News bombshell
Gabe and Sam were sprawled out on Sam's bed, and Sam was trying to study for a history exam.
"Its been three weeks since we last tried any Operation Destiel or Michifer pranks..."
Sam looked pointedly at Gabriel, not saying anything.
"I mean, I guess we did lots of little pranks to other people but not our ships."
"Dude, we pranked Michael and Lucifer two weeks ago, remember? Your older brother nearly killed us."
Gabe chuckles, remembering the prank fondly.
--two weeks ago--
Sam and Gabe had snuck into Michael's dorm room, a bag of pranking supplies in Sam's hand. Gabriel had made sure that Michael and Lucifer were in class before the boys did this, the last thing they wanted was an angry Satan disrupting their plans.
Snickering, they got to work on several small pranks. This was all just a lead up, soon enough they would be ready to pull the biggest prank operation Michifer had seen yet, but Gabe was still getting the supplies.
Working quickly and quietly, they set up a small camera, hit record and slink out of the room. They hid in a alcove that was only meters from Michael's door and grinned mischievously as they heard their victims voices approach.
It wasn't long before not so manly screeches could be heard coming from the room. Then Michael came stumbling out covered in silly string. Lucifer followed moments later with ink all over him.
Giggling, Sam and Gabe tried to run away, only for Lucifer to give chase. They ended up hiding in the bushes outside.
--Present day--
Gabe bolted upright suddenly, "that reminds me! I have the rest of the stuff we need for our next attack, Operation Michifer, project...." he trailed off, trying to think of a name for their big prank. "Oh! I know, Project Cage."
Sam closes his eyes, "we are so dead if we do that, you have though that part through, haven't you?"
Gabriel snorts, "of course I have, jeez."
Sam just shakes his head, flicking the back of his boyfriends head.
"Ow, come on now Sammy, that wasn't very nice."
"So when will we be signing out death sentence?"
Gabriel lies back down, resting his head on Sam's lap. Sam started running his fingers absently through Gabe's hair.
"Hmm, well I think they both have a lecture-"
"After the last lot of pranks we pulled they made it so we can't go into their room, remember?"
Gabriel pouts, "well, then we'll just have to brainstorm, but Charlie will kill us if we don't get her ship together."
Sam chuckles, and then the two got to work brainstorming ideas.
~~Destiel Time~~
Dean was sitting on the front of the Impala, drinking a beer as he looked out at the ocean. He had parked up on this cliff top after his father had dropped a big stinking bad news bombshell on him earlier that morning via phone.
He felt sick just thinking about it, Sammy was finally happy, hell he was finally happy, and now they were moving. Again.
He couldn't believe it, he was finally getting closer to Cas, he had an awesome group of friends and Sammy had even opened up to someone. Plus, they were living so close to their cousins Michael and Adam, life was finally good.
A surge of anger had Dean throwing the empty bottle over the edge. He hated their father. His phone started ringing and Dean pulls it out, Cas's face was on the screen, and Dean felt his heart skip a beat as he answered.
"Uh, hey Cas, what's up?"
"Hello Dean, how are you?"
Dean's lips twitch up into a small smile as he listened to his friend's formal, low, voice.
"I'm good Cas," this was, of course, a lie. "What's got you calling?"
Because Dean couldn't see Cas, he couldn't tell how nervous the boy was, he also couldn't see the blush Cas had across his cheeks.
"Oh, well, I saw that a new movie just came out and I wondered if maybe you wanted to come with me..." Cas had trailed off, probably because he thought Dean was straight and was scared that this was crossing that line of friendship.
Dean, however, didn't know these thoughts were running through Cas's head and he was just happy that he had a chance to spend more time with his friend before John ripped him away from this happy place in his life.
"Sure Cas, I'd love too."
"I'll text you the time?"
Dean smiled, his mood already improved, "it's a date."
Both boys hung up with grins on their faces. Dean did stop for a moment to wonder if his last words had made Cas regret asking him, but he shrugged it off and climbed into the drivers seat before pulling away from the edge and driving home.
It wasn't until he pulled into the driveway that the heavy feeling returned to his heart, how was he going to tell Sam the news?
Dean quietly entered the house and slipped upstairs, he goes up to Sam's room and peeks in through the ajar door. Sam and Gabe were stretched out happily on Sam's bed, Gabe had his head on Sam's lap and Sam was playing with Gabe's hair with a fond, content smile on his face.
Dean couldn't interrupt such a peaceful moment with such terrible news, so for that moment he left them and went to get ready to go to the movies. He felt slow and heavy as he pulled a plaid shirt over his black t-shirt.
It wasn't long until a text from Cas came through on his phone, asking if he wanted to go to the movie at 6, which was only 2 hours away. Dean grins slightly as he sends a reply agreeing with it and slumps onto his bed and pulls his laptop out to watch Doctor Who.
Hey guys, I know this is short, but I've been struggling to writs anything this week, I even struggled to start my NaNo project.
But hey, its a chapter, even if its a filler. The next one will include another ship becoming cannon and maybe some heartbreaking news... Or maybe happiness you never know.
Also, shout out to sophie_paulina15!! She has been an awesome reader, and has started her own supernatural Fan Fic! Its awesome and I've loved reading it 😃 It's over on her account if you want to check it out!! 😇😇
Peace out, Wayward Readers🌈
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