On the road to the Lakeside
As the final bell of the day rings shrilly through the warm air, the now rather large group of friends all ran to the parking lot, eager to hit the road. Sam and Gabe had decided not to talk about their night of spooning, nor were they going to talk about Azazel. This was because of their silent agreement to try and enjoy their weekend without bringing up any conversations that could make it awkward or painful.
So they acted as if everything was normal, and Gabe, of course, had jumped on Sam's back again.
"Onwards, my fair Moose, to the cars!" Gabe exclaims, tugging Sam's hair.
"Let go of my hair Gabriel," Sam growls as he starts walking.
"Right, sorry I'll leave the hair alone."
Sam rolls his eyes, "do you have to have piggy back rides everywhere?"
Gabe sighs dramatically, "I'm sooorrrryyy, but you're just such a majestic Moose, how could I resist riding you? Do you hate it that much?"
Sam splutters at Gabe's choice of words, his face going tomato red. But in all honesty, he really didn't mind Gabe on his back, he, and this was a shock to Sam, but he liked being close to the shorter boy. He was secretly enjoying the warmth soaking into his back, not that he'd tell Gabe this.
"I mean, I guess it's not all bad, it isn't like you're tall or heavy."
Gabe gasps, "oh but Samantha, I am not all that short either."
Sam chuckles, a sound that Gabe decided he really loved. "Gabe, you are short."
"Well, you're just freakishly tall."
"And you're both adorable together," Charlie grins, suddenly appearing beside them.
"Charlie!" Sam blushes.
"That's me bitches, now come on, Dean and the others are waiting."
Grumbling, Sam follows with a small blush on his face and an annoying Gabe on his back. Once they got outside, they found everyone else in there group chatting excitedly about the weekend. Charlie bounces energetically as she loudly announces it was time to hit the road.
"Lets just get this over with," Balthazar mutters as he gets into his own car.
Dean claps his hands to get everyones attention. "Okay, Charlie and I have decided how to the seating arrangements will go, Charlie?"
"Alrighty! So in Dean's car- I'm sorry, Baby, will be; Sam, Cas, Dean of course, Gabriel and myself" She grins at the group before continuing, "In Lucifer's car will be; Michael, Kevin, Adam, Samandriel and Jo, Anna said she'd get a ride with Balthazar and so is Meg."
The large group dispersed into the different vehicles and as Sam heads over to the Impala, he shoots Charlie a look.
"What?" She asks defensively.
"Did your ship's have anything to do with the travel arrangements?"
Charlie snorts, an innocent look on her face. "Whaat? No of course not."
Sam sighs, but clambers in beside Gabriel, who was in the middle. Cas sat shotgun and Dean was, of course, driving.
Pulling out his phone, Sam begins reading a Johnlock fanfic as Dean pulls out onto the road, the other cars right behind them. Gabe closes his eyes and rest his head on Sam's shoulder so casually that anyone would have thought it was a normal occurrence, and Sam tries to control his suddenly racing heart. On the other side of Gabriel, Charlie was quietly fangirling as she watched this Sabriel fluffiness.
In the front, Cas and Dean were chatting away quietly, at one point it sounded like they were having an argument about music. Good luck Cas.
Meanwhile, Sam was well award of the fact that Gabe seems to have fallen asleep curled up against Sam's side. Gabe's warmth seeped into Sam's side, and seemingly into his belly judging by the strange, warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach.
Cas cranes his head back to look at the other passengers, smiling at Sam and Gabe's position.
"Sorry Sam, he hasn't gotten much sleep lately."
Sam will the blush away, "its alright, I'm sure he needs it then."
"Hey Cas, reckon Sabriel will be cannon before Michifer?"
Castiel grins back at her, "please, Lucifer is much more likely to make a move on Michael before Sabriel, you've meet him right?"
Charlie smirks back, "alright, fair point but you wanna bet on it?"
"I'm not sure, I'm not really the type to do that."
"$20 on Michifer becoming Cannon first," Dean casually says from the drivers seat.
"You're on," Charlie chuckles.
"So Deano, is this you finally embracing the rainbow."
"I'm straight Gabe, but that doesn't mean I can't ship and support guys that are gay," Dean deadpans.
"Don't worry Dean, one day you'll step out of the shadowy closet of denial and fully embrace the rainbow." Gabe was now very much awake, his eyes glinting mischievously, "speaking of, when are you coming out to the world Sam?"
Sam ducks his head in embarrassment, "I came out to you guys over chat, I couldn't even really do that in person, what makes you think I'll be coming out to the world any time soon."
"Because unlike your brother, you can actually admit to being gay, or in your case Bi."
"I'm taking this bet onto the chat group." Charlie declares, pulling out her phone.
GeekyBitch: Who wants to take part in a little bet Dean and I am doing??
SinktheTitanic: I'm interested
Mikey🐍: What's the bet?
GeekyBitch: Oh you'll like this one Michael, which ship will be cannon first, Sabirel, destiel or michifer???
SinktheTitanic: Ooo Destiel for sure they have the whole eye sex thing going on
Gaybriel🍭: Destiel, eye sex...
LeftinHell: Sabriel
Samoose✨🦌: Michifer, like Cas said, Lucifer is more likely to make a move
Lucifer😈: thanks sambo, but why are we not talking about ships outside of our group?
Gaybriel🍭: Hey! Only I call Samantha nicknames, he's my moose
Samoose✨🦌: Gabe, you don't own me
Gaybriel🍭: AWW samoose why you breaking my heart?
SinktheTitanic: Maybe I'll change my vote to sabriel...
Mikey🐍: oh great, now Luci's singing you don't own me >.<
LeftinHell: Please tell me we aren't far
Gaybriel🍭: only 3 hours to go!
Mikey🐍: Oh god save us
Lucifer😈: my father isn't going to help you, besides you should appreciate my singing voice
Gaybriel🍭: Isn't Lucifer driving???
Lucifer😈: finnnnneeeeee
Lucifer😈 has left the chat
CasBee: I had to steal Dean's phone so he wouldn't use it while driving
Samoose✨🦌: Are you sitting on it?
CasBee:........ Maybe
Gaybriel🍭: This is fun, isn't this fun peeps?
Mikey🐍: No
Samoose✨🦌: Gabe, why are you breathing in my ear?
Gaybriel🍭: I was trying to read that Johnlock fanifc
GeekyBitch: Omfg, you're both blushing
JoHarvelle: Once again, this chat has gone completely off the rails
Gaybriel🍭: maybe off the rails can be our always
Samoose✨🦌 has left the chat
Sam sighs, looking out the window at the passing scenery, only three hours to go.
~~Time Skip: 2 hours later~~
Finally, Dean pulls the Impala into a gas station and the teens all pile out and head into the building in search of food and coffee.
Gabriel immediately runs over to the candy section, while Sam orders them coffees. So far, the road trip hadn't been all that bad, sure Gabe had spent a lot of the time pestering Sam and chattering away to him, but surprisingly enough, Sam wasn't bother too much by it. By the sounds of it, Lucifer's car was the most painful to be in, because Satan wasn't the best singing and he enjoyed annoying those poor souls stuck in the cage- I mean car with him.
In fact, Samandriel, Adam, Jo and Kevin tumble out of Lucifer's car before it had even properly stopped. Michael steps out moments later, his cheeks red as Lucifer's laugh follows him.
"Oh my god, I don't think I could have taken another moment of that," Alfie mutters as he joins Sam and Charlie by the coffee counter.
"What's wrong with Luci's car?" Charlie asks.
"Well, if he isn't ruining songs, he's torturing us or flirting shamelessly with oblivious still-in-the-closet Michael."
Charlie burst out laughing and even Sam joins in, shooting the younger boy a sympathetic look.
Adam wanders over, "I feel bad for the fact that he's your brother Samandriel."
"Hey, he's my brother too!" Gabriel bounced over energetically.
"Actually, It's you I feel bad for Sam, you have to deal with him for the rest of the way," Alfie nods at the hyped up Gabe.
"Gabriel, did you really need all those lollies?" Cas asks with a pained expression, he was no doubt also thinking about how painful the last hour will be now.
"Here Sammy, have some gay bacon!" Gabriel grins, not able to stay still as he hand the rainbow strip to Sam.
"Wow, he never shares his sweets," Lucifer whispers dramatically to the tired looking Michael beside him.
"I'm just helping Sam fully embrace the rainbow," Gabe dances past them.
Then, the hyper Gabe jumped on Sam's back laughing.
"Only one hour to go," Dean mutters.
Hey guys!
Jeez I can't think of anything to say so I'll just leave this chapter here.
Oh and I have just rewatched spn season 5, Changing Channels and it makes me miss Gabriel all the more!!!
They should bring Richard back as Gabriel for real in season 13, and not in the alt world either, I need Sabriel!!!!
Peace out, Wayward Readers!!
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