(A/N: great title, I know, but my brain isn't working)
Two days pass and Azazel kept his distance, but he and his three main goonies, Abadon, Zach and Uriel, kept shooting Sam and Gabe dirty looks, and Sam knew it was only a matter of time before they tried something else.
It was another day, another long set of morning lessons, and Sam was finally heading for his last class before lunch, History. Now don't get him wrong, Sam loved learning, but he was finding the whole social aspect of school all the more tiring since Azazel had started spreading rumors about him being gay.
And while these rumors actually had some truth behind them, he was not exactly wanting to come out to the public yet. Funnily enough, there was only one person Sam really wanted to hang out with, and that was Gabe.
The very person that not all that long ago, Sam would never have thought of as someone that he looked forward to seeing. But here he was, walking to History and smiling brightly as Gabe walked alongside him, chattering away enough that Sam could be quiet without it being awkward. And of course, Sam did speak to Gabriel more than most people, he still preferred to stay quiet.
"And poor Cassie walked through the door first, so he got a face full of whipped cream instead of Balthy," Gabe concludes his story with a laugh, his golden whiskey eyes crinkling with laughter.
"How are you not 6 feet under by now?" Sam asks with a smile.
"Because I'm the Trickster with a capital T, that's why."
Sam rolls his eyes, "wow someone excels at modesty."
"Its Gabriel, what do you expect?" Charlie pops up beside Sam, causing him to nearly jump out his skin.
"Jesus Charles, some warning next time?" Other than Gabe, Charlie was the only other person that Sam was really comfortable around.
"Its Charlie, what do you expect," Gabe quips, a shit eating grin on his face.
"You two are idiots, remind me why we're friends again."
Charlie and Gabe exchange grins, "because we're bloody awesome."
Gabe reaches up, trying to use Sam as a armrest but due to Sam being a tall mooseman, and Gabe being..... Normal height, it was impossible. So Gabe settled for the next best thing, he jumps onto Sam's back.
Sam yelps in shock at he sudden warm weight on his back, stumbling several steps forward. Charlie squeals, pulling her phone out and snapping a picture of the two before they could react.
"Charlie!" Sam glares at her, trying to keep his embarrassed blush at bay. Gabe has now locked his arms around Sam's neck, his legs tighter around Sam's waist. Now way for Sam to shake him off.
"Gabe can you please get off me."
"I don't feel like it, but I guess u could help you get off."
Sam's blush deepens as he chokes on air. "Gabe!" He exclaims as he coughs.
"I ship it," Charlie whispers.
The trio reach the history classroom with several minutes until the bell was due to go. Gabe finally hops off Sam's back, sliding into his now permanent seat beside Sam's.
As Sam sits down in his seat and begins pulling his stuff out for the lesson, Charlie perches on Gabe's desk as they start chatting about.... You guessed it, ships.
"You know what, we should continue this in the group chat, maybe the others can help educate you," Charlie's voice rises as she goes into her passionate, heated tone she gets when talking about her favourite ships and OTPs.
Sam absently wondered what ship she was ranting about now when he felt his phone buzz in his jacket pocket.
Hiding the phone under his desk, he opens up the message notification.
QueenBitch has added you to the chat.
QueenBitch has added ArchangelTrickster, KevinSolo, Impala67, CasBee, JoHarvelle, SinktheTitanic, KingofHell, Garthatron, TheRealSatan and MichaelW to your chat.
[A/N: I can already see myself failing at keeping up with all these characters..... also in case you can't tell, I'm a big Septiplier shipper]
QueenBitch: Guy, Gabe still doesn't know what Septiplier is
Impala67: Twerp, even I know what that is
ArchangelTrickster: Did you just call me a twerp??
Impala67: ......... Maybe
CasBee: What does twerp mean?
Impala67: Don't change Cas, your innocence is rare
SinktheTitanic: *Pukes* Get a room you two
JoHarvelle: Its cute, ship it
QueenBitch: SHIP IT!!!!!
QueenBitch: Gabriel, I sent you a video explaining Septiplier
TheRealSatan: I approve of that ship
MichaelW: Thats because you're about as straight as a rainbow slinky, which is hilarious considering you are satan
TheRealSatan: oh mikey, you made a satan joke, I'm so proud of you
Impala67: is everyone in this chat group gay???
KevinSolo: I'm not.
Garthatron: Are you sure >-> I'm not :D
Samoose: Sorry Brother, thought you knew... I run on BiFi
ArchangelTrickster: First, Septiplier is cute, secondly I'm as gay as destiel
QueenBitch: Yass, same here Gabriel
CasBee: I don't understand that reference. I also have no preference when it comes to gender, I believe I am what some people call Pansexual
MichaelW: I'm straight
TheRealSatan: >-> Why are you lying mikey?
KingofHell: I have never actually thought about it, I couldn't be bothered working out what I am
SinktheTitanic: Did you procrastinate on your sexuality?
KingofHell: Maybe
Impala67: I thought this was statisically impossible...
QueenBitch: Screw statistics
Samoose: Are we forgetting anyone in this chat??
ArchangelTrickster: I don't think so
QueenBitch: Oh shit, I forgot Adam
QueenBitch has added Theforgottenone to your chat
Impala67: thats a depressing name
Theforgottenone:Its true through
Garthatron: Don't be sad, it was an honest mistake
Theforgottenone has changed his name to LeftinHell
CasBee: I have to go, class is starting
CasBee has left the chat
JoHarvelle: ;-: I better go too, see ya!
Impala67: Cas is making me put my phone away and take notes :T
Impala67 has left the chat
Garthatron has left the chat
JoHarvelle has left the chat
SinktheTitanic has left the chat
KingofHell has left the chat
LeftinHell has left the chat
QueenBitch: Nerds, but I should be going too, peace out bitches
QueenBitch has left the chat
TheRealSatan: Aren't you guys in the same class or something?
Samoose: Yeah, Charlie's in my class
ArchangelTrickster: Same here
MichaelW: My lecture is about to start
TheRealSatan: Don't leave me mikey..... ;-;
MichaelW has left the chat
TheRealSatan has left the chat
ArchangelTrickster: I guess that leaves just us Samsquatch
Samoose has left the chat
ArchangelTrickster: And then there were none
ArchangelTrickster has left the chat.
Hey guys! Sorry for this crappy filler but I've been rather busy with my new job as a cinema attendant.
Plus my brother is staying with us for a week and let's just say we do not get along. Anyways, I thought it'd be better to do short, more regular chapters than longer, further apart.
Peace out, wayward readers
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