Chapter 1: Arrival
Description of what Hailey looked like: Hailey has Shoulder length dark brown hair, she wore a red blouse and grey jeans. She had a charm bracelet. The charms were a microphone, soccer ball,diamond, a star, a book, and a camera. She had a Beautiful necklace with. Blue diamond in the middle. Plus she had a pink cap with a picture of a blue diamond on it.
HaIley POV
I was on the bus reading my favorite book "Winn Dixie by Kate Dicamilo" I looked up for a second out the window, and saw the sign "Welcome to Gravity Falls" I started putting my book in my suitcase. Other people on the bus were playing on their CDS, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Kindle, or Lap top. Some kids looked at me strangely. I didn't pay mind to them. I didn't care that I was different from everyone else. It didn't matter. People could make fun of me if they wanted. Which sometimes happened. I walk past this people. They think they can intimidate me. They're wrong. I can control myself, while they keep on dreaming. I have special talents like reading 30 books in exactly 1 day. Call me a geek and see if I care. I'm obsessed with the show ducktective. Mostly cuz it's so funny! Yeah people say thing like "you're a geek for reading, and your a nerd for being obsessive. I say to those people "take a hike" I feel the bus come to a stop. It's stops in front of a large mansion. On the gates there's an engraving with the letters N and W. I start to walk off the bus "yeah get off loser" Someone says. I ignore them and continue to walk. Before I'm off the bus someone trips me and I fall on the outside ground. I get up and dust myself off, and continue walking towards the gates. There is a speaker on the gates. "Who is it" a male voice says. Probably. My Aunt's husband.
"It's Hailey Scarlet. Daughter of Jennet Scarlet" I reply
The gates open and I start walking into the huge parking lot and I walk up the steps to the front door, and ring the bell. The door is opened by my Aunt's husband. "Hello Hailey. You can bring your stuff upstairs. Your cousin will be very happy to see you" he says
"Than you" I respond.
I walk upstairs to my cousins room. I see her wearing a green blouse with a black jean jacket and dark blue jeans, fixing the sheets on her bed.
"Hey cous!"
"Hi" she says.
She seemed to be struggling with putting the sheet on perfectly. I helped her tuck the rest in. I couldn't help but ask.
"Um, why are you so dressed up?"
"I'm going to a party" she replies
"Where is the party" I question
"It's at the Mystery Shack. I could take you over there now, so you'll at least know what it's like." She suggest
"Ok" I answer.
We walk over to the Mystery Shack. Although something seemed weird about walking through a forest to get there. But then I noticed the shack was right in the middle of the forest. It didn't say "Mystery Shack" though. It said "Mystery Hack?"
"Mystery Hack" I asked curiously.
"It's apposed to say Mystery shack, but they couldn't get the "S" back up.
"Oh" I responded.
"Btw I have to worn you" she said with worry.
"Why" I questioned
" in Gravity Falls, nothing is what is seems" she says carefully.
"How do you know?"
"You'll see" she replied
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