'This is ridiculous. How could the Emperor send us here with what he told the baron?'
'I'm sure he was just trying to keep communication.'
'I didn't hear your defence in the chamber?'
'It sounded like you had it handled, Master.'
Obi-wan stopped his pacing to narrow his eyes at Anakin. The Jedi were led from the baron's chamber by Mon vin Cuss. They met with the clones, who had been anxiously waiting outside, and they were taken back through the halls.
After being handed it back from a clone, Sidra felt better when her lightsaber was reattached to her belt. It had been safe with the 501st, but Sidra couldn't convince herself that she was safe without it.
The introduction to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen told the Jedi what they already knew. He wanted the Fremen exterminated, and he wanted the Jedi's help. The Harkonnen had slaughtered House Atreides with the desire to retake the Spice harvest, and it was not yet clear how they were able to pull it off.
But thanks to Obi-wan's constant reinstating of being just peacekeepers and negotiators, the baron had no choice but to accept the peacekeeping services they offered.
While the 501st were lead to their allocated quarters by Glossu Rabban, the Jedi were brought to more luxurious housing.
Still connected to the imperial building, four rooms inhabited the same grey walls. In each room, there was a bed, which consisted of a mattress on the solid floor. The pillows appeared hard and the covers were thin, despite the complex being heavily air-conditioned at all hours of the day.
As well as sleeping facilities, each room was equipped with a round table and a set of chairs. This was where the four gathered, choosing Anakin's room by random chance, and were discussing their situation before they retired for the day.
'I'm still unsure how the Harkonnen were able to carry out the invasion,' Obi-wan thought aloud, his gloved hand rubbing his facial hair. 'They're a fierce army, yes, but the Atreides were one of the best in the universe.'
'Maybe they had help,' Anakin replied, but it was a dwindling conversation.
With Obi-wan standing and Anakin undoing his vambraces while on a chair, Sidra and Ahsoka sat silently in the remaining seats.
Their Masters were discussing the baron's orders, while comparing them to what the Jedi Council had made the party's mission. Although it was relevant to them, the Padawans couldn't help but be distant from the discussion.
Sidra was in the process of casting her mind back to the Jedi Archives. Her research on the Harkonnen was extensive enough to learn most of their family tree. She knew that Feyd-Rautha and Glossu Rabban were brothers despite their different surnames. Their mother had renounced the Harkonnen name, but her sons had reunited with their uncle and took advantage of his power.
While Sidra was thinking of what she knew about Feyd-Rathua, Ahsoka was trying to rid him from her mind altogether. His presence had made her uncomfortable and his continuous stare made her feel as if it was still on her.
Their interaction with the baron's youngest nephew was brief, but it had made the two aware of who they wanted to avoid while on Arrakis.
'How much does this planet make? Surely this invasion was not worth its value,' Sidra's attention was piqued by Anakin's question.
'1.5 billion Solaris,' Sidra didn't look up from the table. 'Which is about 67.5 billion imperial credits a year.'
Obi-wan turned his body to his Padawan, while Anakin and Ahsoka turned in their seats to do the same. Sida's was leant back in the domed-back chair and her downturned lips didn't move when she looked up from the table.
The looks she received weren't surprising. She expected shock and disbelief, and if she was being told that number for the first time, she would be the same. No one analysed how much money was truly made from the Spice trade, and Sidra only knew from her extensive research on Arrakis' history.
'Maker... no wonder the Harkonnen didn't want to lose its revenue,' Ahsoka stated while blinking in surprise.
'The baron's nephew has his life laid out for him now,' Anakin mumbled, tossing his vambraces onto the table. 'Apart from being frightfully unnerving, he's got an empire built on slaughter just waiting for him.'
At the mention of Feyd-Rautha, Ahsoka and Sidra stiffened. The reminder of his stare made its burn singe their skin. Even the Force couldn't get away from the young boy, as it hadn't felt the same since leaving the presence chamber.
'I certainly noticed his presence despite not seeing him at first. And judging by his special attention on you, Ahsoka, I'm assuming he has a weakness towards his primal desires.'
Ahsoka's lips parted and her heart plummeted into her stomach. From where Sidra was sat, she sensed the shift in her friend's signature from Obi-wan's acknowledgement.
It was enough to cage the interaction in her mind, but it was confronting to have the events acknowledged by someone else. Ahsoka looked away from Obi-wan to her own Master, who was held slight concern on his face. The urge to ask about the events were brewing in his throat, but Ahsoka wasn't prepared to tell him how uncomfortable she was in the baron's chamber.
'He's been raised with the promise of power. I can't imagine he's ever been told 'no' in his life,' Sidra said, letting her disgust for the man run her words. But it seemed the rest of the Jedi agreed as a mutual silence blanketed the room.
Sidra took the time to think about the mission they've been dished by the Council. Judging by the disbelief from her Master, and the unease from Master Skywalker, Sidra gathered there was something about the mission that they hadn't been told. Something about the massacre of the Atreides didn't seem right, apart from the fact that the Council seems to be ignoring it.
Knowing that Arrakeen used to be teeming with the extinct Great House, Sidra knew that she would have trouble sleeping in her quarters tonight.
'I'm going to report to the Council,' Master Obi-wan said after a while. 'I'm assuming that we'll be looking at making contact with the Fremen tomorrow, so let's get some sleep. We need to be alert when in the desert.'
And with that, Anakin was left to his devices in his own room.
Obi-wan wished Sidra a goodnight sleep and disappeared behind a door in the hall. But before she could do the same, she caught sight of Ahsoka's slowly retreating back. Despite her urge to have some alone time, Sidra fought to stay communicative for a moment longer.
'Soka,' she called, and the Togruta turned with raised eyebrows. Sidra noticed the air of unease in her signature, and couldn't let Ahsoka disappear just yet.
'Don't let it bother you. If it gets any worse, I'm sure Master Skywalker will say something.'
Ahsoka was thankful for Sidra's thought, but she couldn't help but bite her lip at the talk of intervention. They both knew that Anakin was held back by the Jedi Council. Even though he was smart-mouthed, Ahsoka felt like she couldn't guarantee he would say something if it were to endanger the mission.
Master Windu's last words of warning made it clear that Anakin knew not to jeopardise the negotiations. So, if Feyd-Rautha continued to make Ahsoka's stay uncomfortable, she might have no choice but to count the days until they leave Arrakis.
'Or if he doesn't, then I will.'
For the first time since walking through the chilled halls, Ahsoka's shoulders relaxed. When she felt overwhelmed or troubled, Ahsoka enjoyed Sidra's company and comfort. Whether it was with her extensive knowledge on nearly everything, or from her ability to relate to someone else's troubles, Sidra always knew what to say.
Something about Sidra's large dark eyes and warm aura soothed those around her. The girl only needed to look up from her archive files to make someone feel welcome. And if she smiled, no matter the situation, Ahsoka knew that she would be okay with Sidra by her side.
'Thank you, Sid... you'll set them straight,' Ahsoka joked, and Sidra flashed a close-lipped smile with twinkling eyes.
'Goodnight, Soka.'
'Goodnight, Sid.'
Sidra woke up from her light, barely unconscious sleep. Her allocated room was dark and cool, making it the perfect sleeping environment. But compared to her quarters at the Jedi Temple, the room's ceiling stretched too high and the corners were too deep.
Sidra wasn't used to having such a large space to herself. If anything, the room made her feel like she wasn't in control. Although she kept her lightsaber under her pillow, and sent a scanning droid around the room to see if she was being watched or listened in on, Sidra felt like she was in someone else's space.
But like any other morning, Sidra undressed from her cotton shorts and shirt and prepared her robes and armour. The light grey panels were lightweight as they enclosed over her under-robe, and she braided her hair from the crown of her head.
Before she left her room, Sidra decided to open the window's shutters. She suspected the complex relied on blinds to keep the extreme heat out.
Once it reached near midday on Arrakis, it was nearly impossible to function out in the open air. Any off-worlder wouldn't last in the heat, so all shutters were kept closed throughout the day.
The sights of Arrakeen were nothing special. Sidra noticed how the city was still with no winds and no plantation to wither in the sun. Sidra remembered reading that some cacti could thrive, but animals were scarce. She, of course, knew of the sandworms, and had read about small mice that scurried through the sand.
But Arrakeen was quiet, and Sidra would have thought that the geometric buildings were abandoned. But she had read about the population of Arrakis before leaving Coruscant, and knew that at least five million inhabited the cities. And then there was the Fremen, whose numbers were yet to be confirmed.
A knock sounded from the door and Sidra turned away from the window. She sensed Master Obi-wan and made to close the shutters while acknowledging him to enter.
'They're offering us some breakfast,' Obi-wan stated while in the doorway. 'And then we'll be scoping out the desert.'
'Alright,' Sidra said and the two left her room.
After a surprisingly mediocre breakfast, the Jedi were led back through the soulless walls. Much to their relief, Glossu Rabban was not present in their escort. Instead, Mon vin Cuss walked the halls at his slowest speed.
'Your clone army have been offered breakfast, and have been shown the training quarters of the complex. I hope these will be adequate facilities for the Republic's forces.'
'I'm sure they will be grateful for those services, thank you,' Obi-wan said while they walked through the copies of concrete walls.
'The baron would like to have you briefed on what we know about the Fremen,' Mon said, his voice smooth but still emotionless. 'And then, if you are prepared to, one of our harvesting teams can take you out into the desert.'
'I trust that we will be provided with some of your armour for that?' Anakin made sure that his stoic side-eye was seen by the baron's advisor.
'Of course, Master Jedi. We have experienced Fremen who will ensure you're secure in a stillsuit.'
Sidra turned her head to exchange a look with Ahsoka, who seemed to be questioning the same thing.
'Fremen?' Ahsoka was the one say it aloud, and Obi-wan and Anakin showed their own curiosity through their silence.
'Yes,' Mon barely twisted his neck to peer at Ahsoka behind him. 'The only way we can continue our harvest in the desert, is to know how the Fremen survive in it. We have an informant who prepares our men for the harvest with the ways of the natives.
But do not fret. We make the functionality and secrets of the harvest our top priority. The Fremen who work here have been successfully integrated into our operations. They know their place.'
Obi-wan was the only one out of the four that didn't recoil in disgust. The way Mon talked about the Fremen could be compared to how vermin were treated. Sidra couldn't stand the way the advisor used the word 'integrated' despite having prior knowledge about the Fremen's treatment by the Harkonnen.
To hear that the Fremen were helping the Harkonnen harvest the Spice was an oxymoron. The air around the Jedi was tense but Mon took no notice. He almost glided through the hall while the realisation of the Harkonnen's brutality was abandoned in his wake.
'But the debrief is important,' Mon continued on. 'Let us begin with that first.'
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