Lakeside Cabin Pt. 1
The next hour had felt like an eternity, it didn't matter what car you were in, it was hell. In Lucifer's car, there was terrible singing, M&M's being thrown at people and bickering.
In Balthazar's car, well that was fairly silent and calm actually.
But in Dean's car, it was madness. Sweet wrappers were thrown all over the show much to Dean's horror, and in retaliation he had turned the classic rock up. Gabe pestered Sam despite Sam constantly threatening to kill him and Charlie took photos, videos and read fanfics.
The moment the threw cars pulled up to the cabin, the teens all threw themselves out of the car in an attempt to save their shattered souls. Lucifer follows Michael closely, and for a moment Sam and Gabe thought that maybe the devil had gotten Michael to embrace the rainbow that he was denying, but I turns out he was just annoying Michael more.
Adam and Samandriel stagger over to the group with worn expressions.
"I thought that ride would never end, never again am I going for a long trip in the same car as Lucifer." Alfie mutters, earning a 'same' from Adam, an 'amen' from Jo and a glare from Lucifer.
"Yeah well, at least you didn't spend the last hour in the same car as a hyperactive idjit that kept eating candies and getting worse." Dean groans.
"Don't be a crybaby Deano, I'm adorable," Gabe sticks his tongue out at Dean who glares back.
"Let's just get inside and sort out the damn room situation so we can relax," Balthazar says.
Charlie grins, "well then, you'll be happy to know that I've already taken care of the room arrangements."
There was a collective groan as everyone remembers the car arrangements.
Charlie, ignoring this, continues. "So there are three doubles, one twin, two singles and two pull out sofas."
It was obvious that everyone was doing the math, and realising that six people were going to double up and share a bed.
"So, in one double Sam and Gabe can share, you guys are good enough friends so that'll be fine," there was a glint in her eyes that said she wasn't doing this just because they were friends.
"Cas and Dean can share, so can Lucifer and Michael, Adam and Alfie can have the twin room, Balthy and myself have the two singles and Anna and Meg have the pull outs."
Immediately the grumbling started, Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer were the loudest.
"You could always share with your brothers, Sam and Dean, Cas and Gabe... You get the point," Charlie smirks.
"No! No, I suddenly just realised that the original arrangement," several voices pipe up.
Charlie claps her hands together, "excellent, oh and Jo, you can pick someone to sleep with- no Lucifer, not in that way," Charlie glare at the giggling Satan. "God, you'd think Satan would be less childish."
Lucifer sticks his tongue out at Charlie before grabbing Michael's hand and running inside. "We get first dibs on a double room then!" He shouts.
Everyone else grabs their bags and followed suite, running into the cabin and racing upstairs to the rooms.
Gabe drags Sam into one of the double rooms, this one was facing the lake, and the boys could easily see the late afternoon sun twinkling across the waters surface. There was a large double bed in the middle of the room, the headboard pressed against the wall below the window.
Gabe turned to Sam and grinned, "home sweet home."
Sam groans, "great I'm stuck in the same room as you."
Gabriel pouts, dumping his bag and flopping down on the bed, "don't be so mean Samantha."
Sam sighs and sits down carefully on the bed. There was several moments of silence before Gabe spoke up, "okay that was horrible, friends?"
Sam chuckles quietly, "friends. You're lucky you've grown on me Gabe."
"Yay, let's never stop being friends!"
Sam grins at the childish boy, his heart warming slightly and for a moment he had the most random urge to run his fingers through Gabe's golden hair.
"Sammy! Sammy's idiot friend, get your butts down here and let's go swimming," Dean calls out, interrupting Sam's strange thoughts.
The two boys share a grin before grabbing their board shorts and running to the bathrooms. Minutes later everyone was gathered downstairs in their swimwear. Sam had had to cover his mouth to stifle the sudden onset of giggles brought on by the sight of Gabe's shorts, which had pictures of lollies all over them.
Then his eyes travelled up to Gabriel's bare torso and his mouth dried up. The warm fluttering feeling was back in his chest. His eyes trace Gabe's clear, surprisingly well built and tanned body.
He blinked and looked away flushing after he realised that he'd been staring. No, he'd been checking the shorter boy out. He finds Charlie staring at him with a knowing smirk, making Sam blush even more when he realised that she has seen him. And judging be Dean's glare and Lucifer's shit eating grin (which Sam realised was almost identical to his younger brother's one) they had also noticed him.
Clearing his throat awkwardly, Sam prays for Adam and Samandrial to get their asses downstairs so they could head out. Because there was now an awkward tension that half the teens weren't fully sure of where it came from.
Finally, everyone was ready and with Balthazar being the appointed 'mature' and 'responsible' adult, did a half ass head count as the teens piled out the door. Lucifer hops on Michael's back as they get outside. Michael staggers and groans, "this is why Balthazar is the adult here."
"Shut up Mikey."
Gabe falls into step alongside Sam, nudging the silent moose to get his attention. "You okay Samoose, you've gone a bit quiet there."
"Sorry Gabe, I guess I'm just a bit self conscious being topless around people, shy remember?" Technically, it was the truth, he really did feel self conscious.
Gabe grins, then looks over at Michifer, where Michael had given up trying to shake Luci off and was laughing as he carries Lucifer down the sandy slope.
Sam was so caught up with the funny, fluffy scene that he didn't notice Gabe moving until he felt a warm weight on his back.
"To the water Samsquatch!"
Sam rolls his eyes, blushing at the feeling of Gabe's bare skin against his bare back. He starts walking, glad Gabriel was light as he carries him down to the waters edge. He ignores Charlie taking a photo and follows Michifer down into the shallow water.
Hey guys! I wrote this entire chapter on my phone so I'm sorry for any typos.
Four days until season 13 starts!!!
I think one of the ships might become canon by the end of the weekend getaway, but I'm just trying to plan how it could happen.
Peace out, Wayward Readers! 😈😇
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