Ms. Edite entered the combats ground a moment after Woreus warned me about her return. She brought a bunch of books and handed themover to me. With the amount of time she had, there is no way she got throughall of them, but she took those that might be of help too just judging by theirname. Besides the bench, there is nowhere to sit down and study, so Ms. Editeallowed me to leave early. I already know the answer to the aim problem andit's not like I will find anything helpful, since I am not Zeus descendantanyway. But I still took the books and told Ms. Edite that I will read themhere.
Surrounded by books while sitting on the mat, I pretend to read through them. Ms. Edite sat on a chair that one of the students brought her and she also joined me in the research. She sits like a lady with her legs tugged under the chair, covered in her usual vintage dress, meanwhile I am hunched over the remaining books and look like a shrimp. I kept one book open and placed in front of Woreus. At first, I kept watching his head movements and when it seemed like he is at the end of the page, I flipped it for him, but he told me not to worry about him. I was still going to do it, but when I reached for the page again, he exhaled through his snout, flipping the page. I laughed at how funny that looks like but let him play with the book he is probably not reading anyway, or he is not paying much attention to it, since he told me he hates to read.
At the end, we didn't find anything coherent. Ms. Edite also closed her book gently and placed it on the stack of the others that I have cleaned up and put them on the bench. No one really write manuals on how to control powers when everyone gets taught by their families, so there are no books that could explain it to me. All of the descendants apparently refused to teach at Umbras and are scattered around the world. Even if we contact someone and they agree to come for a consultation, it will still take days until they arrive, so the only viable option is the one I hate the most – Saxa becoming my teacher. Ms. Edite asked me to wait again while she goes and brings her.
I debated faking a sickness or even quickly summoning more lightnings to exhaust myself and bring out the nosebleeds, just to get out of here. Not having time for any of those, I at least text Reilly if she can come to stand guard. I tossed the phone on top of the backpack as Ms. Edite entered the room with Saxa. This should be fun!
Woreus: Having troubles with that blondie?
Me: She is a little entitled self-proclaimed queen who is trying to kill me.
Woreus: How did you manage to piss someone off, little sister?
Me: No idea. She just got jealous because I am close to this one professor she has a crush on, and it escalated even more when I got placed as the same descendant as her.
Woreus: One of those, huh? And... are you trying anything serious with that professor?
Me: I am with Draco.
Woreus: If you say so.
I glared at Woreus but he ignores me and walks away to hide under the bench. Saxa notices me and judging by her expression, she wasn't informed about who will be here. I sent a fake smile in her direction. Saxa scoffed but she didn't leave and only crossed her arms in front of her chest, shifting her weight to the left. Ms. Edite explained why she summoned her and points with her arm to the mat as a sign for Saxa to proceed with a demonstration. Saxa rolled her eyes but she listened to the teacher and I got also called.
Ms. Edite asked if Saxa can destroy one of the targets with the summoned lightning. I got confused as to what is that supposed to mean, and also a little bit scared because I am standing on the mat too. The shield won't protect me if I am inside and if Saxa decides to smite me instead of the target. Even if Ms. Edite is present, this is still considered an open space to fight and any injuries caused in the combat grounds are pardoned. From what I have seen Saxa do before, it would be over in less than five seconds.
I could hear the energy buzzing and sensed how the air tickled against my skin. Preparing for a hit, I take a few steps back and my legs brush against Woreus who sprinted past me and positioned himself in front of me, growling at Saxa. The lightning hit and turned one of the targets closest to us into a crip, leaving just a pile of coal. Turning around, she sees Woreus showing his sharp teeth at her, but Saxa only scoffes and then stares at me.
Saxa: Call off your rabid dog. There is no fun in getting rid of you this easily, so relax.
Saxa plainly expressed her plan to kill me but Ms. Edite didn't reprimand her for the words. Woreus keeps baring his fangs, licking away the drooling saliva from time to time. Taking a grip on his fur, I slightly pull and make Woreus stop. I let go but keep my fingers tangled on the top of his back. Despite shrinking the size to look like a normal dog, Woreus is still big and reaches up to my waist.
When Ms. Edite finally speaks up, it is directed towards me, asking me also to calm my familiar or he will be removed from the academy if he can't behave. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from speaking up in anger. Ruffling through his fur, I don't need to send the words through the connection and Woreus stands down. He relaxes and strolls off, Ms. Edite following after him.
I am left alone in the middle of the mat with Saxa and now it's my turn to present powers. Doing the usual prep, I focus and summon a lightning but I miss the target. Saxa starts laughing, commenting how pathetic that was and I am just wasting her time. The anger took over me but I don't say anything back to her, instead I charge up for another lightning. Without any break between the strikes, I can't focus on controlling the trajectory and just summon the bolt. I watch it form at the ceiling and continue to burst down where Saxa is standing. Not that I did that on purpose.
I yell at Saxa for her to watch out but she doesn't move. She doesn't even lift her head to look at the lightning, not caring about the incoming killing amount of volts of electricity. The contents of my stomach lurch up into my throat and my heart start to beat like crazy. Despite hating Saxa for how she is treating me, I want to save her, but before I could even start running, she lifts her arm above the head. When lightning connected with her fingers, she abrubtly pulls it down in front of her, pointing in my direction. The lightning bends, tangles around Saxa's arm like a ribbon and continues to shoot. I stare at the incoming bolt, but my body is thrown into the air and then against the mat.
It takes me a few moments to shake off and the first thing I notice is a warm fuzzy head pushing against my back with its' snout. I thank Woreus for pushing me out of the way and then look at Saxa. I can't believe to what I see, but she is holding her arm by the wrist and wincing. Her outfit is fully white as any other time, except for a scorched mark around her right sleeve that stained it black and also keeps slightly burning away. When I look at the hand, it's reddish and the skin is full of blisters. Saxa is trying to hide the pain but I can see tell it hurts like hell.
Ms. Edite quickly comes to check up on Saxa, but she brushes and pushes the teacher away, composing her and pretending like that injury is nothing. Saxa lifts her chin to give me a condescending look, raising her left eyebrow and smirking.
Saxa: You are as weak as they come and it's disgusting to share the same descendancy as you while your control is so pathetic. Thank you for showing me how easy will be to destroy you at the competition this spring.
Me: You are not so great either because all you did is show off and didn't actually teach me anything.
Saxa: Just feel the charge and compress it to the spot you want, Scatterbrain. Not that you can master that in time anyway.
Listening to her explain how to control the lightning, I realized it's basically the same as Woreus told me. I guess it's good to have it confirmed. I am still interested in what she meant by the "summoned lightning", so I try to ask Ms. Edite but she is busy following Saxa out and probably getting ready to go fill out an incident report. She doesn't turn away while talking to me, but she lets me know that I can stay and practice the aim how Ms. Fendric taught me but I am not supposed to try and increase the limit on my own, risking Overload.
I ended up leaving early to hand back in the books. It feels like ages since I have visited the library, so I enjoy the smell of parchment, paper and leather. This time, people stare in my way, but they watch Woreus and not me. No one dares to come near and pet him, probably because of his size, but I can feel their gazes. It is a bit uncomfortable but Woreus doesn't seem to mind. Not having planned anything for today, I stay in the library and study up about this summoned lightning.
With the help of the twin librarian, I found about different classifications of lightning powers. The one that I always use is called the summoned lightning, and the base of it is to create the lightning in the air or sky, then bring it down. I have always thought that's the only way to do it, since the bolt usually comes from the clouds, but there is also another style called commanded lightning. After reading the description of it, I realize it is the way Saxa used to deflect the strike. Instead of summoning the lightning in the air, you create it around your body and directed it to shoot out. Very skilled descendants are described to even condense the energy to the point, where they create even more powerful version of their power and release a ball lightning.
Lost in reading and making notes, I jump out of surprise when I get engulfed into a warm hug from behind. I take a sniff and recognize the cologne. Slapping Draco slightly against his shoulder I try to act angry, but I can't hold it for long and burst into a laugh. He looks tired after their training session.
Me: You look like hell. Reilly's training regime?
Draco: She is a beast when it comes to fighting. I am glad to be on her good side.
Me: That's what I love about her. How she is strong and protects what she loves. You should go rest. This reading is boring and I will be done soon anyway.
Draco: Trying to get rid of me and go have a date with someone else?
I give Draco a confused look, but a thought about Mr. Hale does cross my mind. I would like to talk to him again, but I wouldn't call it a date. Draco places his palm against my cheek and laughs.
Draco: Don't tell me you forgot.
Me: I did promise another double date to Skylar but we haven't set up anything yet. I don't know anything about a date. Can't forget what you don't know.
Draco: Do you even know what day is today?
Me: February... 14th? Oh.
Draco: Oh?
Finally realizing what Draco meant, I look down at the book in embarassement. Since I have never celebrated Valentine's Day, I let it slip my mind and took it as a normal day. And honestly, I thought that in magical community, they don't celebrate such thing. I tell that to Draco and he flicks my forehead. I press my fingers against the spot and brush it to ease the pain. Getting caught off guard, Draco kisses me and tells me to not plan anything for tonight. He also told me not to organize that double date either. I squint my eyes at him in suspicion, but Draco only ruffles through my hair and leaves the library.
Giving up on the notes, I take out my phone and quickly type into the group chat, second one we created to be only us girls, asking for an advice about a present for Draco. I get scolded for leaving the shopping or making for the last minute, even more when I told them that I forgot about Valentine's completely and wasn't expecting to do anything. The Ossilor girls gave out a few good ideas, Reilly also joined but according to her, I should buy Draco a knife or a dagger, which he might find useful, but I wanted something more personal. I ended up going with Chanti's idea about making him a memory charm bracelet, but I don't have materials for it. Luckily, Chanti also offered to give me some of her crystal beads and pearls to make it.
Crossing the academies, I only stay near the cafeteria since I don't have an authorized pass for today. Luckily, Chanti got here fast and we went to find a spot in the cafeteria so that she can show me her crystal treasures. She always used to buy them whenever we were out, or order them online. Combining different types, she used to make necklaces and then play with her powers through the crystals, creating colorful rainbows of light on the wall. It looked pretty, but for some reason I could always tell that Chanti is sad about playing like that.
I didn't want to take any of the expensive ones but I wanted something that would represent Draco, so I picked a packet of amber beads to match with his eyes. Chanti gave me her tools and guided me in making the bracelet.
Solya joined us too and soon after she got into the cafeteria, Skylar and Nathan came to our table as well. They created a great body shield to hide my spell casting. Each bead, I imbued with either a memory of mine I share with Draco, or I etched in some words. When I was done with the last amber crystal, Chanti took over and sealed the bracelet with a type of jewelry protection spell, making the bracelet resistant to breaking or tearing off.
Not wanting to stay for too long, I thank my friends for helping me out and then go cross to my half. I quickly gain an attention of the students in the cafeteria who probably remember me when I used to be at Aveus, but also because Woreus is with me too. I try not to pay any attention to them, because it's not like it's unheard of having a familiar, even though they are usually cats or ravens, not a whole big ass wolf. I turn one more time to wave at the guys and swiftly pass through the crossing door.
Wishing that Woreus' presence would also gain me a little bit of attention not just from random students who will create rumors about it, but also from Mr. Hale, who has been avoiding me for months now. I was notified about the meeting ban being lifted, but even with that, I haven't interacted with him at all. I even stopped going to the Athena class meetings since I caught up with pretty much everything, when it comes to magic 101. Since the day Mr. Hale saw me kiss Draco, it felt weird to be around him for some reason, but it is definitely his fault, because Mr. Hale started to avoid me even before that. But I do miss our conversations.
Walking up the stairs, little bit tired than usual, I just stare at my feet and chat with Woreus, when suddenly a male voice greets me. I got taken by surprise but I managed to handle it without jumping or screaming this time. Looking up at the person who called me, my mouth drops. Quickly hiding the bracelet into my pocket, I watch Mr. Hale standing at the top of the stairs, wearing his signature outfit and holding a book close to his side, probably going into one of his classes. He looks at me for a few seconds but then his gaze drops at Woreus, who just sends good luck through the connection, then proceeds to leave us alone.
Me: You little piece...!
I bark back at Woreus with my head voice but it is Mr. Hale that responds to it. My brain just goes huh, so Mr. Hale repeats the question, wanting to know how is he is a little piece and a piece of what. Then it all clicks for me and I realize that the block is gone, leaving me open to mind reading. Shuffling my thoughts, I try to not think about anything that would reveal me or Woreus, not to mention thinking something inappropriate. When I was going to apologize for it, Mr. Hale just wished me a nice day and passed me on the stairs. Frozen in shock, I can't even think of anything to say to him and just stare at Mr. Hale as he continues to walk down. Woreus asked me if I am coming and since I there is no conversation happening with Mr. Hale, I just go back to my room.
Reilly is doing some sit ups, her feet latched under the bed, but she pauses as I enter. We have a little chat about how is she able to train after Combats, but she mostly questions me about where have I been for so long. I told her about the date with Draco, and she instantly jumps up, then drags me away into our closet.
Reilly tries to pick a good outfit, but we can't settle on anything. Her closet is mostly black and full of tactical clothes, or at least something similar resembling an assassin. We are mostly stuck to my portion of the clothes, but even mine are nothing fancy. The best piece I could wear is the sky blue dress, but I have already had those for the Christmas dinner. Still ruffling through the closet, I end up texting Draco to ask him what I should wear. Of course he replies that whatever I am comfortable in and he doesn't expect me to be dressed up like a Barbie doll, but since that's not helping, I try to camouflage the question into one concerning the weather, not a style. If we are going to be stuck in the school, I am okay with wearing a dress, maybe even go ask Nima or Gaia to borrow something new. Draco replied though that I should wear something warmer because we will also go out. That helped me settle on the outfit finally. I have no idea when the date it, so I dressed up, did my make up and then went to rewrite the notes I took in library.
I had to freshen up the make up, because Draco came to pick me up for the date hours later, in time for dinner. I am not wearing anything fancy, just a basic winter outfit, but it is alright, because Draco has casual clothes on too. Taking the essentials and stucking them into the coat pockets, I wave at Reilly and Woreus. Reilly gives me thumbs up and tells me to enjoy the date, but my brother seems to be uninterested.
I let Draco guide me and show me the way. Walking through the hallways, I start to notice the familiar surroundings and we end up the space I know well, the sitting area we used with Nima to watch Samhain. It is cleaned up and much warmer than when I was here before. On a thick blanket, pillows are placed around spread plates with food. It all looks very cozy, I can just plop down and fall asleep. I start to feel overwhelmed because I am not used to this treatment. How should I act or even what to say? But since it's Draco, I can probably just be myself.
We sat down, making ourselves comfortable, but before I can throw myself on the food, Draco asks me to not look. He shuffles through his pockets and shifts to sit near me. When he tells me to open my eyes, I see his face with a soft smile first, but then he lifts up his palm with a small crystal orb in it, wishing me a happy Valentine's Day. I stare at the crystal and realize it's the copy of the Oratris with my power reading that I was meant to break. And I did. I snatch it from Draco's hand and stand up, anger with panic filling me up.
Me: Where did you get this?
Draco: In your room. Saw it in the trashcan. I am sorry I took it without your permission but I thought you broke it and would like to have it fixed. I asked Nix to use his powers and reverse it to the previous state.
Me: If I wanted it fixed, I would do it myself. I tossed it away because I wanted to get rid of it.
Firmly grabbing the Oratris copy, I lift it above my head and with force smash it against the floor. It breaks into tiny pieces, even more than before. Just in case, I also step on them too, to crush them into dust. Draco also gets up and locks his arms around my waist, pulling me away.
Draco: Okay, I am sorry, it's my fault, but don't step on it! The shards might slash through your shoe and cut your soles.
I finally calm down and realize that Draco is right. Slowing down my breath, I apologize to Draco for how I acted and started to explain why. He told me it's okay and I don't need to, but I trust Draco to keep it a secret, so I continue as I try to clean up the shards and dust. I swoop it on a tissue and set it aside so that I can toss it out later.
After everything calmed down, especially me, I was worried it might have ruined the whole date, but Draco kept it going like nothing happened. As a joke, he added that maybe next time I need to get rid of something, I should ask my dog familiar to play with it like a bone and bury it. I imagined Woreus acting like that and burst into laughing.
When I can finally catch a breath, I massage my cheeks which hurt from the laugh. I remember that I have also prepared a gift for Draco. Taking out a small box I made myself from random cardboard pieces I could find, I had it over to him. He takes out the amber bracelet and his lips turn into a wide smile. Explaining the enchantments on it too, he brings it closer to his face and checks it out. The bracelet matches Draco's eyes perfectly and I am glad for choosing those beads. He puts it on immediately and leans closer. We start kissing and I wouldn't mind spending the whole evening like this, but as Draco tries to make the gap between us smaller, his knees brush against something. We separated ourselves after hearing the clanking noises of plates to check what happened and notice a tipped glass, spilling the drink on the blanket.
Draco: We should probably eat first. I hope you are hungry.
Me: Like a wolf. Haven't eaten much to keep space for the dinner.
I chuckle at the thought, because it could be literal, if I could only change into a wolf like my brother can. Gotta ask him about it later. Not just because it is cool and I want to know if I have some other abilities besides those I already know about, but also I don't want to be taken by a surprise when one day all of my bones start to break and I turn into a wolf in the middle of a class or somewhere in public.
The food was amazing and I recognized the familiar taste of the Umbras cafeteria. I am not disappointed in it being a bought food, because it would be hard for Draco to cook anyway. Not like we have kitchens in our dorms or anything. I wanted to just lay spread on the pillows and digest the food, but Draco told me to get my coat and follow him. I interlocked my fingers with his as he pulls me towards the back of this area.
An old rock staircase is tugged away, so I haven't noticed it before. It is so tiny and narrow, we have to walk behind each other. Through a small rectangle wooden door we enter on a rooftop or some sort of terrace. Despite having a winter coat, I chill runs down my whole body when a cold wind blows around us. I shiver while I catch up with Draco who is walking towards the ledge. Trying to take deep breaths and warm up my body, I smell something different about the air today. It is not an incoming rain or any weird odors you would sense in the outside world. This aroma is sweet with a tint of a spice that sets everything on fire. Suddenly I feel so much warmer and I am not even channeling my powers to heat me up.
The sun was supposed to set down already, but the sky is still playing in orange and red colors. Tangling my arms around Draco, I snuggle into him even though I don't need the warmth, and ask him what is going on.
Draco: It's a phoenix mating day this year.
Me: Phoenix is mating? With who? Gaia?
Draco: Not that Phoenix, silly. The bird. I am so glad that I can enjoy it with someone. Thank you, Kaitlin, for choosing me.
I lift my gaze at Draco who just gives me a soft smile. Standing on my toes, I reach to kiss him, but with my hight I am still lacking. Draco chuckles and bends down slightly. This time we don't kiss for that long because he wants me to enjoy the scenery. He explains it to me, like this is another of our classes but I don't mind. The whole ritual sounds amazing and beautiful.
After he finishes, the mating starts and I watch two fire birds appear out of the red clouds. They fly up and down, circle each other. It is a captivating view but the phoenixes start getting closer to each other, until they unite in a ball of fire that bursts soon after. Suddenly whole sky turns black like it is supposed to be at this time of the day. Millions of tiny fireflies dance around the sky, imitating stars, but the closer they fly towards us, the more I can see they are actually tiny flames or cinder. Doesn't matter where I look, it is like we are engulfed in the universe by itself.
The temperature went back to what it's supposed to be, so we ended up going inside. I wanted to stay more but with the food coma incoming, I am too sleepy to even keep a conversation. Draco notices my weary eyes and lets me lean against him as we sit on the pillows. Listening to his heartbeat, I relax my whole body.
Waking up in a soft bed, I try to remember how I got in here in the first place. Reilly is already up and half ready, running around the room, when she tells me that Draco carried me here yesterday. She paused with her preparations after she tied her hair in a ponytail, then ran towards me. She jumped on the bed, crushing me in the process, but she didn't snuggle me for too long. Sitting up and letting me breath, she gives me a smirk and demands I tell her everything that happened yesterday. I started telling her everything step by step and she kept asking aaand after each sentence. I knew what she is implying but I explain that I said everything. Reilly pouts because she probably thought I will give her some juicy news. At the she admits that at least the phoenix mating sounds amazing, and left to finish dressing up.
Today should be relatively free and not tough, even though that's debatable, since the dance class is starting. I drag myself out of the bed and go also get ready. Packing the bag with stuff we are meant to bring or use for the class, I go braid my hair so that they are not in the way.
As I walk out of the closet, I notice a big package on my table. Walking up to it, I check each side for a note or something that would tell me who it is from. All I found is my name on a parchment sticker that's on the side. Still suspicious about the package, I don't open it and wait for Reilly to ask about it. I braid my hair without the mirror while I stare at the sapphire blue box. As I finish one side, Reilly finally walks out of the bathroom.
Me: Know anything about this?
Reilly: It got delivered yesterday while you were out.
Me: There is no sender. Another prank maybe?
Reilly: Just open it, silly goose.
I have doubts about it, especially when Reilly is all giggly and telling me to open it with no worries. Maybe it's a second present from Draco and he asked Reilly to make it a surprise for me? Untying the silk ribbons on top, I gently grab the lid and slowly open the box. There is a note left at the top with my name. I turn around the card and it just says Enjoy. Now it's even more suspicious with a note like that, but I continue anyway. I push aside the crunchy sand-colored paper to reveal the inside of the package. Examining it, I take out the thing that got send to me and my mouth drop.
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