You are now an Ossilor. I started to wonder. I thought that I was supposed to be a descendant of a witch or magician or whatever. What is an Ossilor now? We barely had any classes and I haven't heard anything similar yet.I was thinking about what's going on and then I heard an unfamiliar male voice behind my back. I turn around to see who it is. I didn't hear the door open or anyone to come in. There was a tall guy with long black hair tied in a ponytail is standing in the doorway, leaning against the door frame.
Guy: It's your house now.
A house? Oh, I remember the supervisors saying something about being divided into the houses. So I guess one of the house names is Ossilor.
Guy: Yes, you are right.
I stare at him for a while. His responses were short and most of the time he was quiet. His arms are crossed in front of his chest, making his biceps pop out as he is leaning with his left shoulder on the frame. He isn't bulky but you can tell he is working out or at least is in a good shape. He seemed young, much more younger than any of the other teachers I have met so far. His outfit wasn't covered by the cloak so that must mean he isn't from Aveus. Was he one of hte students since he is so young? Dressed in black suit pants with a white shirt tugged inside, he stood there in silence but looking directly into my eyes with his piercing gaze. His eyes were slim and I could swear that I can see a red glow in them. He looks good.
Guy: Thank you.
What? Can he read minds or what? The guy only chuckles and then turns into his serious face not saying anything. Then Principal Idarin called my name and I turned around to face him since I was staring at the new person that joined us. Principal's gaze felt on the guy for a short time and he introduced the guy as Professor Hale, son of Athena. The Principal then returned his eyes on me, he smiled at me and told me to follow Professor Hale to his office and that he will explain everything further. I stand up and walk to Professor Hale who is already leaving the office. I turn around once again to face the Principal, trying to read his expression. His hands were laying palms down on the table as he was resting his arms. But then he interlocks his fungers and puts his hands up to his chin to rest his head. Nods a few times with a soft, warm expression and then shows me to follow Professor Hale with his right hand. I bow my head slightly to say goodbye and then go with Professor Hale who was waiting for me in the hallway, his arms stuck inside his pockets. I joined him and we walked away. I followed behind him, looking down at my feet. The Principal said I won't get expelled but I still couldn't shake this feeling of guilt for what happened as I couldn't every time after each incident around me.
He didn't say anything the whole way we walked through the hallways of the school. I either looked down or around myself to check the new paitings and art in this part of the school I haven't seen yet. I couldn't bring myself up to start any conversation so I just followed the professor in silence. When we got to his office, he opened the door and walked inside first. I stand frozen in the open doorway as he walks to his desk. He sits down and takes out a bunch of papers. Looking up he checks up on me and sees me still standing in the door. He looks back down to the papers and tells me to come inside, sit on the couch and wait until he prepares something. I slowly go inside, closing the door behind me and walk up to one of the dark brown leather couches he has facing each other in the middle of his office, separated with a small basic coffee table. I sit down and make little buble noises as I wait. Professor Hale was writing something down on the papers, then into this huge and thick book he took out from one of his drawers. He stamps them both and then cleans the book away. He picks up the papers, clears his throat and stands up, walking around the desk and sits down in front of me on the other couch.
Professor Hale: So I heard you showed your power in the canteen.
I swallowed the guilt and cleared my throat, answering his question. I play with my fingers to stop my hands from shaking. He doesn't scold me or anything and just continues to explain things even though his voice a little bit monotone.
Professor Hale: Most of the students are selected to their houses through the test, but sometimes there are students who develop powers sooner and show them on accident. You were seen performing a spell without casting which manifested in the power of telekinesis. By the sorting of powers in the Aveus Academy, you were assigned to the Ossilor house. Congratulations. Which year are you?
Me: Ehm... I am a 1st year.
Professor Hale looks up from the papers straight at me and he is in awe. His mouth opened in a slight O shape. He then closes his mouth and looks back down, slightly nodding.
Professor Hale: The new school year barely started. I guess we have a prodigy here. One of my jobs here is to list in all the sorted students and sign them into the ledger.
He says as he places the papers in front of me on the table. He leans back on the couch to sit more comfortably, snaps fingers and then crosses his arms in front of his chest as he leans at the back of the couch. The papers slide by itself across the table to me. I tensed up even more. I moved my body slightly to the edge of the couch to be able to reach for the papers. It kind of looks like a diploma, saying that I am an Ossilor now. I take the diploma and stare at it. He then tells me to sign it while handing me a silver metal pen.
The professor explained some things and then told me I could leave his office and go back to my dorm. I thanked him and then left while he went back to his desk, to do some other paperwork. I walked fast, not stopping to stare at the art in the hallways, not looking at anyone was was currently walking around me. I managed to find my way to the main hall and from there I went straight back to my dorm room. I got back and see my roommates sitting behind their desks and writing into their notebooks. They both turned their heads to me when I opened the door and then quickly looked back down, continuing to rewrite their notes from today's classes. I toss the diploma on my desk and then walk to my bed. I lay down slowly and sigh, covering my eyes with my arm. Still dressed in the cloak I couldn't bother to take off, my bag tossed next to me on the bed, I just lay there while my roommates are doing their homework or something, and the room is quiet and tense. This unbearable silence gets broken by someone knocking on the door. I lift only my head while my body is still glued to the matrace and I look at the girls but they just stare at each other and do nothing. They don't say anything and they just get up to talk to each other at one of their desks. I roll my eyes and get up, walk to the door and openthem. Young was standing there. He was still in his cloak that had a phoenix embroidered on both of his shoulders from the sides and his hood was filled out with bronze satin while he was holding some books next to his body. He must have come here right after his classes. He looked at me with his stern face which told me how annoyed he was with me and then revealed what he was doing here.
Young: Good job, mundrel. Pack your things, you are being transferred to the house dorm.
At first, I was in shock and kind of angry at him calling me a mundrel, since I still don't know even what it means, but since he is using it in this tone, it must be some sort of insult. But I close the door right in front of his face and go pack my things like he told me to. I start packing up my essentials like phone, the hygiene and make up products. I was going to pack my clothes but when I opened my closet, the clothes just disappeared in a whooshing sound and dust sparkles. I went to my desk but the books were gone in the same manner. That works somehow so I go to pat down my blanket and my pillow, adjusting it on the bed to get rid of the crinkles. When I am done I say goodbye to the girls but they didn't even look at me. They didn't say goodbye and just stood up from their desks and go lay down on their beds. I turn around, leave the room and then open the door. Young was still standing there, pissed off that I closed the door since he wasn't finished talking. I slightly chuckle and then start walking with Young to the Ossilor's dorm.
We went to the one of the wings at the end of the school building and we walked straight to my room. He shows me where it is and then leaves saying he will show me around the dorm another day. I shook my head as he left and then I went into the room. I wanted to go to bed as soon as possible even though it was still relatively early in the afternoon. But the room was barricaded with stuff. What the hell? I put down my things and try to push the furniture but it wouldn't move at all. I try again with my full force but nothing. I hear a laugh from behind the furniture barricade. A paper appears in the air and falls down right in front of my feet. I picked it up and read it. It said „Ossilor house, let yourself in". I was annoyed and I crumpled the paper. Ossilor house, meaning I should use my power or what?. How though? What I did in the canteen was just an impulse of anger. I didn't even think about it and what I was even doing. It just happened. I put my hand in front of me, waving it and trying to push the furniture but nothing. I try for a few minutes to just flap my hands and arms around but it didn't move and I felt like an idiot. I was stuck there, sitting on the floor right next to my things. I gave up on it. I guess I will just sleep here, in the little lobby of the room that was filled with jackets on racks and shoes tidied up next to each other. I sighed and slouched down to sit on the floor, massaging my forehead. But after a while, I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up and decided to try again. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I exhale and try to think about what I wanted to do. What I really wanted to do. Visualise it and not just do some fancy weird bird mating dance with my arms. Lowering my head, I open my eyes and stare directly at the furniture. I imagine myself pushing it. It starts to move slowly to the side. I was happy so I chuckled softly about it but at this point, I was so annoyed with the situation, the anger took over me and the furniture flew across the room, falling around the place. Six girls were standing in the room and they look freaked out a little bit, covering themselves or jumping out of the way of a flying cabinet. I stumble a few steps back, scared from what happened. It was much more force than I inteded so I quickly scanned the girls for injuries and asked if they were okay. But the girls start to laugh and then clap. They run to me and drag me to the living room. The space around me got suddenly so much bigger. It was a one huge room filled with bookshelves, furniture in a style of 18th century which made me feel like a princess in my own castle. There were some modern bits of technology laying around but mostly, it looked so warm and comfortable, especially with the big fire place with a small flame dancing around. One of them patted me on the back as I was looking around the room and then they all started to scream „a party". They called for drinks and one of them disappeared in a blink of an eye and then was back with two bottles in her hands. I stare at her with wide eyes and open mouth and the girls laugh at me but in a friendly way.
Girl 1: Why do you look so surprised?
Me: It's just that...I thought you all can use telekinesis.
Girl 1: There are other powers in Ossilor house, didn't you learn that in Manifestation class?
Me: I don't have a such class.
The girls were shocked and they asked me for my schedule. I walk to my stuff and rumble through my backpack which was left in the entrance lobby next to where I was sitting. I found my schedule and walked back to the living room, handing it to the girls. One of them grabs it and the others hover around her, peeking from sides or from behind her shoulders. They look at it and then they look at each other.
Girl 2: You're a first-year?
Me: Yes. Why?
Girl 3: Damn girl, you are powerful as hell then. Manifesting power in the first year just during first days of school. I think you are the first one in ages, if not the only one.
She handed me back my schedule and I was going to fold it and put it away. But as soon as it was in my hands I looked at it. The classes started to shift and a new one was added – Controlling. I folded it and stuck it in my back pocket on my jeans. They handed me a glass of champaigne and we sat down on one of the couches or some of the girls just plopped down on these big pillows, talking about stuff.
They all introduced and told me their powers. Lucy, a little bit introverted and she was quiet most of the time. Her hair were a bit longer than mine, wavy in a light shade of blonde but she dyed her ends in bright blue that matched her eyes. Apparently she came all the way from Norway to study here and she developed the power of speed. She was the one who went all super Sonic and brought us the drinks. Solya and Chanti with the power of something called light bending. I didn't understand what it meant so Solya was the one to demonstrate her power as she extended her arm into the light coming from the boujee crystal chandelier flying above us and then her hand was gone and back in a few moments. I kinda envied that power. It would be very handy to me in my life growing up. Not that she ever needed to become invisible because she was so friendly and beautiful. She could definitely be a model with her dark skin and her natural dark brown hair curled up to her shoulders. Chanti was friendly too but she was less talkative than Solya. She said that she is used to being quiet because she had like eight siblings and their house is always loud and crazy. Her family was from India, but they moved to America for their kids to study here at the academy. Her hair were shiny, black and long up to her butt, braided up. She still had her heavy smokey eye make up on that made her brown eyes pop out even more, like a cat. And then there are Crimen, Skylar and Kisha, who have the same power as me - telekinesis. Crimen was so beautiful, on the same level as Solya. Her hair were long and lightened to mahagony brown which complimented her latina features. She sat quietly on one of the pillows and was drinking her champaigne slowly. Skylar was the same bunch of loud talkative bundle, same as Solya but she was a complete opposite. Her hair is also dark, raven black. So black that it looked like a darkness and you could get lost in it. But her skin was so white that she reminded me of a porcelain doll. She could magnetize you with her ocean blue eyes when she stared directly at you and bombarded you with questions. The last one of the little extroverted birds was Kisha. She came here from Japan so sometimes she mixed up english and japanese words into her sentences but you could still understand her somehow. She had similar hair to Skylar but you could see some purple tint when she moved under the different light. The same color that was shining from her eyes. I don't know if she was wearing contact lenses or not but I liked that eye color. It was something knew, something different. We laughed, talked about our lives, well mostly the girls talked, and we stayed up till 3 am until everyone was so tired to even keep their eyes open.
The next morning I woke up in my bed that I barely got myself into. I didn't change my clothes even, only took off my cloak that was now spread on the floor right next to my bed. I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that happened these past days. My head was bobbing with a headache that definetely came up from the champaigne and me sleeping barely three hours. I stare at the ceiling and then sit up with a groan. Our room is divided into two smaller ones. The other girls had a bigger room but it was already full, so I ended up being a roommate with Skylar and Solya. They told me that a furniture and all of my belongings were summoned to their room and they were notified that I will be moving in with them. When I woke up, they were still sleeping since we had different schedules and I still had my 1st year classes. I tried to make no noise as I got ready for my classes.
I only had one early class which was Introduction at 9am. It went smoothly and then I had some time window before my next class so I decided to go buy something to eat. I texted Reilly if she wanted to eat with me and hide somewhere so the incident from yesterday doesn't happen again. She sent me three thumbs up emojis which made me giggle and then I put my phone into my pocket, ready to go buy some food. I was going to buy a normal lunch but Reilly stopped me and told me to buy a lunch box, or something thats packed. I didn't know why but I only shrugged my shoulders and did as she told me. I got some chicken baguette with a bottle of coke while Reilly grabbed a packed lunch box and also managed to grab at least 4 bags of potato chips. She was hidden behind those bags but she managed to peek out and nudge her head to the direction of the door. I understood and started to walk away. Reilly was trailing behind me as we got out of the building and walked on the relatively empty spot at the school areal. She dropped her things on the grass and then ran off somewhere only to come back with a folded blanket in her hands. She adjusted her big round glasses that she started to wear the last year of highschool and tried to spread the blanket on the ground. After a few attempts, she finally did it and then we plopped down. The weather was nice and it was good to get out from time to time. We finally had a chance to talk but I didn't want to pry so we mostly ate our food and then munched on the chips while talking about basic general stuff like what we did today and how's the school so far.
Sadly, it was time to part ways and it was now something after twelve. The last class for today now is Controlling, my new class which starts at 12:15. I didn't know where should I go for this class so I asked a few people around I managed to stop but they didn't know. Apparently Controlling is divided by houses and by manifestations. I couldn't find anyone from Ossilor so I roamed the halls. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. I turn around to see my new roommates.
Crimen: Hey you. Do you have Controlling now?
Me: Yes. But I don't know where should I go.
Kisha: That's okay. Come with us, we have Controlling too.
I felt relieved when I met them. It started to feel like a real school experience with the girls around. This was the first time I saw them in the cloaks. They had the same cloak as Young did when I met him yesterday. It covered most parts of their outfits but I could tell that Skylar had something more revealing, like dress or something since her legs peeked out and it was only her porcelain skin tugged inside black high heels. Kisha and Crimen were dressed casually, similar to mine. Just basic jeans and some blouse or T-shirt underneath. On the other hand, they had more make up than Skylar which was basically almost without one and used only mascara and that was it. Crimen had a reddish sparkling eyeshadow combined with a brown one and a thin eyeliner combined with a dark red lipstick on her plump lips. Kisha used only a nude lipstick but her eyes were covered in a black smoke eye and thick eyeliner that traced the almond shape of her cat eyes and some fake eyelashes. They looked more like they are ready for a party and not a class but I guess there is no rules about the clothing or looks. Besides the cosplay cloaks. Skylar interlocked her arms with mine, the same way Reilly does and then they showed me the way to the classroom. We went inside and sat down next to each other in one row. Kisha pushed Skylar to sit first to which she pouted since she wanted to sit right next to me. Kisha insisted saying that she would only gossip the whole time and wouldn't let me concentrate. Skylar only stuck out her tongue to her but she didn't protest and sat down first. I was seated between Kisha and Crimen. We were sitting pretty high up. The door were at the top while the classroom was filled with long tables and seats connected and split in the middle, then continued. The same pattern in each row, descending lower and lower into a pit where there was a black board that didn't seemed to be used that much and a teacher's desk.
After a while, the class filled with students, and eventually the teacher came too. This time she just walked in normally. Didn't teleport or any of that stuff the other teachers did. Everyone started to prepare for the class. I was sitting there a little bit lost until the teacher called out my name.
Telekinesis teacher: I've heard we have a new student between us. Kaitlin Holland? Where are you?
Kisha taps on my shoulder while Skylar peeks out from behind her, pressing her body on the desk and tells me to stand up. The teacher and everyone looked at me as I raised from my seat. They clapped and then the teacher told me to sit down. She then introduced herself as Professor Defer and proceeded by explaining the class to me and then called me to go down. I got in front of the whole class and then she called Kisha too. She walked down on the stairs into the pit and stood next to the teacher. There were many objects laying on the table in front of us. Some small, some big, light or heavier. The teacher then told me to try and move one of the objects, I could pick which one. I focused on the black feather. Lame but I didn't want to look like an idiot. I walk up closer to the table while Kisha and the professor stand on the side, watching me. I tried to focus on it but nothing. I squinted my eyes hard but the feather didn't move. The kids in the class laughed but the teacher silenced them, walked up to me and patted me on my back. She then told me to return to my seat. Kisha was still there and the teacher asked her to move the objects too. Kisha moved the glass first and everyone clapped. Kisha did a curtsy and everyone chuckled. I guess she must be a star of this class. The teacher then asked her to move more objects at once. And she did. Then she was sent back to her seat too. I tried to focus on the rest of the class but I couldn't move any given object. The class ended and everyone left their seats. I stayed sitting alone in the row and I sighed. The teacher walked to the row I was in and sat right next to me. I looked at her but she only smiled and reassured me.
Professor Defer: Don't worry. You are just a first-year and have no experience. You will get better in your power. I will try to guide you, are you can ask your roommates to practise your powers.
Me: Is Kisha an excellent student?
Professor Defer: She is one of the talented ones, yes. Is she in your dorm room? If so, ask her to help you out. I think she will gladly do it.
Me: I don't know them that much yet. And I don't want to trouble them.
The teacher only patted me softly on my shoulder and left the clean objects on the desk that we used today. After a while, I finally stood up and left the classroom thinking about what she said and if I should ask the girls to help me with my berserk powers.
No. I don't want to drag anyone else into my mess!
A/N - content notes
• Ossilor - one of the houses into which are students divided based on their type of power
• Kaitlin's school timetable:
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