I've met a few students on my way to the dorm and acquired a few laughs or chuckles because of my appearance. The best I could do is run with my head down and trying to cover my face as much as I can until I get back into my room. Which I managed to do in a quite record time despite my lungs giving up after I ran up two sets of stairs and then I climbed somehow the rest of it to arrive into the Zeus dorm. I am lucky that this part of the dormitory is not busy since it's only me and Saxa as his descendants, and well Reilly asked to be moved into the dorm to be with me. And beside those few visits of Saxa's bestie or her muscle squad, it is relatively empty. I hoped that she is not around and won't see me like this because she already called me pathetic before. What would she say now when I look like this? I don't even know why it bothers me so much. It's not like I want her approval and be best friends suddenly just because we share the same ancestor and powers but it might have been easier if I needed help in the future regarding my powers or just be in a part of the Zeus community if there even is one. But if Ares descendants have their war camps and hold together like Reilly explained, then maybe Zeus descendants have something of their own? Especially since he is the main god of Olymp, I would guess that they are the rulers of all descendants but I haven't really had a chance to figure that out yet. I should note it as one of the questions I can ask Professor Coldos and ask him how the communities work after I graduate. Do I have to report myself somewhere or I don't know. Reilly said that the Ares descendants are tracking every one but I haven't been claimed or asked to join others from my line...yet. I am not particularly crazy about pleaging some alliegance to strangers and then devote my life to whatever they order me to do but what if they don't give me a choice? Question mentally noted down, now it's time for shower. I slid into my room without bumping into Saxa, dropped my bag on the ground and went straight into the bathroom. I saw my face in the mirror and it was fully black, besides a few patches I smudged when I tried to cover my face and wiped off a little bit of the dust. But I still looked like I dunked my head into ashes. I planned only to wash my face in the sink but after I got rid of the dirty clothes, I noticed that the dust somehow managed to creep under my clothes and parts of my neck, shoulders and chest were also hit by the anti-stealing spell. Shower it is. I placed the dirty clothes next to the sink and I will work on them later, then I went to start the shower but I realized I haven't brought any towel with me. I groaned and then quickly went to get one, thinking maybe we should ask for a small cupboard in the bathroom and store them directly in the bathroom.
It took me longer than I expected to scrub off the dust from my skin. I had to wipe it so hard that even my skin turned red and is a little bit sensitive right now. Cleaning my face was the worst part and I couldn't even get it fully because of certain areas. Like my eyes for example. I couldn't brush my eyelids that hard so now I have a semi-permanent black eyeshadow for a few days. I guess it saves time to do it but this type of heavy dark make up isn't really my style. I can already hear Reilly making fun of me if I am a goth lady now or similar to that. Mostly because even my lips are still stained too. I could get the majority of the color off so instead of black it's grey now but I can cover that with darker lipstick. Which I don't really have but Kisha or Crimen might so after I got out of the shower, I made my way towards my desk and took out a blank paper to write a message for them, asking for a dark red lipstick and if we can meet up at Aveus. I wanted to use the communication spell but then I realized I shouldn't really be around using my magician powers if I am a demigod. I mean I have already sent them message once and they have seen me do other spells in the classroom but no one has really suspected anything or they haven't come to me with questions about it. I don't really know if anyone realized that I can still do spells but it's better if they take time with it and in the meantime I shouldn't make the target larger for them. Instead of the message, which I crumpled and tossed into the bin, I opted to use my phone and send them a casual message. While I waited for their reply, I went to get a new set of clothes and then quickly return to Professor Coldos' office. The autumn weather is in full blast and the winter is coming, but based on what I learned about the school spell heating system, I can still use lighter clothes. For pants I chose black jeans. Just in case I open another book with that dust enchanment, people won't be able to tell that they are dirty. But I had no other black top to pair it with so the best I could pick is a dark navy blue shirt. I got dressed, walked around my room while buttoning up my shirt, then picked up my backpack and left the dorm to get back and continue The student's week.
I kept pressing my lips together the whole way, trying to hide that weird shade that's staining them right now and swiftly crossed the barrier. The guardian must have been confused to see me again, not that I would know if he actually did, because most of his face is hidden under the hood and the rest of what I can see, he always has the same expression which is basically nothing. No anger, annoyance or boredom. It's just an empty gaze in both of those guardians. If it was me, I would be bored and completely done doing this job but I don't know if they are human or not. They look like people but there is something about the guardians that is just...not from this world. And if they are normal people then I don't envy their work. I wondered what type of job I will get once I finish my studies but that's only if I manage to graduate. I crossed the barrier and got greeted by familiar faces. It was Crimen, Kisha and they were joined by Lucy.
Me: Hi girls. Thank you for coming.
Kisha: No problem girl. Here is the lipstick. Why do you even need- ... oh nevermind.
I walked closer to join the little group and took the lipstick from Kisha's hands. I quickly took out my phone and used it as a mirror to cover the grayish lips with a wine red lipstick the girls brought me.
Lucy: Do we even wanna ask what happened?
Crimen: Yeah, you look like you got frozen or something. Are you okay?
I chuckle as I am pressing my lips together to smear the lipstick and then pop my mouth a few times. Handing back the lipstick I explain what happened to reassure the girls that I am alright and no one attacked me or anything. Well, if you don't count that I got attacked by a book. I thanked Kisha for saving me, or at least helping me to not look weird even though this type of make up is definitely not my type but it's better to look like I've been kissing coal. The girls walked with me into the main hallway where we got joined by the rest of the girls from my old dorm room. I greeted the girls with a smile but their first reaction was a mix of surprise and shock, undoubtedly because of my make up, but I only shrugged and quickly explained what happened to them too. I gained a few laughs from Skylar but Solya bumped into her shoulder to make her stop. After she calmed down, the girls explained that they have a few minutes left before the Potions class and if I want to hang out for a little bit, I can join them. Even though we have been researching that tattoo only a few days ago, I missed the girls and missed just talking to them about normal stuff but I don't know how much time I can spare. At best, it's maybe only about ten to fifteen minutes and then I should get back. I took out my barrier pass and checked the remaining time. The timer is going down, taking away seconds but I still have more than five hours left. I didn't check the clock after Professor Coldos asked for time extention so I got surprised that I got so much time left. It's about three hours for his classes, maybe one more hour before the lessons start so I can probably use few minutes to hang out with the girls. I tell them how much time I am allowed to stay at Aveus and then we start walking towards the Potions classroom. It was one of the classes that seemed interesting and I was actually looking forward to, but now I can't even attend it because somehow I am a freaking half god and they don't need potions, or have the abilities to even make them. But I do. I sighed because if I am still able to do spells, I could attend the Aveus classes too but that would mean I have to reveal the truth, that I somehow retained the ability to cast. And god knows what they would do to me if they found out. The less people know the better. No one from Aveus and my previous professors really asked about me being able to summon KhautaSilvera or the shield which is good I guess. Even the principals haven't said anything about it so I am safe for now. Or at least I thought so.
Kisha: Why did you write us phone message by the way when you could just use the communication spell like you did before?
Kisha was on the track of realizing it and my heart started beating so fast. Do I lie to them? I didn't know how to reply to that so I only remained quiet and lowered my gaze so that I am not looking them in their eyes. Should I lie to them? They became my friends despite everything they must have heard about me and now I have to stain that friendship with lies. Telling Reilly is one thing because I knew her since we were kids. No matter how much I like the girls, it is dangerous to reveal that I can still cast spells, especially if someone else can easily hear us.
Lucy: Wait, what do you mean?
Skylar: We already got one message when she asked us about that tattoo prank.
Solya: Kaitlin you can do spells?
Me: Shhh.
I lift my right hand and press it against Solya's mouth, then signal her to be quiet with my left index finger I put in front of my mouth. I let go and then looked around to find an empty spot or a place we can talk. I grabbed Solya's and Skylar's hands because they were the closest to me and then whispered to the rest of the group to follow me. I dragged them under the staircase and I was going to either explain mayself or lie to them but there were people walking around the hallway and when they saw us standing here suspiciously, I quickly closed my mouth and then searched for another place that we can talk. I don't have much time to walk all the way to their dorm and it's better to quickly say something now rather than let them think or talk about it and someone else will overhear their conversation, then snitch on me. I noticed a little rest area with three round tables and five chairs around each one of them which is not perfect but it will have to do. The girls are confused to why I am acting like a lunatic and keep asking me if I am okay and what is going on but I am focused on getting to the tables before someone else does. Skylar ran after me and was the first one with me to arrive at the table, then the rest of the girls joined us. The halls are still busy so I asked Solya if she can summon the soundproof shield around us but we should just sit down and act normal. She was questioning it probably in her head but then she nodded and summoned the shield.
Me: I should also learn that one. If you could teach me, Solya, I would owe you one.
Solya: Sure, but now can you please tell us why are you acting like someone is hunting you?
Lucy: I think that would be a waste of time since you are a demigod, Kaitlin.
Skylar: But she did send us that message... through a spell.
Me: I-
Solya: No one can hear us under this shield and your secret will be safe with us, if you want to tell us. If not, we won't pester you. I just want you to know that you can trust us, Kaitlin. We are your friends, demigod or not.
I looked each and one of them in their eyes and they all nodded, agreed on what Solya said, which made me a little bit angrier at myself that I wanted to lie to them. No lies! And then I start spilling out everything. Not about what the source warmed me about but I tell them that somehow I am still able to do spell even if demigods are not able to and I tell them the truth, that I don't know why I can do it. I told them about my locked source, that the tattoo is something from a Noion book and that Professor Coldos actually knows so that I will ask him.
Solya: Oh yeah, I did ask my nana about the tattoo but she couldn't recognize it.
Kisha: My cousin said he never seen a set of so many different enchantments put together. He recognized few of the parts but he said the way they are combined is definitely not a protective or enhancing tattoo.
Skylar: Forget the tattoo thing if she can find out what it is from Coldos. SHE CAN DO SPELLS AS A DEMIGOD.
Solya: Lower your voice, Skylar.
Skylar: Why? The shield is in place and we all know how strong it is, so don't worry about someone will hear any of this. How is it possible?
Me: I wish I could tell you, Skylar, but I honestly don't know and I am scared out of my mind that if the wrong people find out about it, I will be locked as some lab rat or worse, killed.
Skylar: I am sorry, I am just shocked. I've never heard anything like this happening, ever. I won't tell anyone and I am really sorry if it looked like I don't believe you or that I will snitch.
Me: Do you guys know anything about thing called "Morrigan"?
Chanti: I heard that name one time when my uncle was suddenly called into work. He is some sort of magical police officer and I overheard him talking to my aunt, his wife. I was a kid and we were at their house for holidays. They thought I am already asleep but I was roaming around the house because I wanted something sweet to eat. I noticed my uncle getting ready and not just into his uniform. He packed heavy with potions and my aunt was scared out of her skin, not wanting to let him go and begging him to stay. I realized that it must be something big and bad so before they could see me, I hid behind the corner and listened. My aunt mentioned something "Can't someone else go deal with a Morrigan" but that's it. I know nothing else about it.
Me: Apparently it's a mixed descendant. Both magician and god.
Solya: But the relationships between the lines are forbidden.
Me: They are. Exactly for this reason. The union produces Morrigan kids which are so powerful that they can destroy whole cities.
Skylar: Are you-?
Me: No. I got tested. But at first my result was this Morrigan thing but then they said the kids don't survive for more than eight years. And I am here, aren't I? But that's the only explanation that fits my situation. I am a demigod but can cast spells.
Solya: You were also chosen by the Inyll to Aveus too. Is there a possibility you are not a demigod but a magician at the end?
Me: I would die after I cross the barrier though.
Everyone agreed and then we started to talk more about it, analyzing what could be wrong with me but besides the Morrigan, we have no idea what it could be. The girls offered to help me search for the answers since now they don't have to focus on researching the tattoo but I quickly declined it, because if they ask around about demigods with spell ability, people will know. I thanked them for the offered and also for keeping it a secret but I told them I will try to get answers with Mr. Hale or ask my source. I trusted them to not tell anyone but then Crimen said we should do some blood oath. I stared at her with open mouth because first – I have no idea what a blood oath is, and second – what the hell? Skylar fought against the idea too, saying that we don't have to do that and that everyone will keep their mouths shut about this and I wasn't a fan of cutting my arm or whatever for a spell either. Crimen explained though that in her family, there is modified blood oath spell that prevents you from even saying it by accident. The spell somehow locks the memory inside our minds and even mind-readers can't get to it. Not that they could get into my mind because of the block but now that it's breaking, I think I am vulnerable to telepaths too like any other person. I trust Mr. Hale and he already knows about it, but what if someone with bad intentions tries to read my mind and finds out about this? I agreed with Crimen and the girls were still reluctant. Solya was the only one quiet but then she spoke up and said that it's a very dangerous knowledge to be freely accessible so the binding blood oath is actually a good idea. After that everyone agreed and I prepared myself to cut myself but Crimen laughed and told us it literally needs just one drop. Lucy stood up, ran out of the shield and then was back in like ten seconds with a needle in her hand. Crimen explained the spell and then the needle went around the group. Everyone pricked their index fingers and kept them facing the ceiling with a small blood drop on top of it. I was the last one but I was supposed to prick the middle of my palm because I am the one whose secret they have to keep. When I was done, Crimen told everyone do squeeze the drop into my hand and waited until they did so, then started saying an encantation in Spanish, which I only recognized but I didn't understand because I am too dumb to learn any other language. I watched Crimen as she was chanting but then my palm started to burn. My gaze fell on my hand and the blood that is not bubbling in the middle of it until it got evaporated and Crimen stopped the spell. As a test, she asked Skylar to tell her the secret but the moment Skylar opened her mouth, she tried to speak but no words were coming out. She could say what the hell but when she tried to talk about the secret, he throat closed and she was just gasping for air. I guess that means it works. I thanked them again and then sadly I had to leave them. They have their classes and I have to get back to the office and continue my work for The student's week with Professor Coldos. I was already walking away and so were the girls but the other way but then I remembered about the shield spell and also the party.
Me: Hey Sol, when you are free to teach me that shield spell, let me know. And also guys, can we meet up for lunch? I need to ask you something.
I yelled through the hallway to ask the girls and then all just yelled sure or yeah back at me as a reply, then turned around, making their cloaks dance in the air as then continued to walk away. I watched them and their black fabrics just float above them. It still looks ridiculous to use them but for some reason, I missed my Ossilor cloak. Or more like I missed being part of Ossilor, part of this side of the academy. It's not worth it to cry over something I can't change and it's not like I can't meet with the girl anymore.
I didn't waste any more time and hurried to return to Professor Coldos' office. I stood in front of the door and slightly knocked, they waited for a permission to enter. The door suddenly opened, revealing the professor who told me to just come in.
Professor Coldos: Glad you could make it before the classes start. And I see you changed your clothes for lighter ones. Is it more comfortable now?
I nodded as a reply and agreed with Professor Coldos but then he added that I should be careful when crossing between academies during winter times because the difference in temperatures can easily make me catch a cold. Everyone is saying that Professor Coldos is strict and whatnot, which it is true up to a point, but he also cares about the students. He might not show it on his face or in his tone but in a way, he cares. Like right now, he recommended to me that I should always bring something warmer I can just carry around, but use when I walk around Umbras, which sounded more like an order but he is right so I am not going to judge the way he said it. And then he went back into his old self and continued working on the books, which only hit me right now that he started working on sorting the books that I left because I had to go clean myself. I unfroze my body that was stuck standing on the same spot and joined the professor. I helped with three remaining books which were written in Gaelic that I am now able to recognize and placed them on the stack with the others. Professor Coldos walked around the crate to my side and then grabbed the edges, pushing it to the corner and closing it with the lid. He told me to make the stacks of books even and neat, and just slide them right next to the wall. Book that are written in Noion I am supposed to take and place them on his table. It was a stack of over twenty books. Some of them thicker and bigger, some where so thin that you could barely call it a book and some were just papers binded in leather so that they don't get separated or lost. I placed them and separated the whole stack into three smaller ones so that the books don't fall and get damaged. Professor Coldos was standing in the door, holding his leather bag and checking his watch.
Professor Coldos: Thank you for your help. That will be all for now. We should be on our way for the first class. Do you have any questions?
Me: I do but we can discuss it later. It's about the tattoo.
Professor Coldos: That is something we should discuss in private. We can talk about it after the lessons if we have some spare time today or maybe some other day when I don't teach many classes and we will be just working on the Noion books research. Oh, before I forget, here, take this.
I snatched my bag from the ground where I left it and walked towards Professor Coldos. He searched for something in his left pocket and then extended his hand, trying to give me something. I was a little bit scared but not like true fear, more like he is going to give me a fake cockroach as a prank or something like that, but that's not Professor Coldos' personality at all, so I just extended my arm too, placed my palm up right under his closed fist and waited what is he going to give me. Something cold, and a little bit heavier than I expected it to be, fell into my hand and when I pulled my arm closer to my body to see what it is, I realized it's a key.
Professor Coldos: From my office. You can come in here anytime you want and need something. During The student's week that is. After that I expect you to return the key to me.
Me: Are you sure about that?
Professor Coldos: I trust you are smart enough to use it wisely and not for some pranks or doing a dare with friends to see who will steal something small from my office. It is not mandatory for you to attend all of my classes so if you find one of them boring, you can leave and work in my office. The key should also work at the Umbras side.
Me: Thank you.
Professor Coldos: Nothing to thank me about. I value your powers that allow you to read Noion language and you are a great help to me. You also seem interested and connected to this somehow so it should help you too. I only gave you the key because the books are new, not cataloged under the school and they fall under me right now so you are not allowed to take them out of the office. If you want to work on them, you have to do it in the office.
Me: Does it concern all the books?
Professor Coldos: Only those that we unpacked today. If you want to borrow any other book from my office, feel free to do so. If I am not around, just leave me a note with the name of the book and your signature so I know that it was you who borrowed it.
These rules sounded easy to follow. I have access to every book the professor has in Noion I might need in order to find out what this tattoo is, or maybe some mentions of demigod abilities that allow you to read that language without studying it. Putting the key into the side pocket of my backpack I walked behind Professor Coldos and followed him after we left his office and we are on our way to his classroom. I quickly adjusted the bag on my shoulders and then kept looking around the hallways, noting every corner, picture or statue to mark my way so that I don't get lost again. Some of the classes ended as we were passing by so we had to dodge groups of students on our way. Or more like they moved out of our way after they noticed Professor Coldos, then their gaze fell on me. My outfit looked like an inverted copy of his – sky blue shirt to my navy one and white pants to my black jeans. I overheard some of the students whispering or just blatantly saying that "it's her, the one that won The student's week by exception" or something in those words which sounded either shocked or were filled with jealousy. Then I also heard a familiar voice say that I won it by cheating and I didn't need to turn around to know who it is. Ledon. We are passing around Scriptology classroom and if I remember my time schedule correctly, they should be on their way there. Funnily enough that it was literally this class where Ledon accused me of cheating the first time. I didn't give him any satisfaction of reacting to it and neither did Professor Coldos. He did turn his head a little bit to my side though to check if I want to engage with him and he will need to wait, or even mediate if there is a fight. But I didn't even budge and continued walking. I know that I didn't cheat back then with the essay and I didn't cheat during The hunt so it's useless to try and convince him if he thinks I did. I am at Umbras now and I don't have to interact with Ledon anymore or any other student at Aveus that might be giving me the looks or spreading rumors about me to entertain themselves. I heard Ledon scoff and yell something else at me as an insult but instead of replying to him, I started to talk to Professor Coldos.
Me: You are a teacher for the Casting classes of fourth years, right?
Professor Coldos: And fifth years too.
Me: Why do you teach those classes instead of one like Scriptology?
Professor Coldos: You think Professor Minertha is not qualified to teach it? You didn't enjoy her classes?
Me: No, that's not what I meant. Well, I didn't enjoy them because my braincells lack the ability to learn languages and then also that Noion essay incident happened. But I just thought that with your language-oriented powers, it would be easier if you taught it instead no?
Professor Coldos: That is actually a good question. Principal Idarin asked me to take over that course because of my powers as you pointed out, but Minertha was also in line and with my set of languages, I am more useful to teach Casting.
Me: Since Casting also requires knowing multiple languages.
Professor Coldos: Exactly. There are certain spells in languages that are not taught in Scriptology and also in higher years, the Scriptology class focuses more on the ciphers, alphabets or summoning circles. If needed, I explain the language behind an unknown spell and that way I can also teach the language and the spell casting at the same time.
This way is actually genius and no wonder he decided to take Casting over Scriptology. He can basically do both at the same time. I guess that high of intelligence also comes with being an Athena descendant.
I followed Professor Coldos as a shadow into the classroom that already had a few student seated down. The classroom was smaller than the one for Controlling but it had the same set up. Desks built one above each other in a cascade setting, starting on one side, then cut in the middle by stairs for the students to go up and down, then continuing to the other side of the room. In the heart of the classroom there is a teacher's desk and behind it is a dark green chalk board tethered to the wall. There is no way you can fill the whole board because it is so huge, maybe additional three heights to mine so the only way you use it fully is if you can fly.
Professor Coldos placed his bag on the table and started to take the materials he prepared. I was still looking around the classroom when he started talking to me. I quickly switched my gaze to look at the professor who didn't look at me but kept the conversation going.
Professor Coldos: You can find a place in the classroom between the students and participate if you wish, or you can stay down here and use my chair to sit somewhere on the side. For this first lesson I want you to attend it but if you want to go back into my office for the remaining classes, you can.
Me: I think I will go find a seat somewhere up and listen to the class.
Professor Coldos: Are you sure? All of my classes today will be held at Aveus, meaning they are magician-only. Since you can't participate in casting as a demigod, so you don't have to pay attention or be in the classroom. You can use that time to do your own research of the Noion books.
Ah, that's right. He thinks I am only a demigod and can't use spells anymore so he didn't put it together that I did some spells before somehow. This is good for me I guess, especially if he has that enhanced intelligence as an Athena descendants and he didn't figure it out yet. Doing some private research about Ulferonn or that Woreus person closely might help me out but I also want to note down other spells, maybe try them out in private to see if I am able to cast only small ones or do I really have magician powers too.
Me: I would still like to attend the classes and at least write some notes, if that's okay.
Professor Coldos: Up to you. Go find a place then and we will start soon.
I slightly bowed and then left to grab a seat. The students were scattered around the whole sitting area, both left and right halves, and even more are coming in so it's doesn't matter if I sit right on top or the bottom, there will definitely be someone who will sit down next to me. Still I opted for the highest row so that I am not in crossfire of the spells. You know, just in case. If I sit in front of someone, their casting backfires and then my hair gets burned or something.
I walked up the stairs slowly, making my way to the top. Few of the students that were sitting close to the edge of the row stopped talking to each other and looked at me. Two girls in black cloaks, four stars, eagle and a green satin with purple shimmer is filling out their hoods. So Dorhan, fourth-years. I moved up a few steps, this time catching attention of three guys. One of them is leaning backwards, his arm resting on the neighbor seat and sitting in a big man spread. He checked me out like I am some kind of prize, literally. His gaze moved up and down my body, and when our eyes met, he raised his eyebrows fast in a flirting motion, then winked at me. He whispered something to the guy sitting next to him who then leaned up front to have a better view of me I guess and checked me out in the same motion as his buddy and annoyingly chew on his gum, his mouth opening wide with every chew. The third guy was less obvious about looking me up like I am just a piece of meat or something and then quickly hid behind those two. Four stars, lion, golden satin. Also fourth years, Idarin. I rolled my eyes and then keep ascending on the stairs. The top row on my left was occupied by ten students already, another Dorhans. The right side was relatively free besides one guy who was too busy writing something down and his head was practically buried into his notebook. I greeted him and asked if I can join sitting next to him, but nothing. He didn't look up at me, didn't reply. Or well at least not directly. He placed his arm on the desk and gathered all his things that were on it, sliding in on the wooden surface to be in front of him and not spread wide, letting me know that he made a space for me and I can sit down. Four stars, fleur de lis, blue satin. He is in Unell. I would guess that is why he is sitting alone. He doesn't have a specific power and he is only able to cast spells. I looked around the whole classroom to check the others. I have a good advantage point so I can see everything and everyone. Some more Idarins, Dorhans even Ossilors are in here or they are coming in. But not that many Unells. I only noticed one other. Why don't they sit together? Is being in Unell that bad, like there is something wrong you because you weren't granted some big pompous amazing power? If I could transfer them mine, I would. The guy seems a bit timid but for some reason I didn't want him to become an outcast, spend the remaining years he has at the academy being a loner, so I started talking to him.
Me: Hi, my name is Kaitlin. What's your name?
No response. He flinched a little bit, but kept writing down some stuff from his textbook. Does he think I am not talking to him but someone else? I could see him moving his eyes to the sides and trying to catch a glimpse of me so I tried to say something that would let him know I am definitely talking to him.
Me: Based on your cloak, you are Unell, right?
His head sprung up and his blue eyes met with mine but then quickly started to wander all around the place but not me. A shy one, really shy. I gave him a soft smile and extended my hand to shake his.
4th year Unell student: Uhm, you are not wearing your cloak. Professor Coldos will scold you and take away points for a forgotten cloak.
Me: Ah, no he won't. I am from Umbras.
4th year Unell student: YOU ARE?
He said all surprised and shocked but so silently. If it was anyone else, they would yell out and their voice would resonate around the whole classroom but not this guy. His long blond hair and falling to his face which I think he is using as a way to hide from people and not meet their eyes but at least he is talking now so I made a progress, I guess.
Me: Yes. I won The student's week and Professor Coldos is my mentor. I will attend his classes-
4th year Unell student: Isn't that useless for you as a demigod? You can't do spells.
Ah yes. They don't know about me being a mutation. I don't blame anyone thinking I can't do spells because I shouldn't be able to do them. That's their standard and somehow I am not fitting into their rules. I don't know what they would do to me if they find out so I am not even going to try and reveal this fact to anyone, besides of those people that already know of course.
Me: I used to be an Aveus student before and I am still kinda interested in the spells so I want to at least make some notes. Can I ask you questions if I don't understand something?
4th year Unell student: You were in Aveus before and now you are at Umbras? Oh, I heard about something like a person getting placed wrong by the Inyll. So that was you?
Me: Yeah, pretty much. But I didn't mean to. I don't know what you heard but it's not all true. I still don't understand half of the things that are happening to me.
4th year Unell student: I only heard about it. Didn't really pay attention to some stupid rumors. People are usually twisting the reality just for fun or to ruin someone's reputation. My name is Nathan by the way. If you have any questions, ask me. Or copy my notes.
I smiled at the shy blond guy who revealed that his name is Nathan and also became more talkative. He pushed one of his notes so that I can also see what he wrote down and he started explaining the notes. I took my own empty notebook I brought for these classes and started writing down things Nathan showed me. His notes were neat and he looked like a professor that is teaching the lesson and not like one of the students. I didn't even get to the half of the page when Professor Coldos silenced the chatter in the room and started his lesson. Of course he started it by pointing me out.
Professor Coldos: This week we have a slight change in the classes. We will continue as usual in the spell composition we started practicing last week, but for today's class we are joined by an Umbras student named Kaitlin Holland who won The student's week and is under my mentorship.
Professor Coldos introduced me and asked me to stand up. I did and then waved awkwardly as everyone turned in their seats and stared at me. A few of the students started to whisper something to each other that was definitely targeted at me. I stared at the two Dorhan girls I passed earlier and one of them opened her mouth in o-shape and I could hear a quiet oh coming from her direction. I guess she remembered my name from the time it was travelling around Aveus with those rumors, great.
I thought the chatter will become bigger but everyone just looked at me, whispered something to their friends or remained quiet and then turned back to face the professor. Complete silence fell around the classroom and everyone waited for Professor Coldos to continue his lesson. Wow, was my only thought and the sheer respect these students have towards the professor surprised me. In other classes, when there was chatter, the teacher had to quiet them down but not here.
Professor Coldos: Before we move on the next part of the spell, I want everyone to cast the first two thirds you were supposed to practice over the weekend.
Everyone adjusted themselves in their seats, straightned their backs and then put both of their hands on top of the desk, palms down. Then like an orchestra, everyone started doing their part. You could see duos or trios forming, or those who were already split started the first part of the spell as Professor Coldos asked them to. Nathan was explaining the spell as he prepared to cast it. One person is supposed to cast the beginning and the other one was using a different set of hand motions to cast their part. When it is a trio, the two students on each side were the ones casting the base and the one in the middle was finishing the spell. But Nathan and the other Unell student were doing this alone. Nathan had to cast the base first and then move to the next part because he didn't have a help. I am worried about him burning out or straining his body with this spell. I was going to offer a hand but I can't really reveal that I can cast spells.
Me: Isn't this unfair that you have to do it alone? Can't you just join someone's group or the other Unell student to do it?
Nathan: Not neccesarry. This spell is designed to work faster when the parts are split between magicians but it's not a rule that you need more casters. You can do the spell alone too.
Me: But what if you exhaust yourself?
Nathan only chuckled and he seemed more comfortable to be around me and talk to me than a few minutes ago when I asked if I can sit down next to him. It looks like that shy boy left and there is a totally new person sitting next to me.
Some of the students were struggling and others finished casting, then remained holding the spell. But that was like five minutes after Nathan has already finished his casting. Both parts of it. He was the first one to finish and then he went back to his notes and telling me what should I write down while we waited for the others to finish. It seemed so effortless for him to be holding the spell while explaining it or reading the notes to me. His focus didn't falter even after Professor Coldos asked him to join him downstairs. Nathan told me that we will continue later and went to meet with the professor who is standing in front of the chalk board. The spell energy was shining in a gold and orange color, and it didn't stop even after Nathan left and was now waiting for Professor Coldos to explain the next part. He let everyone in the classroom to drop the spell but asked Nathan to keep channeling it. Nathan's hand were locked in a position in front of his stomach, his arms bent, hands above each other. His left hand was facing palm up, his right one was turned palm down and it looked like he is holding an invisible ball.
Professor Coldos: As fourth-years, you have stored enough energy to do this spell on a middle distance. The more people is involved in the spell, the farther you can go. Since Nathan is the best student from the class but is casting alone, I want you to only go back to your seat, Nathan. Don't try to extend the distance any further.
Nathan nods his head in agreement and I just hoped he is not a try-hard like Ledon that he is going to try do more than asked, then suffer a punishment or worse, hurt himself in the process. Nathan seemed like he studied the full spell already and not just the part they were supposed to learn in the class and was good to cast it but he was standing still on the spot, waiting.
Professor Coldos walked up to the chalk board and with his back turned to us, he placed his index and middle finger on both of his hands to his temples while his thumbs were extended but free, not touching anything and the rest of his fingers were bent down. It took only a few seconds and then he removed his fingers from his head, moving them in the same position closer to the board and then twisted his wrists in ninety degrees. He placed his fingers on the board, his fingertips touching the dark green surface and something started to draw itself on the board in white lines that resembled chalk. It took about two minutes until the picture finalized itself. A perfect circle with different lines, letters or drawings inside of it was now spread across the whole chalk board. Well, he you don't need to be able to fly to fill the whole board, I guess. I mentally slapped myself for not thinking outside the box on how a person could utilize the whole board when I am literally studying at a magical academy and there must be many different ways in how to do it. As a reflex, I also wrote it down, noted it as "Professor Coldos' power". I guess it must be similar to what Mr. Hale can do but instead of summoning materials from people's minds, he can summon drawings and pictures. Or maybe he has the same power as Mr. Hale and this is just a variation of it.
Professor Coldos: The third and last part is a mental casting of a summoning circle. You need to create this drawing inside your mind, every detail of it, cast it on the ground and then visualize the place you want to go. You can cast it, Nathan, whenever you are ready.
Nathan didn't even check the drawing and he just closed his eyes. In the same golden orange, lines and drawings started to appear under Nathan's feet. It took him a bit longer than Professor Coldos to copy and cast the summoning circle. The lines and pictures were being drawn by an invisible force from multiple directions until they all connected and finished the whole summoning circle. Then a small ball of light appeared between Nathan's hands and it looked like a spec of dust from where I am sitting but you can still see the little shimmer of power buzzing between his palms. I focused on the light and in a blink of an eye, Nathan disappeared and some presence appeared right next to me. I jerked my body and twisted my head to the side from the jumpscare only to notice Nathan standing right next to me.
Professor Coldos: Excellent demonstration as always, Nathan. Fifteen points added. Now, open your notebooks and copy the summoning circle from the board. Draw it exactly as you see it because mistakes might cost you or your companions a life.
Professor Coldos instructed everyone and emphasized on the importance of the precision in which they copy the summoning circle for this spell. Nathan sits down on his seat and gives me a victorious smile.
Me: Don't you have to draw it too?
Nathan: Already done. I finished it the day we started learning this spell. As you might know, as an Unell student I don't have any special powers to focus my training on. All I can do is just spell-casting so I try to be good in this area at least.
Me: I would say that you are pretty damn the best, not just good.
Nathan: I don't think so. I still have so much to learn.
Me: You are fast, you are ahead and you have passion for it. I don't know many magicians and their level of power but for a student I would say you are pretty great. You are definitely better than I was in my first-year classes.
Nathan: That is understandable. You were misplaced and couldn't really do any spells or use your powers. And also first year and fourth year is a big difference.
Me: Just take the compliment, will you?!
Nathan: Hahaha, alright. You might not see it well from out position so here, copy my drawing and I also added some notes to explain the spell better. You are free to copy it all and ask me if you have any questions. I know that you don't have to attend all of the classes but I hope I will see you again, at least for this week anyway.
I thanked Nathan for his help and told him that I will probably come to all of the professor's classes which might have sounded like a promise to Nathan but to me, I didn't think about it as much since it's a good spending of my time instead of worrying about me, my powers, the tattoo or whichever new comes my way. Nathan's eye shimmered with happiness and he started enthusiastically explaining different spells that he tried outside of the class because he wants to be the best spellcaster of his year. I listened to him talking and then started copying the notes for what they were taught today: Universal travelling and transportation spell.
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