𝐜𝐡. 𝟏𝟑
"IZUKU!! what are you doing here?!", manami asked, surprised.
midoriya was frozen in spot as the huge three-headed dog stood right in front of him. his saliva was dripping next to midoriya's tiny stature.
"k-kore...w-why's this dog so b-big?", midoriya sweated.
"hm?? cerberus?? cerberus, stop scaring izuku and come here", manami called out.
cerberus shrunk and ran over to manami, hopping into her arms. manami laughed while midoriya just watched with his mouth wide open.
"can I interest you in some boba and cookie hearts??", manami asked while rubbing cerberus's fur.
"I—u-umm...actually that doesn't sound too bad", midoriya replied, following manami.
manami took midoriya to the main hall, where there was a table set to the side. manami let cerberus run free as she looked in the fridge for some boba.
kurogiri had recently bought a fridge since shigaraki said that it's better to keep food fresh for manami.
manami then grabbed the cookie jar that was on the counter. because manami had such a sweet tooth, kurogiri limited her to only taking three cookies a day.
"so what're you doing here izu?"
"a-ah..w-well I'm actually here to save theseus and pirithous", midoriya confessed.
there was no point in hiding it. and plus, he couldn't lie to sweet manami.
"oh!! those two...they tried to take me away", manami pouted. "and hurt me".
"they hurt you?! are you okay?? do I need to invite our heaven doctor to you??", midoriya worried.
"no no, I'm okay now!! but yeah, chisaki shot an arrow towards tomura, and I blocked it because I didn't want him to get hurt", manami explained.
"y-you blocked it?? kore, I need you to be honest now", midoriya seriously said.
manami put down her cookie, looking midoriya straight in the eye. "y-yeah??"
"do you have a crush on hades?"
manami blinked. "huh?"
"you know, I've recently learned a lot about human relationships", midoriya said as he pulled out a notebook filled with notes on humans.
"so apparently, when two humans like each other, it's called a crush. when one, usually the man, asks the other out, they start dating", midoriya said.
"what's dating?", manami asked. usually in the world of gods and goddesses, there was no such thing as dating. if one god found you fancy, you'll most likely be married off to that god.
in fact, gods could have multiple affairs. not to call them a sleaze or anything, but most weren't exactly committed.
"dating is the stage in which the two humans go on dates like maybe the park, the ice skating rink, the pool, or maybe even a fancy dinner", midoriya explained.
"but then what happens after dating??", manami curiously asked, picking up her pink cookie to take another bite.
midoriya licked his finger and flipped the page.
"so after dating, one of them, usually the man, proposes with a ring. and thus, they reach the stage of engagement", midoriya said.
"engagement?? what's the difference between engagement and dating?"
"engagement is the time period that they prepare to get married. because you know, mortals take forever to prepare for the wedding and stuff".
"so after they marry they become newly weds. husband and wife right??" manami smiled, proud that she knew something.
"yes! then they birth kids and—"
"so do you have a crush, izu?", manami asked, stopping midoriya from going on a tangent.
"yes. crushing anxiety", midoriya replied with a straight face.
manami just blinked. "u-um...are you okay?" she placed her hand on midoriya's shoulder, making him stiffen.
"y-yes! s-sorry about that", midoriya laughed. "anyways, you didn't answer my question".
"oh! do I have a crush on hades? hmm...". manami tapped her chin, looking around. she then spotted a tuff of black fur sticking out from beside the wall.
leaving midoriya, making him confused, she walked to where the tuff of black fur was.
"tomura? why are you here??", manami asked, smiling.
shigaraki jumped out of his skin. he didn't mean to purposely eavesdrop, but it just so happened that he stopped by to get a bottle of juice.
"I-I-I...I was passing by. I wanted to get some orange juice", shigaraki explained.
"ohhhh okay. well go ahead then, I'm just gonna take izu here and give him a tour!!", manami said, about to walk back before shigaraki stopped her.
"wait. izuku? like midoriya izuku? hercules??", shigaraki questioned.
"mhm!! he's one of my best friends. is something wrong?"
shigaraki then loosened his grip, shaking his head. he begrudgingly put on a small smile for manami.
"nothing. go have fun". manami just chuckled as she left to go back to midoriya.
shigaraki glared at midoriya, making him sweat. he could feel the glare of shigaraki from behind the wall.
he mentally apologized to shigaraki, as he didn't mean to kill his hydra from a decade ago.
midoriya slowly turned his head around, awkwardly smiling and slightly bowing his head a bit. he then turned back to manami, who was smiling sweetly at him.
"let's go shall we?"
➽───────────────❥ ➽───────────────❥
midoriya was off saving theseus and pirithous while manami skipped to shigaraki's office.
"come in", shigaraki sighed, rubbing his temples. after a long day of work, he just wanted to sleep. he didn't even understand why gods had to do paperwork.
"tomura!! look what I found", manami excitedly exclaimed as she rushed to shigaraki's side.
shigaraki took a sip of something he grew very fond of, coffee.
manami kneeled down on one knee and took out a black box. she opened it up and revealed—
shigaraki choked on his coffee.
"k-kore what are you doing?"
"well I was watching godtube videos. and this one video explained how humans always had the guy proposing, so I thought that I'd propose!!", manami excitedly said.
inside the black box was not a ring. in fact, it was a rock, making shigaraki very confused.
"w-why is it a rock?", shigaraki asked.
"they said they always proposed with the biggest stone. so I found the biggest rock I could!!"
manami's eyes sparkled, making shigaraki feel guilty. how was he suppose to tell her that they meant the diamond stone, not a literal rock?
"k-kore I—"
"are you going to reject my proposal??", manami pouted, making an arrow shoot through shigaraki's heart.
"NO! s-sorry. umm how do I explain this...". shigaraki thought for a moment, that is, until hell started shaking, making manami fall to her side.
"kore, are you okay?", shigaraki worried, helping the girl up.
"I lost the rock...". she frowned, because of the sudden shake, she had lost the rock.
"it's okay. I'll help you find it later okay? let's go check out what happened first", shigaraki said, holding manami's hand.
manami just nodded as she followed shigaraki out. looking one last time in his office, she walked out.
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