Skylar's movements are so gentle and precise, never missing a beat. If you could place each time on top of each other, they would all probably align perfectly. Even after repeating it multiple times for me, she doesn't look tired at all, but still I told her to drink some water while I set up my phone to record the dance. I won't have many chances to practice it with her, so I will try to copy what I can from a video. Placing things I could find or the girls gave me, I neatly stack them around to create a tripod or some sort of support. Solya kept holding the glasses and decorative bowls while I adjusted the angle.
Me: Skylar is an amazing dancer. She could pursue that as her career after graduation.
Solya: Doubt that.
Me: But she is so good. I can tell she must have practiced a lot. Why would she do that if she doesn't want to be a dancer?
Solya remained quiet. I figured she probably doesn't want to talk about it, mostly because it's Skylar's thing to reveal. She barely mentioned her family when I used to live with them and usually changed the conversation to something else. All I know is that she has two sisters, and I heard her talk to them over the phone. Of course, I don't speak Russian so I didn't understand their conversation, but Skylar looked happy when talking to them. When her mom asked for the phone, Skylar became quiet and stopped smiling. I know that her dad is still alive, but she never talked to him over the phone.
Returning to my seat, I watch Skylar go slowly through the dance motions again. She is wearing a white bedsheet that we tangled and pinned around her in order to imitate the dress I will have to wear and perform exactly with the restrictions created by the fake toga. Skylar's pale skin is almost similar to the shade of the bedsheet. The only thing that is captivating, are her blue orbs when she meets your gaze after turning and locking eyes with you. Combined with the flowing raven hair, dancing in the air as she twirls, is so hypnotizing. If I didn't know magical people are real, I would describe it as watching a goddess dancing under the full moon. Meanwhile when I imagine myself doing the same, I will probably look like a newborn chicken.
I saved the video and went to help the girls with cleaning the living room, since we had to move around furniture to make space for the temporary dancefloor. I picked the pieces where I knew I can follow Skylar as she is resting and then ask her about the dancing.
Me: Thank you for showing me on such a short notice.
Skylar: Anything for friends. I like to dance anyway.
Me: I was curious about that. Do you plan on becoming a professional dancer?
Skylar: No.
Her response was short and the mood shifted. She sunked into the sitting pillow and her gaze dropped on the ground, the shimmer of happiness in her eyes disappearing with my question. Probably a sensitive topic, so I let it go and instead asked about how are things with Nathan. Skylar looked up at me finally and gave me a soft smile but I knew she is trying to mask her feelings that my question brought up. She quickly suggested another double date with me and Draco, which I agreed to.
To not spend so much time at Aveus, I planned on returning to my half soon. I thanked the girls again for letting me stay and practice with me, even though you can't even call it that, because all I did is flap my arms, spin around or step on everyone's feet, including mine. I am on my way out of the Ossilor common room when Skylar yells at me to wait. She quickly runs to catch up and asks me to stay for a little talk. We find a secluded place in the living room and I decide to summon the soundproof shield, just as a way of practice, because it seems like this is going to be a serious conversation.
Skylar: I don't want you to worry about me so I will tell you why. My parents own a theatre back in Russia. Everyone in my family is famous for being a classical performer either in dancing or an instrument. My mother pushed me to study violin and get into orchestra but I hated it, so instead she told me to just focus on the ballet, which I was also training for.
Me: You definitely have talent for it, but if it's not what you want to do, I understand.
Skylar: My family doesn't though. We are meant to be the best and I was auditioning to be a primaballerina, but that would mean I will be stuck in one place, in that stupid theatre. So I secretly applied for Aveus instead. My older sister helped me. I saw how it all ruined her. The infinite practice, no free life, how her body deteriorated because of the strict diets. And she also agreed that she doesn't want a life like that for me or my younger sister. But I do love to dance.
Me: How about becoming a dance teacher instead then?
Skylar: Never thought about it in that way. But I want to travel. Teaching at a dance studio would mean I am bound to a place too.
Me: But there are so many dances around the world. How about you turn your school into a traveling one? Visit many places, learn different styles, even the forgotten ones.
Skylar: That actually sounds like a nice life. Thank you, Kaitlin. I owe you one.
I brushed it off because it's nothing big to gain a favor for. I just blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, but it seems it helped Skylar find her future. I only wish that I could do that with my own.
Before going back to my room, I stopped by the forest to pick up Woreus. He comes out all muddy and his fur sticking together. Yelling out at him and asking what the hell happened, he pauses and sits in front of me, then through the connection he explains what happened.
Woreus: This is why I hate the rain.
I totally forgot that it rained through the night. I have always enjoyed the sounds of raindrops hitting against the window, or how the air smells. Walking through the rain as the droplets are hitting your umbrella is so calming, but I guess some people do hate that type of weather. Especially, if they have to run around as a wolf.
We walked slowly through the whole school so that Woreus is not dripping on the floor or leaves muddy footprints. I opened the bathroom for him and plugged the bath, filling it to one third. I checked the temperature and Woreus sat next to me. When I noticed him, I realized that I will have to bathe him like I would if I had a real pet. I didn't know how to even start the conversation about it, but luckily Woreus has his own plan. He decided to wash in his human form but has to transform first, so he asked me to leave and find him some spare clothes. I heard him change forms twice already and the sounds are not something I also want to see, so I agreed and let him do his own thing.
In the meantime, I called Draco and asked him if he can lend me some of his clothes. Nix overheard the conversation and yelled in the backround, asking if I miss Draco so much that I want to cuddle with his clothes. I told him to be quiet or I will zap his ass with electricity when I meet him next.
I got to Draco's dorm room and he has already prepared a bunch of clothes. I check their sizes and pick the ones that are approximately around the same as Woreus, even though it will still be big for him, since Draco's body is wider. Nix jokes about the clothes again and I give him a death glare, but he knows that he is safe in here, since we are not allowed to fight outside the combat grounds. Leo is minding his own business as usual and only Draco, who is sitting spread on the couch reading, is trying to stop Nix. My mind is filled with stuff and plans I need to do, about the dance, trials, combats, more practice... that I am really not in a mood to be joking. I thank Draco and while hugging the folded clothes in front of my chest, I storm out of the room.
Slamming the door behind me, I hear Nix's muffled voice asking what my problem is, but Draco quickly hushed him before he can say something stupid. I don't know why I paused in the hallway but I just stood there like an idiot, feeling guilty about getting angry over a small joke like that. Hearing footsteps approaching the door, I get out of the way and when the door open again, Draco is standing there frozen and a little bit shocked, probably because he didn't expect me to wait.
Draco: Wanna talk about it?
Me: Not here.
I check the room and see Nix who is scanning the situation, so I drag Draco away. Making sure no one else is around, I start explaining why I need the clothes. When I get to the "brother part", I pause because of students that are passing through the hallway. I also slap my hand over Draco's mouth when he repeats your brother? after I tell him. I only nod to confirm what I said and what he heard is correct, followed by "it's complicated" and ended the conversation with that. Draco understood and stopped prying into it, also apologized for how Nix was making fun of me. I apologized too for how I acted and lashed out, blaming the upcoming dance classes for my behavior. Then I realized this Equinox ball must be something like a highschool prom. Meaning, I probably have to find a date for it. I just assumed that I will go with Draco since we are dating, but I still asked to confirm it.
Me: The ball coming up and all, can you help me with the dance?
Draco: Sadly no.
Me: Aren't we going together as a pair?
Draco: The tradition is a bit different than you would expect for a highschool dance. You will see when you attend the dance classes.
Draco replied with a chuckle and it didn't seem like he is avoiding to invite me or that he is thinking about breaking up. Can't say that it didn't worry me though. I am not going to say anything since I have to hurry up and bring the clothes to Woreus. I give Draco a peck on his cheek and run up the stairs.
Reilly got back from wherever she was and I caught her walking with a towel in her arms. She is headed towards the bathroom so I yell at her to stop. Reilly got scared by the sudden noise and gave me an annoyed expression, demanding to know why she can't go wash herself.
Reilly: And who could possibly be in the bathroom when you are standing there? Your ghost?
Reilly laughed and she continued to go anyway. Before I finished reminding her about Woreus, she has already opened the door and her mouth dropped. I ran after her and trying to grab her hand so that she doesn't go in, but the door fully opened, revealing naked Woreus. He is already out of bath, standing in front of it. His long black hair is damp and sticking to his broad back. Luckily he is not facing us, so best we can see is his butt. I twisted immediately because I really don't want to see my brother naked. Maybe if he was a baby, it would be okay, but not as adults and not when I barely even know him. Reilly has other plans though as she keeps staring and whistles flirtatiously. Yelling out sorry to Woreus while covering my eyes, I try to grab the knob and also to pull Reilly away before she jumps at him.
I had to drag her into the middle of the room while she kept giggling. I knocked on the door and when Woreus allows me to come in, I only open the door slightly to stuck my arm inside with the clothes I brought. I could hear the wet steps approaching the door, so I tried to reach further without seeing anything, but the wood between us suddenly moved and I lost my balance. Closing my eyes as a reflex and also sticking out my hands to prevent the fall, I hit something warm. Shifting my weight, I stand properly and check Woreus who caught me. His hair is still unbound and wet, but he is dressed in the same clothes he had before when he transformed in Ms. Do'or's house, minus shoes again.
Me: What are these?
Woreus: Perks of the transformation magic.
Me: Why was I supposed to bring you other clothes then?
Woreus: Didn't want you to hear the changing.
He sent the last sentence through our mind connection, but talking to him in his human form definitely feels better and doesn't make me seem like some crazy lady. He hands me back Draco's clothes with a weird expression. When I ask him what's the problem with it since it's not like he has to wear them, he just replied that they smell like "that guy you are hanging with". Makes sense but I don't know why he has to be so dismissive of Draco. I like him and he has been good to me so far. Even Woreus has seen him interact with me a few times. It's not like I am planning a wedding already, turning him into my mate, like they would call it in Viysus, but Woreus seems be against our relationship for some reason from the start.
I grab the clothes from his hands and stomp away to put them on the bed for now. I messed them up, so I started to refold the hoodie and sweatpants. Woreus goes back into the bathroom again, coming out pretty soon and apologizing to Reilly for taking time, letting her go wash herself. Reilly is all awkward, acting like a little child, when she replies and finally goes in.
I hear Woreus walk up behind me but I don't pay him any attention. I will ignore him until he apologizes for how he is treating Draco. He plops on the bed and waves something half black, or more like majority of the clothing is, while the remaining partd are grey. I only see it from my peripheral vision, so I can't discern what it is, but Woreus describes it in a weird way. Saying that he found it tossed in the bathroom and that it smells like me, but the style of this black stain is a very interesting design. I broke the promise to myself to ignore him and twist my head to face Woreus, who is holding my sweater in front of him like a rag. I snatch the sweater that got ruined by the book encantation and the one I wanted to either save or throw away.
Woreus: Is that black smudge on purpose? Is it what the kids do to be cool nowdays?
Me: No. I got attacked by a book anti-cheating spell. Wait a minute. Now that I remember the accident, it was a Noion book that did this. Know anything about it, bro?
Woreus: Books were never my forte since I didn't need to study spells but by a coincidence, I do know about it.
Me: It has happened to me but some others as well. Is it dangerous, like with any long-term side effects or something?
I am dead serious, planning to warm Professor Coldos as well if the black dust really turns out to be dangerous, but Woreus just leans back, supporting himself with his arms and starts laughing. It is nice to see his mood change for better and not his usual brooding one, but this time it is pissing me off. I clench my right hand in a fist and punch him. Woreus doesn't even budge under the blow. Straightening himself, he crosses his legs and stops laughing.
Woreus: I apologize, but it has reminded me of some good old memories. Don't worry about the dust, little sister, it's harmless. Me and my brothers, we used this little spell as a prank on random books to piss off scribes. Guessing that when we moved to Viysus, we forgot to pack it all and some of those enchanted ones remained, getting into the hands of magical descendants.
Me: Everyone else thinks that the whole Ulferonn line is a legend or a kid's story. Of course I know different, but I thought that Noion is meant to be a magical line that was broken and they worshiped you as gods. If those books belonged to you, what is the truth behind the bloodline then?
I still have a lot on my plate with the school stuff, but learning more about Noion or Viysus could help me control the powers. And it will be nice to know about where I come from. This is it will be a hundred percent true and from an original source, not through some passed down information or speculations by researchers. I don't doubt the skills of Professor Coldos, but if I can uncover more, I take every chance. With this, I can also get closer to Woreus. Our first real talk as a brother and sister.
Placing the folded clothes to the side, I plop down on the bed and stare at Woreus. He chuckles and ruffles my hair like I am a little kid. It annoyed me but I let him. I finally have someone from my family in my life and I don't want them to leave.
Woreus' voice sounds so nice that it almost puts me to sleep. Through half of the conversation, I started to doze off and I had to lie down on my side, shrinking into almost a fetus position as I listened to the Noion origins. It basically started in a similar way as the researchers predicted. A family line coming to power through mutation and separating from other bloodlines. The line was not named though. Researchers only assumed the name is Noion, but Woreus explained how it is just the language they created to protect their spells. The language is placed as a spell on the bloodline so everyone born with the gene, understands it. Mystery of why I can read Noion solved. Not that I can reveal that though to Professor Coldos, who is dying to know why. As for the rest of the Noion people secret – they just left to live in Viysus for some reason, Woreus didn't specify why or maybe even he doesn't know. Those who decided to stay eventually had failed ascensions and the gene dissipated like the cataclysm theory I've heard. I've also heard about those ascensions too and I thought that they are a new age phenomenon, but based on what Woreus said, those started happening hundreds or thousands years way back. All of this is very important and I wanted to write it down, but I decided not to, just in case those notes get into someone else's hands. It's nothing serious and it could probably help out a lot of researchers, or even gain me some popularity, but it also sounds like a secret about my family, so for that reason, I would like to keep it hidden. Especially the answer to the Noion magical biology. Some people are able to cast spells, some have only a specific power, but essentially, based on the classification of today's descendants, Noion people would be considered gods, not magicians like everyone else thinks.
We quickly halted our conversation when Reilly got out of the bathroom. I wanted to talk more with my brother though. There is so much more I would like to know about in order to get closer to him, but also to turn a new page in my life, leaving the past behind. Woreus did promise to go train with me, so when we have some privacy in the combat grounds, I will slowly ask all those questions that are lingering like ghosts around me.
In his human form, Woreus can't just wander around the school, so he just paced in my room or stared out the window at the forest which is basically his home now. I don't know how much time has passed, but I can see how Woreus is starting to be in pain. I am rewatching the dance video, trying to learn the steps, but even through the sound of the music, I can hear his breaths getting heavier. He is in this form definitely longer than the first time he changed, but I guess the limit on it is not that long.
Me: Why can't you stay as a human?
Woreus: Blessings of my heritage. You probably don't know about it much.
Me: Actually, I do. Is it because you only inherited the wolf gene from Ulferonn?
Woreus: How do you- nevermind. That's right. While I can transform back to my original form, the wolf is stronger and I always end up turning anyway, so I don't usually change to the human body at all.
Reilly: Why? If human is your original form?
Woreus: We all start the same as your bloodlines. Born in human forms, coming to powers at certain age, then ascend. Since all of the magic I have is the wolf, I am bound to its' manifestation. The remnants of the magic is me being able to summon the clothes I had on when I ascended and royal family exceptions, like transportation, limited to the human form, but nothing more. Kalai is the one who inherited the magic, being able to cast spells. When it comes to you, I am not sure which one you got from our father.
Me: Are you sure Reilly can know about this? There was that timeloop and stuff.
Woreus: You consider her a good friend and I can see the bond between you two. She won't betray you, little sister. And the timeloop is broken. Like I said, it was me who put it on you to protect you, but when I am here, you don't need it. I still advise you not to share your heritage with anyone else though.
Even Woreus mentioned a bond between me and Reilly, so it must really exist. I don't see anything or feel a certain tug, like Reilly described it, but if my brother and best friend say that it's there, I believe them.
The longer he waits, the more I can see him suffer. I have only heard the sounds of the transformation and he clearly worries about me being creeped out by it, so I ask Reilly to accompany me while I go return Draco's clothes. She doesn't want to move from her bed at first, but I persuade her, explaining that it's for my brother. She agrees but it's still confused as to why we have to leave, but Woreus give her a soft smile while telling us everything. He explains that the time he has as a human is very limited and it's already taking a toll on him to prolong it.
Woreus: I am really out of practice and it's hard for me to keep this form for long. Our brother, Thaenviel, can hold it longer, but he is basically in the same boat as me. If I keep turning, I should be able to remain human longer, but for now there is no reason for me to do that. And also the magic here is packed, making it even harder than in the outside world. I am sorry, Kaitlin, for not being able to stay like a proper brother, but trust me when I say that I won't leave your side no matter what. You will have to bear with me as a wolf though.
Woreus smiles at me and I start to laugh, because when I imagine how our family would consist of humans and wolves running around the house if we weren't separated, is so funny to me. I swiftly take my phone, keys and a wallet just in case, pick up the clothes and then leave the room for Woreus to go through the transformation that sounds excrutiatingly painful.
Draco is surprised to see me back so soon and also that I have brought Reilly with me too. I apologize for getting the clothes and not ending up using them, but Draco doesn't question it. He seems to be tense though. Like there is something on his mind he wants to ask me but doesn't know how. I can only guess it's probably about me suddenly revealing I have a brother, not to mention he is somehow here at Umbras.
Nix is spread on Leo's bed and annoying him while he is scrolling on his phone. When he sees me come into the room, he sprungs up from the bed and runs up to me, apologizing for how he kept teasing. I slap my hand against the top of his shoulder and his eyes widen, but I only pat him a few times and accept the apology. Nix exhales while grabbing his chest, thanking Chronos that I don't plan on zapping his ass with lightning anymore.
Reilly: As a Chronos descendant, wouldn't you be able to dodge it anyway with like stopping time or something?
Nix: That's not my power. I am connected to the past, being able to repair things with turning back the time.
Reilly: Connected to the past?
Me: It's how their powers are split between the bloodlines.
Reilly just nods while she goes to sit on the couch and I follow. Thinking about it, this is the first time I hear the specification of Nix's power too. It's totally different from Draco's, but still sounds useful and amazing, also not dangerous like mine. I am glad for the life I got, at least the newest part of it, like my brother and everyone at the academy, but I can't help to think about how it would all turn out if I was born a descendant from a different bloodline or even... human.
Both Draco and Reilly don't reveal the true reason I borrowed his clothes as we are hanging out in their room. I don't know how much time exactly it will take Woreus to transform, but it's better to wait longer. We talk about our upcoming classes and the squad wants to get together for a little sparing session, but I decline and tell them I want some solo practice. Reilly is good with swords, so she agrees to the training and the guys quickly notify the trio siblings about it.
On our way back, we go grab something to eat and bring the leftovers with us. I also buy a separate full meal for Woreus, not knowing if the transformation drains his energy and he will be hungry, or it hurts him to the point he feels sick to eat. Won't hurt to have some food around the room anyway.
When we entered the room, Woreus is already curled up in his bed, dozing off. Not on a spree through the forest tonight I see. I think to myself and also send it through the connection, but there is no answer. I set the food aside, brush Woreus with my fingers, tangling them in his sturdy fur that could be armor but is somehow soft at same time, then go to bed.
Waking up early is always killing me, especially when the first class is Combats. I have to stonk up on food and then exercise. When I am just using my powers it's usually a better day, but the work outs on full stomach weren't fun. Luckily today, Professor Radock agreed on letting me practice the lightning and work on increasing the limit. My output, meaning the strength of the strikes is back to what it was before and I haven't been able to add more spark to it, leaving me to work on the remaining to aspects – aim and how much I can produce in a session. I do have a promised helped with the first one, even though it seems training my aim will be harder than pushing myself to create more lightning bolts.
Like me, it was hard to wake up Woreus too. When I shook his body, he either growled or kicked me with his paws. Since normal approach wasn't working, I decided to threaten him by bringing a bucket of cold water. The cold by itself is cruel, but it mostly worked because Woreus hates getting wet in his wolf form. Proud of myself in winning over him, I use electricity around my hands to warm up the bucket a little bit and without wasting the water I use it on the plants instead.
Truly a sign that we are a family, we both yawn while standing in the combat grounds. Woreus sits at the edge of the mat and I am in the middle, doing slight exercises to warm up my muscles.
Professor Radock instructed me on how to increase the limit slowly, taking breaths and testing the power points while listening to my body, then left to attend the other classrooms. We were left with Ms. Edite who is ready to take notes. I wanted it to be just me and Woreus, so that he can guide me, but I also wanted to talk to him about family and private matters. I can't really kick a teacher out, so I started the practice as usual.
After summoning six lightnings, Ms. Edite notes down I have passed my first limit and notifies me that I can proceed with testing the increase. I missed all of those shots and there is not much left until my next limit. I don't want to waste those lightnings without Woreus' guidance, but I can't really focus on his words while I have to keep casting, since Ms. Edite is waiting to count.
I summon another lightning, missing the targets again. Ms. Edit sighs and asks me to pause for a little bit. She thinks about something, but her not being a Zeus descendant, she doesn't exactly know how to aim the lightning. Not that it's of any matter in this case because I am not one either, but I guess Ulferonn's lightning must be similar to Zeus' anyway.
After a long thinking, she tells me to take a break while she goes into the library to try and find a solution to my aim problem. I act disappointed in the practice but inside I am actually glad that she will leave, because now I can talk to Woreus.
Sitting on the bench and pretending to be tired a little bit, I chug down a whole bottle as Ms. Edite leaves the grounds. When the doors close behind her, I quickly take out a notebook and ask Woreus for some advice. He stands up, stretches and walks to sit in front of me.
Woreus: All I know about the lightning is from training with our father. We were all curious to know who will inherit that specific power, so we asked during our fighting sessions how is he controlling it.
Me: Is our father very powerful?
Woreus: Definitely more than your feather-like bolts. But the base of it should be the same.
Me: Those strikes can get even stronger? I am scared to use mine and you want to tell me it can get more dangerous?
Woreus: From what I can sense, you have already reached the strength potential.
Me: Glad to hear that. Sorry to interrupt. Now please explain me the basic of the power.
Woreus: I can't guide you with the actual feeling, but the power can be apparently accumulated in the air. Something about feeling the energy in the air, push it together, move it above the target and release.
I write everything down and read it over and over to try understanding it. Tapping into my highschool physics knowledge, I decode the "air energy" is probably the ions that create the electrical current. I have no idea how am I meant to see or feel those, but with magic, there is definitely some way, I just have to stop thinking with only human science.
Circling and marking the important points, I then quickly stash the notebook away, just in case Ms. Edite comes back. I go take my spot in the middle of the mat. Sitting down on my heels and closing eyes, I try to get the feel of what's supposed to be the energy, since I first need to learn how to tap into that power and guiding is the next problem.
As I am focusing on the air around me and in the room, I can hear Woreus' claws scratch the mat when he walks towards me. He reaches my position and I look at him, hoping that just by "feeling it out", I won't accidentally summon the lightning and hit him in the process.
Woreus: You are old enough to have more control than you actually do right now. Why are you so behind?
Me: I would like to ask you that. Why did you put that timeloop on me and also sealed off my source? Why did I even have to leave Viysus? Was it so bad that my mother is not the same as yours, and just having me around as a reminder was such a pain in the ass? Or if you or everyone else in the family was so worried that an illegitimate child could be put on the throne, I could have just give it up. Screw the throne and the crown, all I ever wanted is a family!
Without realizing it, I burst into tears, which makes Woreus stand up and back up a few steps. I turn away my gaze because human or wolf, just looking at him right now is painful. He is here now, and he was around when I was in the orphanage too, but I didn't know it's him back then.
Me: Why didn't you let me know it's you when you first got to the orphanage? You could have just told me through this stupid telepathic connection!
Woreus: I tried, but you never replied. I always called you name but when you didn't react to it, I thought you hated me, so I just gave you space. I couldn't leave your side though, that's why I always came back and you seemed happy when I did, but you... never replied. You never heard me?
Me: First time I did, was when we got out of the house of Ms. Do'or. It surprised me but being around magic enough, I just took it as a normal thing.
Woreus: I didn't know, Kaitlin. I am so sorry, little sister. Now, pretend to stretch again, I can hear the teacher coming back. We definitely need to talk about this later though, because... it wasn't me who sealed your source.
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