Name: Amaryllis Sara Schofield
Age: 19
Appearance: Amaryllis was given features not unlike those of her father. Her hazel eyes are piercing, and one if the only things she and her mother have in common. Her dark hair always curls slightly when wet, much to her annoyance.
Personality: Amaryllis has tried. And tried again. She's tried until the trying got to hard, and then she tried to try a little bit more. She's persistent, but sometimes, that's not exactly enough to satisfy people. Her oddness has kept her from doing a great many things, I regret to inform you.
She lives under the constant mindset that if she can't rely on someone, she always needs a plan B. If she happens to get cold feet, she'll be out even before two counts.
Amaryllis is a sweetheart if you get past all that discomfort and utter disregard for humanity. She never forgets her "please"s and her "Thank You"s. She always mumbles them, she doesn't want all too much recognition for her words.
Most of her smarts come from the books she's read, so Amaryllis isn't particularly street smart. She doesn't understand slang, and is particularly prone to asking about that sort of thing, in a quiet tone, of course.
Amaryllis is very invested in the wellbeing of her books. They keep her from flying off the handle sometimes, that's to be admitted. From stories, to articles, to sheets of music, all of it makes Amaryllis grin.
Speaking of music, the only musical talent she possesses whatsoever is that of the ukulele. It's an odd little hobby of hers, but she's really good at it. She can play literally anything with her ukulele. But don't ask her to sing, or anything else for that matter.
Amaryllis enjoys long walks in the middle of the night. No matter that she sees weird shapes in the dark, it's exhilarating. The more chill the night the better. It's a decent cure for her imminent insomnia.
She also has a distinct love for things when they're all planned out and pretty such. Disorder makes her fall into a little state of shock, poor kid. As long as it's organized chaos it's okay though, she's a bit of that.
Amaryllis doesn't particularly like when people touch her. At all. Hugs are a definite no upon meeting her. Sure, if she knows you well, and I mean well, the occasional brush against her will be fine. Sure, sometimes she feels touchy, but mostly, nah.
She has a true hatred for people who think they know more than everyone else. Some people she's encountered have pretended they know what their doing more than she does, although she has explained she's not some sort of clueless kid.
She doesn't much like water. Probably her awful fear of drowning that creeps in every once in a while.
Backstory: Amaryllis had a rough beginning. For the first few hours of her life, she wasn't expected to live. It was a miracle that she came out of all of that breathing, and even crazier, perfectly fine.
As a kid she nearly died a number of times, mostly falling off of things. She just tried to get higher than she actually could.
Come school age, Amaryllis wasn't exactly the most sociable of children. When she did talk to kids her age, it was mostly to tell them to buzz off. She got teased quite often due to her worrisome nature.
The people she did fit in with were the delinquents who spent most of their time in the 'Room Of Thought'. They were there for numerous negative reasons, although Amaryllis was always an inmate due to the inescapable terror of other kids.
This happens to be where she met Gregor Munich. He was a chronic liar and cheat, but he couldn't have taken more of a liking to Amaryllis and vice versa.
Madelyn Schofield, mother
Werner Schofield, father
Lily Zara Schofield, older sister
Social Class: Five
Flaws: One of the biggest things that bothers people about Amaryllis is her refusal to look people in the eyes most often.
Then there's her common, unflinching dislike for people who aren't her people.
Amaryllis also isn't all too close with her family, which she thinks is something wrong with herself. Lily is, but Amaryllis never really seemed to get around to that bonding thing.
Drowning. It's terrifying. Probably because she's heard stories of her grandfather being drowned in the depths of the sea that worries her.
She also doesn't ever want to get murdered. It's a crazy sort of fear, seeing as she lives in a sheltered environment, but nonetheless, it persists.
People think it's irrational, but Amaryllis is terrified of people touching her. Get to know her first, please and thank you.
Job: She is currently unemployed
Skills: She plays the ukulele pretty well, you'll see her carrying it around.
Then there's her smile, when it does show, that's contagious beyond measure.
Amaryllis is excellent at finding her way though places she's been before. The kid has a sort of photographic memory. Don't ask for directions though, she's hopeless at that.
Passwords: I'm not much a master of rules, and it seems as though you did pretty well. If I think of something I'll tell you.
StargazerintheTardis all I have to say is Potassium
RxseSxciety I'd write another poem but I think I've used the extent of my knowledge
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