the table. It was a slim figure of a female. I couldn't see her face, only her back, but somehow she seemed familiar. Did I see her somewhere at the academy? Her short raven hair shined with a blue tint in the light of the chandeliers, dressed in a black slim suit jacket, shirt tucked inside her tight skirt, black see-through stockings hugging her slim but muscular legs, finished with black heels. She seemed to be occupied by setting everything up for the testing so she didn't notice us coming into the testing room. But Young greeted her and she finally turned around. He introduced me, saying that he brought me for the testing and that Principal Idarin asked him to supervise me the whole time. The lady gave us a small smile and showed Young a place where he can stay to observe the testing. Young gave me a reassuring nod and then he left to stand under one of the bookshelves. Close to see, but relatively far so he doesn't interfere with the tests. Then she walked up to me and took my hand with both of hers and held mine tightly. She reassured me that I have nothing to worry about and joked that it is going to be "painless" like this was some doctor's appointment and mother is trying to reassure their kid. Doing this many times, she is looking forward to know which result I will get. She still seemed familiar to me, even though after she turned and I saw her face, I realized that I have no idea who she is. She let go of my hands and returned to her former place in front of the table. Pointing at a space in front of her, she told me to come and stand there. Taking a small book from the table, she opened it and then read from it. It was some formal introduction speech to the tests in which she greeted me and the testing started.
Woman: Welcome, Ms. Holland. Despite your young age, you exhibited power which placed you into an Ossilor house for physically talented magicians. I understand that there were some issues with this assignement?
Me: I presented telekinetic powers once by accident and they put me into the Ossilor house after. But I haven't been able to use it freely after that.
Woman: I see. My name is Do'or and this place is called The Magnus hall where I will be conducting the Manifestation test today. It seems, you are not familiar with using magic on a daily basis, am I right?
Me: Yes. Before getting to the academy, I didn't know about existence of magic at all.
Ms. Do'or: Adopted?
Me: Yes. I grew up in an orphanage most of the time after being kicked out of each house when my powers started and unexplainable things happened around me.
Ms. Do'or: Sorry to hear that. I am glad that you have found your way to us in the end. It seems that your powers are still slightly dormant and need our help. I will give you something to boost your powers so that we can get through this test, okay?
I agreed and then the investigator lady went to grab something. I watched her walk away to a little cupboard that was behind the testing table. She opened one glass door on it and took out something out. Then she came back with a small bottle and handed it to me. It was this oozing black liquid that had muddy consistency, closed in a glass bottle, sealed with only a cork. I have already drank that disgusting medicine so this one can't be that bad. With a disgusted face I took out the little cork and chugged what was inside. It was sour with a dusty after-taste. It made me a little bit woozy and I stumbled back a bit. Shaking my head, I got through this feeling like I was drunk and then everything seemed normal again. Ms. Do'or only nodded and then turned to the table, picking something from it. When she turned back to me, she was holding a crystal ball in her hands. She nudged with her hands that she wants to give it to me but my hands were occupied with the glass and cork so I quickly put the now empty bottle on the table and went to grab the ball. I was holding it in my hands, not knowing what should I do, so I looked at her and then at the ball back and forth. Then she took the ball from my hands and set it back on the table.
Ms. Do'or: We can rule out Idarin.
Me: Really? That was it? Nothing happened.
Young: That's the point. If you were Idarin house you would have summoned one of the elements inside that ball.
Young's voice resonated in the distance as he explained it from the back of the Magnus. He remained standing, leaning against the empty spot of the wall with no shelves occupying it, even though there were some chairs right next to him that he could use. I guess that sorta makes sense. If all those tests are like this, then it's going to be easy. I was worried for nothing. Next on the list to do apparently were these two white circles drawn on the ground that I have noticed before as I entered the room. I was told to stand inside the one that was on the left, face the other one that was like 3 metres in front of me and then close my eyes.
Ms. Do'or: Keep your eyes closed and when I call your name, try to come to me without walking, just imagine that you are suddenly standing inside the second circle.
I did as she told me to and waited for her to call me. Upon hearing my name I thought about coming to her without using my legs. I waited few seconds but nothing was happening so I opened my eyes slowly. First only my left one while my right eye was still squiting. I looked around which Ms. Do'or noticed and told me to focus. I shut my eyes once again and tried to focus on moving, walking or anything. After telling me to open my eyes again, I saw that I was still standing in the same circle.
Ms. Do'or: No to teleportation.
She was standing behind the other circle but after ruling out the teleportation power, she moved to the table once again and picked something else. I was still standing in the circle until she called me to join her. I slowly made my way to the table and waited for another test. Walking up to me, she handed me a different equipment. I was checking out these cold jewels, two crystals in a diamond shape, playing with colors that it was like holding a rainbow. The investigator stood in front of me face to face and took one of the crystals from my hand, holding it in her open palm in front of her body. I did the same as her and waited for an explanation on what to do or something to happen. Her crystal turned blue and then so did mine.
Ms. Do'or: Can you tell me, what do you think when you look at this crystal?
Me: Nothing much really. It's pretty, I guess.
Ms. Do'or: How about now?
Her crystal turned yellow and then she asked me what I think about it again. But nothing seemed to pop in my head. She exhaled and picked the crystal from my hand, putting them both back on the table, ruling out me being an empath. Not wasting any time, we moved to the next test. She didn't pick anything from the table this time, Ms. Do'or returned to my side again after putting away the crystals, asking me to stare into her eyes and say out loud what's on her mind, but I couldn't really tell anything.
Ms. Do'or: You could be a touch one. Come here, hold my hands.
I took small steps and walked to stand closer to the investigator, holding her hands. She looked me in the eyes and stared at me without blinking. It felt weird so I retracted myself and looked away. Not a telepath either apparently. That means two houses down. The last one is Ossilor, which I got assigned into previously, or I might even end up being undetermined and move to the Unell house. Not to jump into conclusions, she decided to do tests for Ossilor first and then see if they come out negative or not. One by one, we did tests for all the types of powers in the Ossilor house – speed, strength, light. Left with two last tests we could do, are both the ones I manifested before, telekinesis and electricity. First test was set on the table. I was supposed to move objects that were laid out in front of me, same as in Controlling class. A feather, a crystal ball and a glass. I tried to focus on the objects separately and move at least one of them. After I failed with the glass, I moved to lighter objects and ended up on the black feather, but nothing. It didn't budge. Meaning that telekinesis isn't my power also and that thing in the cafeteria was just luck. The remaining test in the Manifestation class was now in front of me. I sighed and prepared myself for it. Ms. Do'or handed me a ligh bulb with nothing else connected to it. I looked around to see if I should change it somewhere or put it inside of a lamp, but she chuckled and then asked me to light it up as it is. It felt stupid and a thought crossed that I should put it inside my mouth and play Uncle Fester my mind. I giggled and then the chandeliers in the room flickered and the light bulb lit up a bit inside. It was a faint light but it was there before it disappeared. I started laughing from happiness and this made the chandeliers turn off. There was a complete darkness inside the Magnus that you couldn't see anything until there was a dim light coming out of the light bulb I was holding with my fingers. Illuminating my face and face of Ms. Do'or, I could see her smile at me, nodding. She was going to take the bulb from my hand but then there was a commotion around us. Something was moving and sliding across, making a dragging noise. Quickly taking the bulb from me, it remained shining. She moved her fingers in the air and then the chandeliers lit up again. We could see the Magnus room again and also the mess that was created around us. Chairs pulled in our direction, also some things that were set on the table moved closer to me.
Ms. Do'or: Interesting.
Me: What do you mean?
Ms. Do'or: Tell me, Ms. Holland, what did you do to get assigned into the Ossilor house?
Me: It was in the cafeteria. I was eating with my friend Reilly and some people started insulting us which made me angry and then some tables, chairs, and trays got pulled towards me.
Ms. Do'or: I can see the confusion. It is an unusual Manifestation of your power but not necessarily the only one.
Me: So I passed the Ossilor house test then?
Ms. Do'or: Before I reveal the results and we continue the following tests, I want to call and wait for Principal Idarin to come and inform him about it, if that is okay with you.
I wasn't really in a rush to some place and I had to stay here until I find out what was wrong with me and my powers, so I nodded and Ms. Do'or only smiled. Asking me to stay in the Magnus room, sit down if I needed to but don't touch anything from the mess while she sent Young to go call and get the higher-ups down here. I picked one chair and asked Ms. Do'or if it's okay that I use this one. She nodded with a soft smile on her face and then also picked one of the chairs, setting it on its' legs because it was turned upside down and sat next to me. I looked at her, taking in every detail of her face and tried to remember if I have seen her somewhere since she felt so familiar. Ms. Do'or must have felt me staring at her so she turned to face me. I wanted to avert my gaze but she started a casual conversation with me to kill the time while we wait. She didn't pry into my personal life and instead asked about how I like the school and magic. I answered her truthfully how I was glad that I am not crazy or possessed like they told me when I was a kid but everything happened because of magic but I wasn't sure if I should stay at the academy even though I considered it great place for me at first. She knew I didn't want to cause troubles for anyone but she explained that they are here for me, to guide me if I let them and that everything will be under control soon. She talked about her power very vaguely but she offered her help with mine and I can call her anytime I wanted. She put her hand on top of mine to pat it a few times and I felt at easy with her by my side. Sadly we were interrupted by steps and talk of a group of people that entered the Magnus. Young has returned and behind him was Principal Idarin, Principal Haydos, and the whole council. They saw the chaos in the middle of the room and questioned Ms. Do'or about it. They lifted their gaze from the chairs around and looked at Ms. Do'or who stood up and asked the council to pick a spot and listen to the results of my testing. She then leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear to try and clean up the chairs with my powers. I looked at her a little bit lost but she reassured me I can do it. I also lifted my body to stand up and I took a few steps, focusing on the messed up chairs. The lights started flickering again and the chaired moved bit by bit, only few inches at first, then slid on the ground faster and then flew away with a force, stopping after hitting the bookshelves or sides of the room. Luckily those cahir didn't hit anyone in the process. Everyone followed the directions to which the chairs moved and then their gaze returned to me. Ms. Do'or walked up to me and held my shoulder from behind, then she walked in front of me, congratulating me.
Principal Idarin: What is your conclusion, Ms. Do'or?
Professor Minertha: Do'or? That's Shannie Do'or? You have returned from your sabbatical?
Ms. Do'or: Yes, Minertha, I did. Nice to meet you again, everyone. It has been a long time. We can sit down and talk later. Now if you let me, I would like to present the results of the Manifestation test I took with Ms. Holland here.
Principal Haydos: So she is a telekinetic from Ossilor house?!
Ms. Do'or: Yes, as you could witness her power manifestation a few moments ago. But it's not that simple. Telekinesis, yes and no. Young Ms. Holland is indeed an Ossilor house but with a different manifestation. She is an electrokinetic.
Professor Minertha: That would explain the confussion with her powers then.
Ms. Do'or: Indeed. They are rare these days and considering we haven't had one at school in a while, it might have created a problem with the assignement.
I was just listening to their conversation totally out of place, not really understanding what they were talking about and I guess they could tell by looking at me standing there all confused, so Principal Idarin asked Ms. Do'or to explain it to me better because it was sort of her discipline as well. Apparently, I was misplaced in the Ossilor house because of the way my power works. Other electric kids can either move the electricity or weaponize it, shooting it out of their body. The same I did when I fought with the demigod girl. That's the usual manifestation. But sometimes the power can cumulate in the air instead, creating an electromagnetic field that makes metallic objects move the way you want them to, mimicking telekinesis. In my my case, I can do both manifestations of the electric power which is rare but not impossible. The tables in the cafeteria, chairs and trays had metallice parts in them, that's why I was able to move them and why I couldn't use my powers on other objects during the class.
Principal Haydos: This puts her into Aveus as she was meant to be from the start. Idarin, it is in your hands now. Ms. Holland, you will stay at the Aveus Academy and your transfer to Umbras is dismissed.
Principal Idarin: This young magician also walked through the barrier and is still not evaporated. This creates a problem with barrier and we need to address that issue.
Me: The barrier is technically an electricity field. Maybe my power somehow makes me immune to it?
Ms. Do'or: Could be. I never tried it myself so I can't really tell but we could test it out.
Me: But what if it's not the case and you will get burned Ms. Do'or?
Professor Sotarn: I agree with the young magician. I wouldn't risk it and this also doesn't explain what happened with the gate. Principal Haydos, if Ms. Holland could possibly be a demigod or there is something else with Ms. Holland, then there is something wrong with Inyll as well, not just the barrier. We should continue the tests just in case to see.
I thought the testing was finished and it explained everything. Since I passed the test to the Ossilor house, I could start working on controlling my electro-something power. But there were other tests planned to explain what happened and what's wrong with me. Maybe the barrier could be explained with my power since it's so strong that I have both versions of the manifestation but there was also the problem with the gate and how it almost rejected me, preventing me to go to the Aveus side and instead it decided to put me to the Umbras side.
Everyone looked at each other and they nodded, agreeing on continuing the investigation. Young waved his hand lazily in the ait and then the chairs I messed up during my testmoved into the middle of the room, some of them were turned because they were upside down and created a line. The council with Principals chose one of them and sat down. One chair moved in front of me and they asked me to sit down too. Ms. Do'or then continued her investigation. She stood next to my right and started asking me questions. It started to feel like a real police investigation at this point.
Ms. Do'or: You don't know your magical backround, do you Ms. Holland?
Me: No, I don't. I didn't know about existence of magic prior to getting to Aveus.
Ms. Do'or: Have you been raised in a non-magical family?
Me: Families. And yes. I don't think those people knew anything about magic.
Ms. Do'or: Do you know the identities of your real parents? If they are magician or demigod descendants?
Me: No. I was left alone as a child in alley during winter. I kept dreaming about a person leaving me there in the snow, but I cannot really remember their face.
Everyone stayed quiet after hearing what happened. Especially Ms. Do'or's expression changed and seemed different that the others in the room. It didn't really matter to me anymore and I got in terms with it. They must have had their reasons for not wanting me and I don't really want to find them. I don't need parents anymore. I just wished I got some information about the source of my powers and how to control them. I heard Young click his tongue and his expression turned into an angry one. Not his usual one, not at me, but he seemed furious about the people who left me to die. He realized what I told him on our way to the Magnus was about me. I looked at Young and only shook my head, then gave him a smile to let him know it's okay. There was a silence for a bit. Ms. Do'or seemed guilty about prying into my dreadful life. She looked at me but I told her I am good to resume the investigation. The talk then continued.
Ms. Do'or: Ms. Holland. How were you named then? Was is the first family that adopted you and you kept it?
Me: No. I kept my name I was given and didn't change it. I was at the age when I could talk already and apparently after they took me to the orphanage, cleaned and warmed me up, they asked me questions to figure out who I am and the only one I replied to was My name is Kaitlin.
Ms. Do'or: We don't know any Holland magical families.
Me: The orphanage I grew up was called Holland's orphanage, so they registered me under that name. Kaitlin Holland.
Ms. Do'or: I see. Understandable, given the situation. That's why we were confused about it. You don't know anything about your heritage then.
Me: No, nothing. Only that probably both of my parents were magicians.
Professor Coldos: And why do you think that?
Ms. Do'or: I shall ask the questions, if you don't mind. Why do you think that Ms. Holland?
Me: Girls I share my Ossilor dorm with told me, that having so much power must mean that I am not a....something, they called it half magicians.
Ms. Do'or: A . Half-blood magicians. It could be the case that you are a "pure-blooded" magician, meaning both of your parents have the magical gene but we don't know that for sure. Even though you presented Ossilor powers, the issue with you walking through the barrier with no immediate consequences could indicate that your powers come from a god blood and are just similar to the Ossilor manifestation. We will learn more with this following test. If you could please stand up and follow me.
The questioning was over which I was glad because the pitying looks of the council made me feel a little bit uncomfortable. I got up from my seat, walked behind Ms. Do'or and followed her to the table. We stood in front of the equipment that looked something you would use in a chemistry lab. She looked over to the council and nodded her head. Professors Minertha and Varya stood up and joined us at the table. Ms. Do'or picked a sharp silver pin, pricking both of their fingers. Professors hovered their hands over these two Petri dishes set on the table, their blood dripping on the glass, covering it in red color. When there was a good amount of blood, they wiped their fingers with tissues and returned to their seats. Ms. Do'or then took two small bottles and poured something into the blood samples. The one from Professor Minertha turned forest green, the other one from Professor Varya turned sky blue.
Ms. Do'or: Most of the people who don't know where they come from, they get called by the academy and learn about them through the selective power of the Inyll. This method we are using right now isn't used that much but it was created for outside world magicians, who are scounting magical descendants. If there is information about magic being revealed, they go check it out. If they are under age of nineteen, they get redirected to the way of the academy for it to sense them and call them in. But if they are older and went undetected our workers can test those people who present magical powers and explain it to them, help if they are struggling with not knowing magic or their powers go berserk but most of the time those are only illusionists and the magic is not real. If someone, like in your case, is found but don't know their heritage, they will be tested in the outside world with these two reagents. As you can see, magician blood turns green and god blood turns blue.
Me: I can relate to my powers going crazy. I guess if only one of them found me sooner and told me this.
Ms. Do'or: It is hard to locate all the people and we don't have many outside magicians working in this field, so sometimes it happens that few people fall through the cracks. Now. You will do the same as Professors did before you.
She took the silver pin again and sanitized it. She waited until I was ready. I gave her my right hand but she asked for my other one too and pricked my index fingers on both hands. She put down the pin which made a ding sound against the table. Then she gently held and guided my hands over the glass, squeezed them to help the blood drop faster. After the blood gathered on the new Petri dishes she took from a stack and prepared for me, she pulled out a tissue from the paper box and handed it to me to stop the bleeding. Taking two same little bottles as before, she pours the liquid on my blood. Waiting for the result, I start to get nervous. Then the blood started changing color. It wouldn't be that weird if only one didn't change to green and the other one to blue. I looked at Ms. Do'or and her expression was a surprised but also...terrified one? Principal Idarin asked her what the result was, but Ms. Do'or apologized and asked if she could repeat the blood test, quickly destroying the samples before anyone else could see it. The council members looked at each other but then they agreed with Ms. Do'or inquiry and let her re-do the test. But the result was the same. She was hesitant to reveal the results but Professor Minertha made a way to us and saw it so she called the council to discuss the result. In shock after seeing the colored blood, they asked me to step back and I walked up to Young, my fingers still bandaged with the tissue.
Young: I didn't know it was you.
Me: What do you mean?
Young: Back then. About the winter and being left to die.
I only smiled at Young as a sign, that it was okay and told him I didn't mind. He had no way of knowing that I was talking about myself. Then a loud murmur that started in the room interrupted my conversation with Young. My gaze fell on the group of teachers while Principal Haydos walked fast towards us. He asked me to join them and repeat the test for the third time, but now with them all being around watching every step. They checked those two reagent bottles more than once to make sure it's not expired or something and we did the test again, with the same result as the previous two. The looks on their faces were not pleasant ones. They whispered something to each other in their small circle, then they asked me to wait for a bit. Something must be really wrong with me then I guess. I started feeling a little sick, nervously biting my nails on my thumb while my leg was stomping on the spot. Professor Xyla and Irasil disappeared somewhere and when they came back, their hands were full of herbs and bottles filled with liquids of different colors. Putting it all on the table, they grabbed a few laboratory glasses and started mixing the chemicals, taking pinches of the herbs and tossing it into the liquids. When they were done, they poured the final liquid they prepared into separate bottles and labeled them. Handing over the final products to Ms. Do'or, I was called once again to repeat the test. I guess they must have been preparing new fresh reagents. It didn't change the result of the test in any way though. It was the same as the one before. Both blood samples changed their colors, one to blue and second to green. Discussion about what to do with this result started again. It sounded like they weren't familiar with this at all and wanted to call other specialists but then Ms. Do'or asked them, if I should go through something called a crystal test. At first, they seemed hesitant about it but then they agreed that it might she some light on my situation and told Ms. Do'or to prepare them, then proceed with the test. She left the group and went to the left side of the Magnus, stopping at the bookshelves and picking one book out of it, then bringing it back to us. She opened the book and set it on the table, then started telling an incantation. The two open pages of the book had crystals drawn on them. But as she was saying the words, the crystals began to materialize in the air above the book. When they were fully presented, they floated above the table and then slowly dropped on it.
Ms. Do'or: These are crystals for measuring the level of your power after you reach your potential at the end of studies. They are called Imogranum. Magicians can lift only one which then they try to fill up, demigods can lift three Imogranums. Now, Kaitlin, please focus on them, imagine them lifting up from the table and then float in the air in front of you. You don't have to channel your power into them today. Just the lift.
I understood what she wanted from me and did exactly what she told me to do. One of the crystals started shaking from side to side, then it lifted and stood on its tip. I tried to focus more and the crystal started lifting up from the table. At the same time I felt like the power is getting weaker. The boost shot I got at the beginning of the testing must be wearing off. Still I managed to only lift one, meaning I am a magician I guess. But then why is my blood saying I am a god too then? When my gaze fell from the floating one on those two crystals left on the table, they started shaking too and then floated in the air next to the first one.
Me: Does this mean I am a god descendant?
Principal Haydos: We are not sure.
I look at him, breaking the eyecontact with the crystals and they drop on the table, making me wince a little bit after their impact against the hard surface and they shattered into pieces. Ms. Do'or started cleaning up the table meanwhile Principals called me to sit down again.
Principal Idarin: At first, we thought that you passed the Ossilor house test with an unusual manifestation which would put you in the Aveus Academy as a magician. But you walked through the barrier wich has power to reject magician gene and destroy it, burning the person from the inside out. But to you, nothing happened, which is a problem. Since that didn't happen, it must mean that either you were put into the wrong academy or that the barrier is losing its powers. We didn't really wanted the second option to be true, because the barrier losing its power would be catastrophic for the school.
Principal Haydos: The remaining explanation was that you were a demigod placed in the wrong side of the academy. We had to test if you had a god blood then.
Principal Idarin: Now, thankfully, Ms. Do'or was so responsible and did both blood tests. Without that, we would never discover your true origin. It still left us with many open questions but we now know, what happened with the gate and everything.
Me: Which one am I then?
"Miss Holland, the tests revealed you are a Morrigan."
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