Name: Lydia Bergholm, but don't bother with her last name. However your pronouncing it, you're wrong. Most of the time she goes by Lyddie
Age: Ninteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lyddie is Asexual
Faceclaim: Pasha Harulia
However smart you think you are, Lyddie is guaranteed smarter. She knows the science behind what you ate for breakfast, and she knows the meaning of your name. Ask her a question and she will answer, and that's just the way she is. She's got this manner about her that just says what you need to say before you even think it. One might compare Lyddie to Sherlock Holmes, in a sense, she even wants to be a detective.
She doesn't necessarily know she's smart, nah, but she's not necessarily humble. Lyddie won't go around flaunting her smarts, but when she makes an achievement, the world will find out soon enough.
Another thing, Lyddie is very verbal. Verbal with her thoughts on people, if she insults you, it's true. She's verbal with her ramblings, she talks an awful lot and an awful too much. And lastly, verbal with her feelings. She will tell you if she's upset, and you'd best find it in your interests to fix it. This poses a problem though, she expects other people to be as open as she is.
Lyddie has high expectations. If you don't live up to them, she'll probably be upset, and this causes some tension, because if anyone's good at being angry, it's Lyddie.
When she's angry, which may or may not happen quite often, there's no stopping her. Lydia has a way with words that makes people just feel guilty. And that, when wielded in the hands of the right person, can be very dangerous.
One of the more obvious ones is her intelligence, and seeming skill at most things she tries, acting and singing and dancing and that sort exempt. She does play a mean Piccolo though, I'll give her that.
Her ability to be purely honest with you without feeling too much guilt. Like, if she killed you cat she'd tell you and not hide it out of guilt. That's just the way she was raised.
Lyddie has a skill at pronouncing names, which is good for her, seeing as her surname is a bit of a chore. She'll never mispronounce a name, which is good in a not offending people.
She's very good at negotiating and keeping cool in rough situations. Lyddie has a level head and a sober brain at all times.
Lydia Bergholm has never fit in. From the moment she was born, she was different than most everyone who lived in her forsaken city. Lyddie has the inability to conform to society's wishes, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't great.
Be it children or animals, Lyddie isn't great with either. It's all the hair probably, or how much she hates a mess. Either way, whenever she talks to kids she ever ends up hurting their feelings or boring them to death.
One thing people have to know about Lydia, she's very imminent about everything. If you're wrong, and she knows for a fact that you're wrong, she will press until she gets you to admit she's right. Lyddie is, in a sense, pushy, and constantly wants things to be moving forward, ticking onward.
She tends to under-explain things. Stuff that makes sense in her mind rarely makes sense to other people, which causes some debate and confusion. Best get that fixed.
Well, for one, tinkering. Lyddie likes to tinker with the gears and cogs of clocks, alongside making colorful faces. She might spend months on one clock, and if she likes you enough, you can have it.
Her piccolo. Mostly when she's angry though. Lydia finds it quite funny how high the instrument goes, and it usually calms her down before she does anything rash.
Lyddie loves to read, mostly non-fiction, but occasionally she'll delve into a fictitious world for a few hours and enjoy herself.
What country are you from?: Aelanta
It was Midsummer when Lydia was born. It was very hot, hitting temperatures that were close to dangerous. Her mother was a beautiful woman, a well respected and successful actress. Her father, a songwriter, was also revered. Her birth, the single child of the two, was celebrated by the press.
Once the celebration and the glitter died down, however, Lydia was normal. Other than the fact that she started speaking before most would even consider it. She was such an early learner that most considered it unhealthy, odd, and a sign of bad things to come. It wasn't, of course, but that didn't stop the whispers.
They continued to follow her at school, where hardly anyone bothered to talk to her. They all felt stupid when they did, so you couldn't blame them. Teachers would mumble about how so much intelligence was wasted on a girl who was bound for the screen.
Lyddie never really thought she was bound for that though. The closest thing she'd ever done to performing was her piccolo but that was private, only for her and people she trusted.
And thus Lydia became a disappointment of epic proportions. Still, her parents tried to encourage her as best they could, even if it was the hardest thing they'd ever done.
Fun fact: Lydia's parents go by the surname of White, but Lyddie, in order to separate her talents from theirs, goes by her actual surname, Bergholm.
Preferred Aesthtic Color: White
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