chapter 4: the last hope
Shirabu turned around as soon as he heard someone enter the room and immediately stopped Tendou who seemed very angry at Aone and Futakuchi.
"Tendou, Goshiki is there."
Tendou turned around and immediately ran to Goshiki, taking his face in his hands and tilting it sharply to examine if there were any injuries. "TSUTOMU! I was so worried about you"
Goshiki didn't answer but lowered his gaze in displeasure.
Tendou turned to Aone and Futakuchi with an angry look "How did you even think of attacking him?!"
Aone and Futakuchi jumped but immediately Futakuchi became defensive and replied "Well you know we've never seen him, of course we were worried he might have been a new recruit who knows nothing about the resistance"
As soon as Goshiki heard the word resistance, all the information he had accumulated in his brain was connected by a thread. Finally everything made sense...
Tendou sighed turning to Goshiki "Hey I know you're scared of these new informations but-""YOU ARE TRAITORS!" Goshiki shouted breaking free from Tendou's grip and putting himself in a defensive position "How dare you even wear the Fire Nation's war uniforms!"
Tendou looked at Goshiki in dismay before smiling in a friendly way "I understand you're shocked... I don't blame you"Tendou noticed that Goshiki remained on alert and didn't even try to take a step forward but continued to look they boy in the eyes
"Goshiki, what we're doing, we're only doing it for the Fire Nation" Semi said softly approaching Tendou "We were just waiting for you to be old enough to tell you"
At that point Goshiki felt his body boil with new anger "Oh yeah? And when are you old enough huh? 16 YEARS ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?"
Semi trembled slightly at Goshiki's loud voice. Tendou took a deep breath "Tsutomu listen, I know that since you were born everyone has been telling you that this war is the right thing for the Nation... but now we've gone too far"After a short pause Tendou began to speak again "now other people fear us but what are the pros?"
Goshiki was desperate, he felt he had been betrayed by the people he cared about the most, the people he considered his own family. " We are the strongest, the others fear us! They are afraid and surrender to us"
"And you think that is a positive thing you stupid brat!" Shirabu stopped him, approaching Tendou. His look was serious and slightly irritated "Think about it, what does a climate of hatred like the one established by the Fire Nation lead to? To revolutions and riots by the peoples"
Goshiki shook his head "Our army can deal with any riot, we are the most technologically advanced, our war machines can pierce entire mountains!"
Shirabu shook his head in disappointment "That's why we waited to tell you... you think you're old enough, but you're not mature enough to develop your own critical thinking, you're just another pawn in the hands of the Nation".
Silence fell, Goshiki felt the pressure of tears forming in his eyes.
Shirabu's gaze didn't soften and Semi worriedly squeezed his hand "hey, maybe you went too far"
Shirabu gave Semi the same look "He deserves it if he believes that the war will only bring benefits to the Fire Nation"
Semi squeezed his hand but returned Shirabu's irritated look with an annoyed one "This will only traumatize him". With that Semi let go of Shirabu's hand who crossed his arms, and slowly approached Goshiki.
Goshiki met his gaze and Semi smiled "I know how much you have grown and how much progress you have made. I still remember how excited you were at your first lesson" Semi said with a nostalgic voice.
"What we have done is to ensure that the Fire Nation is safe from future inconveniences... Goshiki, in this war we are alone, as soon as the other peoples unite, we will be crushed and the consequences will be terrible"
"And then Tsutomu, no one took lands from us. It is true that we were forced to pay for a war that we did not start, but the Fire Lord has gone too far" Tendou said, also approaching Goshiki who had now lowered his gaze, no longer able to look at his teammates.
"The excuse of revenge was only to convince the people that the war was to defend the honor of the Fire Nation... when in reality it was only to feed a thirst for power and dominion over other peoples" added Shirabu disgusted
Tendou smiled proudly "You hold the fate of the world in your hands now! You can stop this war and the atrocities committed by the Fire Nation! You can negotiate with the other nations and reach a peace agreement that benefits everyone!... you are the last hope for the world and for the Fire Nation"
"Wow the same idea as Kogane" Goshiki thought to himself
"But I don't want to, I don't want to have this role I-" Semi covered his mouth with his hand as soon as they heard guards outside talking to someone. "Goshiki shhh"
Suddenly a guard entered worriedly "Generals... General Ushijima is here".
Tendou's eyes petrified and after a short moment he took a deep breath to calm down "Have him sit in the War Council room"
Then he turned to Goshiki "Come with me to greet him, he surely came to wish you a happy birthday... but not a word on everything that happened... after that you will leave with Futakuchi and Aone"
Everyone looked at Tendou petrified, especially Futakuchi "WHAT!?" Why this move?!"
Tendou adjusted his armor "°If we want to stop this war we need Goshiki to defeat the Fire Lord and the only way he has is to learn all the other bending. Your role will be to accompany him so that he can learn quickly and be away from any danger. You will also have to talk about the resistance to the leaders of the other nations so that they will trust and help us in the final battle"
Futakuchi wanted to argue but Aone stopped him, shaking his head. At that point Futakuchi sighed "Okay, if it helps the world"
"NO! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE" Goshiki shouted scared
Tendou shook him by the shoulders "Goshiki our army has committed crimes that should never be practiced and-... and Ushijima is the first to have done it... I know how much you care about him and how much you aspire to become like him, but by saving the world you will show everyone what you are capable of... you have enormous potential and we all believe in you right?" He asked turning to Semi and Shirabu.
Semi nodded proudly while Shirabu rolled his eyes but nodded
Goshiki felt tears falling and Tendou handed him a napkin "Come on, you don't want Ushijima to see you with snot on your nose" he said wrapping his arm around Goshiki's shoulders and leading him towards the room where Ushijima was waiting for them.
As soon as they entered Tendou and Goshiki tensed slightly when they saw Ushijima checking the maps on the table.
As soon as Ushijima noticed them he stood up straight and proud, his size but more than that the serious and powerful aura he emitted invaded the whole room instilling fear in the 2 for what they were hiding from the General.
As soon as he met Tendou's eyes, Ushijima's gaze softened slightly "Hello Satori"
Tendou also sighed "Hello Wakatoshi". Tendou let go of Goshiki to get closer to Ushijima who opened his arms letting Tendou throw himself at him as usual.
This time however Tendou didn't throw himself but instead slowly approached until he was resting his head on Ushijima's shoulders who immediately closed his arms, enveloping Tendou's body.
"Are you tired?" Ushijima asked in a whisper
Tendou chuckled "Yeah, it's almost dinner time and I'm starving"
Ushijima in response tightened the hug and Tendou in response left him a tender kiss on the cheek.
"I guess you came to wish Tsutomu a happy birthday, right?" Tendou said, gently freeing himself from Ushijima's grip and shifting his attention to Goshiki who was standing at the door, a little embarrassed at having seen the two of them in such an intimate moment
Ushijima nodded and approached Goshiki "Happy 16th birthday Goshiki"
Goshiki blushed slightly and bowed his head "Thank you Ushijima"
Ushijima nodded and took Tendou by the side, bringing him close to him "Actually, I was also sent by the Fire Lord with the order to bring Goshiki home"
Both Tendou and Goshiki stiffened. Tendou tried to calm down before speaking "Why now? Goshiki hasn't finished his training yet"
Ushijima shrugged "I don't know, I only follow the Fire Lord's orders"
Tendou sighed "Yeah... you always do" he thought sadly to himself.
Ushijima continued to speak "On my way here I was attacked by bandits, obviously they used earth bending so their punishment got worse. We tried to capture them but they were difficult and killed one of the best soldiers in my escort. They were all killed on the spot since the law says that for every Fire Nation soldier killed, 10 Earth Kingdom citizens must die. At least no innocent people were killed"
Goshiki's blood ran cold, since when did that law exist? Killing other soldiers in battle was one thing, but killing innocent citizens seemed wrong... what if the bandits wouldn't have been enough to satisfy the number? Would have they take random citizens from other villages?... what if they would have taken Kogane?
Just thinking about how Kogane and other citizens risked death every day for actions they did not commit, the Goshiki's trust towards his Nation and towards the Fire Lord wavered.
Tendou took advantage of it immediately "Tsutomu go to your room to pack your bags" it was a command tone that Tendou had rarely used and Goshiki trembled "immediately"
He gave the two generals one last look, bowing his head in respect and greeting before running to his room.
As soon as he entered he saw Semi, Shirabu, Aone and Futakuchi in his room.
Semi smiled at him, handing Goshiki a small bag "We took care of packing the necessary things for you, we put food and water. I also put some scrolls with special moves for you to study". Semi put a hand on Goshiki's shoulder "I know you are capable of great things and you will be able to learn these moves even without me"
Goshiki had tears streaking his face and Semi hugged him, sniffling to hold back the tears "I will miss you so much... I would like to come with you but Shirabu and I have to buy time and not let our cover be blown... we can't suddenly disappear"
Goshiki swallowed a sob and hugged Semi in return, hiding his head in the shoulder of the boy who had always been his master, crying silently
Semi smiled, massaging his back "Everything will be okay... when we will meet again, I promise that none of us will ever leave you again"
Semi let go of Goshiki and Shirabu also patted his head, he wanted to appear tough but deep down he too was heartbroken to see Goshiki leave so suddenly.
Goshiki sniffed "I'll miss you all... but what will you say to Ushijima?
Shirabu and Semi exchanged a knowing look "Surely Tendou will be able to buy some time"
Goshiki nodded and at that moment Futakuchi called the 3's attention "So shall we go...?"
Shirabu nodded and immediately pushed Goshiki towards the Earthbenders "You have to go now before things get complicated"
Futakuchi nodded and opened a hole in the ground into which Aone jumped. Goshiki took one last look at Shirabu and Semi who smiled proudly at him. Goshiki sniffed before jumping into the hole followed by Futakuchi, who closed the ground again.
At that point Semi looked sadly at the floor where Goshiki had disappeared. He took a deep breath "I know he's strong and he'll get through this... but I can't help but be afraid for him"
Shirabu took his hand "It's okay to worry... that brat is only 16 and he's with strangers... but Aone and Futakuchi have always been honest and reliable in our plans for the resistance. They'll take care of Goshiki, they won't let anything happen to him... I'm sure of it... and I trust Tendou's intuition"
Semi nodded, wiping away a small tear that had managed to escape his control "yes you're right... let's go help Tendou keep Ushijima at bay"
With that said, the two walked away hand in hand, neither of them said another word but their chests felt heavy... they were afraid.
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