Y/N's P.O.V
One of the Fairy's Grab on to my shirt so I turn to look at them. Yes Cana? Cana:Me and the rest of my guild challenge you to a singing contest.
You're that desperate? You wanna TRY and beat me go ahead I Accept. Pumpkin:Our next battle will be between the girls in this group and the girls of Fairy Tail!!!
I put my hands behind my head and smirk. Announcer:This is a Singing contest so we'll change their outfit based on the song!
Pumpkin:There will be three rounds! Hey Lucy, Erza, Wendy, And Levy I have teams! Levy:ok tell. Hey Announcer I need Sting for my first song!
Announcer:Sure. Erza and Lucy you'll go second I already have outfits and a song. Lucy:Ok hand me my outfit. I hand Erza and Lucy their outfits so they change.
Levy You and Wendy will be the other team! Wendy:What about you Y/n-Chan? I'm going Last don't worry.
Cana:I'll start. She sings faded
They clap until Erza and Lucy step up wearing...
I smirk and they wink at me.
Announcer:Ok scream as loud as you can if you think Cana won. Crowd:WOO!!! Announcer:Now scream if you think Erza and Lucy Won.
Crowd:WOOOOOOO!!! Pumpkin:Erza and Lucy won the first round,on to round two! I hand Levy and Wendy some outfits and they run off to change.
Evergreen and Bisca step in front of us smirking.
Levy and Wendy come out wearing...
I look at them and clap. You don't have to make your songs clean. Wendy:Thank god. Levy:Good I didn't feel like singing some fucking baby shit.
I nod at them. Announcer:Yell if you vote for Fairy Tail. Crowd:YEAH WOO!!! Announcer:Yell if you vote for Sabertooth! Crowd:GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Pumpkin:Levy and Wendy win,Next round! Laki:I got this!
Levy:You think THAT will beat Y/n?!? She falls on the floor laughing and the rest of them are trying really hard not to.
I change into my outfit...
And pull Sting next to me. We stand in the middle of the arena.
Announcer:Yell the name of the winner! Crowd:SABERTOOTH!!!
I high five Sting and change into my normal clothes. Sting:So hard to control. Don't worry you can do it. He kisses me and walks to his booth while I wait for the girls.
Levy:We're done. Hey Wendy wanna hang with us till you have to fight? Wendy:Sure its much better then hanging with the boys.
Say why don't you make your Fairy's join Sabertooth? Erza:I would but their weak and betrayed our friendship. Levy:They don't deserve to be in our guild.
At Least make Romeo join the rest of them can fucking die for all I care. Mira:Yeah make Romeo join. Me and Mira have a surprise for him.
Wendy:Fine. We walk to the Fairy Tail booth and they glare at us. Erza:We're not here for your sorry asses. Levy:We're here. Mira:For Romeo.
Wendy:We have a present for him. I'm sure anyone would love it. Lucy:Well since it's pretty obvious what it is...only Lisanna wouldn't like it.
Evergreen:Like we'd hand him over to you. Just do it he belongs to Wendy anyway. Wendy:That's right, also technically Evergreen you And Bisca belong to me and Levy.
Levy:So don't forget. I own you laki so. I walk up to her and grow a pointed plant in my hand. Laki:What're you-?!? I cut her hair and she falls to the ground.
Laki:It Took me SEVEN YEARS TO GROWN MY HAIR!!! So what at least your alive. Lucy:You we're spared honestly I'm surprised she didn't just kill you.
Levy:Agreed I thought for sure she would've killed you and taken Romeo. Wendy:Iron Dragon Slayer Secret Art....Cage. Romeo gets put in a cage and we walk away. Bisca:COME BACK HERE!
She tries shooting levy but she catches it. Levy:Was that supposed to hit me....Try again bitch. With that we walk away them stunned. Romeo:Let me out!
Just wait till the end of the games kid. Wendy:Sometimes I wonder what sick twisted things go on in your mind Y/n-Chan. If only I could tell you. Carla:You Guys took forever.
Grace:We were starting to worry. Pantherlily:Hello Romeo. Tomo:SHUT UP PANTHERLILY YOU KNOW THE RULES!!! Happy:Carla wanna share my fish? Carla:Go away Tom Cat.
They walk away and Tomo restates the rules that the dragons told them. Happy:BYE GUYS!!!! Bye. Once their outta site I sigh.
When we walk in the booth Wendy sets Romeo's cage down in the middle. Ok Romeo we have a surprise for you! Erza:But Wendy isn't as bad as you think and won't force you to join Sabertooth.
Though a weakling like you doesn't deserve to. Levy:We've decided to give you a present if you join our guild! Lucy:And if you don't we-. Juvia walks in and looks bored.
Hey Juvia! Juvia:Juvia says Hi. I look back at Romeo and smirk. If you don't join our guild. Wendy:We'll Kill them...For real this time. Erza:But this present is even better because we unpoisoned them.
I teleport a knocked out Natsu In front of him. Mira:I saved him and Y/n put him in another dimension to unpoison him. Romeo:N-N-Natsu??? Yep and all you have to do. Juvia:Is join our guild!
Lucy:And you get him back. Levy:Accept he's not that rude ass hole that Lisanna made you believe was Natsu. Erza:This is the real Natsu.
Just know it was hard to get the poison from that bitch out his system. Wendy:So you better be grateful. I forgot to say that Juvia changed while we were gone.
The only reason she spoke in third person is because we are putting on an act for Romeo. Juvia's hair reaches her hips and it is sky blue, Pastel blue, and her Natural blue. she wears a baby blue sun dress with light blue heels and dark blue gloves.
Romeo:FINE I'll join just let Natsu go because he'll never join your guild! Are you sure about that because we told him EVERYTHING Fairy Tail did while he was poisoned so.
Levy:He's on our side now. Juvia:We don't need anyone else in Fairy Tail their all weaklings. Wendy:And on that note we don't need you. But we could give you an opportunity to train with the dragons and become stronger.
Romeo:OK I'LL JOIN. I remove his fairy tail mark and replace it with a Sabertooth one. And now your Officially a member.
After the games....
You'll be staying with Gajeel, Laxus, and Juvia. Romeo:Ok. He walks away and we head to the bar in our hotel. Erza:Where is everyone? And where'd all the alcohol go?
Levy:The pool is loud so maybe there. Change into your swimsuits girls! Wendy:Come on Y/n you have our room key so hurry up.
I know I'm hurrying! Wendy:We don't wanna make them wait for us! We go in our room and then meet the other girls....
(These are their swimsuits just remember their hair lengths and colors changed)
You guys look great! Erza:Well it's nothing compared to what your wearing. Thanks,Let's Go!!! We run to the pool and stop at the door.
Hey guys let's all run and cannon ball in the pool! Lucy:Yeah! Wendy:I'm in what about you guys? Everyone nods and I open the doors.
Three...Two...One...Go!!! We all run as fast as we can towards the pool. All of us:CANNON BALL!!! Most of our guild mates searched for cover but failed.
Yukino:HOW COME I WASN'T INVITED?!? I couldn't find you. Yukino:Your off the hook...This time. POOL PARTY!!! Everyone starts splashing each other and I smirk which Erza saw.
Erza:OH GOD HELP US...SHIT RUN!!! Water Dragon secret art...WAVE TORNADO!!! A giant wave appears and picks everyone up then turns into a tornado.
Hahahaha!!! Sting:NOO! Erza:I never finished training under the water dragon. Levy:I was close but didn't finish. Wendy:I finished. Sting:Then Help us!!!
Wendy:Didn't you finish your training though or were you to busy getting drunk with your dragon? Sting:she wouldn't teach me the rest. Wendy jumps out and lands next to me.
Gajeel:This sucks it feels like a vehicle. Sting:S-TO-OP! Me and Wendy are laughing so hard We're crying. Lucy:Well I'm not helping.
She jumps next to us and Gajeel, Sting, And Rogue turn blue. Lucy burst out laughing. Levy:Erza, Sting, Gajeel we gotta use Lava dragon slayer magic. Sting:How...CO-ME...Your no-t...Sick?!?
Levy:I'm not an original dragon slayer. Erza:Only the original ones get motion sickness. Levy:Ok Erza. Both:UNISON LAVA DRAGON, ROAR!!!
The lava turns to steam and they all drop. Lucy:But now there's no pool. Ok girls let's do this. Me, Wendy, Lucy:UNISON WATER DRAGON SECRET ART...FLOOD BUBBLE!!!
A giant water bubble floats above the pool. Hey Erza pop it will you. Erza:Requip! She has on her Water empress armor and she pops it.
Sting:I got a bad feeling about this. It explodes and fills the pool. Wendy:Maybe we made it a little to big. It filled more then the pool since there's a brick wall around it the water filled it to the middle of the wall.
Yeah just a little. Sting:A LITTLE?!? Rogue:YOU PRACTICALLY FLOODED THE PLACE!?! Wendy:I can fix that. Lucy:Great idea Wendy. Wow Wendy you really know how to think on your feet.
Erza:I have a feeling I know what their talking about. Levy:Me too I just hope I'm wrong. Orga:Should we be worried? Me, Lucy, and Wendy had evil grins plastered on our faces.
Rufus:Bye the look on their faces I think yes. Ready Girls? Wendy and Lucy:Yep! Me, Lucy, &Wendy:UNISON Raid:CELESTIAL WINDY GALAXY FALL!!!
The water over flowing the pool gets swept up in the wind then covered by a Galaxy cloud, then celestial spirits appear and pull it in the gate with them.
Sting:How come you guys didn't invite me to train with you?!? Because you were drunk the few times I did try. Erza:And it wasn't a good idea to train with you or anyone else why'll your drunk.
Levy:If you wanted to do Unison raids with us you could've said so. Sting:You never said you were doing them though.
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