《Y/N's P.O.V》
"Welcome back everyone today's first game will be chariot." The announcer said as everyone arrived at the stadium. Natsu went for the other team so Gajeel said he wanted to go so I nodded.
"Knock yourself out!" I say with a sly grin as he turns to exit.
"Why'd you let him go?" Mira whispers to me as Gajeel begins to exit.
"I wanted to see him in pain." I state evilly.
"But we could've gotten another point." Laxus said sternly with his arms crossed as usual.
"Fine...GAJEEL I'M GOING." I yell down to him since he was in the arena.
"Why?" He yelled back so I rolled my eyes.
"Because I'm going so deal with it." I yell as I jump on the car and look at Natsu before kicking Gajeel off. When the guy says go I actually start to feel sick. "What's Going On Why Am I Sick This Isn't A Train?!" I mumble grouchily as I continued to move even though I was confused.
"That Things Almost A Train, Baka!" Tomo yelled from the stands so I shot her a glare before looking forward again. "This is embarrassing I don't understand why this is happening to me." I groan.
"Hey, that just means you-." Sting starts but his face turns blue and I laugh at him, forgetting my sickness.
"You look Worse than Usual HAHA! To think your face could match your eyes." I say.
"Shut Up." Sting yelled so I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I gotta keep moving." Natsu said so he and I continue to move while Sting just stands there.
"What losers anyone can see you have no strength left." Sting commented so we ignore him and continue moving. "Your just making fools of yourselves." He added.
"And Your Not Idiot?" I seethe through gritted teeth as We continue moving and Sting stays there.
"We're just gonna get more points." He said so I scoff. "I don't get it can you explain something to me?" He asked so we look back at him, "Why do you even bother entering the tournament seriously I mean your nothing like the Fairy Tail I knew growing up, your obsessed with how tough you are and what other people think of you...what happened to the Fairy Tail I knew...The guild that did whatever the heck it wanted..they never cared what anyone else said about them?" He asked.
"We're here for our friends...the ones who waited for us...All the years we were gone...Who fought through the pain...the heartache...They were humiliated, but even so they stayed strong...and they kept our guild together...we're doing this for all of them...and we're gonna make sure everyone here knows that The Fairy Tail Guild Never Gave Up Not For An Instant So There's No Way I'm Gonna Give Up Now!" Natsu responded so I wipe a few tears from my eyes and continue making my way to the goal.
"That was Beautiful Natsu!" I comment and he makes it to the goal a second before I do. "Shit..." I mumble.
"Natsu From Fairy Tail A nabbed sixth place and scored two points." The announcer said and once I'm over the goal I sigh in relief.
"I hate Vehicles." I mumble angrily but in slight relief.
"Y/n From Fairy Tail B takes seventh place and scores one point." The announcer says so I get up and dust myself off.
"Well I'm done here." I say and When I get back to my stands the next fight starts. They make a wager that sounded interesting so I watch them battle.
The Raven Tail guy takes him down extremely fast and I frown. The animal guy tells his secret and I have no words for it. It was a horrible secret to be completely honest. The snake guy rips his sock and I'm almost tempted to jump down there and Bury him alive.
"Death TO HIM." I tell angrily as Laxus and Mira hold me back.
"Now Bacchus from Quattro Cerberus Vs Fairy Tail A's Elfman!" The announcer says keep Cana from killing Bacchus because he took her top the other night at the bar. Elfman goes on the field and ends up making a bet.
"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BREAK UP MIRAXUS I'LL KILL YOU YOU SCUMBAG!" I yell down there so a few people around us stare at me, then mira, then Laxus.
"Stop Yelling Y/n Your Giving People The Wrong Idea." Mira says.
"STOP DOING THAT." Laxus yelled so I start skipping around the group and continue singing the song.
"SHUT UP!" Mira and Laxus yell while they both give me their signature glares. I laugh at them a little before Tommo pulls on my sleeve.
"Y/n Stop Bothering Them. You're being a nuisance." Tomo said on a lecturing way so I shrug.
"Your sucha buzzkill." I mumble.
"Well people were starting to stare." Lily added. The match had started and Elfman was losing for a while then he turned into a...reptile alligator thingy. Bacchus attacks him and I look at Evergreen.
"Worried for your boyfriend yet?" I ask with a smirk so she blushed.
"I DON'T LIKE THAT IDIOT!" Evergreen yelled so Freed sweatdropped.
"Calm Down Evergreen." Freed commented before we looked back at the field and Bacchus fell causing everyone to cheer especially Evergreen, who was chocking freed. Elfman got taken to the infirmary and a lot of people went to see him. When I did go Bixlow was pushing Evergreen onto Elfman so I took a picture and tried sneaking away.
"CUT IT OUT." Evergreen along with Elfman yelled as I make it back to our group and I show Mira the picture, so she squealed. Mira heads to the field and I smile.
"Go Mira!" I yell happily as the math begins. Right now Jenny and Mira are preparing to fight.
"Begin." The puplin headed guy yells. I was about to cheer but it got creepy really fast so I just talk to Cana. All of a sudden the first master throws everyone a swimsuit before starting to force us down into the arena since other guilds were joining.
"You want me to go down there?" I ask as Juvie forces me into the yellow swimsuit that hit my head.
"Juvia will go too!" Juvia says as she grabs my arm and drags me down there. It's so weird that she talks in third person like that, but I won't tell her that. I hide behind Lucy and all of a sudden I feel a pair of eyes on me.
"Hey Lucy who's looking at me." I ask so she looks around and when she spots them she grins.
"Sting, along with a couple hundred other people..." Lucy said.
"Haha I found a ship for you!" Mira said because apparently she'd been eavesdropping on the conversation.
"I still ship you with Laxus!" I yell back before we give each other a competitive stare.
"Girls this is not the time!" Lucy says to us while stepping between us. I push her out the way while making Nalu appear in the air above her head, so she blushes and turns away.
"Your lucky Natsu's too dense to know what that means." I say so she crosses her arms.
"Don't be mad at me because a Sabeetooth members staring at you." She retorts before I galre at her.
"School bathing suits!" The announcer yells happily, so I look down and I'm wearing a blue one piece.
"Thank God." I say with a sigh of relief.
"How about Bikini's With Knee Highs!" The announcer says as everyone swimsuits reappear with knee high socks.
"Well Fuck." I mumble as I go back to hiding.
"This is even worse. Even though we're showing less skin." Lucy said.
"Yeah." Me and Levy agree in unison.
"How about bondage!" The announcer yells while wiping away his nosebleed with a tissue. I look down at myself and instantly feel my face heat up.
"Come on Y/n Don't be shy!" Mira said so I shot her a game before she grabs my hand and pulls me from behind Lucy.
"This is Embarrassing." I say moodily.
"Why, beacuse I look better?" Mifa said while trying to get me to compete with her. Although I know what evil tactic she's using, theres no way in hell I'll let Mirajane the model look better than me. I'm like a younger better looking version of her and she knows that.
"Maybe you looked better than me, but now your Old and I look better Mira." I comment as they change our costumes and compete until we end up on blushing brides. Suddenly I feel lighter so I look up and see non other than Sting. "What do you want? Actually never mind, Just Smile less cocjky more genuinely." I say as I jump out of his grip and drag him with me over to Mira.
"Awe!" Mira said with a smirk.
"Not now Mira. Anyway as of now I officially state that I won." I state with a sly grin across my face.
"Oh really now? Do you agree?" Mira asked as she looked at Gramps.
"Okay let's just state the fact that for this specific part of the contest your husband is Gramps.....at least the person I got stuck with isn't 100 years old." I say as I point at Sting, so Mira gave me her shipping smirk.
"Fine you win!" She says as Lucy got thrown around in the air.
"Ow Lucy get off me your heavy." Natsu yelled before she got up and saw me.
"OOO You liii-." Licy starts but Natsu cut her off.
"Hey What're you doing with my friend Y/n?" Natsu says so I realize that I'm still gripping Sting by the arm because I was dragging him earlier. Happy flew down to Natsu's shoulder and looks at me.
"You Loooooove him!" Happy teases so I shoot him a glare while releasing Sting's arm.
"SHUT IT CAT!" I yell angrily while pointing at him.
"It's true though." Mira says with a smirk.
"Not and at least I'm not in love with Laxus." I say as Me and Mira get in a fight about ships and when we stop I look up at the stands and Jellal/Mystogan is staring at Erza. "Hey Erza guess who's looking at you?!" I yell at her so she looks at me.
"Who?" She asked curiously.
"Mystogan!" I say since Jellal would get arrested if I revealed his true identity.
"Really?!" Mira asks because she ships it.
"Yep!" I say so Me and Mira start fangirling before the master of Lamia scale jumps down. Luckily me and Mira were too busy fangirling to see why everyone looked so shocked.
"Juvia thinks we should go back Y/n." Juvia says so We walk back up to the stands but I catch a glimpse of Sting who's smirking at me. "Juvia is gonna have nightmares." She mumbles.
"Let's make a bet like everyone else Mirajane." Jenny says as she stands in front of Mira.
"Ok." Mira agrees happily.
"Whoever loses has to pose for Sorcerer Weekly in nothing but their Birthday suit!" Jenny announces.
"Ok, but how about we fight in the last round like everyone else." Mira said with her usual kind smile.
"The final round is...Battle armor!" The announcer says so they transform and Mira attacks Jenny.
"And the Winner is Mirajane!" The pumpkin says.(I can't remember if he was there but I honestly couldn't care less XD)Jenny starts crying as we congratulate Mira.
"And the next battle is between Mermaid Heel's Kagura VS Sabertooth's Yukino!" The announcer says.
"If you don't mind i'd like to bet our lives." Yukino said and Kagura agrees before they start fighting. It was pretty heated and to be honest I was only a little shocked at Kagur when she won.
"And the Winner Is Kagura of Mermaid Heel, and that concludes the games of day two!" The announcer yells.
"I think we should have our own swimsuit contest and we'll even invite Y/n's boyfriend." Erza says so I shot her a glare.
"We're not Dating." I retort as I glance at Sting who was talking to Rogue before I look at Cana who was holding beer.
"Ready Y/n?" Cana asked as she handed me a barrel of beer. We have a contest and I end up winning.
"Lucy You want some?" I ask before I hand all the girls some and some of them get more but most of them are drunk now. "Yay HIC let's have that swim suit HIC contest!" I yell happily.
"Who gave them alcohol?" Natsu asked in slight concern.
"Me HIC!" I yell but Mira stops me from handing out swimsuits.
"We can have a swimsuit contest tomorrow we all know how YOU act when your drunk." Mira said.
"HIC Fine." I say so walk out much to Mira's disliking and bump into some thugs. "WHO DO YOU THINK HIC YOU ARE BUMPING INTO HIC ME YOU MUST HAVE A HIC DEATH WISH?" I ask with a slur as I point at them.
"And what're you gonna do about it?" One of them ask.
"Oh my gosh she's the girl who beat Sting when she wasn't trying!" One of them yelled.
"I'm so so sorry please forgive us." Another added.
"STAR DRAGON SECRET ART SHINING! I say as I blast them and continue walking. One of them didn't get the message though so they ran at me. I was about to turn and Lucy kick him but Sting hand punched him in the face. "Oh HI HIC STING, I Forgot to thank you earlier...Thnk You for helping me beat Mira in a contest~" i slur.
"Are You....Drunk?" Sting asks in a slightly dumbfounded tone.
"What HIC no." I lie while attempting to walk towards him but I end up tripping and he catches me.
"Here I have to head back to my inn but...you know what just come with me....your friends don't like me very much...especially your brother." Sting said as I stared at him.
"You have very beautiful blue eyes...did anyone ever tell you that?" I say with a smile and I could see the slight pink tint of a blush on his cheeks. "Is your hair soft? Can I touch it?" I ask as I lift my hand to his golden locks of hair and start to run my hands through it so he slightly recoils in shock.
"Y-" he starts but I put a finger to his lips with my free hands as I continue to touch his hair.
"Shh~" I slur before withdrawing my finger from his lips. Which were surprisingly soft if I might add and we just stared at each other for a moment. "I'm going to kiss you now, don't Tell Mira." I say but before he can reply I grab him by the face and place my lips against his. I could've just stayed like that with him forever if it wasn't for the fact I knew that when I was sober again he'd bring it up.
I was about to pull away, but I couldn't due to the fact he was kissing me back all of a sudden. I kissed him harder while continuing to run my hands through his hair before pulling away and panting hard.
"Kiss me again." I demand while searching the depths of his eyes. I knew he was about to say why he shouldn't, so I sigh. "I said kiss me, worry about the consequences later." I say as I smash my lips against his.
He reluctantly kissed me back and I used the hand I wasn't touching his hair with to wrap his arms around my waist.
When we parted this time even he was breathing hard. "Now, you are my pet for the next 30 minutes and I demand that until I give you permission to do anything else, that you kiss me" I state as I stared at his lips. He rolled his eyes before crashing his lips against mine and I smirked a little into the kiss.
He licked my bottom lip so I opened my mouth slightly as I placed my hands firmly on his cheeks. I am not letting him go until I'm satisfied and that means he's gonna be here for the whole thirty minutes, maybe longer.
There was a trail of saliva connecting our mouths as we parted and I force my body close to Sting's as I placed my head in the crook of his neck. "This doesn't mean your free yet." I mention before lifting my head to look at him again. "Do you get hotter every second or is this beer making me delusional?" I ask so a cocky smirk makes it's way onto Sting's face.
"Maybe you just Love me...like the exceed and Mira said." Sting suggest so my face starts burning a scarlet red.
"How ridiculous. I do not." I retort so his smirk grows a little.
"Then why do you want me to kiss you so bad?" He asks.
"I-....Oh Shut Up and Kiss me again you jerk." I reply before kissing him again. I could still feel him smirking, but it went away eventually as he rubbed circles on the small of my back. "Could we just stay like this....me drunk, nobody around, not having to worry about the consequences of our actions?" I ask so he chuckles a little. "I'm serious....its a no I know, but..." I say before I see a squirrel and shoot a beam at it.
"I'm not gonna let you walk back to your inn like this, I'd feel bad for all the innocent lives it might cost." Sting said as he helps me walk with him to his inn and he tells me to wait till he's be back. I wait for a while and eventually the door opens but Yukino steps out.
"Hi HIC Yukino...you did very well in the challenge despite the loss." I comment so she gives me a small sad smile before she walks away and Sting comes out.
"Y/n hurry I could get in serious trouble for this." Sting says as we walk to his room and I jump in his bed, immediately falling asleep. After sleeping for a few hours some type of alarm or something woke me up and GOD help whoever woke me up.
"Sting someone attacked the inn!" One of the sabertooth members yell while opening his door before running off.
"What type of idiot would do that?" He asks himself as I sit up and rub my eyes. I sniff the air and look at Sting.
"Sting I know who it is." I announce but still had a slight slur in my tone.
"Who?" He asked.
"It's HIC Natsu I can HIC smell him." I say as I cross my arms.
"Well I can't say I'm surprised." Sting said with a sigh.
"And Natsu HIC woke me up." I say angrily. Sting looked terrified because a dark aura surrounded me. "I'm gonna HIC kill that idiot!" I yell as I jump out of the bed, but Sting grabs my arm.
"Wait! Don't go out there!" He said so I roll my eyes.
"Try HIC to stop me HIC when your wearing HIC a shirt." I say while pointing at his bare chest before breaking my arm from his grip.
"Seriously don't do it." Sting yells at me while chasing after me as I walk out the room.
"And how are you gonna stop me? You can't can you?" I ask while pressing my hand against his chest and pushing him against the wall. I stare at him for a moment then step away. "Exactly, now excuse me." I say as I head to where I hear the most noise and jump out the nearest window. Natsu attacks the guild master and uses his Lightning Flame dragon power so I go to the door. "NATSU HIC WILL YOU STOP PICKING FIGHTS HIC AND GO BACK HIC TO YOUR INN HIC, SOME OF US HIC NEED SLEEP." I yell grouchily while pointing an accusing finger at him. Man since I'm not completely sober yet It's hard to yell.
"Y/n but ho-." Natsu starts but I cut him off.
"You used the Lightning Dragon slating magic Laxus lended to you and it was EXTREMELY LOUD so grab your annoying cat and let's GO." I yell without seeming drunk.
"At least someone has sense." Jiema says.
"Excuse me?" I ask while whipping my head around to look st the guild master.
"Come here Lector." Sting says as he picks up his exceed and Rogue picks up Frosche.
"It's not like you could beat us anyway, so leave with your little friend." Minerva said.
"You picking a fight wench?" I ask menacingly.
"Bye Bye M-Lady." Frosche said with tears pricking the edges of his eyes
"Shut Up Fro." Rogue said in a hushed tone as an extremely dark aura surrounds me and I turn to face Minerva.
"I'm just being honest." Minerva says.
"You can block Natsu's attack's, but your magic is nowhere near my level." I say as I jump and land behind her. "Bitch." I whisper in her ear so she tried turning around but I slap her into the wall. "Next Time You Pick A Fight Try Someone Else, Actually Try Another Guild Then Maybe You'll Have More Luck." I seeth through gritted teeth.
"You Bitch!" Minerva yelled at me while rubbing her red cheek with my handprint. She tried attacking me but I just eat it and Yaw slightly before smiling.
"You done?" I ask as she looks at me with her yes wide open. "Guess so...Moon Dragon secret art, Sleep." I say so Minerva falls asleep and Happy appears.
"Y/N!" Happy yells as I grab both his ears and twist them. "Ow Stop Please We'll Never Do It Again." He said in a pleading voice.
"Good!" I say as I smile but Happy can tell it's a smile that means, 'Because if you do it again I'm gonna beat the living shit out've you'. Someone shoots something at me, but I just eat it.
"What can she not eat?" Rogue whispers to Sting as they hold their exceeds.
"I think she can eat everything." Sting whispered back as they stared daggers at me.
"You would be correct, Sting, I can eat everything. More importantly is That All Natsu?" I ask so he nods.
"Yeah." He says and I kick him where the sun don't shine then bend down to his level.
"Next Time You Attack A Guild It Better Be The Next Town Over." I say as I give him the same smile I gave Happy before standing up. "Ok well let's go Natsu I honestly thought She would be more of a challenge but I guess she's just like Acognolia all talk but no bite." I start as I walk out the broken doors then jump into Sting's room through the window.
《3rd P.O.V》
"Happy?" Natsu asked his excited because he didn't understand how he got caught up in this.
"Y/n saved me when she knocked out Minerva without even trying." Hapoy said.
"THAT WASN'T TRYING?!" Orga yelled by accident then covered his mouth.
"Nope...I don't think Y/n's ever had to go full force on anybody not even Acognolia." Happy explained.
"Wait she didn't have to go full force on acognolia?" Sting asked curiously but got a galre from the guild master for it.
"Nope Acognolia hurt Tomo so she destroyed him....." Natsu explained then trailed off a little.
"Luckily after some snooping I learned that when she was little Acognolia actually trained her along with another dragon." Happy exploring while pulling out a picture of Acognolia and Y/n there's also a Galaxy Dragon in the background.
"If she kills you for taking that I'm not saving you." Natsu explained.
"Not like someone's gonna snitch." Happy said calmly, but Y/n hears this and starts planning Happy's death with Natsu.
"This was nice and all but I'd like it if you guys left." Rogue said respectfully as the people in the room started to clear out. Y/n jumped into Sting's room through the window and went to sleep. The two idiots left, so Sting starts to walk back to his room when he feels hands on his arms.
"So Sting did you bring the fairy here, because even with Dragon hearing I doubt she heard that explosion....Do you have a crush on her?" Orga asked.
"Is She your girlfriend? You did accompany her during the blushing brides thing during the games." Rufus said.
"I don't approve of your relationship." Rogue mumbled.
"1, Yes I did bring her here because she was drunk and try'd to kill a civilian and a squirrel. 2, She is not my girlfriend and 3, If you don't like us being friends then come with me and tell her that yourself Rogue." Sting said while thinking if they were even friends or if she was just thankful that he helped her when she was drunk. The two boys walked to his room with Orga and Rufus following. "Well wake her up and tell her." Sting said while gesturing him to go towards her.
"You wake her up." Rogue argued so Sting rolled his eyes.
"Fine, but if she ends up breaking any of my limbs your giving me replacements." Sting said as he lightly shook y/n.
《Y/N's P.O.V》
"Three more minutes Or I'll decapitate you." I mumble groggily.
"Y/n wake up." Sting says but I turn my head the other direction. I can hear him sigh as he stops shaking me. I was about to fall asleep again when I could feel his breath on my ear. "I'll be your pet again for the rest of the games." He whispered so my eyes fluttered open as I turned to face him.
"Fine." I say as I get out of bed, a blush clearly visible on my face, as I think about what I could force him to do Before looking at the doorway and seeing Rufus, Rogue, and Orga. "why are they here, and why is it so urgent that you must HIC wake me up?" I ask as I narrow my eyes at Sting.
"Rogue wanted to tell you something." Sting said as he stepped away from me beacuse I looked like I was gonna kill the closest living thing as I look at Rogue.
"HIC Well?" I ask.
"I don't approve of you and Stings 'Friendship'." Rogue said so I rolled my eyes.
"You know what HIC I don't approve of? Rogue:What? Your face, now HIC leave me HIC the fuck alone before I HIC enter your nightmares HIC with the magic Acognolia taught me. Oops that's a secret...oh well, LEAVE" I yell
"Remind me to never piss her off." Orga whispered.
"Oh I won't forget." Rufus whispered back as they walk away while dragging Rogue so I don't kill him.
"Hey Y/n?" Sting asked so I turn towards him while sitting in his bed.
"Yes Sting?" I reply with a slight sigh.
"Since I woke you up without being killed will you kiss me?" He asked.
"Sting. Go to sleep, I'm in charge of you, and no." I say as I lay down, so he laid next to me grumpily and I stifled a laugh. "God, I'm kidding." I say as I kiss his nose before going to sleep.
To be continued...
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