Detention Messages
Lunch time finally rolls around, and so far Sam has had Gabriel in all of his classes. So his morning had been spent listening to Gabriel's constant talking and joking, who even has that much to say? And watching Gabriel eat sweet after sweet. Sam was surprised that the guy didn't have diabetes. Thankfully, Sam manages to escape Gabe's presence in the busy corridor and slips away, stopping by his locker to swap some books out, before heading outside and away from all the loud students.
Finally alone, Sam sits under his favourite tree behind the cafeteria, no one came out here which is why he loved sitting here so much. Pulling out his phone, he notices several messages from Gabriel starting to ping through as Gabe has realised Sam was gone.
ArchangelTrickster: Samantha, where art thou you?
ArchangelTrickster: Seriously Sammy, where did you go?
ArchangelTrickster: SAM
ArchangelTrickster: nvm I found you
Sam read the last one and glances up in annoyance. Sure enough, Gabriel was heading his way, phone in one hand and a piece of pizza in the other.
"Why ya hiding back here Samoose?"
"Because I want to be alone, go away."
"Nope, I wanna sit with you," Gabriel plops down beside Sam.
"Gabe, I'm serious, leave me alone."
Gabriel grins and nudges Sam, who flinches at the contact.
"You just called me Gabe."
"Yeah, its just a shortened version of your name, don't over think it."
"Y'know, I swear I've heard something similar before, and do you know what it really means? It means we're friends."
Sam shakes his head slowly, "we are not friends, damn you really don't know what leave me alone means do you?"
Gabriel just smirks and eats his pizza. "You do realise that you are now talking to me with ease, which means you can't really hate me as much as you claim to."
Sam glares at him, but can't think of a good comeback. A part of him realised Gabriel was right, another pointed out just how cute he was.... nope Sam was going to block those thoughts out, he wasn't like that. But he did have to admit that the trickster was growing on him, not that he'd ever let Gabe know that. Instead, he pulls out his phone and continues reading the newest fan fiction in his life. Beside him, Gabriel sighs and pulls out his own phone. Thus the rest of lunch went silently, and for the first time in a very, very long time, Sam found himself somewhat enjoying the company of another person.
~~~Time Skip to Detention because~~~
The final bell of the day goes, signaling the end of the last class of the day. For most, this meant freedom. Today, for Sam, it was just the start of another hour in prison.
He trudges into Mr Ketch's classroom, eyes downcast in embarrassment. An ever hyperactive Gabriel follows him in. Sam slides into his usual seat in the back corner by the window, and Gabriel tries to follow him only to be cut off by Mr Ketch.
"You two will be sitting separate today Mr Novak, no talking you see," he directs a now sulky Gabriel to the other side of the classroom before returning to his desk at the front of the room.
Relishing in the silence, Sam pulls his English essay out and begins working on it, he could feel Gabe staring at him, but chooses to ignore him. Seconds later, when Mr Ketch has focused on grading student's work, a paper plane lands on Sam's desk. Sighing, he quietly opens it and reads the words hastily scrawled on the paper.
Should we prank him again? I think he deserves it for separating us...
Sam rolls his eyes and shakes his head slowly before scrawling a quick reply.
No, I'm really not all that sad, I mean I've been trying to get away from you all day.
He throws it back discreetly, watching as Gabe opens it, reads it and looks up at Sam. He pouts and pretends to wipe a tear away. Then Sam watches as Gabriel pulls his phone out and hides under the table. Moments later, Sam feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He ignores it, at first. He didn't want to use his phone in detention, he knew he'd been in a hell of a lot of trouble if Mr Ketch caught him, but after a few moments of pretending to focus on his essay, he gave up on trying to place the words that were evading him on paper and he pulls his phone out.
ArchangelTrickster: Are you sure? I think we'd make a good team. In fact there is probably a lot more to you under that shy exterior, a good person
ArhcangelTrickster: and I'll have you know that that is the nicest, chick flicky thing I have ever said to someone while meaning it
Samoose: Chick flicky? You sound like my brother...
Impala67 has joined your chat
Impala67: Who stole my line? Plus why is it that I'm hearing my little brother is in detention, you never get detention!?!?
Samoose: Don't worry about it Dean
Samoose: Gabe, thank you, maybe you aren't so bad
Impala67: what's with the name change sammy? Plus I'm going to kill you for being a bad influence gabriel
CasBee has joined your chat
CasBee: Hello Sam, Gabe
Impala67: Finally Cas, I friended you ages ago...
CasBee: Sorry Dean, but why are you glaring at your phone?
ArchangelTrcikster: Omc are you two together again? Should we be expecting a happy announcement by the end of the week?
Samoose: Okay this got too crowded for me, see you later Dean, Cas
Samoose has left the chat
Impala67: I'm angry at your brother Cas, gabe got sammy into detention
ArchangelTrickster: OMC you know capital should be used at the start of every name, not just Cas's...
CasBee: Gabriel, did you get Sam in detention? I'm going to guess he got caught up in one of your pranks.
ArchangelTrickster: You know me so well Cassie, and I'll take this as my cue to leave, bye buckos
Impala67: I'm not done with you
ArchangelTrickster has left the chat
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