Gabe's Moose
Sam was slumped at his desk in his room, his now finished history assignment strewn in front of his face, a sheet of paper fluttering slightly as he breaths slowly in his sleep.
To Gabe, this was such a cute sight, especially as Sam seemed to be drooling slightly, it was a shame that he had to wake the slumbering moose.
"Psst, hey Sambo, rise and shine sleepy mooseman," Gabriel whispers, shaking Sam's shoulder softly.
Sam stirs, mumbling something under his breath, but stays asleep.
"Samoose, wakey wakey leaves and antlers."
"What the hell Gabe," Sam groans, reaching for his phone. He squints at the bright light of his phone.
"Its 5 am, why on Earth are you waking me up so early?"
Gabe chuckles, perching on Sam's bed. "Sammy, how dare you forget our plans?"
"Plans? What plans? And how the hell did you get in here?"
"Well, I must have forgotten to inform you, I made a plan to get back at that douche Azazel."
Sam sighs, running a hand through his long hair before replying in his quiet voice.
"Look Gabe, I'm touched that you want to help, but Azazel is just and insecure coward who deals with life by bullying, pranking him isn't worth it."
Gabe thought Sam's words over carefully, he really did, and he could definitely see where the boy was coming from.
"Ahh, say no more Samantha, you're right, if I'm pranking him it can't be a meaningless prank, I need to attack his insecurities."
Sam facepalmed, resisting the urge to slap Gabe, "no, Gabe, that is most certainly not what I meant-"
"Thanks Sammy, I'll catch you at school!"
With that Gabe was gone, leaving Sam staring at the spot where Gabe had been.
"This can only be bad," Sam mutters to himself.
~~~Time Skip~~~
Sam pulls on his favourite Sherlock shirt, a clean pair of jeans and grabs his jacket before jogging downstairs in his non tardis shoes. He was still mourning the loss of his signed shoe at the forest, and would often shoot Dean death glares as he laces up his old sneakers. Yeah he wouldn't be forgetting this loss anytime.
He runs into the kitchen to grab an apple and runs into someone's back. Staggering, Sam back up blushing.
"Sorry, I didn't see you," he murmurs apologetically.
The guy he ran into turns around chuckling, "I'm guessing you're Sam, the boy who likes knocking into Novak's."
Sam's blush deepens, and he ducks his head in embarrassment as the blonde haired boy chuckle.
"Luci, don't be mean to him."
The boy that must be Gabe's oldest brother Lucifer, turns to face Gabe with a shocked expression.
"Gabriel, since when did you care about who I'm being mean too? You know me, I'm Satan of course I'm going to be mean."
Gabriel groans, "always with the Satan jokes, what did we do to the the universe to make it hate us enough to subject us to these jokes?"
Lucifer smirks, "don't hate little brother, you'd hate it if I changed and you know it."
Gabe rolls his eyes before grinning at Sam, "come on Samsquatch, we should head to school."
Sam just lets out a huff of annoyance and looks at Gabe, "when did we become friends again?"
Gabriel sticks a lollipop in his mouth, "when you succumbed to my awesome skills in persuasion of course." He winks at Sam.
Lucifer gags, "oh my dad, just kiss and let Sabriel sail already."
Sam blinks, managing to get past his shyness to question Lucifer.
"Sabriel? What the hell is that?"
"Its the ship name Luci came up with for you two."
Sam turns in surprise to see his cousin Michael, who was living with them for a while, jogging down the stairs.
"Oh, hey Gabriel."
"Wait, Michael? How do you know Lucifer? I thought he was here for Gabriel..."
Michael grins, "I met Luce at college, he jut moved here with his family, you just haven't met him yet because he didn't come to dinner, in fact we had both met that day which is why I wasn't there."
Sam blinks again, looks between Michael and Lucifer, a smirk starting to dance across his face before his shyness reared back up. Instead of speaking his thoughts, he leans forward and whispers something into Gabriel's ear.
Gabe chuckles, "I like you Sammy, let's get going," he grabs Sam's arm. "See ya later Michifer, Destiel."
Cas and Dean look up, a cheerio falling out of his mouth and a confused look on Castiel's. Michael flushes and Lucifer glares after the fleeing two. Once the youngest boys had left the room, Lucifer turns to Michael with a smirk, "time to go to college, honey."
Michael simply rolls his eyes and shoves Lucifer's shoulder as he makes his way outside, Lucifer follows him with a pout.
"What, not even a kiss goodbye?"
Dean couldn't make out Michaels reply, but turns to Castiel with a grin.
"Looks like we have the place to ourselves."
"We should go to school as well, I don't want to be late again," he responds in his low tone.
Dean sighs, but grabs his bag and follows suit.
~~skip to Sabriel at school ~~
Sam doesn't even bother trying to send Gabriel away now, it was clear that the shorter boy was here to stay, even if Sam couldn't understand why. Apart of him was worried that Gabriel was only doing this to toy with him, but as he watched Gabe's whiskey coloured eyes light up as he told Sam yet another pranking story, moving his hands animatedly as he spoke. Sam found himself tracing the other boy's features with his eyes, taking in the way Gabe's eyes crinkled as he laughed, the bright smile on his face that made his eyes glow, a slight mischievous glint in them. His golden hair, nearly as long as Sam's own hair, and how it had an almost golden aura even in the florescent lighting of the corridor.
"Samoose? You listening?"
Sam blinks, shaking his head to clear his distracting thoughts. "Sorry Gabe."
Gabriel chuckles, nudging his taller friend as they reach Sam's locker. "Distracted by the good view?" He wriggles his eyebrows.
Sam simply rolls his eyes and chuckles, opening his locker and grabbing what he needed for the morning's classes before following Gabe to his locker, only a few doors down. Sam looks inside Gabriel's locker as its opened and wrinkles his nose.
"Gabe, why is there more lolly wrappers than books?" Sam asks quietly, well aware that there were more people pouring into the halls.
"C'mon Samster, you know me well enough by now."
Gabe stuffs some lollies and a couple of books into his bag and slams his locker shut. Sam winces at the clanging sound, shifting his bag on his shoulder, and is shocked by the sudden weight on his back. Gabe wraps his arms around Sam's neck, his laughter vibrating through Sam's back.
"Gaabbbeee, get off of me."
"Sorry Samoose, but I'm rather comfortable."
"But people are staring," Sam hisses.
"Screw'em, now ride on mooseman," He pats Sam head before glaring at a couple of people that are looking. "Oi, this is my moose you hear, if you try riding him or scaring him I will prank you so hard that you will regret laying an eye on my moose."
Sam blinks, flushing and ducking his head in embarrassment as the people look at each other in surprise. All they knew of the youngest Winchester was that he liked to keep to himself.
Sam starts walking with Gabe still on his back, there as no way his as going to dislodge the trickster, he had his arms and legs locked like iron around Sam's torso. Gabe rests his chin on Sam's shoulder, his warm breath tickling Sam's ear and making him blush.
They made it through English, and maths, Gabriel still riding Sam's back between classes. Making Sam blush each time, but he grew to enjoy the short boys warmth on his back. Even though they kept strange looks from time to time, especially when Gabriel let out a bout of loud laughter, but Sam didn't mind as much. This was because over the last week, he had began to realise something, ever since he'd first knocked Gabe down, his life was changed, always shifting and changing, Gabe brought variety to his quiet life, and maybe he didn't hate it as much as he claimed to.
He and Gabe finally reach the cafeteria and Gabe hops off his back by the doors. They start towards their friends table once their trays were loaded only to run into the last person Sam wanted to see. His fading bruises ache, reminding him of the pain that the bully caused.
"Looky here, my favourite fags are here," Azazel chuckles. "How ya doing Gaybriel? Where's your weird brother? Whats his name again? Oh yeah, Fagstiel." Azazel sneers.
Gabriel stiffens, glaring at Azazel, "be careful about what you say about my brother idiot."
"Or what, you'll prank me?" He laughs and walks away, shoving Sam's shoulder as he passed. Sam rubs his shoulder as he watches the bully walk over to his friends.
"I'm going get him back one day, no one messes with the people I care about and gets away with it."
Sam smiles, "you're a good person Gabe, but Castiel wouldn't want you getting hurt over a stupid nickname."
They start walking towards their friends table, and Gabriel looks at Sam.
"He hurt you too, you're my friend Sam and I'm not going to stand by and watch you be hurt."
Sam ducks his head, feeling a warm, bubbly feeling in his gut at Gabe's words. "Thank you Gabe." Other than Dean, he'd never really had anyone look out for him.
Gabriel smiles, glad that the shy boy was beginning to open up to Gabe and wasn't still shoving him away.
They reach their friends and Charlie instantly pulls them into the latest ship war. Laughing, Sam listens to his new friends arguing so passionately over their favourite ships and OTP's. Sam catches Gabe's eye from where he was sitting opposite Sam and they just grin at each other for a moment.
Until Charlie interrupts. "Hey bitches, having eye sex is Destiel's thing, pay attention."
Sam blushes rubbing the back of his neck. Gabe flicks Charlie's forehead.
"So, as I was saying before that Sabriel fluff, do you guys ship Septiplier, I personally think they'll become canon right after my current OTP do."
"I ship them," Sam inputs quietly, one of the first times he had.
Charlie hi fives him and Gabe rolls his eyes.
"Yeah yeah, I don't even know what that is, whose you otp?"
Sam bitchfaces him, "how don't you know Septiplier."
Charlie is looking at Gabe in shock, "we need to show him, youtuber binge watch after school?"
"Sure, we can have it at mine," Gabe murmurs, "but who is your favourite otp? I thought it was Johnlock."
Charlie smirks, glancing between Sam and Gabriel, "why its you two y'know."
Needless to say, Gabe coughs awkwardly and Sam chokes on his badly timed sip of water.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, 90% of it was written on my phone during my breaks at work, and while taking the bus to my computer course so it may have a few typos, sorry if there was! I'm also getting used to my new phone, its keyboard layout is different to my old one and the amount of times I accidentally hit the wrong letter is painful.
16 days til Supernatural I believe!!!
Peace out, wayward readers
(I would add an emoji to my sign out but I don't have a clue where they are lol.)
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