I Found You
Slytherin Atsumu miya x Gryffindoor reader fluff part 1
Hogwarts school for whiches and wizardry for the new students welcome as see all the students have entered the massive dinner assembly room as all new students get sorted by the sorting hat into the different houses: Gryffindoor, Ravencraw, hufflepuff and slytherin. (a/n I'm hufflepuff comment down which hogwarts house you are) back to story.
So, this story is going to mainly be about a certain Slytherin boy named atsumu miya and a certain Gryffindoor name y/n l/n and how they met. So, the first day of school the difference years getting to class and finding their friends or classmates or lovers as the 1st years trying to get to class for potions with professor Snape head of the Slytherin House y/n sit down next to friends from Gryffindoor House talking to Hinata when a certain boy was late professor Snape not being happy about one student being late well he nevers is in a happy mood at all just in general.
Atsumu pov
"I'm late I'm late" as I ran down the first year hallway to potions class with professor Snape as I got to the room when I opened the door the he his said "Mr. Miya your late I might have to give you detention again for Friday and that's 5 points from slytherin House now hurry up sit down" I would usually sit beside my twin but I was late today so, suna took my usual sit and I had to sit next to a girl from Gryffindoor as class went on when it finished I collected my books and left the potions class as I walked with my twin and my fellow slytherins I stayed silent through out all my other class even when I had lunch or dinner.
Fast-forward to the holidays
Christmas holidays came to hogwarts as a massive Christmas celebration party in the dinner assembly hall as many hogwarts students went home for Christmas but some stayed at hogwarts. So, as we look into the library and walk over to darkwood table near the window and sitting at this table was slytherin Atsumu miya and his twin osamu with Bf boyfriend rintaro with their 4th year Shinsuke kita help them study. And away from the window on the otherside of the library their is Gryffindoor y/n and her friends Hinata with bf kageyama and hufflepuff 4th years michinari with Bf Ginjima also studying quietly.
Y/n pov
I was studying away when friend Hinata tapped my shoulder slightly I looked up and he point over to the table near the window to a group of slytherin's when Hinata said "y/n atsumu miya looking over at you" you turned your head to slytherin Atsumu miya was indeed looking over at you. So, when I finished studying me and friends left the library went to the back to are houses when someone pushed me into a dark room a'd locked the door and left me there I told one of my friends to get help.
So, as students went out of the library Hinata saw atsumu running over to him and asked "hi atsumu someone from slytherin locked friend y/n in a room can help her" slytherin atsumu miya nodded and followed Hinata to when the room was. He used his wand and chant the charm alohomora to open the door it opening easily y/n running into a tight embrace into whoever was in front of you when the door was unlocked.
Atsumu put his wand away you letting go of said not realising that it was atsumu until you looked up at the that helped you quickly let go and thanking him and just walked away to your Gryffindoor house dormitories blushing madly as Hinata rushed to catch up with you. Atsumu saw this and thought you were cute as he walked back to his friends as days went on you refused to look at him I mean you embarrassed at what happened on that day.
You were out in the garden when you heard running footsteps coming behind you got up to see who it was when the said voice said "y/n I found you" you looked curiously at the voice when you realized it was atsumu. He walked up to you and taking your hand brought you to more private place then you were in and asked you to met him late tonight and that he wanted to show you something.
Fast-forward later tonight
So, evening came that day it was around 9 you snuck out of your dormitories and went out to the garden to meet atsumu he looked up and smiled at you walking over to you and taking you by the hand walking with your eyes closed to the surprise that he had for you when he stopped walking he told you to open your eyes to and clear night sky covered by stars you looked dover to atsumu when he pulled out his hand and chant a charm when all the fireflies lit up the grass he turned to you taking your hand and confessed to you "y/n I asked you out here now cause I want to say that i love you and that I want to be in a relationship with you" he finished Confessing and looking over at you and seeing you crying you accepted the Confession atsumu smiling pulled into a loving embrace and tilted your head connecting your lips together for a sweet passionate kiss walking back to hogwarts in hand and hand.
This part of the story as said above in the title. see guys in another story peace out ✌️
Word count: 966
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