q & a
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Q: What's the future for Hail Mary?
A: I want this beautiful story to be printed and available for my readers. My dream is to have this story in your hands and mine. It's going to be a journey.
Q: What does "printed" mean?
A: I'll be focusing a lot of time with edits, with the help of my beta readers, critique partner(s), and also multiple drafts. First step will be writing and submitting a query letter to literary agent(s). Then from there, continuation and one day traditional publishing.
I am also researching self-publishing, for another work in progress, to give you a heads up.
Q: What does that mean for the first draft of Hail Mary?
A: On Monday, January 8, 2024, I will unpublish the first draft off Wattpad. The main reason with literary agents, most agents would like their potential clients / writing projects not to be on a platform right now. Second, there is a tiny, tiny percent that someone would copy this and claim the rights when in fact, Fallon Elizabeth owns all the rights to these characters, plot, and story.
Q: How will I know what's going on?
A: I will keep this story ID open for updates and possible short bonus chapters for you. Also, starting in August, I have a newsletter! I will give behind the scenes updates on this journey because we are on this adventure together.
P.S. You can sign up on the newsletter through my website. My website is my external link in this chapter.
Q: How can I give you feedback?
A: You can leave feedback on this story ID, send a DM through here or on Instagram (Instagram would be faster because on Wattpad the messages go away), or P.O. Box.
My P.O. Box is in my newsletter. ❤️
Q: Will the story be the same?
A: Yes and no. There will be a lot of edits. Taking out repetition thoughts and ideas, making sure everything is smoother and seamless with Marion's narrative, more foreshadowing and probably less cussing (more insinuating). Maybe more hugs and kisses. 😉 Nothing more than hot kisses in this slow burn [PG-13].
Q: Will there be a sequel?
A: Perhaps. 😊 Maybe the next one will be focused on a guy . . . his name rhymes with bae.
Q: What do I do in the meantime?
A: More than welcome to read my friends' stories on here or printed stories! I give recommendations on my socials and newsletter.
Please ask for prayers on discernment, prayers for joy and peace because working long hours in sometimes a lonely environment behind a laptop can be tough, praying for fun and enjoying the creativity that God has given and blessed us with, and prayers for you -- the reader -- being patient, you're always so kind and thoughtful, you're amazing. You're wonderful and I wouldn't be anywhere without you.
Thank you! ✨
Dedicated to all my readers:
Here are my readers by their username (and silent readers! I adore you.) I give you all hugs: 🤗
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