You Again
A/N: Their ages are: Sam - 16, Gabe - 17, Dean - 19 and Cas - 18.
Dean leads Sam in through the front door, the two of them kick off their muddy shoes and are greeted by the smell of food cooking. Dean raises an eyebrow at his brother as they walk through the kitchen to see John stirring something in a pot.
"There you two are, hurry up and get ready, remember our neighbours will be here soon."
Sam raises his brows at Dean, his embarrassment forgotten as he hears their father start to hum along to the radio. It was rare to hear John happy these days, coming home was always terrifying as they weren't sure which side of their father was going to greet them. Happy, kind John or withdrawn, short-tempered John. Usually, it was the latter.
"Sorry dad, we just got a bit sidetracked." Dean nudges Sam before darting upstairs. No doubt to claim the first shower.
Huffing, Sam trudged upstairs and heading straight for his room. He glanced half-heartedly at the half-finished essay on his desk. He had to do that, but right now all he wanted to do was lie down on his bed and relax while Dean took an abnormally long shower. Sam shudders, not wanting to think about what on earth his brother did in that time. He closed his eyes and felt his body relax against the bed. Maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt.
~~~Time Skip~~~
Sam flew upright when he felt something tickling his face. Dean jumped away from his bed, doubled over laughing with a feather in his hand.
"What the hell, Dean?" Sam rubbed his eyes.
"Go get yourself ready, Dad's gonna lose his shit if you aren't ready to greet the neighbours."
"How long do I have?"
Dean pretended to think, a smirk on his face. "5 minutes."
"Dammit Dean," Sam hurried out of the room, cursing his brother. He has a quick shower, chucking his clothes on before running towards the stairs as he hears voices down below.
Of course, in his usual clumsy style, Sam had barely passed the top step and then he was flying forward and painfully tumbling down the thankfully carpeted stairs. Lying sprawled out on the floor at the bottom, Sam winces as he rubs his head, hearing their guest ask about the noise.
Blushing, Sam limps into the living with a sheepish expression. John frowns at his son but thankfully doesn't comment as he turns back to their guest.
"So, Gabriel, I assume you and your brothers will be attending the same high school as my boys?" John asks as Sam shuffles in.
Dean's standing beside their father, and must have noticed Sam lurking as he shoots him a smirk. It was his, I'll-enjoy-your-embarrassment look.
Sam glances over their guests. The parents sat on the two-seater next to John's armchair, smiling kindly, then there was a very familiar blue-eyed boy perched on one end of the three-seater. Sam frowned and then froze as he locked eyes with the boy on the other end of the couch.
It was Gabriel. The very Gabriel that Sam had knocked down earlier. Dean bites his lip to keep himself for laughing at Sam's expression as he takes a seat on the other armchair, leaving only one place for Sam to sit, next to Gabriel.
"'Bout time you made it son, meet our new neighbours, the Novaks. This is Becky and Chuck Novak and two of their sons, Gabriel and Castiel."
Sam gives Becky and Chuck a small smile, "nice to m-meet you, I'm uh, Sam Winchester." He winces at how awkward he sounds.
Gabriel turns slightly to face Sam as he sits tentatively on the couch.
"Hey again, Samoose."
Sam stutters, unable to reply.
Then Gabriel winks discreetly as the adults start talking and Sam narrows his eyes as his blush grew worse. Castiel murmurs a quiet hello, and Sam decides that he liked the older Novak brother more. He glances over at his brother, noticing the way Dean stared at Castiel and smirked. Dean, realising this wasn't what he should be doing when he claims he's 'straight', pulls his phone out and becomes antisocial.
Sam hears his phone ping as a message comes through, he doesn't notice Dean watching him with a smug smile.
Impala67 sent a message to your group FandomTrash.
Sam frowns as he unlocks his phone and opens the messenger app.
Impala67: Awe look at that, my little bro is making friends
Samchester: Shut up, get me out of this
Impala67: nah, prefer watching you suffer
Samchester: Dean, please, I'm dying of embarrassment
QueenGeek: what's up with Sammy?
Impala67: we're meeting new neighbours, Sam has already met their midget son after landing on top of him earlier today
Samchester: Dean! I tripped Charlie.
QueenGeek: too late, I ship it
JHarville: Ooh new ship? What's his name????
Impala67: gabriel
QueenGeek is typing
Jharville is typing
Samchester changed his name to 100%Done
Sam looked up and glared at his brother before trying to do damage control on the chat. He was so focused on his phone, that he wasn't aware of the shorty next to him leaning in until he felt his breath on his ear. Just about leaping out of his skin as Gabriel's voice comes from beside him, literally inches from his ear.
"Watcha doing Samoose? Oooo is that a Sherlock phone case?"
"Uh, yeah, you're a fan?"
"Johnlock is life," he grins, his sunlit whiskey coloured eyes gleaming.
"Awesome," Dean tears his eyes from his phone. "You'd get along well with Charlie, that's her OTP."
"What does OTP mean?" Cas tilts his head, "and what is Johnlock."
Dean blinks slowly, "how have you not heard of Johnlock? Gabriel, please tell me your brother watches Sherlock."
"I have never watched that show, what is it about?"
Dean stares at Castiel, his mouth open in shock. Gabriel laughs.
"Dean, it's not a big deal," Sam bites his lip, grinning at Dean's face.
"Not that bigger deal?" Dean looked offended. "That show, that show is literally amazing."
Castiel tilted his head. "Is it that good?"
Dean nodded. "Yup and I need to show you it, c'mon I have it on my laptop."
Cas grinned, nodding as Dean stood up.
Cas follows suit and trails Dean out of the room like an obedient puppy.
Sam snorts, before turning back to his phone.
100%Done: Calm down Charles, Dean was just being over-reactive about something
ArchangelTrickster has joined your chat
100%Done: Who are you? I don't remember friending you.
ArchangelTrickster: It is I, the handsome guy beside you
100%Done: Omc how did you get into this group Gabriel
QueenGeek: He friended me and I added him, I need to see my ship in action
100%Done: You haven't even met him, I'VE barely met him, how could you ship us??
JHarville: Sam, poor Gabriel is new here, he doesn't know people, so we're just being accommodating
QueenGeek: SHIPSHIPSHIP you know I'm a hardcore shipper Sammy
JHarville: She really is
ArchangelTrickster: I hear you like Sherlock, QueenGeek
Sam groans, "this is unbelievable."
Gabriel pops another lolly in his mouth, "I like your friend Samantha, why can't you be nice like her?"
Sam bitchfaces him and looks down at his phone.
100%Done: Please get out of our chat
ArchangelTrickster: *pouts* why samoose??? I'm making friends, I did just move here y'know
100%Done have changed their screen name to Samoose
ArchangelTrickster: Better
Samoose: How did you do that??
QueenGeek: Omc you two are adorable
Samoose: Please tell me how you changed my name
ArchangelTrickster: I had help
JHarville: Will you be going to our school Gabriel?
ArchangelTrickster: hells yeah
QueenGeek: Yasss
"Sam put your phone away for dinner, you need to be less antisocial boy."
Sam's mouth falls open, and he looks at Gabriel who has his phone hidden in his pocket now.
Gabriel winks at him, "I think we're gonna be best friends."
Sam glares at him, "I think not."
"The game, Samoose, is on."
*Published 23/9/17
*Edited 21/02/19
This whole chapter sucks :T But I was tired and still planning the filler so I wanted to put a filler chapter out in order to get a feel for the characters.... I have defiantly never had experience writing things like this sooooooo
Welcome to the bumpy roller coaster of a ride that is me finding my fanfic legs.
But never fear, I have some sorta plan now.... (Hehehe)
Peace out, wayward readers
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