The time flew by and suddenly the class was over, I didn't even notice when the bell rang, only that Nathan started to pack his stuff and other students were already leaving the classroom. I finished copying Nathan's notes and then handed his notebook to him knowing he'd been waiting for me to return it. I quickly scribbled the last words and then packed my stuff.
Professor Coldos stuffed the three textbooks he used for this lesson back into his leather bag. He walked towards the huge chalk board and placed his right palm on the green surface. The lines started to fade and kinda slide down to where his hand is, like it's being pulled towards it and erased. After the last set of lines was gone, Professor Coldos removed his hand from the board and walked into front of his desk. He leaned against the table and then waited for me to join him downstairs. I tossed my backpack over my right shoulder and left the other strap hanging in the air while I descended the stairs.
Professor Coldos: What do you think about the lesson?
Me: I enjoyed it. Nathan helped me out a lot too.
Professor Coldos: I saw you interacting. I was honestly surprised because Nathan usually keeps to himself and doesn't really talk to people.
I felt a little bit guilty, thinking that maybe I was annoying Nathan and pressured him to talk but he seemed genuinely happy that I didn't ignore him. Do people usually just leave him alone because they think he is not worth talking to just because he is in Unell and has no fancy power? I genuinely hate the way people discriminate around here based on your powers or some pure-blood families crap. I mean it's similar to normal world where people judge you based on your money or status I guess, but having magic should make us somehow better than that and not so petty, no? Or is it worse just because of that specifically?
I got annoyed at how people act around here but I can't do much about it really. Only if there is a spell that would block out power for one day or like an eclipse or something, I think that would help people to realize how dumb this power hunger and competition really is. I scoffed and it must have alarmed Professor Coldos.
Professor Coldos: If you wish to take a break and go wait for me at the office, you don't have to follow me for the next class.
Me: No, I am alright. I want to attend all of your classes and write down notes. And I promised it to Nathan too. I am sorry if I seemed not interested in your lessons, I was only thinking about how ridiculous the relationships and the hierarchy work around here. It is just sad that some people, like Nathan, are outcasts just because they are not special. To me, he is.
Professor Coldos: Nathan didn't develop a power which in the magician's community is considered a flaw or a sign of weakness. He tries to level it up by being the best spellcaster and aiming for a spellmaster position after he graduates but other magicians will still have it on mind that he is from Unell. I am glad you decided to be his friend. It might be useless for you to learn from him since you won't put those spells to use but even just the company might motivate him.
Me: He seems motivated enough to become the best of his year.
Professor Coldos: On the outside but I know he is struggling with the loneliness and masks it by burying himself with books and studies. Now, let's not waste time and be late for the next class.
Professor Coldos pointed out that we only have a few minutes before the next class starts and the break will be over soon. We still have to make our way to the other classroom for the following lesson which I think is supposed to be also Casting but for the fifth-years. Professor Coldos pulled his bag from the table, the leather slided against the wooden surface with dragging noise and then he tossed the long leather strap over his left shoulder. After he started to move, I walked behind Professor Coldos and mainly followed him because I didn't know the location of the next classroom. I walked slightly behind him but still almost at the same line so that we can keep a conversation. Professor Coldos kept answering my questions about the lessons or explained the traveling spell they did during the class in more details but he treated me as his equal and not just another student that's following him around like a puppy.
We didn't walk too far, even though the way took us longer than it should. Mainly because other students kept stopping Professor Coldos and asked him questions about their homeworks, essays or something related to their studies. He answered each one of them in short replies but it conveyed everything I guess because the students thanked the professor and then went away. Two new students stopped us in front of the classroom and asked Professor Coldos something about a summoning circle for a spell but I was totally lost in what they were talking about because the level of that conversation was way above my knowledge. Mostly because I have minimal knowledge about magic and the one that I have is only from the first-year classes. The two students who are now talking to Professor Coldos have five stars above a picture of a lion embroidered on their shoulders. Fifth-years, Idarin. I focused on their cloaks that I zoned out for a little bit and tuned out what they were saying but then Professor Coldos' voice pulled me back. The muffled voices became clear again and those two students were looking at me with Professor Coldos. I quickly realized that they told me to enter the classroom so I only nodded and then followed all three of them inside.
Like the previous class, this one had the same set up, and I would say it is the same size as the one for Casting IV. The only difference is that there is more light coming through the extra windows that the other classroom didn't have. It almost blinded me so I squinted my eyes to protect them. The sun rays that are coming through are warming the air in this classroom a little bit more but the change of clothes is ideal for this temperature and I am no longer sweating. We stopped in the heart of the classroom which is at the bottom of the cascade of desks and Professor Coldos put his bag on his table, then walked in front of the table. He leaned against the wooden structure and crossed his arms in front of his chest while the two fifth-years stood next to him, holding notebooks in front of them and ready to show whatever they were asking him about. For a few moments he was giving them full attention but then he turned his gaze towards me without moving an inch of his body and told me to just go sit down if I want to stay for the class. I nodded and then turned towards the classroom, searching for a place to sit while I heard the professor voice in a loud voice to inform the class and give them instructions.
Professor Coldos: This will take a moment so prepare your notes, then try the spell with your assigned groups. For anyone wondering who the new student is, this is Kaitlin Holland from Umbras and she will be joining our classes as one of the winners of The student's week. She will attend the classes but as a demigod, she won't participate in the spells but I still ask of you to assist her or explain the lesson if she has any questions.
The whole classroom went silent and I could feel their piercing eyes focused on me. Compared to the previous class, this one is already filled even though that the bell hasn't announced the start of the lesson. Almost all of the seats were taken by now and my only option was to join one of the groups to just stare at them I guess. I started to ascend the staircase and scanned the students to see where I could sit down. Everyone looked at me when Professor Coldos was introducing me but now they are not giving me a speck of attention. Hell, I think they are even trying to ignore me. They can just put a sign on their foreheads that says "don't you dare sit with us". I checked out every isle of each floor. Ugh, I wish Nathan could be here. Idarins, Dorhans, Ossilors. No Unells. All with five stars embroidered at their shoulders. Then one of the cloaks caught my attention. Blue satin filled that student's hood. There is an Unell student here too. Maybe I could make friends with them too? A familiar long blond hair covered maybe about the half of the hood. I followed the trail of those golden locks and my eyes stopped at the shoulders. Four stars. Isn't this Casting V. though? I froze at the spot which was almost at the top of the cascade and stared at the group with the Unell student who's face I couldn't see since they are talking to their classmate. At least until the Ossilor student that's sitting behind him looked at me, then jerked his chin up like he wanted to point at me.
5th year Ossilor male student: Oh you mean her?
Here we go. Are they one of those who have fun by destroying people's reputation and listen to ridiculous rumors for their daily dose of entertainment? I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I stopped facing the group and turned away so that I can move up and find another spot. I lifted my leg and was going to start walking away until a familiar voice called my name so I turned to see who it is and my mouth dropped in a shock.
Me: Nathan?
Nathan: Hey, Kaitlin. We were just talking about you. Come join our group.
Me: Sure but am I hallucinating or what? Why are you here?
I was a bit hesitant to join them but Nathan seemed like he is really here and not just a figment of my imagination so I started to walk inside the isle to sit down since Nathan asked his group to move around and make a spot for me. They all scooched to the side and emptied one seat right next to Nathan for me. I sat down and dropped my backpack on my thighs so that I can take out my things for the class but I stared at Nathan. He only chuckled and then pinched my cheek slightly, telling me it's not a dream and he is really here. I grabbed my cheek which hurt a little bit so I rubbed it in circles until the sensation went away.
Nathan then explained that he is allowed to attend the Casting V. classes because he is advanced in spellcasting and Professor Coldos allowed him to do so. He also got a special permission from Principal Idarin to have both Casting IV. and V., and then he will be excused from his next-year classes which he informed me that he plans on spending on his training. My mouth was opened in awe and I only nodded to everything he told me. His laugh resonated through the classroom again and I was so surprised by him. I knew that he aimed for some badass position since he and Professor Coldos told me so, but this person in front of me isn't the same shy guy I met like one hour ago. And he is interacting with other students too. Maybe Professor Coldos was wrong about him being an outcast and a loner? But I was glad that he has some friends. I gave him a soft smile but then something in the air around him shifted. His laugh quieted down and the smile on his face didn't seem happy. I opened my mouth to ask him if he is alright but Nathan quickly opened his notebook and then started to explain the spell they are currently working on: Magical energy enhancement, while the others kept practicing the hand movements.
Nathan: There are certain spells that take too much energy from you and can burn you inside out. To do these spells, you need to increase the energy level of the casting. It differs depending on the power levels of each individual but you still need more people to help you enhance your energy-
Me: I am sorry but I am kinda getting lost.
Nathan: Heh, it's alright. Uhm, maybe I should explain the energy levels since you are only a first-year and probably don't know about it?
Me: I only had the introductory lessons at Aveus and then I was dropped into Umbras with no additional classes so I am not working with much here.
Nathan: You know that there are two different descendants, right?
Me: Aren't demons also real? Mr. Hale told me about those too.
Nathan: Yeah well, true. But let's just focus on our school. So Aveus for magicians, Umbras for demigods. By their inner biology, the level of power we possess is different.
Me: Is this tied to these weird ass crystals called Imogen or something?
Nathan: Imogranum, yes. You know about it then?
Me: Only what they explained to me during the manifestation testing.
Nathan: Oh. So yeah, magicians have level of power to only lift one Imogranum-
Me: And demigods three.
Nathan: Correct. But even the level between magicians themselves, or demigods, differs depending in on how much they can fill the Imogranum with their powers. Some fill only the bottom of the crystal, some can get it up to the half and the most powerful ones fill the whole crystal up to its' tip. But even those magicians are not strong enough for collective spells. You need some sort of boost to give you enough energy to cast the spell but also a connector or anchor to spread that energy so it doesn't burn you. Right now, we are getting ready to cast the energy enhancement spell so that we create a group connection or a bond that will help us cast group spells later.
I finally started to somehow understand the base of the spell so I wrote down short notes and then showed it to Nathan for him to confirm if it's right or not. I felt guilty from taking him away from the group and practicing the spell. What if it goes wrong because he didn't work on it with them? I told him that he can just give me his notes and I will copy it while he goes through his part but Nathan only smile softly and told me that it's alright, because he is the spellcaster for their group, meaning he is the one receiving the energy and he will be the one casting the spell Professor Coldos will teach them in the future. No wonder since he is the best in his year, so strong that he can even attend next-year classes. So he kept explaining his notes as I was copying them and I could swear that I heard a scoff from one of the students in his group. I turned around to face that person which is a female Idarin student, sitting next to an Idarin guy. She noticed me staring but she didn't even ask if I had any questions and then continued in her practice casting with the guy, which is her boyfriend I guess, totally ignoring me like I am not even here. Weird. But I didn't want to bother them and ruin their focus so I turned back to listen to Nathan's explanation as he pointed on the pages of his notebook to certain highlighted parts. And there it was again, that bitter smile on his face. So he is still an outcast because he is Unell. They must have paired him up with a group for the lessons because otherwise he wouldn't be able to attend and perform in the class. They are not his friends, they are just people who got assigned to him, probably because Professor Coldos made them, and all of that chatter was just a performance. And I thought my life is bad. I have Reilly and I met the girls but Nathan is completely alone even if he is in a group. Then an idea crossed my mind and I didn't think of the consequences of it. Well I didn't even need to because I know that the girls will understand my decision so I just blurted out the question.
Me: We are planning a victory party with some of the girls that won The student's week. Do you wanna join us?
Nathan got caught by a surprise with that question and he stared at me like I am some sort of miracle. I had to wave in front of his face with my hand to grab his attention and then asked him again. His head dropped down and he looked at his notebook while nervously playing with the corner of the page. He told me that he thinks it wouldn't be a good idea but I still asked him again, telling him that it will be fun. I knew that he doesn't want to come, I felt the answer in his awkward movements and I didn't wanna pester him but I don't want him to be alone.
Nathan: It will be only girls, right? What will I do there as a guy?
Me: Yes but honestly Reilly is more of a boy so you could probably hang out with her.
If Reilly was here right now, she would have my head in a lock and probably tried to squeeze the air out of my lungs but it was partly true and I had to persuade him somehow. I just don't want him to have the same life I had. That was my excuse why I tried to get him to come. And also I spoke loud enough for the others in the group to hear, others which I didn't pay attention to nor did I invite them to the party. Only Nathan, so that they are jealous of him for once.
Nathan: How many people will be there?
Me: Uhm, let me see. Me, Reilly, Jess, Enko, Gaia, Nima, Ossilor girls... hmmm... around twelve total.
Nathan: Ossilor girls?
Me: Jess and Enko are from Aveus so we need to hold the party at this half but their room is small, so we want to hold it in the Ossilor dorms with my previous roommates.
Nathan: You were in Ossilor?
Me: Ah, yes. My Zeus powers can somehow magnetize metal objects and it moved them around so they thought I have the power of telekinesis and assigned me to Ossilor and I moved in with Solya and Skylar as my roommates, then also four other girls were in-
Nathan: You said Skylar? Skylar Mikhailova?
I recognized that spark that popped inside Nathan's eyes and also the happiness in his tone. He has a crush on Skylar. I only gave Nathan a soft smile and then let the whole party invitation talk opened. I leaned a little bit to the right and pulled his notebook closer to me. I scribbled my phone number on the corner of the page and pushed it back towards Nathan, telling him to write me so that I also have his number and I can text him about the party. If he wants to come, he will have the when and where in the message, actually showing there is up to him though. He didn't say anything and went back to explaning the notes casually, like nothing happened, like he isn't happily dancing in his head right now that there is a chance he might be able to talk to Skylar because even though he tried to hide it, I saw that pure genuine smile that found its' way to appear on his face, twisting the corners of his mouth upwards. Did he never talk to her at all or did she never even notice him? Dang it, I haven't been around the girls that much so I don't even know if Skylar is still single. Last time we talked she was on a boyfriend hunt but since then, I have no idea if she got someone or not. Luckily, I didn't tell or give Nathan any ideas and promises that I will introduce them, giving him hope that he might have a chance with her. I wished they would end up together for some reason because Nathan seems like a nice guy but it's their decision, not mine. I am definitely hyped about it in my head though and I am rooting for Nathan.
The notes from Nathan are thorough and pretty neat but my brain was hurting from trying to understand the base of the spell even though Nathan tried to explain it as best as he could. He even dissected each part into a version for dummies, which I am in this case, and went over the spell multiple times but I still couldn't wrap my head around it. I earned a few low laughs from the students in our group because they were done with the practice and now just sat without doing anything. They simply just leaned back and cleaned their fingernails or just talked to each other. Most of the class did the same even though some of the groups were repeating the preparations again and again to perfect it or just to be sure that they won't mess it up. Nathan's group is probably put together with powerful magicians or good students so I guess they think they don't need to practice or they actually don't need to but they don't have to be assholes about me not understanding this advanced stuff. Nathan started from the beginning and explained the first part about the energy levels, then asked me if I understand it. I nodded because that part is somehow easy, then he moved to another section of notes and after he finished reading it, he asked if I get it or not. Energy flow, holding the energy, then someone guides the energy to the caster, others navigate it around to hold it or something. My brain started lagging that if I was a video, you would probably see that loading circle appear on my forehead. I exhaled and supported my head with my right hand on the desk, leaning over the notes and reading the part Nathan was talking about.
Me: But can you really navigate energy? Is it like electricity and you make it go certain way or how does it work?
Nathan: Well technically and also no at the same time. You can direct energy flow of certain powers like electricity to a point you want to, but also let them just burst out randomly if you need to focus on the intensity and not the aiming part. This energy is different. It's not manifesting into a power it's just there, you just feel it.
Me: So it's like when someone drinks coffee to get energy?
Nathan: Something like that, I guess.
I was still a little bit lost and I started to get annoyed by the constant laughs and whispers from the duo sitting next to my right. I scoffed and was going to say something to them but Nathan placed his palm on top of my left hand which is resting on my notebook, then looked me in the eye and shook his head. He didn't want me to initiate any conflict with them, which I guess is normal for him based on how they treat him. I wanted to fight so that I can get some peace and also for Nathan since I am here only for a week but what if I make it worse and they will start bullying him even more, or they will sabotage their group work on purpose so that he fails? My left hand was clutched in a fist for a few seconds in anger that was building inside me but then I relaxed it and placed the tips of my fingers on the first sentence of the third part so that I don't loose track of where we are right now and listened to Nathan explain this portion of the spell. Connections, bonds, emotions, intentions. A simplified explanation of what affects the spell and what you need to keep in mind while casting, but also to have a clear mind at the same time. And for the first time since I got here, I am actually glad that I am a demigod because all this knowledge, spells and what you need to do or not to do is just spilling out of my brain as soon as I hear it. Just shooting lightning bolts seems easier and I feel like I wouldn't make it in Aveus past the first year, maybe the second one.
We went over the notes one more time just in case there is still something I didn't understand but I might have given up on those parts at this point so I just told Nathan that I get it now. Professor Coldos is still talking to those two students, checking their notebooks or writing something down, then correcting them. Nathan, no matter how good he is to be advanced in spellcasting, he still went over the spell and practiced his part multiple times. He was on his fifth repetition when the familiar sound of a bell echoed around and Professor Coldos' voice resonated through the classroom, dismissing the class. Everyone started packing their things and then slowly left from their rows, walking down the stairs, which from the height we are still sitting right now, looks like it's a bunch of black ants following each other. I had to stand up and press myself against the row above us so that students can exit and also leave the classroom. I heard them mumble something about me and I also heard Nathan's name but it would be dumb to start a fight with them. Even though my source is open, I still can't control or focus my powers and they are fifth-years so I would be probably evaporated or something in the first ten seconds of the fight.
After the last student form our row was out, I sat down and noticed that Nathan didn't leave. His body lowered next to mine and he scooched on the seat, stretching his legs and leaning his torso against the seat, releasing a long and tensed sigh.
Me: What a bunch of idiots.
Nathan: Unlucky for me, I have to bond with them for spells to pass this class.
Me: I know you don't really know me but I am here for you, Nathan. Come to the party.
I tried to make him feel better even though it felt like I am forcing the party on him. But if he doesn't want company, why you he talk to me? Is it that there is too many people for him so that's why he doesn't want to come? Nathan only massaged the tip of his nose with his pinched fingers and then straightened himself in the seat. He took the end of his blond ponytail and pulled from his back to the front while looking at the hair, twisting and playing with it.
Nathan: Does Skylar like long hair on a guy?
Huh. Was my reaction in my head and also the same thing left my mouth. I didn't care that the reason he will join the party if not me, or my pathetic attempt to make others jealous of him, only if he comes. And he wants to because of Skylar. But I have no freaking idea. It made me feel like I am not a good friend with her at all because friends should know each other's ideal type of guy, no? Shit. I don't want to lie to him.
Nathan: I talked to her once. She was a second-year already and didn't know where the Potion classroom is. She ran up to me and with a big smile asked me for directions.
Me: Did you tell her or were you surprised by her burst of energy?
Nathan: I wasn't in Unell back then so I still had hopes to get to know her and I had a few friends that I knew from around while growing up, but after I was placed with the undertermined, they all left and I somehow got used to the silence and solitude.
Me: I don't think Skylar will think less of you just because you are in Unell.
Nathan: At first, I felt so lonely, I wanted to just leave but she was the one thing keeping me in here. For some reason I just liked to see her run around the halls with her friends, laughing and having fun. Every time I saw her or heard her voice, it made me want to stay just to hear it one more time.
Me: You really like her.
Nathan: Busted, huh?
Me: I am going to be honest, Nathan, I don't know. The topic of boyfriends was never on my list of how to spend talking time with your friends so I usually just zoned out when the girls were thirsting about guys. But you are a nice guy, you are smart and a great magician so just try to talk to her and you will see.
Nathan: I tried but every time I muster the courage, the moment I walk up to her, it's all gone. And she is usually with the other girls or at least some of them.
Me: The girls are nice too and I think if they see what your intentions are, they will scatter to give you two some privacy.
Nathan: One time I almost did it but my throat just shut and no words would come out. Then the bell rang and they had to run to the class. All I heard was one of them say that I look so cute and feminine with my long hair to which Skylar agreed so that's why I asked.
Nathan seemed proud of his hair and maybe it's his family thing to keep long hair or I don't know so telling him to change it just so that Skylar will notice him seemed like a not good way to go. I could get some intel and then let him know. I was going to suggest some other things but Professor Coldos called my name which made me look in his direction. He was already packed and ready to go back to his office since this was his last class for today. I stood up and swiftly stick my notebook and pens into my backpack, then tossed it over my shoulder and left the row. My movement stopped on the stairs and I turned to face Nathan one more time. I told him to text me so that I have his number and if I learn anything, I will let him know. He gave an honest happy smile which reassured me a little bit and then I went to join Professor Coldos so that we can go continue our work on the Noion books in his office for the remaining time I have for today.
I didn't talk to Professor Coldos on our way or asked any questions because my brain was busy creating a plan for the party but also how to make Skylar and Nathan meet in private. Professor Coldos must have noticed it so he didn't say anything too. Only after we arrived in front of his office he asked me to check the pass and see how much time of stay I have left. I rummaged through my bag and quickly got the coin which was burning a little bit. I guess there is not much time left. And I was right. I barely had one hour left of stay even with the additional time Professor Coldos got me. I informed the professor and he only nodded, not saying anything as he unlocked the door, then walked inside his office.
I got in after professor and noticed that the furniture has been moved around and there was a second table placed on the right with lamp and everything needed for writing and doing research.
Professor Coldos: I made an inquiry for your work station as you can see. We don't have much time left for today, so let's just move the stacks of Noion books on your table and we will start working on them tomorrow, then you can return to your side and spend your free time as you wish.
I guess that's for the best because after Nathan explaining the spell-work today, or at least he tried to, my brain got overloaded with information and I really have no mental energy left to do any research. The backpack just slided down from my shoulder and I didn't care if it landed on a clean surface or not. I walked over to the stack of books and grabbed it at the sides to lift it up. It took me two trips to get all the books and place them neatly on my desk. I spread them and let only sides of the books to be stacked on the neighboring one so that I can see all the names, or at least those I can still read, and fit all the books on my table. I had to be careful because some of the binding looked ancient that probably they were part of some pharaoh's library or something. I was surprised how the books survive to this day and browsed through the different names, then I remembered the one book that is supposed to be in some school secret vault and it concerns the tattoo that appeared on my back.
Me: Before I leave, can I ask you one question, Professor Coldos?
Professor Coldos: Sure. We might not have time for me to explain spells or anything but ask away.
Me: I just wanted to know more about that forbidden book and the tattoo.
His expression changed even though someone might not see the difference between his normal face and an angry one but I noticed the shift in Professor Coldos' mood. He started thinking about if he should reveal more to me, which he probably shouldn't since it's concerning a secret part of the academy but I wanted to know, I needed to know if I am in some sort of danger or not.
Me: There is the vault thing which I know you probably can't tell me more about but I just want to know if that tattoo is something bad and if I should be scared. Just tell me what you know about the tattoo and nothing more.
Professor Coldos: I guess that sounds reasonable. The book contains some dangerous spells which I haven't decoded all since the book itself has power and touching it for too long made people go insane.
Me: Is it somehow a binding spell or I don't know, maybe it's a remnant of the block that was put on me?
I looked at Professor Coldos in anticipation and also a slight fear of what he will reveal to me about the tattoo. "The book itself has power and it contains dangerous spells." What if my source was binded because it's dangerous and they knew if I come to power, I might turn into some sort of weapon? My source said it's not from Zeus so what even am I? I hoped that me being a danger to others was the reason for why my parents blocked my source and then left me behind, not just abandoned me because they didn't want me. But Professor Coldos quickly destroyed my theory with what he knows about it.
Professor Coldos: It is not a binding spell or block in any sort. The tattoo is a sigil of a person that wields something.
Me: Wields something?
Professor Coldos: My translation isn't perfect and I am not sure about the words.
Me: Maybe I could check the book to see if I am able to read it and help you with translation?
Professor Coldos: The book is forbidden and safely stored away under wards that keep it's power under control. Only I have access to it which I limit to bare minimum for reasons I already explained. No student, even you who have the ability to read Noion, will get even near to it.
Me: I might be able to translate it fully and then you can determine if the book is really dangerous or not.
Professor Coldos: No means no, Ms. Holland. End of discussion.
I could feel the anger boiling inside Professor Coldos's veins and I didn't want to get another strike or be kicked from the mentorship so I backed up and didn't pressure him about showing me the book anymore. So I apologized and only asked him, if he can tell me what the partial translation might be, then I will go back to my dorm. Professor Coldos walked behind his desk and sat down. He took some papers out and started to write on them, probably another set of exam sheets but he remained silent. I apologized again and then took my backpack which was tossed on the ground and started to walk out of the office. I wished Professor Coldos a nice evening and thanked him for everything today, and also that he gave me a chance to learn from him. He still didn't say anything but his breathing were slower and steadier, his shoulders slumped a little bit and he seemed to calmed down. He also didn't kick me out or told me that The student's week is over so that is a good sign, no? Or he will still write me an official letter and will deliver it to my room later. With a feel of defeat and guilt lingering on my chest and I opened the door. The door handle greeted my hand with a cold kiss and I had to grip it harder after Professor Coldos finally revealed to me what he thinks the sigil tattoo is.
I think it translates as "wielder of a familiar".
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