Kenjiro Shirabu Catch Up
Where you guys first met
you met a doctors appointment. him being the doctor that you were seeing that day actually. you were pregnant with your ex bf Colin at the time baby. so yeah there you were at the doctors with your mom. ''miss y/n l/n doctor shirabu will see you now'' the nurse said she brought you and your mom to the room. as you knock on the half open the door ''come in'' he said. you walk in ''ah my 4 o'clock appointment missy/n l/n right? sis down on the bed and we will get started in a bit just relax'' he said to you. ''he seems nice'' you thought. as you lay on the bed. your mom sat beside you on a chair. ''ok are you ready to know the gender? i have to ask before we start is this your first child or have had one before? and what you expecting a girl or boy?'' he asked you as he jot down notes on his clipboard.
''this is my first child and i don't really care if its a boy or girl'' you said to him ''ok good good lets get this started'' he said. as you had ultrasound ''ok its a ... girl congratulations miss y/n'' he said to you ''i know this is early but do you have a name for her in mind its ok if you don't you think about it more with your partner when you get home'' he said ''actually i don't have a bf anymore i live my mom again after we broke up so,'' you said ''oh well if thats the case then we take this and call if you have any questions'' he said ''thank you doctor'' you said to him with a smile as y/n left with her mom.
when back at home you looked at note more closely. it was the doctors home number. you blush as you add the number to your phone contacts in case of emergence. you were only 4 months pregnant at the moment and now that you know the gender you could call in your family and friends to help you built the baby nursery for the girl.
after your baby shower. you had come with a name. Kimiko (Kimi - for short). months went on and on. as you and kenjiro started to see each other as friends first.
Meeting Again /Confessing To You
months later you came into for your appointment on advice to reduce pain in cause you were a week late. which was annoying. so gave you suggested on exercise, and foods that could work for getting you into labour. after another week of trying what the doctor suggested. you walked to get a magazine and your water broke. next thing you knew was that your in hospital waiting for the to cheek dilation.
(46 hours later) you were the delivery room with your daughter himiko in soft pink blanket took around her. holding her in your arms. you brought into the visiting room so family and friends could see you and her.
all that time you haven't heard anything from kenjiro at all. until two months after you left with hospital with your daughter Kimiko to looked after her. he texted you saying he wanted to see you. you texted ''i'll have to ask my mom to look after Kimiko for me but i'll be there where are we meeting up'' said to him ''a café [insert café location]'' he said ''oh i love that place'' you said to him. you down your phone when you heard your mom walk in ''mom i'm stepping out for a bit can you look after her for a while i'll be back in a few hours'' you said ''ok sweetie but just so yk can't do this all the time'' she said to you ''ik she is my child its not like i forgot that'' you said to her
as you run to get dressed. you left to the café. as you saw him. you gave him a hug. ''so how are you?'' he asked ''i'm tired from Kimiko but good how's yourself?'' she asked ''its good for now i wanted to ask you here cause i want be with you y/n'' he said ''what kenjiro as you asking me out?'' you asked ''yeah pretty much that was the plan actually'' he said scratching the back of his head ''yes i would love to go out with him.
''hey want to come home with me and see my daughter she is so cute if you have time that is knowing your a doctor?'' you asked ''yeah sure i don't have any appointments today so i can see your little girl'' he said (fast-forward) you arrived home with your bf i guess now. you arrived in the door to introduce your daughter to kenjiro. ''mom i'm back'' you said ''oh thank god y/n oh .. doctor shirabu what are you doing here? y/n why is he here? ..are you holding hands oh sweetie i'll you to alone should i take your daughter to her nursey?'' she asked ''no i want them to met so she isn't scare when she gets her injections and stuff and this might be good if this works then she'll have a father'' you said.
as your mom left you went to pick your daughter. clapping her hands together. she was happy to see her mom. ''Kimi i have someone to show you?'' you said to her. as you point to the man who just sat beside you. she looked at him first then back at you. she babbles at him with her hands out. you hand her over to kenjiro and instantly Kimi took a liking to him. ''i think she likes you kenjiro'' you say giggle ''yeah guess she does'' he commented.
Them as BF
He is very over protective of you like seriously.
He would help with cooking I mean by that you guys would take it in turns to do the cooking and cleaning both would help each other
You both sleep together it's so cute it be either sweetheart position or big spoon position would sometimes shower together and sometimes won't
Both would tease and make fun of each other
he is very sweet and nice to your daughter Kimiko (she calls him ''dad or daddy'')
you sometimes come into his doctors office just to give him lunch or to see him cause you miss when you are at work or looking after daughter Kimiko when she is sick
Who Kissed First And Where
he did actually
and it was right in the morning in the kitchen right before he left for work.
First Date
he took you on a picnic date -tho it was his options. it was yours.
Meeting the family
you were taking your kid out on a stroll through the park with your bf kenjiro. when you heard 3 voices ''is that kenjiro'' they said. you didn't know who they were. but they looked old maybe in their 70s maybe his parents. ''mom! dad!'' he said ''oh son how are you?'' his mom asked ''i'm good'' he said back ''ah are you here on your own or are you with someone?'' his dad asked ''no i'm actually here with my gf y/n'' he said to him putting a arm around your waist ''oh so your his gf its a pleasure to met you'' his mom said seeing rock a stroller back and forth ''and who is this i may ask?'' she asked ''oh this i'm daughter kimiko'' you said to her. opening the lid so she can see her ''oh she is beautiful how old is she now?'' she asked ''2 years old now'' you said ''oh she is a big girl'' she said ''oh well look at the time we better get home see you two around'' his dad said.
as his parents left out of sight. he looked back at you ''sorry i wasn't expecting to see them at a park now, is kimi ok?'' he asked ''yeah i think so, ..... * you went to check your daughter to see she fell asleep*... actually she fell asleep i think we should go home kenjiro'' you said. so you and him went home. you put your daughter to sleep. you went down to see your bf on the sofa you sat beside him snuggling into his chest. you watched tv together.
What type of Pets do you Get For Them
for him - cockapoo
You Spending Christmas together through Covid19
(a/n*this is now 2022. so as covid is isn't a risk as it was so i changed it up a bit*). so you do get to see family and your daughter gets to see her grandparents from your side and his side. meaning both your parents. for 5 days then you celebrate at home with kenjiro. as your daughter was born a week after christmas you celebrate it at home with him. gifts and prezzies.
What Cute Nicknames You Both Have each other
for him - it's ken or shira
for you - it's babe or y/n
Them watching you doing TikTok dances
he was watch from the side line. and maybe cover your daughters eyes when your doing a dirty dance on TikTok. but he doesn't really care either way.
What Social media do you guys both have
for him - it's Facebook (old person), Instagram
for you it's TikTok, snapchat, Instagram
When you come into see your Bf Masturbating
you bringing your kid to day care. and when you returned back you heard grunt coming from the bedroom. you went upstairs to the room to see him flapping himself. you smirk and comment on the situation ''are you enjoying yourself?'' they left the room ''oh fyi your picking up Kimi in 5 hrs so just thought you should now that'' you yelled. in the bedroom. he woke up and fix himself as he ran downstairs to see you. ''you didn't see anything ok babe'' he said to you ''ok i didn't see any- thing but if i did what were you dreaming about?'' you asked smirking ''oh shut up .. it was you alright'' he said flustered ''aww thats sweet but yk ken if you wanted help you could of just asked me'' you said. (4 hrs later) kenjiro went to pick her Kimi from day school.
When they come into see you Masturbating
your bf was out at work and you had just come back from dropping off your daughter to your mom's house. it was around 6 so you had time. you went to the shared bedroom that you and shiro share together. walking over to the wardrobe. you noticed a old/ favourite of yours (aka; it was your bf's shirt/ jersey). you took it. sniffing the scent. it intoxicated you so much, you could not help yourself but to lay on the sheet and pleasure yourself. fast-forward your bf shiro came home, noticing that kimiko wasn't at home. he called out to you ''babe?'' he asked when he got nothing he went to the kitchen to see a note saying that to shiro ''kimiko was dropped off at her grand mothers house for the day'' - y/n. he left the kitchen and went upstairs to see you. when he got closer to the bedroom door. he heard moaning and his name being called out again and again. curious he went over to see you wearing his old shirt/ jersey as you finger yourself too his scent. he smirked as he stood there watching you. shiro shortly interrupted you and said ''babe i know i smell good and all, you could of called me back so you could have it yk... and also its 6 pm, your daughter kimiko and your mom is probably wondering where you are'' he said to you.
you woke to see him sitting next to you with a smirk on his face ''ken you saw nothing ok, don't speak about this, got it!'' you said to him flustered ''oh we are going to talk about it, when you get home babe'' he said back to you, as he kissed down your neck. fast-forward after picking up your daughter from your mom's house. you and shiro had a very long conversation 😏😂
You guys going on Holiday's to together
as a family of three. you and bf kenjiro and your little 2 year daughter Kimiko go to France or Spain on holidays with either your parents or his as a family holiday.
You doing the TikTok Naked Challenge On Them
your daughter was outside in the big garden playing with the her dog. it was a saturday and a bit sunny. kenjiro your bf was at home in the living room watching tv and keeping an eye on his step daughter Kimiko. as for you were upstairs. had just come out of a nice shower. you walked back to the master bedroom to put on some clean and comfortable clothes to wear and catch up with your bf outside. you decided to play a TikTok on your bf. you just took off your towel at the stair - case ''ken baby can you come here for a minute'' you called out to him ''babe what is it?'' he ask you as he walked out of the living room to the stairs. ''babe? what is this?'' he asked walking up the stairs to you ''what do you think?'' you asked him 'babe idk why don't we go to the bedroom and let us find out the answer shall we'' he said to you as he took you by the hand and dragged you to the bedroom to have sex.
after an hour you had a shower joined by your bf ken. once you both were clean and wrapped up in fluff and feathers (well just for you actually) but yeah anyways you and ken walked down the stairs to the living room to see your daughter playing with her lego in her play room. thank god the room wasn't below the master bedroom. but you and your bf didn't know she came back in side the house. you saw your cockapoo asleep right beside her.
What type of pets do they get for you
for you - Domestic shorthair
They React On You Being pregnant
his official reaction was shock but after a few minutes it settled in that he was going to be a father now. he was very happy about the new now going to be a family of four.
How many kids do you guys have
two kids - your daughter Kimiko and your son
Who Proposed to you first and where
He proposed to you on the beach at sunset. it was romantic: - you and him were just taking a evening stroll on the beach after your lovely seaside restaurant date night your two kids were at home with your mom. while you looked out at the sunset your bf kenjiro got down on one knee and proposed to you ''yes yes yes kenjiro i'll marry you'' you said to him crying as he slides on the ring onto your finger and kisses you.
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