The dumbest thing they did
Me: hEy WhY dOnT i Do DuMbEsT tHiNgS bUt LeTs Do ThInGs I dId IrL
Kagayama; Chugged four Capi-Suns straight while sick
Hinata; Slid under a car for a game of hide n seek, got stuck under the car...
Akiyoshi; Thought lotion was edible... I think you can guess what happened next
Michi; Stood in front of a moving car (no I am not suicided, my 5-year-old ass was just very stupid)
Bokuto; Ate a live butterfly
Akaashi; Threw a stick at a friend but it hit my crush instead
Atsuko; Tried to adopt a dog at the age of 8 by myself
Kozue; Chocked on a chicken nugget, fries, and a bone in one day
Iwaizumi; Had three of my crush like me back (in elementary) but rejected ALL of them
Oikawa; Broke an expensive glass piece of art, and got away with it
Ayami; Triped over a heater cord and almost blew up the house because of it
Kuroo; Tried to do a backflip off a pole, keyword TRIED
Kenma; Lived
Habiki; Touched a poisonous mushroom
Hikari; Walked into a WHITE VAN (don't worry someone saw me and pulled me out)
Daichi; Thought that they could control wind and entered the talent show because of that, guess what, I didn't get in
Suga; Babysat
Ikuo; Talked about how to get away with murder in front of the police...
Tuskkishima; Almost came out to the family about being apart of the LGBTQ+ community
Yamaguchi; Tried to be confident
Kosuke; Fell into a river in front of the school
Eriko; Went into a stranger's house
Tanaka; Liked to eat grass and flowers
Kiyoko; Cheated on a very important test (when I mean cheat I mean I stood up and asked for the answers from my friends... and they gave it to me)
Kazuya; Watched some kid pole/strip dance, and didn't know what they were doing
Miki; Got dragged out into the ocean (like the DEEP ocean) and almost drowned
Seiko; Wanted to break a bone so bad, fell down concert stairs, fell off a tree, and fell off the playground set and still didn't break any
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