Tricksters get Tricked
Sam slumps against the closet wall. Yes, an actual closet that his loving brother had shoved him into. Gabriel was sitting in front of the door, having given up on trying to get out an hour ago, his voice almost hoarse from shouting.
Maybe an explanation was in order... you see, when their siblings and friends piled angrily into their room they decided that the two tricksters needed to be given a taste of their own medicine. Dean particularly wanted to do something to get back at them for locking him and Cas in the bathroom.
Which is how they'd come up with the closet idea, pun intended. Lucifer and Michael had grabbed Gabriel, Dean and Charlie got Sam, and together they'd lugged the two over to the hall closet, throwing them in and shutting the door before either could escape. Lucifer had locked the door, and left the two confused teens with a warning.
"If you guys somehow manage to escape, be warned that there is a prank of your own making waiting for you the moment you open this door."
And then, everyone had left. Sam and Gabe had started banging on the door, calling out for their brothers.
"Cassie! Luci! Why don't you let us out!? What is even funny about this?" Gabriel calls out as he pounds on the door. "We aren't exactly in the closet anymore, we've both embraced the rainbow so whats the point of locking us in here?"
But there was no answer, and no matter how loud they yelled or how hard the hammered on the door, there was no reply. Sam gave up after 30 minutes, resigning himself to sitting on the floor, his back against the wooden wall. Gabriel stuck at it for another 30-40 minutes, slowly getting quieter before he finally gives up, slumping down in front of the door with an annoyed huff. And that's how they ended up here, stuck back in the closet.
"So, what are we going to do now?" Gabriel asks, a pout falling across his face.
Sam shrugs, closing his eyes and trying to get comfortable. "I dunno," he murmurs quietly. "Knowing Dean, we'll be here for a while."
Gabriel sighs dramatically, "and knowing Luci, we'll rot in here, forever forgotten... hey maybe Adam should be here."
Sam scoffs, "that's mean."
"Yeah, well they locked us in here."
"They'll let us out, eventually."
".... I'm hungry, oh god we're gonna starve to death in this cramped room."
"We're not going to starve Gabe."
"We are Sammy, we'll die here together..."
Sam snorts, "you're being over dramatic."
After that, it was silent for a while as they contemplated their situation. Sam really wasn't all that surprised at his brother, but he was surprised at how little Dean had said about the Impala, surely they should be getting worse than being locked in a closet? This got him thinking about the prank that was supposedly waiting for them. Gabe was apparently having the same train of thoughts.
"Hey, Samoose, what do you think they've got set up on the other side of this door, how bad of a prank can it actually be?"
Gabe turns to look at Sam, "really? That's all you've got, eh?"
"Gabriel, look at what we did and who we did it to and tell me what you think."
Gabe chuckled, "yeah, we kinda caused a lot of chaos didn't we?"
Sam rolled his eyes at his friend before leaning his head back and closing his eyes.
"What's got you so quiet Samantha? You're quieter than usual."
Sam bit the inside of his cheek, "just thinking about how much things have changed since I first met you." It wasn't exactly a lie, he had been thinking about that, but he'd also been thinking about his feelings for Gabe.
Gabe had become his first proper friend, someone he could start to fully trust, and Sam didn't want to ruin things by letting this small crush out. Because that's all it was, a small crush that'd go away soon enough. At least, that's what denial filled lie he was telling himself said.
"I'm glad we met Sammy, I couldn't imagine life without ya," Gabriel suddenly murmurs, looking down at his hands in embarrassment as he realised how chick flicky he just sounded.
The dark closet was silent for a moment.
"I'm glad I met you too, Gabriel," Sam says in his quiet voice.
Silence falls again, and Gabe shuffles away from the door, moving through the tight, small space to sit beside Sam. He rests his head on Sam shoulder tiredly and let's his thoughts drift. And even though both boys were quiet, hidden by the darkness was their bright smiles as they thank whatever god or universal plan put them together.
Sam stares at the wall opposite him, his mind drifting as he goes back to his internal contemplation.
Gabe just sighs, wondering when they'd be free but at the same time he was almost thankful for this alone time with Sam. Because, recently, he'd found himself having these strange warm and buzzy feelings around his quiet friend.
He wished he could tell Sam, that he was brave enough to face his feelings, but he was scared. He was scared of losing his first true friend.
But then again, he couldn't help but wonder what I'd be like if Sam returned these feelings. So Gabriel closed his eye, not wanting to see Sam's disgusted look, and grabbed Sam's hand, threading their fingers together.
There was a moment of stillness in the silent room, and then, while keeping his gaze steady on the wall, Sam tightened his grip on Gabe's hand, curling his fingers so he was holding Gabriel's hand back.
Neither boy says anything, but stay like that even after they fall asleep.
~~time skip ~~
Sam woke up to see a crack of light shining into the closet. He blinks blearily, highly aware of Gabe's hand still in his as he slowly wakes up.
Looking around, Sam realised that the closet door had been opened a crack. Even as he shook Gabe awake, a small part of his mind had warning bells going off, this seemed suspicious. But after being stuck in a closet for the evening and majority of the night, Sam was more than eager to leave.
Gabe blinks sleepily as he wakes up, grinning as he saw the door.
"What'd think Sammy, time for us to get out of the closet?"
Sam chuckles, pulling Gabe to his feet while still holding his hand. They were still holding hands as they left the closet. Sam cautiously opens the door the rest of the way and steps out with Gabe right behind him.
The hallway was empty, which was odd. Then Gabe tugs on his arm, his eyes were wide as he looks down. Sam follows his gaze to see that there was a string strung across the closet threshold and their feet were pulling it taunt.
Sam follows the string up to a bucket that was hanging over them, dangerously close to tipping.
"Shit," was Gabriel's reaction as the bucket wobbles on the tipping point.
"Don't move, any more movement on the string and it'll tip," Sam breaths.
"I know kiddo, I've been in the pranking game a long time now."
Neither of them saw Dean crouching behind the corner with the air horn in hand.
The sudden, blaring sound of the air horn fills the air, causing Sam and Gabe to jump in fright. The string is pulled as Sam trips forward on it. Sam falls, probably because of his awkward height, and brings Gabe down with him.
The bucket tips over them, and out pours a dozen eggs. Gabe, who was lying on Sam's chest, got covered in the most as they hit the boys and crack open. There was a moment of silence, and Gabe blinks as the egg yolk and white slides down his face. Sam wipes some off his face as he tries to get out from under Gabe.
He blindly reaches out and feels his fingers wrap around something. Tugging slightly, he doesn't quite process the slight clicking sound or the object moving until all he can see is whiteness.
"REVENGE!" Luci shouts as he runs upstairs. "Revenge of the kitchen!"
Gabe groans, "this isn't even a good prank, it's just the same thing with different ingredients, its not even original... You copied us in a lot of ways."
Sam had scrambled to his feet, glaring at Dean before heading for the bathroom.
~~Time skip to after showers~~
Sam sits on the bed, trying to dry the rest of his hair properly. Gabe had just gotten back after having his shower and sat on the desk chair heavily.
A loud farting noise fills the air, going on for a full minute as Gabe narrows his eyes. He reaches underneath him and pulls out a whoopee cushion.
"Wows, so original, so not silly at all," Gabriel says sarcastically, bitch facing the door.
Sam chuckles, "let's go to sleep Gabe, before the try to fail at this anymore.
Gabriel sighs in agreement, grabbing a candy from his bag on the way over to calm himself. Unwrapping the candy, he pops it in his mouth. Sam rolls his eyes at Gabe, "really."
But Gabe couldn't reply, he had started gagging. Spitting the lolly out, he looks at the lump on his hand that obviously wasn't his sweet. Instead, it looked like they'd replaced it with one if their own.
"No one messes with my candy!" Gabe shouts angrily. "You guys better watch your backs!"
Then he grumpily crawls into bed, cursing their friends and thinking mournfully about his candy.
The next day everyone dragged themselves out of bed and went straight to the kitchen for coffee, it was the day they had to head back home and no one was looking forward to the drive back. Gabe sighed, slumping against Sam and glaring at their friends. He was still grumpy over them messing with his sugar stash.
The others seemed to think they had done enough, because they greeted Sam and Gabe as cheerfully as anyone can in the morning and went back to being slumped tiredly over their cups of coffee.
Gabriel shared a look with Sam, the both of them knowing that this pranking war was only just started, and it was their turn to make a move. But Gabriel wanted it to be perfect, so he bit his tongue and didn't try anything. Yet.
After breakfast, everyone started to get their stuff together, getting ready to leave. Sam dumps his bag at the door, ready before anyone else. He decides to head outside while he waited for everyone else, and ended up sitting quietly on the lake shoreline, enjoying the warm sun.
Staring out across the beautiful lake, Sam lets his thoughts drift randomly as he relaxes. He hears footsteps behind him, and moments later Gabriel was sitting beside Sam.
"I can't believe we're back at school tomorrow, that sucks," Gabriel complains as they look out at the lake.
Sam doesn't reply, but he offers Gabe a small, sympathetic smile. Gabriel smiles back and studies Sam's face, staring much longer than necessary. Sam blushes, but can't look away as they gaze into each other's eyes. Gabe intertwines their fingers between them, leaning closer. Sam leans forward, his heart pounding as his gaze drops to Gabe's lips before darting back up to his whiskey coloured eyes.
"Sam..." Gabriel breathes.
They were so close now, Sam's nose brushing Gabe's.
Just a bit closer and they'd be kissing.
"Sammy! Gabriel! Where are you guys? We're going now so you better get your asses to the cars!"
They hesitate, frozen in this close position for several long moments as they look into each other's eyes.
Then Gabriel pulls away, blushing as he stands up. "Come on Samoose, w-we should head over there before they leave us behind."
Sam was blushing as red as a tomato as he follows his short friend over to the cars. All the while he was trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.
Everyone climbs into the same cars that they'd been in on the way there and then they were pulling away from the cabin and heading towards home.
The trip was fairly silent, at least it was in Dean's car. Lucifer's car was jut as bad as it'd been on the trip to the lake. In Dean's car, however, Sam and Gabriel sat side by side quietly in the back, both lost in thought over what had happened, Charlie was actually sleeping and Dean was quietly humming along to the music while Cas stared out the window.
Gabriel was busy thinking over the almost kiss, did Sam like him? Surely not, Sam would never like someone as loud and annoying as Gabe, but at the same time.... Gabriel wished he could read minds so he'd know what was going on in Sam's head.
Sam was also thinking about the almost kiss, he was wondering if this meant Gabriel liked him and he was surprised to find himself hoping that Gabe did like him.
Thanks cheesewizzz for this idea!
I've just realised this is 15 or so chapters in and I still haven't gotten any ships together, although Sabriel is looking close... This story needs to speed up perhaps, but now they're back in the real world, and things could get ugly hahahaha
*Laughs evilly like the spn writers must do*
Do you guys have any prank ideas for this prank off they're having?
Wow, 42 votes and 945 reads, you guys are amazing!
Peace out, Wayward readers!
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