This city's gonna break my heart
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I've been seeing lonely people in crowded rooms
Covering their old heartbreaks with new tattoos
It's all about smoke screens and cigarettes
Looking through low lights at silhouettes
But all I see is lonely people in crowded rooms
This city's gonna break my heart
This city's gonna love me then leave me alone
This city's got me chasing stars
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home
Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong?
This city's gonna break my heart
She's always gonna break your heart, oh
I remember mornings when my head didn't hurt
And I remember nights when art didn't feel like work
She wakes up at noon and she's out 'til three
She leaves her perfume all over me
But I remember mornings when my head didn't hurt
Oh, this city's gonna break my heart (it's gonna break my heart)
This city's gonna love me then leave me alone
This city's got me chasing stars (got me chasing stars)
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home (oh)
Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong?
This city's gonna break my heart
She's always gonna break your heart
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
She got a hold on me
She got me wrapped 'round her finger
She got a hold on me
She got me wrapped 'round her finger
This city's gonna break my heart (oh, yeah)
This city's gonna love me then leave me alone (it's gonna love me then leave me alone)
This city's got me chasing stars (oh)
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home
Am I getting closer to knowing where I belong?
This city's gonna break my heart (hey, yeah)
She's always gonna break your heart
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh
This city's gonna break my heart, hey
She's always gonna break your heart
💚 You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by one 💚 Billie Eilish!
With her cut from the sale of the necklace, Aeolian Kir-Taban rented a place on the other side of Goedmaidbridge. She knew that the money she has will run out eventually if she didn't work, and she needed to work if she wanted to earn enough to get out of the city. It wasn't hard for her to find a job with her talents, and she ended up working for a rich Councilman named Hoede (Apart from spying for the Dregs at times).
Ever since her first Grisha kill and the events of the Shadow Fold, things have changed a lot for the Shu princess. She wasn't the same girl she used to be, now Grisha or not, if they're evil, they met the same fate as the others. Before Inej left, she told her to help the Dregs in her absence because Kaz Brekker was always hungry for information. And also in a city like Ketterdam belonging to a gang helps, she was the least interested to join a street gang but Kaz has put her under the protection of the Dregs anyway. She found herself scurrying informations for them, every once in a while.
Kaz always riled her up, it was his thing, and half of the time she wanted to slit his throat. But then she found being her true self around him, she felt stupid when she found herself thinking about him at times. He was Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands and he'd always be that for her, nothing more, she kept the reminder. If only she knew the real reason why Kaz kept on riling her up was; cos he didn't want to face his own feelings for her.
Almost everyone in Ketterdam has a tattoo or more, belonging to a gang or a part of an organisation was normal. They show people to which gang or house a particular person belong to, and it was not only for show but it protects a person from thugs and rivals as well. It was a necessity to be tattooed, and every member of the Dregs has the crow and cup tattoo on their forearm. But Aeolian didn't want the Dregs tattoo on her, because for her a tattoo should hold a meaning and she wasn't really a Dregs by heart. So, it meant something to her when Kaz gave her the choice because he didn't want to be the person to mark her.
She has four tattoos, they were all on her back because she wanted to be discreet. The black dragon tattoo on her left represented The Desert Blade. The Sun tattoo on her right, represented The Onyx. Below The Onyx tattoo was a very unique tattoo in a secret coded language, that protects her. And below that was written in Shu, "the most precious jewel of the Desert." It was the name her people called her.
( Aeolian's tattoos)
Ps:- I found these stickers from Picsart.
🤎 You talkin' money, need a hearing aid
You talkin' 'bout me, I don't see the shade
Switch up my style, I take any lane
I switch up my cup, I kill any pain 🤎 The weekend!
Jesper Fahey left Novyi Zem to attend university in Ketterdam, but he began gambling and quickly became addicted. He joined the Dregs after Kaz Brekker saved him from a beating. From then on he became a trusted accomplice of Kaz, apart from Inej Gafa. The three teenagers along with Aeolian and Arken crossed the Fold to kidnap the Sun Summoner for one million kruge, but their plan took a disastrous turn and at the end of the day when they thought they lost it all, Alina Starkov gave Aeolian the necklace she stole from the Little Palace for her. With Arken gone, the four teenagers divided the haul of the necklace among themselves and Jesper was the only one among them that wasted his money on gambling. He is always deeply in debt, but this time he had made the worst mistake of his life.
After returning to Ketterdam, Aeolian got busy with Dressen and Kaz with Pekka Rollins. And with Inej being gone to serve Alina Starkov, and Jesper left with his share of money, his gambling addiction heightened and in no time, he was back to square one. When his father's farm began turning a profit, he used the farm as collateral for a loan, without giving it a second thought. Little did he know that this mistake of his was going to cost him more than he imagined, and it was not only going to affect him but his father as well.
And with things going real bad for him Jesper had no choice but confess his mistakes to Kaz Brekker because he knew that, the only person who could find a solution to his problems was Dirtyhands. Because he always had a plan up his sleeves, and he was just hoping and praying that his father doesn't find out what he had done, because he couldn't let his father down. After all, even though he was messed up, his father was his world and he was his father's, after the passing of his mother, they only have each other.
🖤 Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries 🖤 Fall out boys!
Kaz Brekker never thought he'd miss Inej one day but he was wrong, for almost two years she was a part of them and he trusted her. But she has found her purpose in life, and he was proud of the suli girl. Even though there were others in the Dregs, Kaz considered Inej and Jesper to be his Crows, the ones he trusts the most. And unknowingly, Aeolian has become a part of them.
It felt like physical pain, when his affiliations didn't fade and he found fighting himself when it came to her. He knew how to play the pretend game and to put his guard up. He had built a legacy for himself in the Barrel and became the most feared thief. So it was easy to fake it, there were times when he thought she might hate him for the things he did or say. And he wished she hated him, because it'll make things easier for him. But a part of him wished for something else.
The first time he introduced her to the Dregs, the men nearly lost their sanity over the mesmerising Shu spy in front of them. She always has a way to grab the attention of the crowd, and there was something in her that knows what a person wants. She wasn't normal that's what he knew, and whatever magic she did back then in Kribirsk with her singing he hadn't forgotten it, even though he never brought it up, it still haunted him till this very day. She play tricks with people's mind, that's what he knows, and she always will.
She readily opened her arms and home to Wylan and he moved in with her, the very next day, after their first meeting. People click with her in ways Kaz couldn't understand. Maybe that was her gift and a curse to him because he didn't want to click with her in the way he did.
❤️ Fuck a princess, I'm a king
Bow down and kiss on my ring
Being a bitch is my kink
What the fuck else did you think? ❤️ Ashnikko!
It wasn't Nina Zenik first choice to be part of the Dregs but after her first meeting with the four teenagers on the ship and clicking with Aeolian, she decided to put her trust on them. She has no idea about what the Shu girl usually does, but she never questioned her. They both kept out of each other business, and they supported one-another, that in such a short period of time, they became closer than they thought they would.
Her plan to free Matthias Helvar out of prison was going into waters, and Kaz Brekker seemed the least bothered to help her. With time she found out that arguing with Dirtyhands was of no use and he never does something, for nothing. Aeolian had assured Nina that she'd help her free Helvar before the year ends, but Nina knew what kind of a place Hellgate was and she didn't want Helvar to be in that saints forsaken place for another day. But in Ketterdam money talks, and it was not easy to get someone out of a prison like Hellgate, and the amounts of strings a person needs to pull for that was out of Nina's reach.
The only thing she knew that she could do now is just hope and pray that the teenagers she put her trust on to bust Helvar out of prison would, when the right time comes. Even though she couldn't trust Kaz Brekker who only thinks about himself and his benefits. At the end of the day, she has her confidence on Aeolian who has become a sister to her, to help her free Matthias Benedik Helvar out of the hells of Hellgate before the young Fjerdan boy is doomed forever.
💛 Ice on my neck that's incoming
I'm a pretty boy, I'm stunning
Super-speed, Sonic, I'm running 💛 Curtis Waters!
Wylan Van Eck was the son of the rich merchant Jan Van Eck, he had a good life growing up, until his father found out that he couldn't read or write like the other boys. And after his mother's death, Wylan's life went downhill. When his step mother Alys Van Eck got pregnant, Jan Van Eck send Wylan off to music school but what he didn't know was that his father was sending him to be disposed off. When he found out about his father's plan, he escaped and ended up in the Barrel, the place where his father would not look for him.
With the little money he had, he rented a room and started working in the warehouse district at a chemical factory. He was planning to make enough money for his survival and to run away somewhere far from the wretched city—even though he had nowhere else to go. In those miserable days of his, Jesper Fahey showed up at the factory with a note from Kaz Brekker, Wylan had heard Brekker's name and he knew Dirtyhands. But Kaz was offering more money than anyone for demo, so Wylan listened to his gut and met Kaz at the alley that night.
Kaz's cold disposition and short temperament, gave Wylan a fright. There was nothing good about Dirtyhands, he was the worst thing about the Barrel. But Wylan changed his mind when the Shu girl appeared, he didn't see her, until she showed herself in the light. She was radiant, soft and gentle unlike Brekker, she spoke like she knew Wylan and he couldn't say no to her. At the end of the night, he decided that if someone like her relied on Kaz, he could too.
Wylan soon found out Aeolian was 'the ghost' herself, he has heard rumours about a disappearing figure around Ketterdam and it was none other than the Shu girl, he trusted. But he has not been wrong in putting his trust on her because she'd never let him down. The very next day Aeolian had invited him to move in with her, so he ditched the old boardinghouse he was living on. And moved to East Stave, where she has her own apartment, it was the homeliest place for the gang and almost everyday one of them shows up with a thing or the other.
Wylan has never felt at home even when he was at his father's place, but here with Aeolian, he found a home. Even though it was not the best place in Ketterdam, for him it was paradise, after what he had been through. He didn't understand the mysterious Shu girl, blessed with good looks and charms of an angel but he didn't need to understand her. Because he felt the safest with her, and he confided in her. But he'd never told her the real reason why he left home, he was ashamed that his very own father tried to kill him. They'll thought he fled cos of some personal reasons and he wanted to keep it that way.
💙 But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here 💙 Radiohead!
Matthias Benedik Helvar became a drüskelle under the wing of drüskelle commander Jarl Brum. After their group captured Nina Zenik and was headed to Fjerda, their ship was caught in a storm and destroyed. He survived the shipwreck with Nina, and they survived together for three weeks in the Fjerdan wilderness. Nina kept him alive through the freezing water and Matthias saved Nina from falling into an ice crevasse, and he decided to get her safely home to Ravka as something more than friendship grew between them. However, once they arrived in Elling, Nina told a Kerch trader that he was a slaver resulting in his imprisonment at Hellgate.
Matthias was dreaming again. Dreaming of her. In the good dreams, he slammed her to the ground and throttled her, watching the life drain from her eyes, heart full of vengeance. In the bad dreams, he kissed her, buried his face in the sweet hollow of her neck, and he felt that if he could just hold her a little longer, every wound, every hurt, every bad thing would melt away.
"Matthias," she would whisper his name. These were the worst dreams, and when he woke, he hated himself almost as much as he hated her. To know that he could betray himself, betray his country again even in sleep, to know that: after everything she'd done, some sick part of him still hungered after was too much.
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