Air, water, earth, fire. These are the 4 elements that allowed life on earth.
The power to dominate these 4 elements was granted to humans who learned to use them by observing the original dominators, the flying bison, the Moon, the molehills and the dragons.
Thanks to this gift, passed down from generation to generation, humanity prospered. Small villages were born and united into tribes that became kingdoms and nations.
Based on the 4 bending, 4 main civilizations were born:
the air nomads, a group of monks who had decided to live abandoning the pleasures of the world to embrace the freedom that could only be found by soaring in the air
The Water Tribe, divided into the Northern Water Tribe and the Southern Water Tribe, respectively at the North Pole and South Pole. The 2 twin tribes were initially linked through spirit portals, until these were closed to promote balance between the human's world and the spirit's world, ancient creatures which none one know anything about anymore
The kingdom of Earth, the largest of the kingdoms. Its capital was known as the impenetrable city for the 3 mighty walls that protected it from external attacks and something else.
Finally, the fire nation, the most technologically and militarily developed of all. It was led by 2 families who fought for command of the nation every 50 years with a duel. Families made decisions together, but it was the governing family that had the final word on everything. The duel ensured that the 2 families could not boycott the votes of a possible election, and that power did not end up in the hands of a single person. They were like the majority and the opposition, they formed a sort of government
The 4 nations had not lived peacefully throughout their history, but 100 years had passed since the last war and the nations were going through a period of peace. This is also thanks to the avatar, master of all 4 elements, the only one with this gift and with the task of having to maintain balance and peace in the world, as well as being the bridge between humans and spirits.
The last avatar had stopped the last war, in which the Southern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation were involved. They had been the first to attack because they were frightened by the growing naval power of the Fire Nation, which responded, almost completely destroying the tribe. At that point the avatar intervened, ordering that the fire nation pay the damages even though they didn't start the war.
All this changed a man's thinking forever.
He could not accept the humiliation suffered, and with great ambitions, he found himself at the helm of the fire nation. He wanted revenge and realized that no matter what the Fire Nation did, they were always seen as destructive, and he decided to make this vision of them come true, wanting to demonstrate to all other nations the true destructive capacity of Fire.
He took advantage of the hatred that the fire nation people had towards the avatar and the other nations and led his troops to the eastern coasts of the Earth Kingdom and conquered many coastal villages.
The other nations started acting and the fire lord was able to bargain those lands in exchange for a military pact that provided for the entry of the fire nation alongside the earth kingdom in case of war.
However, the fire's army continued from time to time to take first one village and then the other. the leaders of the other nations were too weak to stop them and thought that by granting those villages, the Fire Nation would then stop expanding, but this was not the case.
The fire nation arrived with the army at the foot of the mountain ranges where the 4 temples of the air nomads were located: the northern one, the southern one, the eastern one and the western one.
The nomads were caught off guard. In a short time the temple was surrounded and the air nomads exterminated one by one. Mercy was asked for and the fire lord granted it to the few survivors in exchange for the avatar. The nomads did not want to give the only hope for the world to the flames, but they were betrayed by a cowardly monk.
The poor 12-year-old boy could do nothing against the cruelty of the monsters in command of the Fire Nation.
This convincend the other nations to go to war against the fire nation, which was clearly stronger and is protected by a mountainous archipelago that is difficult to navigate if you don't know it inside out.
The fire lord, however, had a further plan to definitively bring victory to his side: the avatar.
That's how he began the hunt for the avatar.
3 years after killing the air avatar, mercenaries paid by the fire lord sneaked into the southern tribe, found and killed the new little avatar. A man tried to protect him but met the same end as him.
16 years later the avatar was delivered on a silver plate. The avatar was born in the colonies of the earth kingdom, and the insurrectionists decided to use it to finally get rid of the fire soldiers. They trained him and when the time was right, they attacked the military outpost where the fire lord was staying. Bad choice. the girl had guts, but she only knew how to dominate earth and air. Her life was also ended cruelly. An air nomad had helped her and this unleashed the wrath of the fire lord who broke the agreement and exterminated all the airbenders
And so the plan of the fire Lord was finally achieved. After a few years he was told the news he had been waiting for for a long time: he knew who the new avatar was and what was even better... he was part of his family...
By now the eastern part of the earth kingdom had fallen into his hands and the military power of the Fire Nation grew even more when a generation of firebending masters were born into the family ruling the nation. These became skilled generals who completely destroyed the Southern Water Tribe.
Meanwhile the avatar's true identity was kept a secret, even to him, he didn't expect to be someone important since he didn't even have firebending, or at least he thought so. At 14 he discovered he possessed the domain and was sent to train in the colonies of the earth kingdom together with 2 other generals. The boy trained hard until he became an excellent bender who couldn't wait to serve the fire lord who had always believed in him even though he had scolded him many times. Above all, he was looking forward to show the world the glory and new era of development that the Fire Nation would bring to the other peoples under his control.
What he didn't know is that on his sixteenth birthday his life would change forever
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