Lakeside Cabin pranking
The kitchen was in chaos. Sam was torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to hide as he looks at the scene, Gabe was trying (and failing) to hide his giggles. Charlie was standing on the breakfast bar, phone out and filming the chaotic events. Lucifer was pinning Michael down on the ground, yelling something about glitter salt and holding a bag above poor Mikey's head. Jo had scrambled up by Charlie and held onto her arm. Cas was, for some strange reason, covered in honey, Dean was trying to help his (boy)friend and Kevin sat on a barstool calmly sipping away at his coffee, ignoring the chaos.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam asks, forgetting his quiet mood for a moment.
Gabriel, however, was being strangely quite, smothering his chuckles under his hand. Sam turns to the shorter boy and raises his eyebrow.
"Did you have something to do with this?"
Gabe plasters an innocent look on his face, pouting slightly. "Now why would you think that?"
Sam tried really hard not to look at Gabe's lips, he also tried really hard not to think about what it'd feel like to kiss said lips. Instead, Sam focuses back on the current issue. He could worry about these strange urges and thoughts when the kitchen didn't look like ground zero.
After several long moments of intense staring (think destiel eye sex...) Gabe caved in.
"Fine..... I may have set a few pranks to go off when someone opened a cupboard or oven and other things along those lines."
Sam blinked, "when the hell did you have time to do that?"
"Last night, I baked up the glitter salt back home before we left, so I used my awesome Trickster powers to rig the oven, meaning that the next time someone opened the door, they'd get hit with a face full of grounded glitter salt."
"Why are Jo and Charlie on the bar?" Sam asks, watching Dean and Cas join the girls as he speaks.
"Have you seen the ground in there? Poor Mikey..."
Sam looked closer, and sure enough the ground was flooded with blood red water. "What the fuck Gabe," his eyes widening.
"Chill Samsquatch, it's just water with food colouring, that trap took a while because to set it up I-"
Sam didn't get to find out how the Trickster set that one up, because it was then that Kevin casually calls out.
"Hey guys, Gabriel's over there, he obviously did this."
This was all it took for Lucifer to let poor, soaked, Mikey up and glared at Gabriel. Sam was glad Charlie was getting photos and videos of this, because an angry satan with glitter salt all through his hair and on his clothes was a sight Sam never wanted to forget. He manages to snap a photo on his own phone, making a mental note to print some of Charlie's photo's off later. For now, he was preoccupied with the angry, yet sparkling, Lucifer.
"Hey, you really do like embracing the rainbow don't you brother," Gabe laughs nervously.
Sam grabs Gabriel's hand without thinking, "run."
Together, the two turn and bolt, running away from their angry friends and siblings. Sam leads Gabe outside, the two slowly to a jog as they pass the cars parked on a grassy verge. Gabe doubles over, breathless from running and laughing. Even Sam was grinning, hazel eyes almost green as the sun meets his smile-brightened face.
"Really? Haven't you learn't not to prank your brothers, especially no the one named after Satan?"
Gabe pretended to think about it for a moment before giving Sam a shit eating grin. "Nope."
Sam rolls his eyes to hide the sudden rush of affection he felt for the boy, it didn't help that Gabriel's hair was more golden than brown in the sun and his whiskey colour eyes glowing happily, that familiar glint of mischievousness still in them.
Gabe pales, "shit, Lucifer."
Sam eyes Dean's Impala, a rare smirk forming on his face. "Insert reference here, but I think I found a way to escape Luci's wrath."
Gabriel smirks, "wow, that entire sentence was so unlike you."
Sam shoots Gabe a bitch face, "maybe it wasn't all that unlike me, maybe I'm just too shy to show people that side of me."
Gabe nodded thoughtfully, "alright, fair enough Sammy, I'm honored to be able to see this side of you but..." Gabriel looks behind them, keeping a cautious eye out for any angry siblings before continuing, "I really didn't think through the whole being in the middle of nowhere, and Lucifer doesn't seem to have gotten the funny side of these pranks."
Sam made a decision, so unlike his usual quiet self but then again, don't always judge a book by its cover. "Get in Gabe," He quickly opens the driver side door and slides in.
Gabriel gets into the passenger seat, a shocked expression on his face as Sam starts the Impala's engine. "Did you just carjack your brother's car? His baby?"
Sam glanced at Gabe, "no I grabbed the keys from the hook on the way out."
"Oh," Gabe looks out the window, craning his neck to see a still angry Lucifer and a now furious Dean running after them.
"Uh, do you have a plan?"
".... No, but Gabe, you were the one that pranked the others, which was a stupid mistake given our location by the way."
"Deano looks pretty angry," Gabe states, waving to the older boys chasing them. Sam could see Dean reply with one finger.
Sam swallows, "you're lucky I'm helping you out of this."
The rush of running away from the chaotic scene quieting down as they lapse into silence.
Gabe turns back around to face the front, and for a moment it was silent apart from the radio and the usual road noises. Sam watched Dean slowly stop, fading into the distance as the runaway Impala speeds off.
But soon enough, the silence was broken. By Gabe of course.
"You know I owe you one Samoose, and I know that I defiantly choose the wrong place to prank them, but hey at least we get a spontaneous and fun trip together."
"Deans going to kill us when we get back."
"Most likely," Gabe says cheerfully.
"We stole his baby, we're going to have to get new identities and go on the run."
"Come on Samantha, relax and have some fun! We can go to the nearest town, have lunch at the diner, grab some lollies and pranking supplies... Hey we should do some pranks together now that you don't hate me!" Gabriel speaks fast and in an excited tone, his eyes lighting up.
Sam keeps his eyes on the road, the smallest of smiles turning his mouth up at the corners despite his attempts to keep a straight face. Gabe, upon seeing this, grins but doesn't say anything more on that matter, instead he does what he's always done, chatters away happily to Sam about some of his prank stories, enjoying the smiles and occasional laughs Sam gives him as Gabe chats animatedly.
~~Time skip~~
Sam carefully pulls the Impala into a free park at the end of the main street, with him barely old enough to drive legally he didn't want to risk being pulled up. Gabe was an energetic ball, bouncing happily around Sam as he lead him down the street.
"Ooo, look Sammy! A candy shop!" Gabe takes off, grabbing Sam's hand and pulling him along.
Sam can't help but smile at the childish, hyper boy.
He watches Gabriel buy an absurd amount of lollies, before being dragged to a prank shop a few stores down. Here, Gabe begins grabbing different things off the shelves, the mischievous glint back in his eyes.
"Hey Samantha, please prank with me! I know there's a part of you deep down inside you that would love to," Gabriel pleads.
Sam sighs, but he'd already made his decision, a small smile on his face as he looks at a small bottle of super glue on the display in front of him. Already, ideas of pranks he'd been wanting to pull on his brother come to mind and he chuckles quietly.
"You know what Gabe? I think that might not be all that bad."
Gabriel does a very (not)manly sequel of excitement, "I can feel it Samoose, the first steps of our becoming best friends!"
Sam and Gabe pay for their supplies, heading back to the Impala to dump all their stuff before heading to the local diner for lunch.
Sitting in a booth, Sam finally gets the guts to pull out his phone and check his messages, only to see over a dozen messages from Dean asking where they were and about the Impala. There was also a couple from Lucifer asking where they were so he could kill Gabe.
He shoves his phone back in his pocket, great now they really were dead.
"So, my dear Samoose, shall we plan our escape routes? Or move onto prank ideas."
"I was thinking we use these pranks to achieve something else."
Sam smirks, a look Gabe decided suited Sam. "We try and get the ships, Michifer and Destiel cannon."
Gabriel leaned forwards, elbows resting on the table and a interested look on his face. "I'm listening, kiddo."
~~~Time skip [someone call the doctor because I think the Tardis is out of control...]~~~
Sam parks the Impala back on the grassy verge, looking around carefully before quietly getting out of the car. The sky above them was starting to get dark, and the cabin only had a couple of lights on downstairs. Gabe slinks over to Sam and tugs on his sleeve.
"We should climb into our room through the window, less chance of being found," he whispers.
Sam nods in agreement, and they quickly grab their bags and crept over to the side of the house. Sam peeks in through the window, to see Dean slouched in the armchair, fighting sleep as he glare at the front door. Lucifer sat in front of the glowing fire, staring into the flames with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Charlie was passed out on the couch, so was Michael.
The two boys slowly moved away from the window, grinning at each other in the gathering darkness before moving to stand under their second story window.
"I'll give you a boost to that brick, shorty," Sam hisses, pointing to a brick that jutted out. "Then, assuming you do actually have some upper body strength, you will be able to scale the rest of the way into our room, I'll be right behind you."
Gabriel pouts at the height comment, but couldn't argue with the fact that it was the most logical plan.
"Oh and Gabe?"
"Please, for the love of god, stay quiet so we don't get killed by Lucifer."
"Don't fret Sammy, quiet is my middle name."
"God help me."
Gabriel shoves him playfully before getting into position. Sam sighs, linking his hands together and giving Gabe a boost up. Gabriel swears silently as his hand grazes the brick, and he tumbles back down. He ends up landing on top of Sam, bringing the both of them to the grassy ground. They lie there, holding their breaths and hoping the others hadn't heard the noises. Gabriel had buried his face in Sam's neck, his breath warm on Sam's neck and Sam finds himself blushing. Putting it down to still not being fully comfortable being this close to Gabe, he focuses on listening for any sign of the others having heard them.
Thankfully it was silent, and after several long moments, Gabriel pulls back to smirk at Sam. "Well, here we are yet again, though this time it was my turn to knock you down."
Sam rolls his eyes, "whatever, just get off me." He was smiling though, and maybe, just maybe, it was because he was glad he'd knocked into Gabriel.
Gabe rolls off Sam, lying on his back and looking up at the emerging stars. "Hey, Samoose?"
Sam was still on his back, in a similar position to Gabriel as he replies. "Yeah Gabe?"
"We.. we are friends right? I mean I know I'm annoying and have probably been a pain in the neck for you these last couple of weeks, but..." He trails off, turning his neck to look at Sam. "Its just, we had just moved here, and at my old school I had never really had friends, people tended to ignore me, and when I started pranking more at school, it didn't seem to help, people just don't like my personality I guess, and you're... my first real friend I've ever had."
Sam feels a rush of affection for the golden haired boy. "Gabriel..." He looks over at Gabe who was now studying a blade of grass like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Of course I'm your friend, and I understand y'know, I never really had friends before now either."
Gabe looked up with a small smile, "so we really are friends?"
Sam sighs, pretending to think about it, "well, I mean its hard to believe but..."
Gabriel grins, rolling over and hugging Sam. "Now how about we get back inside?"
Sam pushes himself to his feet, reaching down to offer Gabe a hand. Gabe grabs Sam's hand, and Sam pulls him up, the two of them take a moment to grin at each other before looking up at the window. Once again, Sam gives Gabriel a boost.
This time however, Gabe manages to get a hold on the brick, his legs scrambling to get a foothold as he struggles to pull himself up. Sam realised he was staring at Gabriel's backside for a longer time than anyone should, and forced his eyes away. Finally Gabriel was pulling himself over the windowsill, and Sam quickly followed, making the climb look easy compared to Gabe's attempt.
As Sam slides silently into their room, carefully shutting the window behind him, Gabe glared at him.
"What?" Sam asks quietly.
"You just made that climb look like child's play."
"And? I just don't spend all my time eating candy."
Gabe mimics him quietly, before tipping all their supplies out on their bed. "Planning time?"
Sam grins, "they'll never know what hit 'em."
"So I was thinking Destiel will be hard because Dean is so far in the closet that he lives in Narnia's ass, but then again, Mikey's still in the closet too, but I think I have an idea..."
Hey all! Sam and Gabe have finally started planning out ways to make Michifer and Destiel cannon... Who do you think will be cannon first?
*also, season 13 episode 1.....*
I hope you liked this chapter!
Peace out, Wayward readers!
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