The mother of the princess is a person named Evie, same as my mom, or at least a person from my memory-dream. What I saw in that blue light dream, it felt like she is my mom and I called her by the same name – Evie. Any other situation, this would be totally coincidental because it's not like people can't have the same name. But me knowing Noion somehow makes me lean towards that my-mom-Evie and the princess-mother-Evie are the same person, which means that the princess is really me. Is that why they abandoned me? Because Ulferonn cheated on his wife and I, a child out of wedlock in a royal family, was born? It's not like I am going to suddenly claim the throne or something so why did they have to leave me alone? We could have just lived somewhere secluded in Viysus and not bother anyone.
I started to piece together the new information I got and I needed to make solid notes out of all this mess that is right now playing inside my head. My mind was a circus playing with different scenarios that it totally made me zone out, not pay attention to what's happening around me. Only a sudden presence of a blurry person appeared in front of me, warm hands holding my upper arms and it was a thud that has brought me back into the room. My eyes focused on the blue orbs that stared at me with a concern until the blur disappeared and I could see Professor Coldos standing in front of me.
Professor Coldos: Ms. Holland, are you feeling okay?
I couldn't reply. My gaze fell down on my hands that suddenly felt empty only to see that I dropped the book. I gasped because I felt guilty for letting it out of my hands and hoped the old book didn't get damaged in someway. I don't have money to pay for it to get repaired and also I don't want to lose the access to it, because the book might contain more information that would help me figure out who I am, where I come from and why they had to get rid of me.
Professor Coldos: Please note this down and translate the pages that contain more information about the princess or anything you deem interesting. I will look at your notes later.
I slightly nodded because that was my plan too. Double note it – one copy for Professor Coldos and the second, a secret one of course, for me. I crouched to pick up the book that was lying on the floor opened with the Noion text staring at me. I took the book in both of my hands while grabbing the sides of it and stood up, but the moment I straightened my body, a dizzy spell came over me and I stumbled, reaching for something firm to hold onto. I shook my head to get rid of it, scrunched my nose and squinted my eyes to get rid of the dizziness but nothing was helping. It felt like I am either drunk or I was spinning around on a rollercoaster and then stopped. I did neither of those which is why it is so weird that I feel like this. Professor Coldos' voice resonated through the office but it just went through my ears, muffled. I found a desk that helped me stabilize my body for a short moment but I could tell my body is falling backwards. Big arms hugged me from behind and guided me to sit down at something. Best I could do is to lean forward after I sat down, support myself with my arms against my thighs and knees, letting my head just fall between my legs. I wasn't feeling sick to stomach, just really exhausted suddenly, up to the point where my body was just logging off like a computer.
Professor Coldos: You are burning up.
Me: What?
I don't feel the fever, my body is not shivering or sweating, but I do feel Professor Coldos' hand pressing against my forehead and it's like a block of ice against my skin. I had no other symptoms and I felt totally fine this morning. Everyone else around me wasn't ill either, so it's not like I caught something in the classes. But this sensation felt familiar.
Professor Coldos: I think you are Overflowing again. Have you been using your powers and releasing small amounts to let your body rest?
Me: N-no. Was I supposed to do that?
Professor Coldos: Dear gods, they never taught you the basics of how to maintain your source? What was Hale doing as your Help?
Me: Ah, nevermind. They told me to do that but I am too scared. What if I hit someone?
Professor Coldos: Stupid child. There are places designated specifically for these situations. They are accustomed to your needs. We need to go, now! You need to release this energy.
Me: I can shoot freaking electricity bolts out of my body with the same voltage as lightning, maybe even more powerful. What if I hit you, professor, and turn you into a skewer?
Professor Coldos: Don't worry about me, Ms. Holland, I have years of experience over you so I can take care of myself. Or do you doubt my skills as a professor?
I would never do that and I tried to convey that to him so I don't seem rude, but even breathing hurts right now. My lungs are suddenly like on fire and the air that's coming in and out is so hot that it feels like I am inhaling thousands of needles. The pain came out of nowhere and I wasn't ready for it. I thought that it was over already that day my source got unlock but it's true that I haven't been using my powers lately or... at all. Maybe I should focus on studying the basics first, like Professor Coldos suggested, and not trying to figure out this secret about my family. Even if I find out what happened, it will be all useless if my powers turn me into a barbeque.
Professor Coldos helped me to get up and then guided me out of his office. We walked through the school hallways but I wasn't looking around where we are going. I had to focus on moving my legs which were collaborating with me up to a certain degree, but it is my lungs that are protesting. Professor Colod tried to hurry us into some place but it took everything from me not to crash on the floor and try to tear out my lungs.
For a moment, I could gather my thoughts because we stopped moving. I noticed a familiar figure sitting high up on a chair and a big wooden door that I have seen multiple times now. We are at the crossing section and from what my brain could put together, Professor Coldos is asking the guardian to let us pass, urgently. The guardian does his usual hand movements and I could swear that he was faster with it than he usually is but it could be also the rising fever playing tricks on me.
The gigantic door started to open with a screeching noise of the iron hinges that are working hard to move the wood and reveal the corridor. Professor's grip on me got stronger again as he pulled me with him to go through the door. We entered the barrier and I braced myself to the tickling sensation of the electricity which isn't painful or dangerous but it's just annoying and feels weird everytime I pass through the barrier, I guess. We passed through with no problems but after we exited through the second door, the air was punched out of my lungs and my chest tightened. The tingling kisses of electricity, which I could feel on my skin while passing through the barrier a few seconds ago, got sucked into my body and it felt like I got hit by a lightning which is now trying to escape through every pore of my skin. I wanted to scream because this pain is insufferable but only a silent long gasp left my mouth after which I tried to breathe in but I couldn't.
Professor Coldos' swearing rang inside my ears as he yelled at the guardian to notify Principal Haydos and get someone near by to come and help, then he tried to pull me up from the ground and walk with me to this "designated place" but there was no way I am going to move my body again after dropping to my knees. I wanted to help up so that he doesn't have to drag a dead body weight but my legs turned into jelly, my ankles twisting and not supporting me on my feet while the rest of my body just flapped in the air, since Professor Coldos was holding me by my waist.
Male voice: Do you have to drag her like a drunkard, professor?
I knew that voice. It was so deep but full of worry. I barely managed to lift my chin to see the owner of that husky voice and meet with his golden brown eyes. It's Draco. He was getting closer to me, too close. Not that I mind that but I can feel the energy surging, trying to crawl from under my skin and I am really scared that I will hurt him, or anyone who will touch me for that matter. Draco didn't seem to mind as he slid his arms under mine and around my waist to help me walk.
Me: Don't. Get... away.
Draco: It's alright. I am going to be fine.
Me: The lightning... is going to burst.
I tried to warn him that even the slightest touch against my skin and he will get electrocuted or worse, turned into a charcoal. I don't know the extend of my powers, never really tested how much I can produce, how strong would be the current, how many strikes or for how long I can hold it, but I definitely didn't want to find out this way. I managed to lift my arm and press my hand agaist the hard muscles of Draco's chest as I tried to push him away but it was useless since there is no energy left in me. To move at least because there is enough energy stored inside me, ready to blast out as this blue colored lightning that's finally found its' way to creep on the surface and swirled around my arms. Even being near me is dangerous now and I tried to warn Draco but he is so stubborn about it.
Draco: What do you need me to do, professor?
Professor Coldos: She needs to release this energy in a secure place. Combat grounds for active wielders should do.
Draco: Got it. I will get her there.
Draco tried to act as a crutch for me to walk into this place they called combat grounds which I had no idea it even existed in this school but makes sense I guess, since there are descendants of the war god Ares or many others that could potentially be turned into soldiers or warriors depending on their powers. I could be one of them too.
All I could do is take three small steps before my knees gave out again and I started to fall on the ground. I thought I am going to pull Draco down with me but with his build there is no way that's going to happen. Besides, he reacted quickly and prevented the fall by hardening the grip around my waist and then swiftly placing his left arm under my things, picking me up like a bride and then started to move towards a certain direction. Draco moved quickly but he wasn't running with me in his arms. He made sure I am secure and that no one else in our path is getting hurt or dragged into the crossfire of my lightning burst. Not that they even would because for some reason, the lightning fired in even zaps every ten seconds maybe, but never moved passed us to hit anyone. Even Draco was carrying me without flinching or showing any signs of pain on his face. I don't know if he is trying to suppress the pain he must be feeling just so that I don't feel guilty about hurting him or is there a way for him to be numb against it.
Me: How are you, okay?
Draco: You are not the only one with superpowers.
He winks at me as he makes a joke about our powers, like this is some sort of comic book world and we are super heroes. Any other time I would laugh out loud, but right now I had to focus on getting as much air as possible without choking on the sharp pain it creates each time I inhale. But he is right. Draco also must have certain powers since he is a god descendant but he is from a Chronos bloodline. A god of time. How can he withstand my lightning or even block it?
I looked closely on the bursts of electricity coming out of me as they connected with Draco's body. They were hitting him like he is some sort of target I need to eliminate but there was no damage to his clothes or his body. Each time a zap would hit a certain part, I could hear a soft ding noise which reminded me of a ringing of tiny bells or rattles and with each clinking sound, the spot where the electrity tried to hit got illuminated with a subtle golden spark. Every surge got stopped and bounced off like my power is just a kid toy that couldn't hurt anyone despite being loaded with deadly volts of electricity. Somehow Draco must have noticed my confusion and maybe my face snitched on me as I tried to figure out how he is fighting this, because he looked at me and then chuckled.
Draco: I am not so powerful and basically useless when it comes to fight, but us, Chronos descendants, we can pause time. Each for a different amount depending on our power levels and how much we trained but it's possible. I can apply it to a whole time or for a certain areas, like right now. I don't want to brag, but I have to best time from all current descendants at Umbras so you are in good hands. And also, don't worry about me, I can handle it.
That is crazy and so cool. He is pausing time for each lightning strike so that it doesn't reach him and gets absorbed back for another burst. Draco told me not to worry about him but I still am. With the amount of power he needs to produce and use to pause time, he can be overloaded like me, or like Mr. Hale did to help me retrieve the memory of the familiar sigil. But I was also grateful, that he decided to help me even though we met only once and it was also because I created troubles for him and other Chronos descendants. I just hoped that the combat grounds are close and we will get there before we both burn out from using our powers.
I don't know how much time has passed or where we are even but I knew we are both running out of time. Draco sped up his movement that he is almost running now and I started to pass out for a few seconds, then I regained my consciousness only to be greeted with Draco's soft smile that he used as a ruse to try and mask the pain he must be feeling. Maybe he thought he lied to me perfectly but I noticed the corners of his mouth twitch with each lightning zap, like it's piercing through his time shield that he is not able to hold fully anymore. His time limit must be close. I grabbed his shirt firmly with my hand, closing it into a fist so hard that even my knuckles turned white and my palms screamed in pain. They were drenched from sweat which got mixed with a red liquid that is now escaping from the wounds I created with my fingernails, no matter that there was a layer of fabric of Draco's sand-colored long-sleeve shirt between my nails and my palm.
Professor Coldos: Here should be fine. We need to get out of the ring just in case since we don't know her range.
Professor Coldos told Draco as he halted and then placed me down. I could stand for a few seconds but then I dropped on the ground. Draco caught me mid air before my face could get buried into this grey rubbed floor. I grabbed his both arms, only on the top because his biceps were so huge that my hand couldn't even reach all around it. The muscles tightened with his grip on my waist as he eased my down so that I can kneel without hitting my kneecaps with force. I looked up at him and stared into his eyes that gleamed with tears and then shined like there is honey being poured inside his orbs. His right hand found its' way to my face as he pressed it against my sweaty burning cheek and wiped away the strand of hair that was stuck to it and pushed it behind my ear. He reassured me that I can do this and then let Professor Coldos to walk up closer and explain what I need to do. A crash course of how to wield a damn ass crazy lightning.
Professor Coldos: This place is reinforced for descendants with active powers so don't worry about destroying stuff. We need to leave you here alone but I will monitor the situation from outside the ring which is protected with a shield so you don't have to also worry about hitting us. Just concentrate the energy and blast it out, but don't try to channel more. Only the amount that is currently going berserk, understand?
I nodded even though I have no idea how to do any of that. How to not channel more? How to tap into the source? How to release the power out of my body? Before I could even ask, Professor Coldos was running away with Draco. After they were a good distance away, I sensed a power getting pulled away, finished with a slight ringing and then the lightning started to burst out of me to every direction. Draco must have release his time shield. I was glad that he could finally rest because I didn't want him to suffer because of me. Luckily, the protection of this place is working as Professor Coldos said it would and the lightning isn't going further than the circle area, into which I was dropped right in the middle.
No one will get hit. No one will get hurt. I can do this. But how? The lightning is surging around me and hitting random spots of the ground, the shield or just the air but I can feel it's still growing on the energy level. All of these deadly zaps up until now aren't enough to release the pent up energy or to stop it. Can I even stop it? I tried to focus on tapping into some sort of part of me or that light being which is my source but if I stop it, was enough energy let out for me not to overload? I doubted that because the energy wanted more, my body wanted to release more. One concentrated blast should be enough, maybe. I need to try and if it's not enough, I will do another one. But how do I that?
Draco's joke about the superpowers resonated through my mind and it gave me an idea. I lifted my hands which was painful as hell but just the hands was enough. I turned them so that my palms are facing each other, like I am holding an invisible ball and then kept saying concentrate it, concentrate it over and over inside my head to help me visualize what I wanted to do. My plan was to act like I am a superhero who is gathering his power for a blast into an energy ball. I didn't care that it felt stupid but it was working. The blue electricity got pulled from my whole arms and was flowing into this blue ball that was getting bigger and bigger between my hands. The only problem now is, how the hell do I release this and to where? I started to panic because the lightning ball was getting so big, it started to touch my palms and I had to cough something that was crawling inside my throat. A blood spurred on the rubber flooring in front of me, making my eyes open in terror, but there was nothing I could do, I just can't let go of it. The breathing got easier with the emptied space by coughing out the blood and also the power not burning through my lungs which also allowed me to yell a reply to Draco who tried to guide me.
Draco: Release it.
Me: I can't.
Draco: Yes you can. Don't worry about damage.
Me: What I mean is that I don't know how.
Professor Coldos: Damn it. Why did no one teach you basics?! You need to disconnect with the power and let it leave your body.
Me: HOW?
Draco: Imagine you are throwing away a ball. Just RELEASE IT!
Draco's explanation of how to do it was better so I did as he suggested and pretended to throw up the lightning ball like it's a tip off of a basketball match. The moment it was up in the air maybe like five feet above me, the remaining energy connected with it and then with a long raspy scream I let the power just rip. In a matter of a split second, a blue lightning hit in front of me, or around me, I don't know. I got blinded by the light it created and also deafened with the thunder noise that followed directly afterwards. My eyes feel like they are burned off, my ears are ringing and I have no idea if I am standing or kneeling or lying or even if I am even still alive. But I must be because someone is trying holding my body and is trying to say something but it's all muffled with the sharp high-pitched ringing. Then another voice joined the previous one and then there is a third and fourth one. All sound different but I can't discern who it is. My guess is that two of those voices belong to Professor Coldos and Draco which escorted me here but the rest, I have no idea. By the muffled pitch I can tell they are male voices though. One of those people is holding me up, my face pressed against their chest or shoulder as they are caressing my face.
It took too many blinks to count before my vision started to turn normal and I could see first shapes of people who are standing or kneeling beside me. As first, my gaze landed on Professor Coldos who is talking to Principal Haydos about something, probably explaining what happened to him in details since he didn't have much time to tell him much as he asked for the help through the guardian. I didn't understand anything through the ringing and they were standing away from the small group on the ground that I am a part of. The other members are Draco who is holding me, wiping away and tidying up my messed up hair, and then I looked to see who the other person is only to be shocked by the well-known face I haven't seen in days. It's Mr. Hale. He must have heard the help call too. Then I realized who is holding me and how the situation must look like. It's not like there is anything between me and Mr. Hale but for some reason I hated the idea that popped into my head, that what he must think of me and Draco like this, I didn't want him to misunderstand the situation. With the small amount of energy that has returned to my body, I was able to push away from Draco and tried to stand up but it still wasn't enough for me to move around so I got back to where I started, splayed on the ground with a bumped hurting butt because this time they couldn't catch me and I plopped on my buttcheeks, hitting the ground. I moaned from the slight pain which couldn't compare to what I have been through only a few minutes ago, but all of my muscles were sore from that experience so hitting them didn't help to ease the tension spread around my whole body.
Draco and Mr. Hale did jump in to try and save that fall so Draco has a firm grip on my left upper arm while Mr. Hale is holding my right wrist. Damn it, I don't want Mr. Hale to see me like this, so weak. I looked at him, trying to figure out what emotion is spread over his face but the hand that was holding my wrist let go fast, letting my arm to drop next to me and hit the side of my thigh. Mr. Hale's expression turned sad and disappointed as he quickly retreated himself from kneeling in front of me, stood up and went to talk to Professor Coldos and Principal Idarin. From what I could hear occasionally when the principal and professor raised their voices at Mr. Hale, it seemed like they are scolding him. Why is he acting so strange? I was still staring at Mr. Hale who gave me a quick glance, turning his head slightly to the left so I know that I caught his attention but he turned back to face the two other teacher figures as they continued to scold him but also discussed how they are going to fix whatever happened with me and prevent it from happening again. I couldn't peel my eyes from the broad muscular back hidden under the white shirt and black vest. I wanted to explain myself. I don't know how or what should I even explain to him but I wanted to talk to Mr. Hale. All of that was only my wish because their discussion ended and Principal Haydos thanked Draco for helping out, then asked him if he could escort me to my dorm room, apologizing for bothering him even more with this matter, but Draco only responded yes, sir like this was some sort of army command. He hugged my back, pressing me against his chest as he snuck an arm under my legs, then he swiftly picked me up from the floor. I fought against him, telling him to put me down saying that I can walk on my own and also I didn't want Mr. Hale to see us like this.
Draco: Are you sure about that?
Me: Watch me.
Draco only shrugged his shoulders and then placed my feet down first while keeping his grip on my upper body. My legs supported me and I could stand up alone which createad a smug on my face but it wouldn't last long. The moment I tried to take a step, my left knee gave out as I took a step and my sole connected with the floor of the combat ring. I landed on my knees but I managed to prevent the fall with my arms. I could hear a chuckle from behind me. It annoyed me so I twisted my head to look back only to see Draco with his arms crossed in front of his chest, making his biceps and chest muscles proudly pop as he directed a smirk towards me. Ugh, I hate him being right and that stupid smirk on his stupid face but I would lie if I say he didn't look good, standing there like that.
Mr. Hale: I will take my leave now.
Principal Haydos: We will address this later, you should rest more since you are not back to your full strength. I am counting that you will escort Ms. Holland with no other troubles, Mr. Evren.
Draco: Yes, sir. Are you ready now?
Draco replied to the principal with a poker face and then shifted his gaze towards me, the smirk appearing on his face again after our eyes met. I groaned and rolled my eyes, then looked at Mr. Hale who wouldn't even spare me a glance as he walked pass me and was on his way to leave the combat area. I followed his body moving further and further away, until he disappeared in the shadows, then exited through the door.
Draco: So, you ready, princess?
I gave Draco an annoyed look, narrowing my eyes and my mouth, but he is right. There is no way I am walking all the way to the dorm by myself so I lifted my arm and waited for him to grab it and help me get up. With him acting as a crutch, I should be able to somehow walk and it wouldn't look weird or suspicious but Draco had other plans. As he grabbed my arm by the wrist, he crouched to also grab my legs and then lifted me up, carrying me bridal-style once again.
Me: Let me down.
Draco: I think we've already assessed that you cannot walk by yourself.
Me: Duh, genius. But you can just be my crutch as I walked under your big ass arm.
Draco: As much as I love your company, princess, I don't have that much time to spare and drag you through the whole school in the speed of a snail.
Me: Don't call me like that!
Draco: Princess or a snail?
I growled at him and a slight anger started to build inside me. I don't know why I hated that word so much. Princess. Essentially it is what I am, a princess of Viysus, so it's not like he is wrong about calling me like that even though he probably has no idea that I am a real princess. Still, it felt wrong for a reason I haven't figured out yet. And it didn't matter that I just blasted out I don't know how much of energy out of me, the anger started to build also another surge and blue lightning danced around my arms.
Draco: Okay, okay. I won't call you princess anymore, just calm down. I don't want to get evaporated by that deadly blast from hell.
I closed my eyes and started to breathe slower to calm me down. Didn't know if it's going to help or not but I tried and it worked. And it also helped me calm my mind and focus on my surroundings, process what happened. My gaze fell on the spot where I released the energy and my eyes opened in shock. There was a huge circle of a burned floor from the lightning blast, besides a small circle inside of untouched flooring in the middle of it, a circle where I was kneeling. So much damage and that was only a pent up energy, not full channeling of my source. That circle is probably seventy feet wide in diameter. Luckily there is a protection shield around the ring and the combat area is big, so this one wouldn't hit Professor Coldos or Draco who were present but still, maybe a half of the ring is charred. Shiver went down my spine and the hair on my arms, hell even my whole body stood up from fear... of myself.
Draco: Pretty impressive for a first-year, prin- sorry. But I mean it.
Me: Don't know if I should be happy about it though.
Draco: Why not? Many would want to change with you, to have that amount of power.
Me: And I would gladly do it. Never wanted any of this.
Draco: So I can take all that blasting power for myself then?
Me: If you can, go ahead. I will gladly swap for yours. Pausing time sounds good to me.
Draco: You only say that because you haven't lived it. Trust me, my power is nothing much.
Me: Weren't you boasting how you are the best from all descendants in your line a few moments ago?
Draco only chuckled but didn't say anything. I could see a little bit of sadness in his smile as he probably wishes to have more "fun" powers, even though I don't know if I can call this power fun.
We left the combat grounds, walking through different areas and rings which I made myself to mentally note down even though I had no idea what are they used for. Some looked the same as the room I was in but others were filled with equipment or were smaller. We walked in complete silence, well Draco walked with me in his arms, and all you can hear are the echoes of his steps resonating and bouncing off the walls. It was awkward to go like this, especially after we left the combat part of the building and exited in the general hallways of the academy, which are filled with students who are freaking staring at us. Well, they don't pay much attention to us or don't start whispering after they notice me being carried by Draco. It is a nice pace of change compared to the Aveus side which is living and thriving with rumors and people entertaining themselves with other's business. But despite knowing that, it felt weird to be seen like this even though there is nothing I can do about it since I can't walk on my own.
Me: Thank you, for helping me and all.
Draco: Anytime.
Me: Why? You don't know me, we met only ones because I annoyed you with the timeloop and there is no other reason to be nice to me.
Draco: Let's just say I am interested in you. You are not from Chronos bloodline but possessed the power to create a timeloop.
Me: I told you that I can reveal the details of it.
Draco: I know. That doesn't mean I can't have my own theories or get to know you, does it?
Me: I guess. Still, you didn't need to risk your life to help me.
Draco: Who said that I risked my life?
Me: I saw it or sensed it. You had to use a lot and also got close to your limit, no?
Draco: If I say yes, will you feel guilty about it?
Me: No.
Draco: Are you sure?
Me: Okay, probably. Maybe a little bit. Maybe because you didn't have to do it.
Draco: I didn't. I was close when the call came. Others were too but you can decline to answer it. Usually they wait for other professors and students rarely interact, not that we get many calls like this anyway, but I went to check it out at least. When I saw it's you, I just acted because I am-
Me: Interested me and in the timeloop, yeah yeah.
Draco: Glad to see you know me a bit better.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Draco, again, but this time it was more playful and I wasn't annoyed as much. I would lie if I said that I didn't enjoy talking to him back then when they came to interrogate me about the timeloop. It was a professional conversation, mature and I could relax around him in a different way than I am around Reilly or the girls. That doesn't mean I like him though or that I trust him, even if he proved to have no bad intentions against me, for now. But I think I can write him on the mental list of my friends with the others in his little group. I haven't interacted or talked for that matter with the rest of the group, besides Phoenix, who is a male version of Skylar, but they all seem nice and maybe broadening the group of friends isn't such a bad idea. Especially, since I don't have many friends on the Umbras side and majority of the people I like and can trust is stuck in Aveus.
Me: So what was that place? These combat grounds Professor Coldos called it.
Draco: You haven't used them?
Me: Not yet. There is a lot I don't know and it seems to be catching up with me and not in a good way.
Draco: I can show you around or teach you things if you have any questions. I can't answer them all since we are from different god lines but I might be able to help with basics. And Phoenix is looking forward to hanging out with you anyway.
Me: Thanks. So what is it?
Draco: Not now though. You should rest and we have arrived to your dorm.
I didn't even notice when he managed to climb those bloody infinite stairs and carry me all the way up to the Zeus dormitory. My legs felt like they could support me, at least long enough for me to walk to my room but Draco wouldn't put me down. He carried me all the way and stopped in front of my room. I thanked him, once again, which must be probably annoying to him by now but it's the only thing I can think of on how to repay him for helping me. I wiggled and braced my legs for standing on my own but Draco still refused to let me go.
Draco: Your things were left at the place you were so, there is no key. How do you plan on opening the door?
Ah. It totally slipped my mind that Professor Coldos dragged me to Umbras so that I can release my power as fast as possible and didn't bother to bring my bag with me. Key is a one thing but I don't even have my phone so that I could contact Reilly and let her know what's going on. I guess I will have to sit on the ground and wait until she comes back, hoping Saxa won't see me here, because in the state my body is right now, it would be easy for her to get rid of me.
Draco shifted on the spot and I thought he is finally going to put me down but he only adjusted me in his arms and then walked forward, stopping a few inches from the door. His face, and mine, was almost kissing the door and then I could feel his arm move against my back. It moved down my spine to my lower back and it surprised me. I didn't know what his plan is. Which I found out soon after and then mentally slapped my forehead because he only needed to free his wrist so that he is able to knock on the door and not some weird suspiscious scenario that was playing in my mind. He must have caught on what I was thinking and he had to call me out for it.
Draco: Would it be so bad?
Me: Huh? What?
Draco: I can only guess what your thought was but judging by that slight rosy tint on your cheeks, I don't really have to think hard.
Me: That's not-
Before I could explain myself, or more like make an excuse, I got interrupted by the door of my room opening and revealing worried Reilly. She inquired what happened and kept asking the whole way Draco carried me inside and walked towards the couches. He didn't respond to Reilly which annoyed her so she grabbed his arm and tried to stop him, but no matter all the work out Reilly put into her, there was no way of stopping Draco with his tall and muscular build. He placed me down on the couch gently, making sure I am okay and telling me that if I feel any pain or anything uncomfortable I should go to the infirmary, then finally looked at fuming Reilly only to tell her that I will explain everything. Reilly scoffed at him but I told her to stop it, that Draco is a friend and that he helped me a lot today. Which was true and there were even proofs of that. Like the blood from my palm which was imprinted on his shirt.
Me: I am sorry about ruining your shirt and... thanks again. It might be annoying but I mean it. You truly saved my life today.
Draco: Don't mention it. See you some other time, hopefully when you are not charged and ready to kill.
He smiled at me and with that he turned around to leave the room. Reilly was watching him like a hawk in a fighting stance, ready to jump him if he tried to do something weird but as the door closed behind Draco, she relaxed and ran to me. She jumped on the couch, sitting on her left leg and then she grabbed my shoulders, moving and twisting my body slightly to check if I have any injuries.
Reilly: What the hell happened? We waited for you to help with the party preparation and called you like million times but you were nowhere.
Me: My powers acted up. I haven't been using them and it got stored, then I-
Reilly: You almost Overflowed today? Why haven't you been using them? You already burned once when your source got unlocked. I am surprised it didn't happen back then and you even lasted this long before the next Overflow.
Me: I didn't put much to it and I was also scared to use them. I didn't know about the consequences.
Reilly: Yeah, that one is on me. You didn't know the basics about the school and such so I should have realized you probably weren't taught this.
Me: I still wouldn't do it. I am scared of hurting someone with my powers and I didn't know about the combat grounds. And I was right for not using the lightning. You should have seen the aftermath, Reilly. It's freaking me out.
Reilly: I know, I know. But we will get to the bottom of this, how to control your powers and all, I promise. But we should rest now and just hold the party so that your mind is not thinking about it.
Me: I guess so even though I am sure that it will work. With what I did today, I am not even sure how I am still here. That lightning struck literally at me and burned almost half of the ring.
Reilly: Oh, you wouldn't die from that. You are immune to your own powers and protected from hurting you.
Me: I am?
Reilly: I can teach you that, or recommend you books you can study up. What's more important now is-
Me: What could be more important than me almost burning and destroying Professor's Coldos office?
Reilly: Hmm, I don't know. Maybe the handsome redhead that has brought you here like you are his bride, and he is by the! Is he really your boyfriend?
Me: No! He helped Professor Coldos to bring me to the combat grounds, that's all.
Reilly: He has been here before and Skylar talked about you having a boyfriend. I wouldn't mind you know, since he looks like a male version of me, at least his hair. That would mean you have a good taste.
Me: Uhuh. So if I find a guy who doesn't look like you, you won't approve of him?
Reilly: One thousand percent!
That made me laugh and even though every move, every breath and every chuckle hurt my whole being, I needed this. I needed to put today behind me and have a moment of peace, of a normal day, and I could always have that with Reilly.
She wouldn't let the topic of Draco go away though so adjusted herself on the couch and started to poke my shoulder with her index fingers, asking about him. I told him how we met, as vaguely as possible, but I did have to tell her about the timeloop. Like I told him, I couldn't reveal the reason behind it and Reilly said she understands but there was a shift in her voice and expression that somehow conveyed that she must think I don't trust her enough with the secret. I took her hand in mind and tried to reassure her.
Me: It's not that I don't trust you with it. I literally can't tell you or I am risking the timeloop restarting.
Reilly: No, I get it. I really do. It's just that it explains why you changed your thoughts about the research back then. It makes sense but somehow I don't feel put at ease even though I know you must have a good reason for not telling me.
Me: What research?
I was genuinely confused and have no idea what is Reilly talking about. She finally looked me in the eye and then explained the whole situation. I remember everything because I was the cause of the loop but for Reilly, it was all cut. Like a piece of the whole day was removed from her. She was with me in the cafeteria for one moment, then I got excited because I realized I might find something in the Ulferonn book or in the Professor Coldos' book, we went back to our room but then it was like I switched personalities and suddenly lost all interest in the book. No wonder it looked suspicious to Reilly and she was angry at me in the morning, barely talking to me. I know that by revealing stuff about my lineage might trigger the loop, but I know how to stop it and I also know that I can depend on Reilly. She is my best friend and I want her to know about it... about me.
Me: The timeloop was put as a curse or something on me so that people don't know about where I come from. This is all I can tell you without triggering it again. It wasn't fun, trust me. But I want you to know the real me and everything about me. You shared your secret about being this badass warrior and training with other Ares descendants even though you were made not to reveal it to anyone. One day, if I learn how to break the loop, you will be the first to know who my parents are, I promise.
Me: I did. I have parents, Reilly. A family.
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