Where you guys first me part 1
🌽Shinsuke kita 🌽
So your Miya twins younger sister y/n miya you work along side with osamu miya at his restaurant called Onigiri miya. 🍙
Y/n pov
So on day you were working in the restaurant as normal cleaning tables and preparing pre-order meals kitchen when you heard a voices coming from the backroom where the deliveries come in normally. The voices you knew who they were your older brother osamu and Kita but you never got to meet him in person because he always leaves before you get to say hi to him. But today was different your brother osamu had invited kita over for the weekend so kita, osamu and you could go to see atsumu miya team the black Jackals match. So,, as osamu, kita came through the black entrance osamu called me saying they going upstairs to chat and that you can join them when you were done. You finished up what were doing and cleaned up the work space and went upstairs. As you went upstairs and you heard their voices they talk about you.
Kita Pov
Upstairs so as me and osmau were chating about the business when he changed the topic and started talking about his younger sister which I knew of her but never got to met her in person. While we were talking about her I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and osamu called out his sister I moved my eyes to look at the door this beautiful girl came in and walk over to sit next to her brother. I saw Osamu got up went to kitchen to get us drinks so i introduced myself to her "I'm Shinsuke kita" and she did same "I'm y/n miya" she said while blushing I saw the Red hint y/n checks and I called her cute.
🍙osamu miya 🍙
Y/n suna was watching her cousin rintaro suna team EJP Raijn vs the black Jackals match when she got hunger so, while the teams where on a time out y/n went to get food. She walked towards where the stalls were when y/n saw a stall selling Onigiri's she walked over to the stall and brought some Onigiri's and she saw that the Onwer looked familiar so, after buying the Onigiri for both you and your cousin rintaro suna the Onwer called out to you "wait miss you forgot something" you turned around the Onwer came up to you a gave you a piece of paper and winked he said goodbye to you went back to his stall serve next customer. You went back to match to see the score wasn't good at EJP Raijn were losing by 10 points. After the you and cousin went home you went straight to your room dial the number on the piece of paper call the number relized it was the Onwer of the Onigiri miya restaurant.
🍮satori tendou 🍮
You are Wakatoshi Ushijma twin sister and over the weekend he decided to invite you over to Paris with him to meet a high school friend and volleyball team mate that Onwer chocolatier in Paris as surprise vists . So you packed your bags and left you France. Fast forward 1hour you and your twin brother got to the hotel Paris settle down and they went to chocolatier where Onwer satori tendou.
As guys went to chocolatier restaurant a waitor came over and you said we were here to see a friend of your twin brother they installty knew who your brother and was about to call the boss when you that this was a surprise visit they took you two over to a table in the back and one the waitresses called ameila went to get the Onwer and that he had two surprises Visitors
Tendou pov
I was in my office when I heard a knock on the door I said come in it was the waitress ameila she said that I had to surprise visitors so I got up from my office chair into the main restaurant I saw Wakatoshi Ushijma talking a girl and I thought maybe that his girlfriend so wne over to I saw the girl said something cause Wakatoshi stood up and turned around in embraced me in a hug.
I saw my twin brother hug his best friend from shiratorizawa Academy and let on of him turned to me said that my friend said invite us to his office so you followed your twin brother and you introduce yourself to him " I'm y/n Ushijma and he introduced himself as well" I'm satori tendou" and you told tendou that you were his sister not his girlfriend and love bloom.
akasah keji
Background information
You are the niece of the famous Little giant tenma udai from karasuno high school when the old coach ukai coach at the school
(lets pretend that tenma has a older sister in this story)
Back to the story
You are excited to meet your uncle tenma because he has invite you to meet his partner akaashi that workswoth him. Your uncle has had ask his sister your mum to let help him shonen manga since you had finished up school and your around 19 or 20
(if your not that age just pretend ok)
Y/n pov
So as I arrive at the studio my uncle tenma told to meet at I parked in the staff car park since I got permission I went to the front desk and said that I'm here to see tenma udai my uncle the person at the front desk and let in.
Akaashi pov
I was talking to my work partner tenma udai when I heard a girl's voice saying "uncle tenma where are you" I saw tenma turn around and say to the girl "y/n I glad your here" I look at he confusion on how he the girl.
Tenma pov
I saw akaashi's confusion in his eyes so I explained that the girl was my sister's daughter and that I invited her to help with shonen manga we were talking about. Tenma went over to y/n talked to her about she well be doing today he then left her. In the couner of tenma's eye he saw akaashi walk over to her they introduced themselves to each other they got really well even though this was the first time they have each other love started to bloom. Later after the day done akaashi went over y/n thanking her for coming and help them he gave her a piece of paper with a phone number on and winked at her and left y/n blushing madly
🎮kenma kozume 🎮
(OK for the this story you and kenma kinda already know each other I know that's at bit confusing and way different from what the title is saying. So basically you and kenma only know each other by surnames and he just to know more you to be friends)
You work for kenma kozume in his game business. But he knew nothing about personally basically he wanted know you a bit better. Over the weekend he asked you go out with him for a drink.
Y/n pov
So as you getting ready for the outting with your boss you just remember the day before the day he ask me out.
You were just at your office desk working when your work colleague coming out of the CEO's office and went straight to you with a smile and said that the boss wants to talk to about something I got up wait straight to the CEO's office I thought to myself did I do something wrong.
Kenma pov
As I went for y/n to come to my office I played with switch to pass the time which was not long because the door to my office knock I said come in to who it was y/n who came in I smile and said "y/n come in come in take a sit" y/n made her way to the chair that I gestured sit down. And that's how he ask me out.
Back to now
Y/n pov
I just finished up when I heard a knock on the door to my house I hurried downstairs and opened the door and saw kenma kozume in casual clothes with a boutique of flowers in his hands even though we aren't dating I thought it was sweet of him do that. I took he bouquet of flowers (favourite flowers) and thanked him put them in a vase with water and lefted with in his car to a posh cafe to talk.
Kenma pov
We talked, talked about many things about each other got to know that she is tetsurou kuroo younger sister that went to nekoma high as well. After the that talk drive y/n home gave a piece of paper with a phone number on ** **** *** which is his person phone number not his business number.
tetsurou kuroo
Y/n Goshiki yes that's right you are the sister of Tetsomu goshiki from shiratorizawa Academy you are on working for akaashi keji and tenma udai working shonen manga.
Y/n pov
You are with your brother Tetsomu goshiki, Reon ohira eita semi since you went to shiratorizawa Academy to together also with you were akaashi keji and tenma udai as well. As you talking to your brother, Reon, eita you got distracted in mid thought you saw your work partners akaashi, tenma talking a guy with bed hair in a business suit of sort.
Kuroo pov
I talking to akaashi and tenma then tenma left to talk to kei tsukkishima's brother for a while while that was happening I asked akaashi about theur other work partner. Akaashi said she was with her brother and his friends from shiratorizawa Academy. Akaashi said "come kuroo I'll introduce you to" I followed him to the girl was sitting I saw the girl get up from her sit and walk over to akaashi. Akaashi said " y/n this is a friend of my from nekoma tetsurou kuroo"
I walked foward to y/n "I'm tetsurou kuroo I'm part of the Japan volleyball association's sports promotion division it's a pleasure to met you" she did the same I'm y/n goshiki it's a pleasure to met you to.
Goshiki pov
As I my sister y/n and a boy heard was kuroo were shaking hands he gave you a piece of paper with a number on it and winked at her went off with a other boy I knew already as her work partner akaashi to met up with a friend their's kenma kozume. As I saw my sister walk back us blushing madly I saw Reon and eita had a smirk on their faces like they knew why.
🎤eita semi 🎤
You are y/n kita yes Shinsuke kita twins sister from inarizaki high school one Christmas day you got concert two tickets to eita semi show from your twin brother Shinsuke were so happy you thanked him and excuse yourself to call your best friend to say that you got the tickets to his show.
Y/n pov
Week later the of the concert your done doing your hair and makeup already dress in a a black/ purple crop top and a red pair of shorts with black boots and your best friend was in the same colours as you but in a dress form with a red belt around dress with matching black boots to you. Your mum drove you to the concert to you paid in show the security ticket guy at the front the tickets got you love everything song eita semi made as you did sing and dance all of his song to date in your room at house and the day got the tickets to did I have to mention that you have a massive fan crush on him by way but you never a amitt it anyone exempt your best friend your best friend brought an extra ticket for her Boyfriend to go with her. But near the end of his concert which was sad for it to end soon but you enjoyed the concert your Best friend told you that she had to go home her mum told her to come home so, you saw your best friend and her boyfriend leave she also told you before leaving you that you will have to meet Eita semi on your own.
Eita semi pov
As I went backstage to meet my fans that got V. I. P. tickets to meet me backstage which was only 12 people as the line of fans shorted down to more fan girl left to me she look nervous so invite to the backstage lounge area so she wouldn't feel nervous.
Y/n pov
As I was in the line tried to act and look calm but it wasn't happened at all tried think what I going to say eita semi my idol my crush but sadly nothing. It was finally my time i got to nervous I think my idol taught on to it and got up from where he was signing fan autographs and walked over to me and asked me if I wanted to go backstage to the loung i didn't know what say so I just nodded my head. He saw this and chucked he lead you to the backstage lounge. I was finally able to calm down my nervous and comment him on how amazing he is and that I have listened to all of his songs and albums up to date that you wanted his autographs and a picture with him. After that he gave you a autograph and picture and as I thanked him I saw he had a smirk on his face I didn't know why so I didn't question it.
As you left giggly like a fan that you are you noticed a phone number on ** *** ***** then you relized who the phone number belong to you started blushing madly as soon you got home You went upstairs a little giggle and scream into your eita semi cushion you got the year last also by your twin brother for Christmas as well so you got up right on your bed looked at the phone number and added it to your contact for yourself dersies you texted first to see if it was him you. You waited for your phone buzz which was not long as unlocked your phone and saw he had left a text message from him up opened it read "hey love I hope your alright and I was wondering if you want to meet up some day maybe next week if you that is OK with you - eita semi" You texted back quick and said "yes I would love to you see you next week" you smile down at your blushing madly on how this could of happened to be a sad single person to being ask to go out with idol and this all the day may I mention. Eita Semi texted back say "hey love I'll pick you up from your home next wendesday see you then❤️. You looked the text again and again did he really call me love (I like Louis tomlison if don't know this look he up music a amazing I tell you)
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