chapter 3
(M/N)'s P.O.V:
It was the next day, I was so tired. I had bags under my eyes, I was watching anime and the next thing I knew the sun was hitting my face. I sighed(I know, (M/N) sighs a lot) I walk into class this time two minutes before the bell. I sat in my seat,Hinata and kageyama were(Some kagehina up in this sh-*Slapped*) already in their seats. I was sitting alone per usual. Like every other anime cliche, author-chan wanted me to sit by the window. Damn author, anyways, class started. Mr.nanase walked in "Okay class! today we're-" I zoned out, I already knew what he was teaching cause of my private tutors.
Time skip:Brought to you by bokuto being a thiccc boi
It was lunch time, I decided to go to the roof, since that's where me and shiro usually meet up. But she didn't show up, I sighed, 'Maybe I was wrong about her, maybe she-' My thoughts were soon cut off by the door slamming open, I jumped up,"The fuq?" I see shiro running towards me,"I'm so sorry I'm late!!!" Her hair was a mess,"Bro you good?", "Y-yeah, I just woke up late. I just got here." I chuckled,"You had me worried." She rubbed the back of her neck,"Sorry" she half smiled. I checked my phone, it was 10 minutes before the bell rang for class.
"Did you bring a lunch?" Her eyes went wide"That's what I forgot!" I chuckled,"Here, have some of mine." I offered. "Y-You sure?" She asks, "Yeah, I mean we're friends." I smiled she sat down next to me and ate some of my food.
Time skip:Brought to you by oinkawa and is flat ass
It was the end of the day, I was walking passed the gym when all of a sudden I felt something hit my head hard, I fell back with a loud thump as my head hit the gravel. I knocked out
Author-chan's P.O.V:
"AAAAH (M/N)-SAN!!!" An orange haired boy yelled,"Hinata boke!!! Why'd you do that!!" Everyone ran over to the knocked out male, "Is he okay?" A grey haired male asked, "He hit his head hard" a black haired male said. "yamaguchi,(When I was typing that, it autocorrected to yamaGucci) go get kiyoko-san" yamaguchi nodded, he ran off to find kiyoko.
(M/N)'s P.O.V:
'it's dark.... I can't see or feel anything...',"../N)... (M/N)... Wake up..." That voice, I don't recognize it... Suddenly my eyes open and I gasp for air"(M/N)-san!!! A-are you alright!!?" I looked around, "W-why am I in the gym?" I hadn't been in one in a while, ever since the incident,"Hinata spiked and it hit you on accident, it was so hard that you passed out. We took you here so kiyoko could patch you up a bit." A male with grey hair said,"O-oh thank you suga-senpai, Kiyoko-senpai." I stood up and bowed,"Wow, who knew the shrimp could be so weak." Said a voice, I looked up and saw that it was the giraffe, I glared at him,"Shut the hell up giraffe..." Those words were the same words people said to my sister, when she hurt herself. They called her weak and useless. I sighed"You know what, I'm too tired to deal with your shit.." I flipped him off"Oh and Hinata, you're very strong, I like how you spiked." I lazily smiled at him. Then I walked out.
⚠️ warning, this mentions rape⚠️
I was walking home, it was getting darker by the second. I sighed, all of a sudden I was roughly grabbed and pulled into an alley. "H-Hey! G-Get off!!" I was struggling to break free. My captor put his hands on my crotch and started rubbing me, he then started grinding on me. All of a sudden I heard a click, my eyes went wide, I looked at my hands. They were hand cuffed.'Fuck...' I thought to myself. He started taking off my pants, I was kicking and struggling. "Hey!" Someone called out, I looked to my left, but all I saw was a shadowy figure. "Let him go!" My captor started running away, I fell to the ground. I was panting from struggling, I was so terrified. The shadowy figure came up to me, I backed up even more into the wall. "Hey, it's alright. I'm not gonna do anything." The person came closer, it was....
Hahaha, cliffhanger!! But sorry guys I hadn't updated in a while, I just haven't had that much motivation. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, bwye my babies!!
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