Hikes and Falls
Sam regretted a lot of things in his life. And he would grow to regret a lot more in the future, but currently, his biggest regret was convincing his lazy, older brother to go out for a hike.
The day was sunny and warm, the sun filtering down through the evergreen trees.
"Any minute now Sammy, you'll see, we'll be right back with Baby." Dean walked just ahead of Sam, confidently striding through the thick woodland.
Sam snorts, "right, uh Dean, when are you going to accept that you got us lost?" He limped faster, trying to keep up.
"Me? I got us lost? Sure Bitch."
"C'mon Sammy, why don't we just enjoy this little adventure, stop being such a crybaby." Dean flashed him a quick smile. "Besides, you're the one that insisted on doing this."
"Dude because of your 'adventure', I lost my damn shoe in a rabbit hole." Sam waved a hand at his sock-clad foot. "I told you, we should have just stayed on the main track.
"Did you ask old Bugs Bunny for your shoe back? I hope you used your manners." Dean seemed very amused by Sam's predicament.
Sam gave him a bitch face, "Yeah, and he asked me if I wanted to stay for tea. No Dean I didn't because instead of a rabbit being in there, I found myself face to face with a spider." A shudder passes through Sam, he hated spiders.
Dean's smirk widens, "what, so you can be nice with bunnies, but when a poor spider comes along you get the salt out?"
"Salt? That makes no sense, you make no sense. Please grow up Dean, you're still acting like a 12-year-old instead of 19, you're the adult here, remember?"
"Dude you love me."
"Only because you're my brother, now hurry up and get us out of here, dad invited the new neighbours over, remember? He'll kill us if we turn up late to dinner dirty from hiking."
"You're no fun, Sam, you do know its okay to lighten up sometimes?"
Sam glares at him, and Dean gives up with a sigh.
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~
"Oh sweet Jesus, Baby it is so good to see you again," Dean sighs dramatically, patting the black Impala's roof.
Sam pulls a face as he slides into the passenger seat. "Your love for this car is weird Dean, its a car, not a real person."
Dean narrows his eyes at his little brother as he turns the engine on. "Just a car," he snorts dryly. "Don't listen to him, baby. He doesn't understand us."
Sam shakes his head, looking out the window as they pull out of the dirt parking lot. He was really regretting choosing to do the hike, especially as Dean ended up enjoying picking on Sam for the last hour of walking aimlessly. Sam sighs again, looking mournfully at his sock-clad foot, which was so caked in mud, the white sock was now a dark brown.
Dean reaches over and ruffles Sam's hair, "don't worry young brother, we'll get you a new pair."
Pushing Dean's hand away, Sam bites his lip, fuming. "That was my signed Tardis shoe Dean, do you know how long I've had it? How much I spent on getting it signed when we went to that convention last year?"
Grinning sheepishly, Dean reaches over and turns the music up. Instantly Eye of the Tiger starts playing. "Teaches you for wearing that kinda shit on hikes."
"Can you turn that down?" Sam mutters, ignoring Dean's last jab at him.
"Nope, you know the rules, Sammy."
Sam groans and spends the rest of the drive in silence as Dean sings along to the music, tapping along as he rests his arm out the open window.
~~~~Another Time Skip Just Cause~~~~
After a whole 30 minutes of listening to Dean shouting along to lyrics to annoy Sam, they finally reach the familiar streets of home. Before Dean even pulls to a stop, Sam leaps out of the car, landing on the grassy verge. He springs onto the footpath, sprinting for home when he knocks into someone. Or more accurately, he knocks someone down.
The two fall down onto the concrete, Sam landing with an oof on top of the stranger. He freezes, panic seizing his limbs. He tries to scramble to his feet, but his long limbs refuse to respond and instead he finds himself staring int golden, whiskey coloured eyes.
The boy under him makes an amused, grunting sound. "Hello stranger, I have to admit, I'm always one for meeting new people, but you could have at least introduced yourself first." The boy smirks as Sam stutters, and Sam finds his face growing bright red.
Finally finding the ability to stand up, he helps the stranger up. He can't find it in himself make eye contact again, so instead, he stares at the ground, scared that the handsome stranger would feel his sweaty palms.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm late home and my dad's going to kill me, are you okay? I can't believe I knocked you down." Sam finally looks at the poor guy, and immediately falls silent. He had never found himself attracted to many guys before, especially not since he had only ever dated girls, well girl as in singular, but the boy in front of him made his mouth go dry.
Along with the golden, yet whiskey coloured eyes, the guy had golden hair that seemed to glow in the sunlight, slightly messed up from their fall. He was probably at least a foot shorter than Sam's recent spurt to 5ft 8'' and had an entrancing half smirk that lit up his eyes.
"Its alright Bucko, everyone knows they should keep out of a charging moose's way anyway."
Sam scrunches up his nose, "did you just call me a moose?"
"Well, I don't actually know your name, do I? Besides, have you seen how tall you are?"
Sam just blushes as his inability to talk properly to strangers conveniently kicks in.
"Right, I... uh, my n-name's S-Sam, sorry ag-a-again."
"Gabriel, they call me Gabriel," Gabriel sticks his hand out, not commenting on Sam's stutter.
And now to Gabe's POV
Gabriel smirks as Sam shakes his hand, he lets his eyes wander the moose-man's features. Dark brown hair long enough to cover his ears, almost hazel eyes that seemed to gleam green in the spring sun. His height, surprisingly tall given that he looked younger than Gabe's own age of 17. An older boy was parking the car, and from what Gabe could see, he looked to no older than his older brother, Cas.
Speaking of, Castiel had finally caught up to Gabriel, who had raced ahead, leaving poor Cassie who was failing PE behind.
"Gabe, yo-you could have at least waited f-for me," Castiel pants.
"Sorry little bro, I was busy falling for Samoose here," Gabriel says, smirking as Sam's blush deepens.
"Sammy, you okay?" Dean, finally getting out of the car, reaches them and stands beside his brother. "Who are you?" He demands, glaring at Gabriel.
Gabriel pulls a lollipop out of his back pocket, casually unwrapping it and sticking it in his mouth as he replies.
"The name's Gabriel Novak, this here is my brother Castiel, we just moved here."
Dean's eyes dance over to Castiel, and he freezes, staring at him. Gabriel folds his arms, smirking [yet again] at this.
"Well, uh, it w-was nice to uh, meet you g-guys, but I'm gonna go inside... yeah so bye," Sam waves awkwardly before spinning around and running up to the front door of the house they were standing in front of. Gabriel blinks, damn that kid was fast, he hadn't even had a chance to ask for his last name... now how was he supposed to facebook stalk him?
Dean, having shaken himself out of his staring trance, offers Castiel a small smile and Gabe a glare before following his brother. "I'll see ya around, Castiel," he calls out over his shoulder without thinking.
Castiel grins, finally able to breathe properly again.
"Cassie, I love you and all, but you really need to start getting out more and walking, and this is coming from me, I hate exercise. But you're about as fit as a seal on land."
Castiel tilts his head in confusion, "I don't understand."
Gabriel chuckles, casting one last look at the house and memorizing the address before leading his brother home. "Don't worry Cassie, you don't look like a seal."
This time, Castiel does understand what he's saying and elbows him in the ribs, hard.
Hi guys, this is my first ever Fan fic, so it'll probably take me awhile to get used to this style of writing, but I think this'll be a fun story to write out, seeing as I love supernatural and refuse to believe that Gabriel is dead. [I know, its been what, 6-7 seasons? But still...]
[season finale spoiler (kinda)]
I just can't wait for season 13! I personally hope they bring Charlie back in the alternate world as a badass hunter :D
Anyway, thats it for now!
Peace out, wayward readers!!
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