My mind is taken over by even more questions about me and my whole life than I had before. Aveus side picked me first but I have a demigod blood inside me apparently. The lightning powers belong to Zeus but I am not his descendant, not a magician either. If I was a Morrigan, I would have been dead years go. What the hell am I then?
I closed the door on the office and was on my way to the dorm while trying to piece together all the information I got, but then I saw Reilly running towards me. After she reached my position, she bent down, supported herself against her knees and panted. A normal person would have been still trying to catch their breath but it only took Reilly a few seconds and she straightened her back like nothing happened. I guess one of the perks being an Ares descendant. She took a few steps towards me and then placed her hands on my shoulders, checking me around and asked if I am alright. I laughed at her, calling her "a mother hen" to which she furrowed her brows, then retracted her hands and crossed her arms in front of her chest, pouting. Another laugh left my lungs and I launched myself on her, hugging her tight and thanking her for being on my side despite everything. She finally stopped pouting and then only tangled her arms with mine so that we can leave. My body felt like it's slowly overheating and I definitely must have a fever but I couldn't just go back and sleep like nothing happened. I needed to do something, even if it's just thanking him right now.
Me: Can you point me to the direction of the teacher's infirmary?
Reilly: Sure thing. They wouldn't let me in though.
Me: I know. We don't have access to it, but I still need to see him, ban or not. Just please, show me the way and then you can go back to the dorms.
Reilly: A ban? You got banned from seeing Professor Hale?
Me: Maybe. But I don't care. It's not some big rule-breaking and I have three strikes left. I can sacrifice one for this.
Reilly: And you want me to just leave you? You want me to miss out all of that action? No way, I am coming too.
I gave Reilly a pleading gaze but her face was lit up with excitement. I know that if she sets her mind on anything, she does it no matter what, so there is no talking her out of this. She giggled and jumped on spot like a little kid.
We walked in a normal pace through the hallways, trying not to drag attention to us, and only talked about some random stuff like classes and school life. All students who were scattered around the school minded their own business. Step one, done.
Now we are facing the step two which is how the hell are we going to enter through the main door to the infirmary without anyone noticing us? All we could do is wait until there was no one in the hallway and then walk in. I pulled the handle and tried to open it but the damn door is locked. I looked at Reilly who is already booting up her brain and thinking of a way for us to get inside.
We got interrupted by incoming steps so we returned to hide behind the corner and watched what's going to happen. A lady dressed in a nurse uniform approached the door while carrying a tray. She stopped right in front of the door, adjusted the tray on one of her hands and with the other one she casually opened the door. I looked at Reilly and asked her what we are going to do if we can't open the door.
Reilly: This is a tricky situation. The workers and teachers must be enchated in some way so that they can enter and students can't.
Me: What's the plan then?
Reilly: Let me think. Hmm... got it. Wait here and I will go hide behind that cupboard. We will wait until someone comes in or out and then I will run towards the door to grab them before they close.
I agreed to the plan and then hid behind the corner, peeking only slighty to watch Reilly sneak her way through the wide hallway and crouch next to the furniture. My heart was beating so fast that it feels like it's going to jump out of my chest meawhile Reilly was all giggly and happy.
About fifteen minutes must have passed already and no one was coming. My legs and hands were starting to get numb but I couldn't rest now because one of the nurses finally walked out of the infirmary, opening the door wide for us and let it close slowly. I peeked at Reilly and she only nodded at me, then started to walk fast towards the door to catch them but we heard another set of steps approach us. Someone is coming and there is no time, they will bust us. Reilly halted and looked at me then we focused on the intensity of the steps to try and figure out if they are close or not. Reilly couldn't reach the door in time and it is almost closed again. There is no way I am missing this chance though. I swiftly pull the backpack from my shoulders and then sway it backwards, gaining momentum and I release it when it's in front of me, letting it slide on the floor like this is a curling competition and watched it get stuck between the door and the frame.
Reilly followed the sliding backpack and after it helped to keep the door open, she looked up at me with her mouth in "o" shape and gave me thumbs up. The clacking of woman's heels was growing louder and we both knew that we have to go now or we are risking getting caught. Reilly was first at the door while I had to run across the hallway. She picked up my backpack and handed it to me. I only hugged it in front of my chest as I slid inside the infirmary, then Reilly followed me.
The atmosphere is calm despite some of the nurses being busy preparing medicine or swapping bed sheets. Not one of them noticed us but they were moving around so we couldn't just keep standing in front of the door, especially when someone else is coming. We both looked around to see if there is something we can hide behind. Reilly quickly grabbed my upper arm and dragged me towards the row of empty beds, then placed a hand on my back and pushed on it as a signal, telling me to duck. In that moment the door on the infirmary opened and some new nurses walked inside. But in this position we were still exposed so Reilly pulled on my hand and then started to crouch-walk away to hide behind another empty bed. I followed after her, my knees hating this type of exercise but I had to push through.
We passed few empty beds and made our way towards the medical cabinets. We hid right next to it when someone iniated a conversation. It is a nurse asking stuff one of the patients whose voice sounded familiar. She asked him if he needed anything for the pain or just in general but he replied that he is content with everything and only asked for the curtain to be closed because he wants to have some privacy and go to sleep. The nurse chuckled and complied with his request. She waved her hands in the air and then the drapes moved on its' own, making a circle around the bed and also around us, then that familiar male voice spoke again but this time it sounded directed to us and not the nurse.
Mr. Hale: To what do I owe this pleasure?
I squeeked from panic because I thought that we got exposed. My eyes met with Mr. Hale's face who is pressing his right index finger to his lips and signaling for me to stay quiet. I only nodded and then looked around to see if we can come out of hiding. Mr. Hale did the same and when the air was clear he waved his hand at us so that we get closer.
I was going to stand up and walk towards the bed but I have been crouching for too long. My knees were locked in that one position and when I tried to stand up, they cracked and shot a dull pain up my legs. A pretty loud grunt left my throat which gained me a disappointed look from Reilly and her expression clearly said you should have worked out with me. Mr. Hale only chuckled and then adjusted himself to be seated up, legs stretched out on the bed. I swore at myself in my head because he was probably sleeping or getting ready to sleep and we just barged in on him. I walked closer to the bed but there was nothing to sit on so I my only option was to stand right next to the bed. Reilly cleared her throat and I knew she must feel a little bit awkward standing here with me and listening onto the conversation but she can't just walk away and go browse the cabinets at this place. Mr. Hale must have noticed the tention and his eyes started to glow red. I quickly walked towards him and told him to stop using his powers.
Mr. Hale: You will get in trouble if someone catches you in here.
Me: I will get even in more trouble if I exhaust your body again, even more because Principal Haydos told me not to-
Mr. Hale: He forbid you from visiting me?
Me: Uhm, yes. Not just here but in general because he knew you would use your powers to protect me or accommodate me. So please, I am ready to get punished if I get caught, you don't have to use your powers.
Mr. Hale still continued to channel his powers but his face scrunched and I knew he must be in pain. But he is stubborn about it and isn't going to stop. I wished that my powers were similar to his but all I can do is probably serve as a charging station with my abilities. There is no way a shot of lightining is going to block anything or cloak us. At best I can only zap them with electricity and hope it will just knock out the nurses and not kill them.
I needed another way to conceal us without Mr. Hale using his cloaking powers and channel from his exhausted source again. I needed to shield us somehow. Wait a minute, a shield. I have learned how to create one. It serves as a protection from mental or physical attacks but Solya managed to tweak it and created one that blocks out the sounds within. She only explained the basics to me and I've never practiced it but it should be worth to try. I can summon the protection shield and the other part is to negate the communication spell. But how the hell do I do that? Is it really necessary though to do it? I got an idea. I will just pretend the shield is also soundproof and that should convice Mr. Hale to not use his powers. I started the summoning hand combination for the protection shield when Reilly walked up to me and whispered, asking what I am doing. I told her about the shield spell and that I will just create a bubble around us so that we are covered. Reilly just gave me a proud ooh in response but then she went back into being awkward.
Reilly: This shield will lock us in here and I am supposed to just listen onto the private conversation?
Me: I don't mind really. I only want to thank him, make sure he will be okay and then we can leave and go back to the dorm before they realize we were even here.
Reilly: I don't really want to leave you but I think you two should just talk in private. I will sneak out and then wait in the hallways for you. Good luck.
Reilly crouched again and then tugged the curtain to the side, checked the perimeter, as she called it, and then told me now it's a good chance for her to get out. I only nodded and continued to cast the spell for the shield until it started to form around us. Reilly dashed out and the shield finalized its' full form around us.
Me: My former roommate changed this spell and created a soundproof version. We should be protected so you can stop using your powers.
Mr. Hale lifted one of his eyebrows and then checked out the shield. He looked back at me and I only prayed that he doesn't see through my lie or won't read my mind now that the block is broken. I kept my gaze on him until the red glow, that's slightly darker and not as bright as usual, disappeared and I was greeted by his beautiful emerald eyes. I sighed and then started explaining what I am doing here, whispering every word.
Mr. Hale: It seems stronger and the casting was faster than before.
Me: My source got unlocked. I have now full access to my powers.
Mr. Hale: That weird block in your mind also covered your source?
Me: Yes. You were right. The source is really strong and I could talk to it. It explained some of the things to me and answered some of my questions. It also told me it was you who helped to unlock it so thank you, Mr. Hale, for everything.
Mr. Hale: Am I Mr. Hale to you again?
Me: What?
Mr. Hale: After I was lost inside that darkness, I was drifting away but you went back and you called my name. I heard you say my name.
Me: I didn't.
Mr. Hale: Is it really that bad to say it?
I looked away and I could feel another but different heatwave flush through my body. It creeped up to my cheeks. I remembered how I tried to save Mr. Hale and in a spur of a moment, I yelled out his name instead of his surname to grab his attention. He must have noticed my flustered expression because he pointed it out.
Mr. Hale: You don't have to use my name if you don't want to. Are you feeling alright though? You don't seem well.
Me: It's just the sudden power flow. Principal Haydos warmed me that it might overwhelm me and I think the source is now trying to let out all that unused energy. I feel like it's going to burst out of me but I am okay for now. I just needed to see if you are alright because I felt... guilty.
Mr. Hale: It was my choice to help you out. You knew the risks.
Me: But I thought those apply to me and not to you. I almost got you killed because I only wanted to know who my parents are like it's the most important thing.
Mr. Hale: I would say it is pretty important. To know your ancestry, especially when you grew up the way you did. You just want to belong somewhere.
He is right. All of the things he said, he is damn right. I am acting like a little child who got lost in a supermarket and is now crying, searching for its' parents. I am already a grown up. I got here by myself without needing anyone. And all the people around me make my family, my chosen family. We don't need to be tied by blood so why was I so stuck upon learning about my parents and where I come from? Would I just go back to them like nothing happened and just say hey you let me to die in the winter but now I am back. No. The only thing I wanted are answers to why they did it. Why would they tie my source and then just left me to die? But did they even do that? Are my parents really that cruel or something else happened? It doesn't matter now. I am connected to my source now and I should only look forward to my future and just forget the past. Future that Mr. Hale helped me secure by saving my life.
Me: I should give up on it now. I got basic information from my source and anything else doesn't matter anymore.
Mr. Hale: What do you plan on doing? Have you decided on something?
Me: I will stay here, at Umbras. I can finally learn how to control my powers which was my main goal and then I would leave but now-
Mr. Hale: If you feel like you owe me anything, don't. I did it because it is my job.
Me: But would you do it for anyone?
Mr. Hale: If required and if I can help, I would.
Ouch. I don't know why I hoped that his answer would be that he only did it because of me but regardless, I will stay here. It is better to continue searching for answers when I have people around helping me, when all the information is here. If I got mind-wiped and expelled now when my source is open, what would that raw power do, when those wind accidents before came from a locked source but were creepy and strong as it is.
Me: I decided to stay because I started to like it here. I met new amazing people and also my best friend, Reilly, is here. We promised as kids that we will do everything together.
Mr. Hale: I am glad that you found your purpose. If you need help with anything, just ask me.
Me: Thank you, but I think I won't. I don't want you to use your powers on me or for me and exhaust yourself.
Mr. Hale: It's no trouble to-
Me: I know but I stand by it. Don't worry, I might keep annoying you with questions though.
Mr. Hale laughed and it was one of those genuine ones that are so rare for him. A speck of guilt is still staining my heart but all of the worry is now behind me. All I can do now is to work hard and earn my place here. Make Mr. Hale proud, make myself and Reilly proud, but also prove those people who tried to seal off my powers that I am better, that I deserve to have them.
Our chatter must have alarmed the nurses because one of them asked Mr. Hale from behind the curtain if he needs anything. It ruined my focus and the shield dropped. As the nurse started to open the curtain I ducked and hid under the bed. Mr. Hale answered the nurse and said that he has everything he needs. I only followed the dancing curtain that got pulled and closed, then a shadow of female legs started to walk away. After I checked that the nurse is far away and can't hear me, I walked like a duck from under the bed and stood up.
Mr. Hale: A soundproof shield, huh?
Me: It exists, I promise. I just don't know how to do it yet.
Mr. Hale: You got me on that one, Ms. Holland.
I thought Mr. Hale would get angry that I lied to him but he didn't. He chuckled and then scooched down on the bed. He placed his left hand above his head and then stared at the ceiling while laughing softly. I bowed and excused myself, then peeked through the curtains to see if there is anyone around. I saw no one so I quickly ran towards the door.
I exited the infirmary, ready to go find Reilly. I face the wooden surface of the door as I was slowly closing them, trying to make no noise and then someone cleared their throat behind me. That sound sounded deep, male, so it's no chance it's Reilly. I turned around and hoped that it's not Principal Haydos and to my luck, it isn't, but it is Professor Coldos. I froze at the spot and was ready to get scolded, then hauled off back to the Principal's office but he only looked at me with his usual poker face.
Professor Coldos: I see you are not much of a follower of our rules are you, Ms. Holland?
Me: Usually I am but I needed to make sure Mr. Hale isn't hurt badly.
Professor Coldos: I don't understand the sentiment but I am not you. Did you talk about what you needed to tell him?
Me: I did. I am sorry. I know I broke the ban Principal Haydos gave me but it was worth to risk a strike for this.
Professor Coldos: I admire your passion for things. I hope you retain it for our research of Noion texts that is awaiting us during The student's week.
Me: I will. Wait. You are not going to tell Principal Haydos that I broke his ban?
Professor Coldos: Rest up and I will see you tomorrow in my classes, Ms. Holland. You and your friend should go back to your dorm now.
I thought we were screwed because somehow Professor Coldos realized that Reilly was with me too even though I couldn't see here anywere near, but he only asked me to come for The student's week that is supposed to start tomorrow.
Professor Coldos was already entering the teacher's private infirmary when I yelled thank you at him. He stopped moving only for a few seconds, turned his head to the left slightly and I could see only half of his face. He just nodded one time, then turned his head back and continued on his way, disappearing behind the closing door. I also started going away, towards the direction of the main hallway so that I can return to my dorm and crash on my bed because all of this adrenaline that's pumping my heart like crazy will probably be the death of me.
I picked up my pace and left the corridor to exit the floor and continue my way up on the staircase. As soon as I got to the stairs, someone flew out of the shadows and their body crashed with mine. A fire curls flashed before my eyes and then fell back.
Me: What in god... you almost scared the hell out of me, Reilly.
Reilly: Girl that was so close but it was also fun.
Me: Close? You didn't see how I bumped into Professor Coldos on my way out?
Reilly: No. Shit. Are you screwed? Will he snitch on you?
Me: You mean on us. He also saw you or I don't know. Somehow he knew you are around too. But don't worry, he seems like he won't tell.
Reilly: Are you sure about that? He is a professor and one of the strict ones.
I would lie if I said I wasn't doubting him but I had a small speck of hope that he would not, especially if it meant that Reilly would be dragged into the punishment too. But I would deal with that when it comes to it and I will take the blame fully on me. I only shook my head but gave Reilly a reassuring smile and then grunted, tossing my body on hers and pouted that I am really tired and my body is so heavy that she should carry me. Reilly only pressed her index finger agaist my forehead and then pushed my head away from her shoulder, telling me to walk on my own. I protested and dropped my head against her shoulder again while looking up at her and pouting. Reilly rolled her eyes at me but didn't push me away this time. Instead she started to walk and drag me with her.
It didn't take us long despite my body being so exhausted and overheating, I climbed those stairs and managed to walk all the way back to our room. Reilly unlocked the door and entered our room. I followed after her, my arms just flopped next to my body and swaying in the air, my legs that are barely holding me up walked on autopilot and carried me inside. I am so tired and I know if I sit down to take of my shoes, I won't be able to get up again.
I strolled towards my bed, slid the backpack from my shoulders and tossed it on the floor, then let gravity drop my body. I face-planted into my pillow while my legs were left sticking out of the bed frame. Reilly scolded me for not taking of the boots but I couldn't move any part of my body anymore. I mumbled my reply to her because my face was buried into one of my pillows. She repeated herself and I knew she wasn't able to understand my snarky comment I told her or more like told it to my pillow so I waited a few seconds until could I gather some remaining hidden pulse of energy to roll on the bed.
I am now on lying on my back but this is all I can do. There is no energy left for me to sit up not to mention move around, take of my shoes and then go put them away. My breaths were heavy and unsteady, my head was throbbing and I was damn freaking parched like I just walked through a desert. Reilly must have noticed my exhausted body because she quickly walked towards me, sat on the bed and then helped me get off my boots. She slid one after the other from my feet and then walked away to put them into our shoe rack.
Reilly: You don't look good, girl.
Me: I feel like I am on fire but from the inside.
Reilly: Did you catch something in the infirmary? A quick-spread magical cold or what?
Me: No. It's my source. It was locked all this time and I've only just managed to tap into it. Principal Haydos warned me that this might happen.
Reilly: Oh great Ares that's not good. So your power has been stored up and wasn't released?
Me: I guess so. Now all of it must be flooding me like a damn tsunami. You should leave just in case the lightning will start bursting out. I might have the connection to the source finally but I still can't control it not to mention aim.
Reilly: I am agile and pretty fast, I can dodge it. If anything, I can use you for practice and a new version upgraded of my training.
I started to laugh but even that hurt like hell so I grit my teeth and tried to fight the throbbing pain that's making me want to pull out all of my hair. Reilly realized that the situation could be dire so she ran off somewhere. I only heard her steps leave the room and then come back with a clacking sound of her heels against the wooden floor. She set something on the floor and then grabbed my legs, pushing them to the side and place my body fully on the bed. After that she lifted my legs and pulled the blanket from under them, then tossed it over me and tugged me in. She sat down on the bed, making the matrace dent a little bit and she placed the back of her hand on my forehead. It only took her a few seconds to softly swear under her breath and then bent down to pick something. I could only see her hunched over something and then I heard a sound of water dripping. Reilly then straightned herself and hovered slightly above me to place a cold wet cloth on my forehead. It provided me with a small relief from the pain but my whole body is on fire.
Reilly left for a few minutes and then came back with more towels in her hands. She wetted all of them and then started to wipe away around my face, my neck, then she lifted up my top and wiped around my stomach, reaching under my body to wipe also my lower back.
Me: I am sorry to bother you with this but also thank you.
Reilly: Always there for you, girl.
Me: You are the big sister I've always wanted. And even if we are not connected by blood, I still take you as one.
Reilly: That weird bond I feel towards you or not, you are like a sister to me too.
Tears started to form in my eyes. Half of them are because of the pain but half are tears of happiness. To have Reilly in my life, as a family I've never had and to hear that she also thinks of me the same way got to me. I knew that, I knew she must have felt the same. She has always told me but I would only take it half-heartedly. Today, it finally hit that spot and it finally hit me. Reilly only called me stupid for crying over something like that and then tossed the sweaty towels into the bowl or whatever she had next to my bed.
Reilly lied down and hopped under the blanket, then hugged me. She glued herself to me and I told her to just leave me alone that I will be fine and that she will probably be uncomfortable because I must feel like a heater right now, but she told me to be quiet and just let her stay like this with me. Reilly reached over my body with her left arm, grabbed my right side and then hugged me, pulling us closer together. I managed to turn my head to the left to at least face her and then move my hand on top of hers. My eyelids were getting heavier by the second and maybe sleep is the best way to just pass through this power surge.
The next morning I woke up, it is Monday and the school is back on. Or at least for others. I have to attend classes taught under Professor Coldos for The student's week that I somehow managed to win. I groaned and then stretched on my bed since Reilly was already up and I had space to spread like a starfish.
The room is relatively quiet, only sound of shower is coming out of the bathroom. The air felt a bit colder than usual but that is probably because my body is still warmed up from overheating. I regretted kicking away my blanket because the chill spread all around my skin and made me shudder from the sudden coldness. I quickly snatched the blanket and covered my whole body up to the chin.
The water sounds stopped and then Reilly came out after a few minutes with a towel tied around her chest. She looked at me buried under the blanket and greeted me with good morning. I wished her good morning too and then asked what time it is. Apparently it's still early and it was barely after six when Reilly went to the bathroom so it might be around seven now. I don't remember the exact time of Professor Coldos' classes but I know the first one starts somewhat around noon on Monday so I still have time to get ready and maybe even sleep more. My body is so heavy, all of my muscles hurt like I got kicked by a horse or worked out for a whole day which means it's going to be pain in the ass to move around today. I wish I could just stay in bed and have a lazy day but I promised to myself, and in my head I promised Mr. Hale that I will not waste this chance he gave me and use it to work hard so that I will finish my studies and graduate from Umbras. I rolled onto my left side and placed hands under my head to be more comfortable as I watched Reilly run around the room and get ready.
Me: Do you start your week this early? Who are you working with?
Reilly: Unfortunately yes. I got assigned to some magician Professor Ikaim at Aveus.
Me: He used to be my History teacher. But the classes should be already finished. We passed exams for that class so what else is he teaching this early?
Reilly: I don't really know but the invitation letter said to meet up with him in his office at 8am and I didn't want to occupy the bathroom just in case you want to take bath or shower.
Me: Oh frick, your are right. I thought we will go only to their classes so I can sleep in but I forgot that the letter said to arrive in the morning.
I tossed the blanket away, the cold biting on my skin as I ran into the closet to grab one of my big towels and then went to take a fast shower. I even washed my hair and then quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and did a quick make up. Nothing expressive or heavy. I only brushed my still wet hair and then went to get dressed.
Reilly was already done, in her usual black outfit consisting of a long-sleeve shirt and skinny leather jeans finished with high-heel ankle boots. It was an amazing contrast to her bright reddish hair that are not tied in ponytails or anything, just left freely fall on her body. I was still feeling a bit chilly so I opted for a grey woolen sweater with a tanktop underneath as an extra layer to warm up my body. Skinny black jeans should do and I will get my ankle boots later.
As soon as I was dressed, I spread the wet towel on a hanger to let it dry and then went to pack some essentials I might need during the classes or while working with Professor Coldos. Reilly was playing on her phone but then noticed my hair that has dried only a little bit and pointed them out. I brushed it off, saying that they will dry on their own during the day but she started nagging about the weather getting colder with each day and that I might end up being sick if I am not careful.
I was searching for empty notebooks and pens when Reilly grabbed my hand and then dragged me to my bed. She sat down and then told me to sit on the ground between her legs. I sat on my heels while facing her but then Reilly spun me around and slapped my shoulder slightly. Suddenly a towel covered my vision and then Reilly brushed my hair with it. After she dried them as much as she could, she started brushing my hair to the back and then split them in half. She tied one half into a ponytail and left it alone for now, then started to braid the other half. When she was done, she swiftly finished the other braid and then patted my hair a few times, pressing the boxing braids and making sure they won't come undone. I thanked her for helping me out with the hair and then went to grab my bag. I checked the time on my phone and we had about fourty minutes before the meeting.
Me: We still have some time and I am getting a little bit hungry. Oh yeah, by the way, do you have to cross through the cafeteria or how are you going to get there? I have my pass.
Reilly: I do too. This weird-ass looking coin arrived in a package this morning. Found it in front of the door after I woke up because someone knocked on the door while you were still happily snoring.
Me: I don't snore! But that's great. I can show you where to pass but let's go grab something to eat for now.
I tangled my arms with Reilly's upper arm after I put my shoes on and then we left to get breakfast. I did bring my wallet this time but I don't know how much money I have on me so I asked Reilly if we can just go the Aveus side. It would also save us some time with crossing the barrier. She agreed and then we both walked towards the guarded door I am already familiar with. Reilly didn't know what to do but I went ahead and took out my pass, showed it to the guardian who lifted his arm slowly and opened the door for me. Reilly repeated everything I did and the guardian only nodded, acknowledging her and let us both walk through the barrier at the same time. The electricity of the barrier tingled against my skin as I moved through the hallway but this time it felt a little bit different. I couldn't tell why, just that I had this feeling inside my bones, telling me it somehow changed. Maybe because my source is now unlocked and I process it fully?!
Nothing bad happened to me though and I could just easily pass it as any other time so I shrugged it off and then went with Reilly into the Aveus cafeteria. It is maybe half full with students who had some morning classes and they were already eating their breakfasts or paying for them as we walked in. They looked at us but then they continued eating, walking to the tables with their food or just talk between themselves. Some of them kept staring at us and whispering something to each other but I didn't let it bother me. I have full access to my powers now and even though I know that it is forbidden to fight, if someone tries to harm me or Reilly, I will gladly show them what I am capable of... okay maybe only scare them off with the lightning but don't actually use it on them.
I picked up three strawberry-jam-filled croissants and a plastic cup of hot forest berry tea meawhile Reilly was carrying a large cup of coffee and a plate with a bunch of the same croissants with a difference that there is about ten of them.
Me: How can you eat that much and still look like this? I know you work out and stuff but even with that, this amount is insane.
Reilly: Ares descendant bodies have fast metabolism and also take more energy than others. I need a lot of food to make it through the day. Never actually tested how much I can eat at once though.
Me: I would love to watch that. Maybe we should sign you in one of those eating competitions and win some money, what you say?
Reilly responded with a grimace but then she actually started thinking about it and said she will keep in on mind in case we need more money. I laughed and then slowly progressed in the line to pay for my food. After a few people paid, it was my turn so I took out my wallet and opened it. Luckily I had enough money on me and paid with no problems. So did Reilly and then we walked away, stopped and looked around the cafeteria to see if there is an empty table, preferably an empty area of them so that no one will bother us. We found a few of those and Reilly asked me which one I wanna take but then a familiar voice yelled out my name. I searched for the owner of that voice and pretty soon I found Jess that is sitting with Enko, waving at me. I explained to Reilly who the girls are and asked if she is okay with us joining them. Reilly only shook her head, said she doesn't mind since I consider them as friends and then we walked between the occupied tables to join the girls.
Jess: Hey stranger, are you looking forwards to The student's week?
Me: I am ready for it but I don't really know if I am happy about having to study more.
Reilly: I would rather have that free time to workout more.
Enko: Yeah I get that. But the shadowing is supposed to let us see the future classes and also get ahead. You are free to write down notes or even participate in the lesson. So if you learn some new advanced spells that are for older students, you can chill when you get to higher years and have to take those classes for real.
Jess: Also some of the professors can ask you to assist them on their research if they are doing any. You can learn something only graduated descendants know about. Does your mentor have any ongoing research?
Me: Professor Coldos is working on Noion language and has a new shipment of books coming in today. We will probably work on those because my powers allow me to read that language normally.
Jess: That's so lucky. Me and Enko are under Professor Nannieya so we will probably end up helping out and working in the greenhouse.
Me: I used to do that after the KhautaSilvera spell. It is really nice and Professor Nannieya will also give you books to help you out during your studies. She is also a part of this Botany club so you might be invited to it and talk to some other teachers or researchers. I don't know if she has some ongoing research but she will definitely try to help you out if you have any troubles with spells.
Enko: Really? That would be cool. Thanks Kaitlin for letting us know. And what about you? Sorry I didn't catch your name.
Reilly: I am Reilly Sutton, Ares descendant. I got assigned to some Professor Ikaim. Kaitlin told me he is a History teacher. So I might ask him to give me old war reports and briefings.
Jess: Oh, that sounds...interesting?
Reilly: It's fine, you can say it sounds boring. It might to others but my mom is really strict so if I can learn something, maybe some ideals how to lead an army, it might help me score big within the community of other Ares descendants.
Me: Is it about know.
Reilly: Yeah.
Enko: Must be tough. Anyway, good luck girls and I guess we will see each around this week.
Me: You too. We can hang out if you want and if you are free.
Jess: Definitely. We should also have that party to celebrate us winning The hunt.
Kaitlin: We literally talked about it with Reilly yesterday.
Jess: Great minds think alike.
We all agreed and then started to make plans for the party. Calculating the timings of our allowed stay, letting the other girls know and discussing other details while munching on the baked goods we bought for breakfast. I didn't know if it's even going to be possible to fit all the people in the small first-year dorm rooms at Aveus. It is the only option because our room might be big, but the girls can't cross the barrier to Umbras. But then I thought about the Ossilor rooms which are relatively big. I knew that the girls from my old dorm didn't participate in The hunt because they are older but I still asked if Jess and Enko are okay with me inviting other people and moving the party to the Ossilor dorm. At first they were a bit hesitant about it but then they also agreed that six people for their small room is going to feel a bit crowded. We settled on the basics and then asked me if I can figure out the rest, ask my friends if they want to join us and we can use their room.
Reilly pointed out that we should go now if we don't want to be late for the first meeting. I knew exactly where Professor Coldos' office is, despite getting lost in my previous attempt to locate it, but Reilly is completely lost when it comes to Aveus half so she needs as much time as she can to get to Professor Ikaim's office. Luckily the girls offered to escort her and show her the way. Reilly and I thanked them, then we cleaned our trays. Both me and Reilly haven't finished our drinks so we took those with us and left the cafeteria with Jess and Enko.
At first, our paths were the same so we walked together through the main hallway but then I had to separate from them, since Professor Coldos' office is two floors up from here and it is in the far back of the hallway. I said goodbye to the girls and walked backwards as I waved at them, then pivoted and continued on my way to go meet with the professor.
The weather is getting colder with each day we get close to November but it's not bothering us that much when we are inside the school since the whole building is getting magically warmed up. And now I am also gaining some warmth from the leftover tea I am carrying with me. That source of heat didn't last long because I finished it within three big gulps and then discarded the empty cup into this fancy trash can made out of iron bars which are swirling at the top into these decorative spirals. One of the things that remained "human" about this place because at first I expected it to be weird, like all the other things around are. Like I could just throw it away on the ground at it would be cleaned away magically. Not that I have seen any cleaning crew or a janitor that would take care of the trash cans but they would always be emptied up by the next day so they might still use magic for that. It's just this little thing that I need to toss it into a bin which makes it feel...normal.
One source of the heat is now gone. Not that I needed it anyway because for some reason Aveus side feels too warm for me. I thought it might be because the power surge from my freshly unlocked source and my body is still overheated but I walked through the Umbras today and the temperature was perfect to be dressed in warmer clothes without sweating in them. But after I crossed the barrier, I noticed that the temperature around here seems higher. I had to pull up the sleeves on my sweater to get a little bit of cold air to cool me down but it's not enough. And the tanktop I put on as an extra layer isn't helping me either. I wish I could just go somewhere private and take it off but I don't know where the bathrooms on this floor are or if there are even any. I walked through the hallway and looked from left to right, checking every door to see if they are labeled as toilets. So far I only passed doors that had this professor and that professor name engraved on a small rectangular bronze plate.
I continued to browse the different nametags but a familiar voiced called me. I turned around to see Professor Coldos walking in his usual outfit that's always consisting of a sky blue button up shirt, white or creamy colored loose pants and black derby shoes. His outfit has this summer vibe and looks thinner than mine. I must look like a frozen snowman in my thick woolen sweater, not to mention my whole back is now wet because I am sweating so much that the whole tanktop is now drenched. I wiped the drop of sweat that was making its' way from my forehead down my temple and greeted the professor.
Professor Coldos: Good morning to you too, Ms. Holland. Are you looking for my office again?
Me: Actually no. I was searching for a bathroom. I overdressed and now it's too hot to be walking around in this sweater.
Professor Coldos: I would advise you to dress lighter for the rest of the week. The whole school is enchated to warm up during colder months.
Me: I've realized that. It is pretty amazing. I felt a bit cold in the morning, that's why I picked these clothes but it was okay when I walked through the Umbras hallways.
Professor Coldos: Ah, yes. Now I understand. Aveus side has a higher temperature set for the enchantment because magical descendants or not, students at Aveus are still basically human compared to us. Our bodies work on different temperatures and we don't need that much heat. Some more than others, depending on their descendancy and powers. Since you have the power of lightning, it can generate more heat than for others. Same goes for some of the magicians. They can use spells or their powers to generate heat if they need to or their bodies do it automatically but the school is still set to a certain temperature to warm up the others.
Me: Like Idarin students that have fire powers?
Professor Coldos only nodded and hummed in response to my question, letting me know that I am right about it. Wished I knew about this before though. Now I have to suffer the whole day while sweating my ass off under all these layers.
We continued our conversation as we are walking through the hallway and then enter Professor Coldos' office. He told me sit down and then we will discuss how we will proceed with The student's week. No word about the tattoo or me breaking the ban on meeting with Mr. Hale, yet.
I placed my bag on the ground right next to a chair I picked to sit on. I had to roll up my sleeves again because they dropped down on my way here and then waited for Professor Coldos to tell me what to do. He is preparing books and stuff that looked like he will use it during his classes. I either kept playing with my fingers or wiping the sweat from my forehead.
After a while I started feeling a little bit bored. I blowed air out of my mouth and looked around the office. A big wooden crate caught my attention so I tried to focus my gaze on it and read the label sticker that's on the side.
Professor Coldos: It's the book shipment I told you about. I haven't had the chance to go through it because it's just arrived a few minutes ago. I don't know how many Noion books will be in there, but we can start sorting it today, then if we find any, we can work on them in the umpcoming days.
Me: Do you need me to help out? I can start sorting it out right now while you are getting ready for the classes.
Professor Coldos: Go ahead. You can sort them into piles right next to the crate and then we will find a place to work. I will ask for a furniture change so they can bring it while I teach. I wasn't expecting to get a help for my research because it's advanced even for people who have already graduated but I will inquire a little station to be made for you while you are here.
Me: Thank you. I am sorry for bothering you. I wasn't expecting to win The hunt too. I wasn't even supposed to.
Professor Coldos: The professors deemed you worthy of passing based on your actions and I think so too. Don't dwell on it, thinking you didn't deserve it.
I didn't respond and only moved swiftly around the office to the wooden box, then opened it. The lid is also made from wood so it is pretty heavy. I slowly pushed it to the side and my whole body cried in pain. I picked a book from the top, brushed off the dust so that I am able to read the title and do my work. Even though I am not on a good start with that because some of these books are written in languages I don't recognize and I have no idea how to sort them out. I picked up another one from the box and checked it out. Holding two books, one in each hand and turning them over from cover to their backs to see if I can decipher the language they are written in, but with no luck. Professor Coldos must have noticed how confused I look right now so he offered to help me and I felt so dumb.
Professor Coldos: If you don't know where the place the book, just read something from it and I will tell you which language it is, then you can sort it out to its' pile.
I thanked the professor and apologized for not being much of a help besides the normal human languages or the Noion one. I placed one of the books back into the crate and opened the other one I held in my left hand. I mumbled a sentence, reading each word slowly like I am a little kid that's only learning how to read. I had to go through some of the words multiple times because they were too long and complicated.
Professor Coldos: That's Scottish Gaelic. Pretty hard to learn and read.
Me: How can you even remember all of these languages and recognize them?
Professor Coldos: I speak over thirty mortal languages and around five that are used around the magical community.
Me: How many? That is crazy. Oh, I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I had troubles with learning just Spanish at highschool not to mention learning more than one language.
Professor Coldos: It's a part of my power so it's not like I had a choice. I still had to study the languages. The only difference is that it came pretty easy to me. If you pick an interest in any language let me know, I can help you out study the basics during this week. Or if you decided on continuing the Scriptology classes, I will let Professor Minertha know.
I thought about it but then declined the offer. I don't think I have a knack for languages besides English and this Noion language that I am somehow able to read so I would probably just waste my time in those classes. Not that I would even need it since the languages are required for spells and I won't do those. Well, it's not like I can't but I don't think that spells will be the main event for me when I can wield lightning. Is it even safe for me to reveal that I can still do spells?
I got lost in my thoughts for a little bit so I shook my head and then walked a few steps to the side to find a spot which I mentally labeled as "Scottish Gaelic books" and place the book there.
I returned to my spot to continue the sorting. It is a bit quiet in here which felt a bit awkward, especially with Professor Coldos. With Mr. Hale, I could just ask random questions and initiate conversation but what the hell am I supposed to talk about with Professor Coldos?! My brain is working so hard, trying to come up with something that I could ask but I couldn't think of anything. Professor Coldos is known as a strict teacher. He is focused on facts, his research and doesn't pry into private matters. I guess asking him what his favourite color is out of the way then.
The silence is killing me but I just continued to sort through the books. I only called out to the professor if I needed help with the book, read a few words and then sort it based on what he told me. I guess I will just do this until he gets everything ready for his classes and then I will just follow him, sit somewhere in the back and quietly write down notes. Or at least that's what I planned but to my surprise, Professor Coldos initiated conversation on his own.
Professor Coldos: If you have any questions, you can ask me anything.
Me: I don't really know what to ask.
Professor Coldos: Could be anything within some limits. I am not disclosing anything private but if you have any questions about the school or powers, I will gladly answer those. Especially now, when you've been banned to visit Killian, he won't be able to act as your Help for the time being.
Me: I didn't really have time to settle down yet at Umbras so I don't know much but I don't even know where to start asking. And also thank you, for not telling about me breaking the ban and visiting him in the infirmary.
Professor Coldos: How do you know that I haven't informed Principal Haydos about it?
Me: I thought... I don't know. I just have a feeling that you wouldn't do it, somehow.
Professor Coldos: Any other time, I wouldn't bat an eye about a student breaking rules or their bans, but Killian asked not to.
Me: Oh.
Oh was all I could say to that. Go figure that he wouldn't wait even a second to tell the principal that someone has broken the rules but Mr. Hale made him not to. Yet again, Mr. Hale helped me out. Was I happy about it? Yes. But was I sad too? Also yes. I felt so weak that I always need saving from Mr. Hale and only thought about how long it's going to last before he gets annoyed with saving my ass and gives up on me at the end. Saxa was right. I am pathetic and I need to step up my game if I want to survive here. I can't rely on people forever.
Professor Coldos: So you don't have any questions?
Me: I will think about it and write down a list. If I have any questions about the school, I will ask them tomorrow. But I was curious.
Professor Coldos: About what?
Me: Uhm, you don't have to answer if you think it's a private matter.
Professor Coldos: Ask away and if it's private, I won't answer.
Me: I wondered about your powers. Mr. Hale can read minds and do stuff related to that. You seem to have the ability to learn languages which is also related to mind... I guess? But why is it that those powers are so different when you are both Athena descendants?
Professor Coldos: Besides the ability to learn and comprehend languages, I also have an enhanced memory. And some other powers I would rather not share but yes, me and Killian are different. He comes from a different line and I guess the powers that were passed on evolved differently than my line.
Me: I still don't understand that whole line thing.
Professor Coldos: I guess your Introduction was focused on the magicians since you were at Aveus side at that time which would explain your lack of knowledge about god lines. Easiest way to explain this is... hmmm let me ask you a question.
Me: Yes?
Professor Coldos: Do you think that gods came to Earth only one time and that was it?
Me: No? I don't think so.
Professor Coldos: They came down from Olymp multiple times throughout the history. Sometimes they procreated and sometimes they didn't. No one understands the gods and their ways, why they do things they do but we don't question it. So do you have your answer now?
Me: So basically different bloodline means it was started at different times and didn't continue from that one visit.
Professor Coldos hummed in agreement and then continued to grab his stuff. He was almost done and now he is packing everything into his brown leather bag. I also continued doing what he instructed me to do and picked up yet another book. I've already sorted out maybe around a half of the crate, so I had to bend over to reach inside and grab another book. I took the old book binded in dark brow leather and brushed off the thick layer of dust. I couldn't read the title because its' golded letters were all chipped and the lines are broken. How old is this thing even? I brushed the book from each side and checked if there is a title on the sides too but it was also unreadable. All I could discern are scattered letters and pieces of words but they are in English, which is weird.
Me: Professor. I can't read this title because it's faded but some of the words are in English I think.
Professor Coldos: That's impossible. This shipment is supposed to have books in old languages like Gaelic, Latin or Noion and others. Just open the book and read a part.
Is this one in Noion? The language looks like squiggles to others but I see them as normal letters. But I still did as Professor Coldos instructed me to do. I stuck my thumbs into the middle of the book and opened it on random two pages. I was going to read the text but the moment I opened it fully, I black dust was shot out of the book directly into my face. I dropped the book and started to cough. That thing got inside my eyes, nose and my mouth. I couldn't breath or see anything. I stumbled around the room to grab something solid while I tried to cough out that black dust that has covered my throat and was making its' way into my lungs. In the backround I only heard Professor Coldos asking me if I am okay and I could swear that there was a hidden laugh behind those words.
A pair of male hands grabbed the sides of my upper arms and then told me to stay still. It is Professor Coldos who has some sort of cloth or a tissue which he is using to wipe away the dust from my face. After he did that, I could open my watery eyes. He handed me the tissue and I turned it around to get a clear spot so that I can wipe the tears. The white places of the tissue were now all black from the tears that got also colored. Professor Coldos went to grab a glass of water in the meantime and then handed it to me. I wasn't sure if it's a good idea to drink while that unknown dust is still covering the insides of my throat. What if it's some sort of poison and I will only help it to get into my system? But Professor Coldos reassured me that it's okay and that I should just drink to flush that dust. I took big gulps, washing all that dust which scratched my throat so bad and the water brought some relief.
Professor Coldos: I didn't think that one of those pesky little books will find its' way into the shipment but I guess the librarians were too lazy to check them for any enchantments and spells. Don't worry about it. The dust is just a prank I have been a victim to more than I want to admit. I will have a talk with the people who worked on this shipment about this.
Me: So this was just a prank?
Professor Coldos: Yes. For some reason, some of the Noion books are enchanted to eject this colored dust on the person that wants to read them. We tested it after it happened to us and we figured out that it's harmless. It could have some other functions we don't know about but so far I haven't had any side effects and it has been years since I opened a book like that. My one theory is that it is an anti-stealing enchantment and if you got caught, they would know it was you because you would be marked by the dust like you are right now.
I looked down on my clothes and the front of my woolen sweater is turned completely black now. Will I be even able to wash this out? Professor Coldos choked yet another laugh which surprised me because it isn't his personality but I guess this must be pretty funny. Especially since he got pranked like this too and now so did I. He told me to go back to my dorm and get a shower, change my clothes and then come back. I agreed because there is no way I am showing up like this to his classes which are for the upperclassmen and I don't want to become a laughing stock for them. Not that it matters because they are Aveus upperclassman and I won't be seeing them after this week but still.
Professor Coldos asked me to hand him my pass. I went to get the coin from my bag and gave it to him. He walked to his desk and picked up the line phone that's placed on the right side of his table from my point of view. He called someone and asked for an extention of my stay at Aveus, then explained the reason.
After they ended the call, he held the pass in his hands and stared at it, then he walked towards me to hand it back. I took the coin from Professor Coldos who told me that there is still some time before his classes start so I don't have to hurry. I checked the pass and my time got extended by two more hours but I don't need that much anyway. I want to get this thing off of me as soon as possible. And I will have to run for it because people in the hallways will still see the remnants of the dust that is covering my whole sweater and I don't even know the state of my face. I thanked the professor and promised to be as quick as possible, then sprinted throughout the whole school to cross the barrier looking like I been sweeping chimneys.
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