... -_- ...
That's it. That's what I wrote
When I was writing this, I was still under that impression that I hAvE tO wRiTe StUfF aLl ThE tImE oR i WaS sLaCkInG. this misconception was probably borne of hearing and reading others talk about writer's block and never finding the words and all those "relatable" memes, and for a long time I laughed along and felt stupid but validated when I couldn't squeeze anything out. But a while ago, I got over that. Maybe it's different if you have a deadline, but as an extremely independent writer, I have realized that I quite simply don't write all that fast all that easy. And that's O.K. Is there some definition of writer's block being not able to write x words in y days? No, it is quite subjective. I don't have writer's block, I just can't churn out stuff on the fly. I just can't
This has more to do with other stories, but something I realized about my writing is that when I was younger, I thought I wanted to write a book because I had these amazing story idea and characters and that's what you do with those, right? Not necessarily. Maybe my characters would make a good story.... if i could even nail down a cohesive plotline. My stories and characters have changed with me and that has made me think that maybe these aren't my bok characters, they're just my characters. I had imaginary friends all the time as a child so having characters in the back of my head (or at the forefront, y'know) is kinda a part of me. I don't need to write a bestseller with them, they can just exist. I do write about them sometimes, but again, there is no outline and no plot. Just stuff happening. It could literally just be a journal of sorts but instead of me simply writing down observations about myself and the world at large, I give them to characters and make it a story. So yeah like a book, but just for me. I would like to make a streamlined book one day, but for that I need a lot more life experience, so that's going to have to wait. I'm not pressing myself for time anymore.
So tl;dr, I got over this pressing need to wRITE SOMETHING OR YOU'RE A FAILURE AAAAHHHHH and I am very glad I did.
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